Hearing Huang Yueying's question, Chen Kang chuckled: "don't worry, uncle sun's family are not so easy to be framed. I believe that before long, someone will give us information from the palace. When the time comes, with the order of King Wu's house, we will be able to carry out the rescue with justice! Now what we should do is try to contact the second senior brother, uncle Guo, uncle Xun, uncle Tai Shi, and other important officials in Jianye city! No matter who the thieves are, we don't have to worry about them! "

"But," Huang Yueying's forehead wrinkled but not relaxed, "now that the city is under martial law, how can we go out and look for those officials?"

Chen Kang, however, looked at Chen Ru on one side and said with a smile, "well, I have to rely on my younger sister to help me with this matter."

"Me?" Chen Ru, surprised to hear Chen Kang's words, points her small nose in surprise and asks.

An hour later, the gate of Chen's residence, which had been closed for more than a month, suddenly opened. Then, a line of figures lined up and came out of the gate. The first one, riding a tall horse, strides in front of him with great pomp. However, it is Chen Ru, the eldest lady of the Chen family in military uniform, and those figures are Chen Ru's favorite works, the women's army!

"All ready! Line up! Line up Chen Ru's delicate voice commands, but with a different kind of dignity.

However, just as Chen Ru was just about to order the March, a patrol team jumped out of the corner of the street, and the soldiers leading the team yelled: "who is it? Don't you know that Jianye city is under martial law now? " But when he finished drinking, he took a close look, and all the soldiers in the patrol team began to shine and drool. There is only one thought in my mind: many beautiful women!

Chen Rengui is the governor of the eastern Wu Dynasty. Naturally, these maids in the house are not ordinary and vulgar. Although they are not as beautiful as Chen Ren's three wives, Chen Ru and Dong Bai, they are also rare beauties in the eyes of ordinary people. At this time, Chen Ru put on their men's clothing armour again, and sketched out their exquisite figures. Unlike other women of this era, these women are soft and weak. They have been trained by Chen Ru every day. They are not only valiant but also extremely hot. It is obvious that the patrol soldiers are eager to stare out their eyes.

In fact, these patrolling soldiers are all secretly gathered by Shi Hui in the river and lake. They are all small thugs in the folk, or army ruffians who have been removed from the army. Where are some good things. Seeing so many beautiful women, they immediately lost their shape. The leading soldier wiped the saliva from the corners of his mouth and walked to Chen Ru. While staring at the sensitive parts of those women soldiers, he cried out: "you little siskins! How dare your majesty disobey His Majesty's commandments! I'm really impatient to live! Don't go back to the prison with Junye! If you let the army master do it, you won't be pitiful to the ladies and girls! "

Chen Ru looked at these patrolmen with great interest, and his mouth was slightly tilted. Even when he turned over and dismounted, he came to him. But see that soldier ruffian's heart is in full swing, thinking that this most beautiful little Niang Pi is moved to me! Even though he was slobbering at Chen Ru, a small fist with black gloves appeared in front of him, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

"Bang!" Chen Ru's fist collided with the face of the leading soldier, and he saw that the soldier immediately flew out. His body was still spinning in the air, flying to the end of the street and sliding for a distance on the ground. If it wasn't for a wall, I'm afraid I'd have to slide a little longer.

Chen Ru took a look at the blood stains on the boxing set in disgust. As soon as she reached back, a female soldier stepped out. From a big bag around his waist, he pulled out a piece of white cloth and carefully wiped the blood stains on Chen Ru's boxing set. After wiping it, he threw the cloth away and then returned to the queue.

Chen Ru glanced at the patrol soldiers who were frightened by Chen Ru's fist, and said in a cold voice, "I have led troops in Jianye city for so many years, and no one has ever dared to stop me! Don't you know that this is the women's army approved by his Majesty King Wu? " Chen Ru is telling the truth. When she and sun Shangxiang set up the women's army, they needed weapons and armor. This kind of things can't be bought in the market. They can only be obtained from the military workshops in the eastern Wu Dynasty with the approval of Sun Jian, the king of Wu. When the two little girls went to Sun Jian to ask for approval, Sun Jian felt fresh about the army formed by women. Of course, he was more fond of Chen Ru and sun Shangxiang, so he specially approved their military titles. But over the years, Chen Ru has never used Sun Jian's name to scare people outside. Today is the first time.

