What should I do? Now in Wu Jing's mind is a sentence repeatedly. Although Wu Jing is not smart, he is not a fool. These people happened to arrive at the gate of the palace at the same time, and they didn't believe it was a coincidence to kill him. It is estimated that these people are aware of something, so they came here to meet Sun Jian. Fortunately, Chen Ren, Wu Jing's most scrupulous soldier, was out of the country. Otherwise, Wu Jing would have run away.

Now that these people have been found, Wu Jing can't just force them out of the house, which will only make them more suspicious. However, Wu Jing and sun Bi were unable to meet them. According to Sun Jian's order, Wu Jing is still staying in Wujun County, and sun Pu is opening up wasteland in Nanyue. How could he be in Jianye!

Wu Jing lowered her head and thought about the way to deal with it. Suddenly, she saw the broken teacup on the ground. Her eyes lit up and immediately told the three soldiers, "you two! Go and welcome those people into the reception hall! You! Come here quickly, I have something to do with you! " The two sergeants from the back left the hall in a hurry, and the first sergeant was to cover his head and get close to Wu Jing. Wu Jing's mouth slightly hung a strange smile, attached to the sergeant's ear, whispered a few words, and then motioned to the sergeant to do it.

At the same time, in the small courtyard where Sun Jian was under house arrest, there was still a sentry of ten steps and a guard of five steps. The whole courtyard was full of bright and dark sentries.

In a cave on the rockery in the courtyard, two young sergeants were talking in boredom. One of the sergeants with pockmarked face spat and said to his companion, "ox head! How long do you think we'll stay here, motherfucker. I can't move when I look at those two gorgeous ladies all day long, but I'm very angry

Another Sergeant Niu tou, who looked older, laughed and said, "you boy! Last time in GouLan yard, did those girls not satisfy you? I tell you, the two girls in the yard can't move. Be careful of your boy's head

The pockmarked face didn't care at all. He said with a smile, "what's there? Look at those two girls. They should have body and appearance! Tut Tut, like a celestial being, I would like to lose my life even if I could last time! "

"Fuck you!" Niu tou gave him a kick. Of course, he didn't take what pockmarked face said seriously. He said with a smile: "I'll lose my life! In case of danger, it was not your boy who ran fastest! You're the one with that mouth

"Ha ha!" After being told by his companion, pockmarked face didn't have any dissatisfaction. He just giggled and suddenly said, "I'm going to pee, ox head, help me watch!"

"Lazy people have a lot of shit and urine!" Niutou scolded, but still helped the pockmarked face to stare at the movement in the yard. The pockmarked face walked to a corner of the wall by himself. He began to pee against the beautifully painted wall. Thinking of the two beauties in the wing room of the yard, pockmarked face could not help but masturbate.

After about a long time, pockmarked face came out from the corner of the wall with satisfaction, only to see Niutou lying on a stone motionless. Pockmarked face hehe smile way: "I say ox head, although I go for a long time, also need not so big fire! At most, next time I'll go to GouLan yard to find the girls. It's my treat


A sound of dripping water sounded, but it attracted the attention of pockmarked face in the past. The rockery where they were located was not placed on the water surface, so there should be no dripping sound! Pockmarked face just thought like this, there were several water dripping sounds in succession. When pockmarked face listened carefully, he found that the dripping sound was from the ox head in front of him.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Pockmarked face suddenly realized that the ox head was also worried about urinating after he left, but there was no one to replace him. He didn't dare to walk around, so he couldn't hold back his pee pants. Now he saw himself coming. I'm sorry, so he pretended to sleep. Pockmarked face wanted to understand, quickly walked to the cow's head, patted the cow's shoulder, said with a smile: "I said, Niutou, how can such a big person even pee his pants? Are you ashamed? "

But after taking a few shots, he didn't see any reaction from the ox head. Pockmarked face thought, "you guys, you can still pretend, right?"? At the moment, he kicked the cow's head.

The body of the ox head, as if it had no strength at all, was so kicked by pockmarked face that it slid down the rock and fell directly on its back to the ground. But he showed a face full of blood, but the pockmarked face was startled. After a closer look, he found that the cow's eyes were wide, and his face was full of fear. The blood on his face should have been sprayed out from his neck, because there was a deep hole in his neck, and it is still pouring blood out! It turned out that the sound of dripping water just heard by pockmarked face was the sound of blood dripping on the ground from the neck of an ox.

