Hearing Chen Yang's murmur, Sun Yi looks at Chen Yang suspiciously. He has no idea what he is talking about. Chen Yang, however, frowned at the soldiers on the river bank in front of him and said to Sun Yi, "elder martial brother! These, these are not soldiers at all

Sun Yi's head is full of fog. Isn't he a soldier? What's that? With doubts, Sun Yi looks again at the soldiers on the river bank ahead. But at this glance, Sun Yi's eyes immediately widened.

At the beginning, Sun Yi just skimmed by. He estimated the number of each other, but didn't look at it carefully. On a closer look this time, we found that the nearly one million people standing on the river bank were not soldiers wearing armor and weapons at all, but civilians in simple coarse cloth clothes with hoes and harpoons in their hands!

"How could it be so?" But for Chen Yang's pulling, Sun Yi would have jumped up. As they continue to look at those people and horses, the vast majority of the million people on the river bank are civilians, including some old and weak women and children. They can't hold those heavy hoes and harpoons, but carry some ordinary wooden sticks, and even many people have rolling pins or kitchen knives in their hands. Their faces were full of fear and confusion.

"Yang'er, what do you think this is about?" Rao is Sun Yi who has been in the army for more than ten years, and has never encountered such a thing. He is completely confused and turns to Chen Yang, who is much smaller than himself.

Chen Yang frowned, and his face was filled with surprise, anger and pity. Facing Sun Yi's question, Chen Yang just shook his head and said, "although I have some clues, I'm still not sure. I'd better go back and ask Bo Yan!" After hearing Chen Yang's words, Sun Yi only nodded slightly. Sun Yi still trusted Lu Xun's wisdom.

The two immediately withdrew from the hill, joined up with the knights, and hastened to the garrison. It has been determined that there are really millions of people on the other side. Although most of them are about civilians, they are not the ones that can be defeated by their 50000 cavalry. So naturally, Sun Yi and Chen Yang would not blindly take the 50000 cavalry to destroy the enemy. They had to take the army back.

By the time they got to Le'an City, Lu Xun had already assembled all the Xuzhou legions. He waited for Sun Yi's message to decide whether to go or stay. Lu Xun's face changed when he saw Sun Yi and Chen Yang coming with their cavalry. He could see at a glance that the cavalry had never fought. According to their previous agreement, Sun Yi would withdraw only when he had confirmed that the enemy had millions of troops. In this way, what the scouts said was true. Cao Cao really sent millions of troops to come.

"How about it?" Although he had already guessed the answer, Lu Xun still couldn't believe it. He rushed to the two men and asked.

Sun Yi, with a gloomy face, tells Lu Xun all that he has just seen. It's just that Sun Yi's face is not very good. After all, he just ran away without fighting. Sun Yi has never done it before.

After listening to Sun Yi's answer, Lu Xun lowered his head and thought. After a while, Lu Xun suddenly seemed to think of something. His face turned pale. He said to Sun Yi and Chen Yang, "I finally know what Cao Cao is up to! Such a scheme would never have been able to come up with by Cao Cao. The people who made such a scheme are really heartless! " At the end of the day, Lu Xun's face turned red and blue veins beat from time to time on his forehead.

Chen Yang has already figured out the possibility, but Sun Yi has never seen the gentle Lu Xunfa so angry. He quickly asks, "Bo Yan, what's the matter? Why do you say that the schemer is totally ungrateful?"

Lu Xun took a deep breath, and then forced his anger down. He replied bitterly: "in fact, we didn't make any mistakes in our estimation before. Jianye's intelligence was also very accurate. Cao Cao didn't have so many troops to destroy our Xuzhou army. But he still sent assassins to assassinate the officers of Xuzhou army, including Lord Bao. This is because Cao Cao did not allow his own troops to attack us, but expelled those civilians in his territory to attack us! "

"It's true!" Chen Yang was cold, but he didn't notice that Sun Yi around him had already opened his eyes and looked at them in surprise. "In fact, when I saw those civilians, I vaguely guessed Cao Cao's plot, but I'm still not sure that Cao Cao really dares to do such a thing that arouses people's indignation! Is he not afraid of rebellion in his own territory

Lu Xun's face had gradually returned to normal. Hearing Chen Yang's question, he couldn't help laughing bitterly: "I'm afraid! Of course he is afraid! But in the face of the current situation, Cao Cao is also desperate to use this move! Speaking of it, we should have forced Cao Cao to do this strategy! "

"Wait! Wait However, Sun Yi cried out, "how can I not understand you? What did Cao Cao do?" Although Sun Yi is also intelligent, otherwise it would not have been possible to practice such a good skill. However, compared with Chen Yang and Lu Xun, Sun Yi is a little less resourceful.

