It is night. The night in Jianye city is colder than that in the daytime.

Compared with the strict security of Lord Wu's residence, Chen's residence not far away is quite deserted, and there is no guard at the gate. There are no lanterns at the gate, but by moonlight, you can see clearly that the words "Chen Fu" are written on the plaque hanging on the gate of the gate of Chenfu.

Not far away, a large group of men and horses dressed in black are coming quickly. The leaders are also dressed in black, and their faces are also black. However, they are the rebel leaders' insignia which was discussed with Wu Jing in the Wu palace. Shi Hui and his team looked at the corner of the street, but there was no guard at the gate of Chen's residence. He could not help showing a trace of contempt on his face.

"Sure enough, it's the sun who is looking for an excuse! If you don't even have guards, how can such a defense not be attacked? " Shi Hui said to himself, with a wave of his big hand, the soldiers in black behind him rushed towards the wall of Chen's residence. As soon as they got to the wall, they sent more than ten soldiers to take the lead. Although there were no defensive measures outside the Chen residence, who could guarantee that there was no defense inside!

After a while, from the other end of the wall came the secret signal of the soldiers. It meant that it was safe inside. The Shi Hui immediately showed a happy face. At that time, before the scholar family was defeated by Sun Jian, Shi Hui was a dandy. It was originally intended to find the legendary first beauty in the south of the Yangtze River. Sun CE's wife, Da Qiao, did not expect that Da Qiao and Zhou Yu's wife, Xiao Qiao, had gone back to Anhui to visit relatives. Sun Shangxiang was the daughter of the little Wu family, so it was not convenient for the scholar Hui to start. However, Shi Hui has long heard that Chen Ren's wives are fairies. Today, however, she has to have a good time. With the help of the soldiers, the soldier's emblem climbed over the wall.

As soon as we passed the wall, as the soldiers said, there was no guard in Chen's house, but there were shadows everywhere. Shi Hui was not too anxious, but waited for all the soldiers to climb over the wall before they began to March inside the Chen house. After all, I heard that there were a lot of family soldiers carefully selected from the army in Chenfu. Shi Hui brought thousands of people this time, just to be able to take Chen's house down in one fell swoop.

Although Chen Ren was the governor of the eastern Wu Dynasty, Chen's house was not big. If these 1000 people were placed in the Wu palace, they might occupy less than one tenth of the space at most. However, in the Chen house, they occupied nearly one fifth of the position. Many people had been squeezed into the shadows in front of them.

Seeing all the subordinates coming in, Shi Hui waved his hand and whispered, "go!" At the thought of Chen Ren's beautiful wives, Shi Hui began to slobber to Chen's house.

I don't know who planted so many trees in the courtyard of Chenfu, and there are all kinds of trees. Among them, many trees with thorn leaves stabbed on the faces of Shi Hui and his soldiers, causing pain and pain. But the temptation of beauty is to let Shi Hui endure the pain, with the team to kill inside.

However, walking, even if they are addicted to female fantasy, the taxi badge also feels wrong. It seems that they have been walking in this forest for nearly a long time. But still did not walk out of this forest, so long time, even if Chen's house is full of trees, it should be finished!

"It's really the evil family of the Chen family." During the day today, sun's words flashed through his mind again. Shi Hui also felt that it was really a little evil. He felt a bit ominous in his heart. He immediately said, "all go back! Come on However, after he had finished, his subordinates didn't respond as usual. When Shi Hui looked around, he found that all the soldiers around him didn't know where they were. He was left alone.

"What about people? Where are the people? " Shi Hui began to be a little flustered. In the past ten years, although he was wandering outside, he never had less subordinates around him. Even during the period when his family was just exterminated, there were still many original soldiers guarding him. Otherwise, the dandy, even with his family connections, could not have organized so many armies. But now Shi Hui really tasted the taste of no one around him. A kind of fear began to extend slowly from Shi Hui's heart. Now, Shi Hui has no mind to think about how to bully Chen Ren's wife and daughter. The lingering shadows of trees bring him the oppressive depression.

"Ah Shi Hui couldn't bear the dull atmosphere at all. He seemed to feel that there were countless eyes staring at him in the darkness around him. Shi Hui turned around several times in succession, but he could only see the darkness, and could not see the pair of eyes he felt.