These patrolmen were all from other places. How could they know that they were afraid to start at once because they knew that Chen Ru's women's army was a formal army specially approved by Sun Jian. If they wanted to do so, it would be a real rebellion. Didn't it upset Wu Jinghe's plan?

Chen Ru took a look at the obedient patrolmen. She snorted haughtily, turned her head, and then mounted the horse again. She took up the whip and said to the women's army, "sisters! All yell for me and move towards the gate of the city

"Here it is The female soldiers were all in high spirits and shouting military orders, and the orderly ranks were marching forward step by step. Where did the patrolmen dare to obstruct them, they made way for the women soldiers one after another, and their eyes towards the women soldiers changed from the original lustful to the present fear.When Chen Ru and a group of female soldiers went out of sight, the patrol soldiers dared to run to their hapless leader, but they were all stunned. It turned out that the leading soldier was lying on the ground, his head and shoulders had become extremely twisted, soft and soft on one side. On the other side of his cheek, which was hit, he had sunk deeply into his bones, leaving a clear impression.

"My God! What kind of woman is this, this, this A soldier could not help exclaiming, "there are monsters in Jianye city! I, I, I will never stay in Jianye city any more! I can't afford it! " As soon as the soldier lost his weapon, he ran frantically towards the gate of the city. As soon as he ran, he led all the other patrol soldiers to lose their weapons and run away.

Naturally, Chen Ru didn't know that her fist had such a great weight. According to Chen Kang's instructions, she first led the team to Xun Yu's house. Now, other officials in Jianye city are learning from Chen's, and they usually keep their doors closed day and night, but their gates are guarded day and night.

When the two guards in front of Xunzi's house saw that they had not been seen for a long time, Chen Ru came here with the detachment of women, and both of them were smiling bitterly at the same time. I think they did not suffer less from the women's army. Even if they salute Chen Ru honestly, they are not like those foreign patrol soldiers. They have known for a long time that Chen Ru's women's army is Sun Jian's specially approved army. Then Chen Ru is also a formal general, and his rank is naturally much larger than their small guard.

"Well!" Chen Ru didn't feel anything wrong when she saw them saluting. She turned her head to a female soldier behind her and said, "go and call out the soldiers in Xun's house!" He secretly winked at the woman soldier.

The female soldier nodded slightly, and immediately returned to normal. She gave Chen Ru a standard military salute and gave a big drink: "here He went straight to the gate of Xun's house and knocked on it. The two guards on one side just wanted to say that Xunzi's residence had been forbidden for some time, but when they thought of the consistent style of the women's army, they closed their mouths consciously.

After a while, the gate was opened by an old servant. Before the old servant could see who was knocking at the door, he immediately lost his eyesight, and then came a fragrant wind, and the female soldier went into Xun's house.

After about a column of incense, the female soldiers rushed out of Xunzi's house with three female soldiers dressed in the same dress. The female soldiers who went forward to call people gave Chen Ru a hug and said, "report back to general! The task has been completed! " Then he returned to the queue.

The three female soldiers who followed were standing in front of Chen Ru. The beautiful girl standing in front of her was Xun Yu's precious daughter Xun Qian. Xunzi, who had been robbed to Jiangdong by Cheng Pu early, naturally did not marry a eunuch's daughter as in history. Instead, Sun Jian mediated and married a gentle Jiangnan beauty with only one son and one daughter. Xunyun, the eldest son, is now an official in Hanzhong, and the second daughter xunqian stays with her. The official women in Jianye City, such as Xun Qian, were naturally developed into a member of the women's army by Chen Ru. And with Xun Qian behind, is Xun Qian's two intimate maids.

Xun Qian was obviously very excited. Xun's house had been forbidden for more than a month. She had been suffocating in Xunzi's house for a long time. This time, I heard that Chen Ru had brought female soldiers to ask her to go out for training. She almost jumped up. Originally, her father Xunzi didn't agree, but she didn't know what the female soldier who came to preach to her father said to her father, and immediately her father released herself.

"Xun Qian, the leader of the first team, will see the general!" Happy to be happy, but the rules in the women's army are not as easy as outsiders think. Xun Qian still makes a standard military salute to Chen Ru.

"Well!" Although Chen Ru was older than Xun Qian, she nodded in a proper manner, but she had the momentum of a general. She waved her hand and whispered, "return to the team! Next destination! Guo Fu

"Here it is The neat and uniform voice of Jianye adds a lot of color to the desolate Jianye.