Chen Yang and Lu Xun looked at each other, but decided to let Chen Yang explain to Sun Yi: "didn't Bo Yan say that Cao Cao's assassination is to trap the Xuzhou army in Le'an city? But how could Cao Cao's ultimate goal be to trap the Xuzhou army in Le'an city! His ultimate goal should be to wipe out our Xuzhou army and Jingzhou army as well! But now the main forces of Cao Cao have been led to the juncture of Yuzhou and Yanzhou by the new Jiangdong army, so Cao Cao has no way to gather enough forces to deal with our Xuzhou army! "Sun Yi nods to make it clear. In fact, Lu Xun has already analyzed these reasons when they were in the city. Chen Yang then wanted to explain the problems of the civilians. Chen Yang motioned Lu Xun to make preparations and then continued to tell Sun Yi: "however, Cao Cao did not give up this opportunity because of the lack of troops. In fact, if the situation continues, Cao Cao will be dragged to death in these three defense lines sooner or later. Although Cao Cao didn't have enough troops to deal with our 200000 troops, there were still millions of civilians in Jizhou. Cao Cao should have used tens of thousands of Jizhou troops to drive out millions of civilians living in Jizhou, and used these civilians as the leading force to attack our Xuzhou army. If we hold the city, these civilians are the perfect cannon fodder. With millions of civilians as the meat shield, although our Xuzhou army has 200000 elite, it will be completely destroyed by the other party! If we only do this, I'm afraid that Cao Cao's reputation will be reduced to the lowest level, and it may even arouse the hearts of the people everywhere. It is not impossible to launch a rebellion! So it seems that our harassment plan is indeed a headache for Cao Cao, otherwise he would not do such a bad thing! "

Chen Yang explained it so clearly that Sun Yi naturally understood. His hatred for Cao Cao deepened. He waved his horse's whip in anger and said, "this damn Cao thief! People's lives are just like grass roots! "

Chen Yang shook his head. It is hateful for Cao Cao to do this strategy, but such a strategy is definitely not what Cao Cao can think of. The culprit is the one who offers it to Cao Cao! Moreover, this person's so vicious means, but also let Chen Yang can't help but feel cold, just don't know if his bad father can deal with him.

At this time, Lu Xun came back. Just now he went to give orders to the whole Xuzhou army and get ready. Now he is waiting for Sun Yi's order. In the face of millions of people, even civilians, it is not only a 200000 Xuzhou army can fight. However, Lu Xun was not worried that this army composed of civilians would threaten Xuzhou and even the whole of Soochow. After all, such a huge army, although there were millions of people, in the final analysis, they were still a group of civilians. It was absolutely impossible for Lu Xun to cross the whole Qingzhou to attack Xuzhou. If you go through Qingzhou, these civilians will no longer be able to support and collapse. Therefore, what they have to do now is to take advantage of the other party's arrival, and quickly flee Qingzhou and return to Xuzhou, which will be much safer.

However, Chen Yang is still uneasy about this. How can Chen Yang put all his hopes on the assassin group with less than 100 people, who can offer such cruel and vicious strategies for Cao Cao? As long as the assassins do not kill one person, the Xuzhou Legion may withdraw ahead of time, which will inevitably make Cao Cao's move completely overwhelming. At that time, Cao Cao will bear a curse, but will not gain any benefits! Chen Yang had some ominous premonition that Cao Cao, or the counsellor who offered advice for him, must have other arrangements waiting for them!

However, despite Chen Yang's uneasiness, at this stage, the Xuzhou Legion has only one way to escape to Xuzhou. Chen Yang gently shakes his head and shakes off the uneasiness in his head. He follows Sun Yi and Lu Xun to organize the Xuzhou army to set off, leaving the place where they had been sparing their blood and finally conquering it.

Although Chen Yang is not as smart as his second younger brother Chen Kang, it has to be said that Chen Yang is the most like one of Chen Ren's three children. Especially Chen Ren's intuition of war was completely inherited by Chen Yang. you 're right! It is not only easy for Lu Xun to see through the plot designed by Jia Xu, a poison man.