"Who is it?" Shi Hui suddenly felt the cold air blowing from his neck. He covered his neck and turned around quickly, but no one could see it. A cold wind was blowing, as if something was flying fast over his head, bringing up a cold wind. Shi Hui was so nervous that he pulled out his saber. However, he had no goal. He only held the handle tightly and kept turning in circles. He was afraid that someone would attack him from behind when he stopped.

Evil gate! It's really evil! At this time, Shi Hui thought of sun's evaluation, which was to believe his words, but now it is too late to believe. Shi Hui thought of sun Bi as if he had said that no one could come out of Chen's house as long as he was in it. Suddenly, the back of Shi Hui began to sweat. Do you want to die here? no no way! I can't die here! never!"Who is there? Get out of here! I saw you Thinking of death, Shi Hui kept shivering. He didn't want to die here, so he began to shout at the shadow of the trees around him, but there was no echo.

"Hui -- Er --!" A gloomy voice suddenly sounded from the back of the Shi Hui. As soon as he heard this voice, he couldn't help but shiver. But listen carefully, it is found that the voice of Shi Hui is recognized, is not the voice of Shi Xie, the father of Shi Hui!

Although more than ten years later, Shi Hui almost subconsciously agreed. However, just as the sentence "father's adult" of Shi Hui was just about to say it, Shi Hui suddenly remembered that his father had been dead for more than ten years?

At the thought of this, the whole body of Shi Hui began to sweat continuously. At this time, there was a voice from behind the Shi Hui: "Hui Er --!" And this time the sound seems to be closer to the Shi Hui.

Shi Hui clenched his lower lip and forced himself not to turn back, but the sweat on his forehead fell like rain, and his hands and legs were still shaking.

"Hui -- Er --"! You -- why -- ignore -- become a father The voice sounded again. This time, Shi Hui could clearly feel that the voice was ringing in his own ears.

"Bang Dang!" Shi Hui was so scared that he didn't even hold the saber in his hand. The sound of the sword falling on the ground seemed so clear and piercing in the night sky.

"Father, father, my lord?" Shi Hui didn't dare to turn back. He had to ask questions in a trembling voice, even if he regretted. He had heard such a legend that if someone called his name behind a person at night, that person must not answer, because it was a monster pretending to be a familiar person. As long as that person answered, it would be eaten by that monster.

However, at the next moment, the voice behind the Shi Hui did not eat it, but continued to say in his ear: "you are not filial son! Why haven't you avenged me yet This time, his speech was much faster than before. However, his fear in his heart was not relieved at all. Now he has fully affirmed that his father, SHIXIE, is behind him!

"Father, father! Child has already caught Sun Jian! You, don't worry. After a long time, I will kill Sun Jian to avenge you! " Since Shi Hui knew that the ghost was behind him, he was more afraid, even if the ghost was his father.

"Then why didn't you kill Sun Jian immediately to avenge me, but why did you come here?" The sound went from far to near, from left to right, as if floating around the Shi Hui. He was so scared that he immediately knelt on the ground, and did not even dare to lift his head, and kept knocking his forehead on the ground.

"Father! Father! I wanted to seize the rights of Sun Jian, so I came to arrest Chen Ren's wife and children, so that Chen Ren could be obedient! I don't want to avenge my father! Just ask my father to wait another month, ah! no Ten more days! I must have killed Sun Jian and avenged my father At the same time, Shi Hui banged hard on his forehead and cried out quickly.

"Ten days? It's too short! " The voice suddenly reached the ear of Shi Hui and roared at him: "you don't have the ability to be father and revenge for the scholar's family! Since you can't get revenge, what's the use of staying in this world! Come down and accompany your mother After listening to his father's voice, Shi Hui just wanted to open his mouth and continue to explain, but he immediately felt a cold hand suddenly grabbed his neck from the back collar, and the cold hand immediately froze his whole body.

"Ah!" At the same time, there were many screams in the sky of Chen Fu. Fortunately, the residents around Chen Fu were used to it. Otherwise, how many people would be scared out of trouble by this scream.