Yan Er frowned and said, "little Cui Zi, Cao Jun is about to fight. Why don't you take time to rest?" Although he said so, Yan Er still pulled Xiao Cui Zi and pulled him from the other end of the dead.

These dead people's heaps are usually cleared once a day, and they are only to be cleaned up at night. Although there is still some free time during the day, we should seize the time to rest. Where can we take care of these dead people! What's more, the smell of blood at this pass has long since disappeared, and the soldiers are used to it. It is not clear that these dead people have nothing to do with the soldiers. Sometimes, soldiers can also take these dead bodies and hit people with stones.

"Second brother! How long do you think we're going to fight here? " Little Cui Ziwei asked.

Yan Er looked at little Cui Zi faintly and said, "this kind of thing is under the control of the people above. We just have to fight and kill the enemy!"

"Ha ha! What the second elder brother said is reasonable! " Xiao Cui Zi laughs. She is an authentic native of Xiangyang. Her parents are in the hall. Totally different from Yan Er, it's not an army that you just throw in when you can't live. Xiao Cui Zi's family had a little relationship with the Kuai family in Xiangyang. Although he was not implicated in this, he was also demoted as a pariah by the government. Xiao Chui is a soldier in order to get some military skills, and he will change his registered residence to civilian.

After stopping for a while, little Cui Zi couldn't help but say to Yan Er: "second brother! When my mother came to see me last time, she said that she had told me a room wife, waiting for me to retire, and changed her household registration, so that she could marry someone else.

"Well!" Yan Er is still indifferent, daughter-in-law? Considering that he has been in the army for so many years, Yan Er would have applied for retirement if he had not been promoted to a small team leader. Thinking of the GouLan in Xiangyang a few months ago, Yan Er couldn't help but feel a burst of heat and dryness under her.

But Yan Er has nothing to be sorry about, man! It's not normal to think about women! Yan Er also stopped his work and leaned back on his head. He closed his eyes and recalled the last time he went to gou LAN. It was better than nothing.

"Second brother!" Seeing that Yan Er didn't speak, Xiao Cui Zi said: "I heard that the eastern side is easier than our side! Do you think if there is something wrong with us, will someone come to help us? "

Yan Er was interrupted by Xiao Cui Zi's recollection. He gave him a bad look and murmured: "who knows! Both sides can't be lost. If one side fails, it means that the whole Hangu pass has been lost! " In fact, Yan Er knew that it was more difficult to fight in the east than here. Last time Yan Er helped deliver a message, he saw with his own eyes that the Cao army in the east also had that kind of huge stone throwing cart, which cracked the wall in the East. Cao Cao also had a very special army. The arrow shot far away! But obviously, Cao Cao didn't want to go all out, so that the eastern city wall could carry it. But Yan Er didn't want to frighten Cui Zi, so he didn't tell the truth.

What else did Xiao Cui Zi want to say, but was interrupted by a loud noise, but the war drum outside the pass rang again. Yan Er quickly winked at Xiao Cui Zi and asked him to return to his post. And around those who had been lying on the ground rest of the garrison soldiers have also stood up, picked up the weapons in hand, ready to meet the next wave of Cao's attack.

After Yan Er sent Xiao Cui Zi away, he stood up with his spear in his hand and looked out of the pass. I saw that outside the pass, a group of Cao troops began to rush towards this side crazily. I don't know why. Yan Er suddenly feels that the Cao army's attack is not the same as before, but he can't explain why.

"All ready! Catapults and catapults! Archer ready! The swordsman and the gunner are back A violent drink came from behind. Yan Er turned his head and saw that it was general Wen and General Chen who were in charge of the Western pass. General Wen seems to have been injured before, and a white cloth can be seen in the armor of his shoulder.

Following general Wen's instructions, Yan Er, holding his spear, retreated with the team and gave the pass to the catapult, the catapult and the archer. Yan Er, sitting in the crowd, closed his eyes slightly and grasped every moment to nourish his spirit. After these days of fighting, Yan Er has been able to determine that although the catapults, catapults and archers can cause certain damage to the Cao army, there is absolutely no way to prevent the Cao army from climbing to the pass. In the end, they must rely on these long spearmen and the swordsmen on the side.