When he saw the cow's head dead like this, he jumped up in horror and immediately opened his mouth to shout. However, before pockmarked face's mouth opened, he suddenly stretched out a hand behind him and pressed it on his mouth, making him unable to cry out at all. Then, pockmarked face felt a cold neck, as if there was something on the neck, immediately there was a blood mist spray in front of him.He song threw the guard soldier on the ground, wiped his hand on the soldier's corpse, and looked around him coldly. Just now he has killed all the Ming gang and secret sentries in the courtyard, and finally only the two guards at the door are left. He song doesn't want to disturb the two guards. They won't come in anyway. Let them stay there.

He song made sure that there was no more living outside the yard, so he quickly rushed to the wing room and knocked on the door gently. After a while, a young woman's voice sounded from the inside of the door and asked softly, "who is it?"

He song immediately recognized that it was sun Shangxiang's voice and quietly replied, "Princess! I am he song! Open the door

"Ah There was a brief exclamation from the inside of the door, but with a trace of joy. After a while, the door creaked open, and it was sun Shangxiang who appeared in the room happily.

He song a side into the wing room, and then help sun Shangxiang close the door tightly. He turned his head and looked into the room. However, several members of the sun family were in the wing room. Sun Kuang and sun Lang hide behind the big Wu family, while Sun Jian and sun CE also sit up from the couch, their faces are still pale, but it's easy to see what they do when they sit up.

Sun Jian and sun CE's enchanting fragrance had long been relieved by the antidote brought by Xiao Wu. Only in order to cope with Wu Jing's inspection, they put a layer of white powder on their faces, pretending that they had no antidote. Just now they were afraid that they were sent by Wu Jing, so they both lay on the couch pretending to be ill. Now, if he song really is, he sits up.

He song quickly stepped forward and saluted Sun Jian and sun Ce: "villain he song has seen the king of Wu! I've met you, elder martial brother

"Song'er, don't be too polite!" Sun Jian is also watching He Song grow up, of course, there is no need for he song to salute himself seriously, busy is to block he song, do not let him kneel down.

"Younger martial brother! Is it time to act? " Sun CE also asked in a hurry.

He song nodded and said, "now all the adults have made trouble at the gate of the palace to attract the attention of the rebels. Kanger asked me to come and protect your safety!"

Sun Jian nodded. Although he and sun CE had already detoxified, they were both generals fighting on the battlefield. They were unable to protect their families and fight back the enemy. He song is different. Although he song is young and has never been to the battlefield, he has an identity that neither Sun Jian nor sun CE can match. That is Chen Ren's first disciple! He song's skill in protecting the family members of the sun family in this courtyard is not a problem at all. It can be seen from his ability to kill all the guards in the yard unconsciously. I'm afraid the best killer in the world is not in the snake department, nor in Cao Cao's newly established intelligence organization, but in the man who seems harmless to human and animal.

Not to mention how he song protected Sun Jian and others, Wu Jing ordered that Guo Jia and others have been arranged in the reception hall.

Although not as luxurious as the Royal Palace, the palace of King Wu is also the place where the supreme ruler of the eastern Wu lived. There are several halls in the hall. Naturally, this hall is not the one where Wu Jing just broke the front door of the sergeant.

After meeting each other, Guo Jia and others sat on both sides of the reception hall. As for the top seat, it was naturally reserved for Sun Jian. At this time, Wu Jing is quietly hiding behind Sun Jian's seat inside the screen, quietly through the gap in the screen, quietly watching all the people in the hall.

As soon as Tai Shici sat down, his ears began to beat, and his eyebrows raised slightly, and he winked at Xu Shu. Xu Shu saw is also as well as its tiny movement nodded, and then did not move.

At this time, many servants came from the hall, with cups of hot tea in their hands, and delivered them to the people. People looked at the steaming tea in front of them, and all of a sudden they looked at each other, and they all laughed strangely.

Looking at Guo Jia and others just laughing at each other, but never holding up the tea cup, Wu Jing was in a hurry! Of course, these teas are not ordinary tea. They are all enchanted by Wu Jing in the tea. Although Wu Jing and others succeeded in occupying the palace at night, they could not cope with Xu Chu who came to guard him early the next morning. Wu Jing also used this method to confuse Xu Chu, who is still in prison now!