"Damn it!" Cao Cao's appearance is not as calm and self-confident as he was in the court. He saw that those who spent a lot of hard work and money training to get into the camp and the first to board the camp decreased a little bit, which was like cutting his flesh. "Why didn't anyone tell me that Hangu pass had such a sharp weapon for guarding the city?"

"Don't worry, Lord!" At this time, Sima Yi of course knew Cao Cao's mood, but as Cao Cao's counselor, he had the responsibility to remind Cao Cao not to lose his composure. "From my subordinates' point of view, the only thing that can cause threat to the first camp is those strange arrows. I think Hangu pass should not reserve a lot of such strange arrows. What's more, the current situation is still dominated by our army. The original task of boarding the camp first is to protect the attack team from rushing to the pass. As long as the front attack soldiers arrive at the pass, then we can withdraw the first boarding camp and the trapped camp! "

Cao Cao didn't know this truth. He just looked at the heavy losses of the first camp and the trapped camp, and he felt very sad. Looking at the arrows and stones shot from time to time at the Hangu pass in front of him, tie Qing faced the line of generals and roared: "Wenyuan! Gongming

"The end will be there!" Zhang Liao and Xu Huang stepped out of the line and bowed their heads to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao directly pointed to Hangu pass and said, "I'll give you two 100000 horses again! Be sure to attack me as soon as possible Zhang Liao and Xu Huang are two of the most powerful generals beside Cao Cao Cao, besides Dian Wei. If Dian Wei wants to stay with Cao Cao, he has to send them to fight. However, Cao Cao also knew that it was not realistic to break through Hangu pass today, so he only set a task for the two generals to attack the upper pass. As long as he could attack the pass as soon as possible, he could force the other side to withdraw those weapons and reduce the losses of Cao's army.

"The last general will take orders!" The two generals cheered in unison and turned around to lead the troops.

With the participation of Zhang Liao, Xu Huang and the 100000 troops, the strength of Cao's soldiers in tackling key problems has also been strengthened. Although the counter attack of the garrison at the pass is still strong, it can not resist the Cao army's soldiers who are fearless of life and death. After a whole hour of seesaw fighting, the gap before the pass was finally filled. Cao Cao, who watched the battle in the camp, and other people were also gently relieved to fill the gap, and finally completed the most important task of today. It should be noted that the attack of the first ten days was due to this gap, which led to Cao's army being defeated again and again without even touching the wall of Hangu pass. It is also because of the existence of this gap that the garrison of Hangu pass can repair the wall damaged by the catapult during the day without scruple every night.

Seeing that the gap was filled up, Zhang Liao and Xu Huang, who were in charge of the battle in front of them, could not help but feel confident. They began to direct the Cao soldiers to rush to Hangu pass with a ladder. At the same time, Gao Shun and Xia HOUSHANG also took the trapped camp and Xiandeng camp back to the camp for rest. Originally, the purpose of boarding the camp first was to suppress the pass. Now the Cao soldiers have arrived at the pass. If they continue to attack, the arrows will not have eyes. They will only attack the Cao soldiers who climb the wall. However, the trapped camp went to protect the first boarding camp. After all, the first boarding camp was an unfinished product with only long-range attack capability. If the garrison in Hangu pass suddenly rushed out, I was afraid that the first boarding camp could not wait for Cao Jun to rescue him, and he would be defeated and fled.

When Cao Cao saw that the two armies had finally retreated, he was also secretly relieved. However, when the two generals reported the losses of the two armies, Cao Cao's heart was bleeding again! A hundred thousand people fell into the camp and lost 30000 people, while the more valuable 80000 first boarded the camp also lost more than 10000 people. It's OK to go to the camp first. It's a serious blow to the defenders on the other side's checkpoints. However, being trapped in the camp is just a guard. It's just a kind of beating and not fighting back. This kind of loss is really too oppressive.

Cao Cao, with a gloomy face, comforted Gao Shun and Xia HOUSHANG, and then kept a close eye on Hangu pass, waiting for the outcome of the battle.

Liu Pan and Wei Yan at the pass are also not very good-looking. Of course, they will not be unclear about how important the gap before the pass is for Hangu pass. Although they knew that sooner or later they would be filled by Cao Jun, in their conception, at least they would have to last another five or six days. However, they didn't expect to be filled up so soon, which made both of them not optimistic about the prospect of guarding the pass.