Sure enough, less than an hour later, general Wen began to give orders: "take away the catapults and catapults! Archers continue to attack! The hatcher and the gunner are always ready

Yan Er immediately opened his eyes and walked to the pass with his comrades in arms. In front of them, the archer was still making the final effort. But from the angle of their bows and arrows, we can see that Cao's army has already attacked the gate, and I'm afraid someone will climb up the wall at any time.

Yan Er holds the spear in the handshake tightly. Although he has experienced this situation dozens of times in this month, he still feels a little nervous. Every time, it means that Yan Er has come to the gate of the ghost gate. At any time, it is possible to head into the gate of the ghost gate. People are always afraid of death, and Yan Er is no exception. This kind of stimulation between life and death can't be used to after much experience. At least Yan Er can't get used to it."Withdraw!" This time, general Wen had only one word to drink, but he was so nervous that his palms were sweating. The archers quickly withdrew behind Yan Er, and Yan Er and his comrades in arms also took several steps forward. Yan Er is staring at the head of the city. As soon as Cao's soldiers emerge, it means that his battle begins.

Before half a column of incense, a head with a helmet began to protrude from Yan Er's face. Yan Er was totally subconscious. Without saying a word, he stabbed his gun in front of him, hitting the other side's forehead and stabbing a blood hole in his forehead.

"Ah!" The other side uttered a scream and fell back directly. And the left and right sides also continue to send out the same sad cry, the fight officially began!

Of course, it was not all one-sided massacre. Many Cao soldiers rushed to the pass, but after all, they were pushed down, or were directly chopped to the ground and chopped into meat paste.

Yan Er is not like his comrades in arms. He tries to shoot an enemy with one shot and keeps his physical strength. Who knows how long this battle will last. However, the fact has proved that Yan Er's choice is very correct. After more than three hours of siege, the sky has begun to darken, but Cao's soldiers did not retreat as before, instead, they attacked more and more fiercely.

Today, the second-class Yan garrison soldiers have been forced back for several steps, and there is no way to stop Cao's soldiers climbing up the gate along the ladder. Only the archers behind him have been shooting at the rear of Cao's army and making the final effort.

Yan Er's hands are numb now. He is doing the stabbing action mechanically. He doesn't know how many enemy soldiers he killed this time, ten? Or 20? Anyway, in this month, Yan Er's spear has been stained with more than 1000 people's blood. However, Yan Er's heart does not have time to care about these things. He just kills the enemy with his head closed. Because he knew that, in the battlefield, he would only get closer and closer to the ghost gate.

Yan Er does not dare to think, which does not mean that his superiors, Wen pin and Chen Dao, do not think about it. At this time, they are killing the enemy back to back. Wen pin tried to chop down an enemy soldier who was going to attack him. He slightly turned his head and said to Chen Dao behind him, "Shuzhi! It's not right! Why hasn't Cao's army ended up in gold? " As soon as the words fell, he raised his hand and cut the enemy soldiers on the other side into two pieces.

At this time, Chen also changed a long gun in his hand, and shot out one shot at the enemy in front of him. Each shot left a transparent hole in the enemy's body. "I don't know," he said without looking back! But I reckon that this summer Houghton would like to take our pass down in one breath! Drink

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" After hearing Chen's conjecture, wenpin looks up at the sky and laughs, "want to take it all at once? I do, but I don't want the big knife in my hand! I'm going to see him today. Why does XiahouDun take down Hangu pass in one breath! " With that, wenpin rushed to the front of the city and kicked them down one by one.

Chen Dao just wanted to stop Wen pin from being too impulsive, but he suddenly felt a slight tremor under his feet. He immediately looked at the west side anxiously while fighting. It seemed that Cao Cao in the West also began to attack.

As time went by, the Cao army's attacks became more and more fierce. The garrison in the pass was constantly sent to the pass, and the Cao army who rushed to the pass rushed to kill them, filling up the whole pass. Many corpses have been thrown down from the gate, but the corpses on the gate are still paved with a thick layer, and the high place is even parallel to the city head.

"Zhiniang thief!" Chen Dao made a few cursing remarks. Now it's dark. If it wasn't for the torch on the top of the city and the moonlight tonight, I'm afraid that several garrison soldiers would be injured by Chen Dao's gun by mistake, "it's said that XiahouDun is also a general with generals! How could you make such a stupid thing as attacking the city all night? "

Chen should be happy that the other side's strategy had made mistakes. However, Cao's army attacked the city all night, so that the garrison soldiers could not rest, which was also very unfavorable for the garrison.