In any case, they were not the kind of people who would surrender before the battle, and Cao Cao finally pulled out his sword and waved it to the soldiers around him: "attack! Attack! Get rid of these sons of bitches

Without the suppression of the first camp arrow rain, the garrison at the pass would not have so much scruples. Suddenly, the catapults and catapults were all powerful, and the archers were also merciless. The arrows in rows fired from the gate to the Cao soldiers who tried to get close to the wall. Suddenly, the outside of the pass became a miserable slaughterhouse. The arrows shot by the crossbow cart were even more powerful at close range. Four or five Cao soldiers were often seen on a long arrow.

The power of the catapult was even more remarkable. The soldiers of the Cao army crowded in front of the pass. Even if they threw big stones at random, they could hit three or five people, not to mention the huge stones that the catapult ejected. They often hit the ground first, killing five or six Cao soldiers, and then those splashing stones made Cao soldiers around suffer. A huge stone even hit a ladder accurately, and immediately pressed the more than ten Cao soldiers carrying the ladder on the ground, and they did not breathe out.However, the arrows shot by those archers formed a distinct protective circle at a distance of 100 steps before the pass. As long as the soldiers of Cao army stepped into the protection circle, they had to face the arrows which were as dense as rain. In a flash, there were mountains of corpses before the pass.

Although the attack on the pass was so fierce, there were too many Cao soldiers outside the pass. In addition, two fierce generals Zhang Liao and Xu Huang were in command behind. After holding for more than half an hour, a cloud ladder was finally built on the wall of Hangu pass. Once there was one, there would be a second and a third. Cao's soldiers began to climb up the ladder one after another.

In the face of these grasshoppers like Cao Jun, Liu Pan decisively changed the way of guarding the city, and withdrew the catapults and catapults. These garrison equipment will still be very useful in the next few days. If they are destroyed by Cao soldiers who rush to the pass, it will not be worth the loss. At the same time, he retreated the archers and pushed the swordsmen and spearmen to the front line to prepare to meet the Cao soldiers who were going to climb up.

As for the tools such as kerosene, stones and logs, Liu Pan did not intend to use them so early. Now the weather is almost over. With the garrison at the gate, we can certainly keep the pass without losing. There is no need to waste these tools.

Without the hindrance of the archers above, the Cao soldiers climbing on the ladder successfully climbed to the pass, but they were met by long spears and big knives. Especially when several Cao soldiers just put their heads into their heads, they were immediately chopped off by big knives, and their bodies without heads were unable to grasp the wall of the pass and fall directly from the high ladder Fall down. However, the death of the soldiers in front of them did not make the soldiers of Cao army in the back timid. On the contrary, they aroused their ferocity, climbing up the pass and waving weapons in their hands.

A five big and three thick Cao Army soldier bit a steel knife and climbed up. As soon as he got to the pass, he was stabbed by a long gun in front of him. Fortunately, the soldier was not an ordinary soldier. He was also a sergeant at the rank of team leader in the Cao army. On the contrary, he grabbed the barrel of the gun with his backhand and then pulled it hard, throwing the soldier who intended to attack him directly into the air behind him. The Spearman had no wings to fly, so he fell down and turned into a pool of meat.

Cao Jun's Sergeant jumped to the pass and became the first Cao Jun to climb Hangu pass. However, it was not easy to be the first one. The garrison, who had been waiting for a long time, had already held up all kinds of weapons and chopped at the sergeant of Cao's army. Unfortunately, the sergeant was stabbed by three long spears before he could take off the steel knife in his mouth. He was also stabbed five times on his shoulder and back, and then he was pushed out and shut by the three spearmen.

Then, in other places of the pass, Cao's soldiers climbed up. However, Liu Pan did not show any worry. Just after he made these arrangements, he knew that there would be such a situation. When Cao's soldiers were more and more at the pass, even Zhang Liao and Xu Huang, who were outside the pass, were secretly happy. Could they have broken the Hangu pass?

When Cao Jun thought the situation was good, Liu Pan suddenly gave a cold smile and a big drink: "rush to kill!"

As Liu Pan's voice dropped, the knife and axe soldiers who had been waiting for military orders suddenly raised the large shields that originally belonged to them, but had been used to defend against throwing stones and crossbows. Under the leadership of Liu Pan and Wei Yan, they held up the big shield and rushed directly at the Cao soldiers who had just boarded the pass.

The area of these large shields is very large. In addition, the swordsmen and axe soldiers in the rear are all half crouching forward. Cao's soldiers have no way to take those big shields together. They are forced to retreat back. However, they had not much space behind them when they just went to the gate. As soon as they were so crowded, they immediately resisted the city wall behind them, and there was no way out. However, the swordsmen in front of them did not pay attention to the other side's retreat. They continued to rush towards the Cao soldiers.