"Well." Where do people think of Chen Ren just that smile, but in thinking of their own precious daughter Chen Ru last want to sneak away. After the last change of Sun Wu, Chen Ru wanted to sneak to the front line with her detachment of women. However, she did not expect that when she was fully prepared and just slipped out of the gate, she happened to meet Chen Ren and his dragon general back to Jianye. Chen Ren, like a chicken, was carried back to her home. Thinking of Chen Ru's appearance at that time, Chen Ren couldn't help laughing.

However, he did not expect this smile, but let Sun CE mistakenly think that he had figured out the trick of Cao Cao, which made Chen Ren a little embarrassed. Looking at the people staring at their own eyes, Chen Ren felt some scalp numbness, only a wry smile said: "this, what you just said is very reasonable! Cao Cao must have a big plot! Yeah! Yeah! It must be true! "

People heard Chen Ren say such a few cruel words back and forth without nutrition. However, Chen Ren did not say a word and couldn't help looking at each other. Rao is Chen Ren's thick skin, but also can't help red, can't help but stare at Sun CE involuntarily. Sun CE knew that he had misunderstood him at this time, but he had no way but to pretend to be stupid.

However, Chen Ren would not look at his own embarrassment. He just lost his mind and thought about other things. That's because Chen Ren had already made arrangements for this matter. He coughed and said with a smile: "in fact, I don't think it's necessary for us to consider what kind of tricks Cao Cao has in the end."

Chen Ren suddenly jumped out of such a sentence, so that people can not help but be stunned, what does this mean? If you don't know the other party's plan, how can we make corresponding countermeasures?

Chen Ren saw that everyone's attention was attracted by his words just now. In the past, no one would think about his own embarrassment any more. He was secretly pleased, and his face also showed a smile. He continued: "Cao Cao's plot is just beginning to show. It is difficult for us to guess how his scheme is. But since we have confirmed that Cao Cao's plot is definitely against the Xuzhou army, we will immediately rescue the Xuzhou army! As long as the Xuzhou army has enough strength, it can deal with Cao Cao's various intrigues. Why should we worry here? "

Chen Ren said this, but awakened these thoughts into the dead end of the top counselors. According to their habit, they should first guess the plot of the other party, and then put forward targeted opinions after guessing the other party's plot. However, Chen Ren has put forward another method, that is, no matter the other party has any conspiracy, he will only try his best to defeat Baihui and face any conspiracy with powerful strength.

"Well said!" Guo Jia immediately stood up and said to the crowd, "we are indeed dead end! Why insist on finding out what plot Cao Cao has? We now have the strength to ignore any conspiracy of Cao Cao! " Guo Jia is rarely as tough as she is now, which makes others boil with passion.

Sun CE was originally an impulsive character, but after so many years of Chen Ren's teaching, he forced Sun CE's character to come over. Today, Guo Jia, such a literati, is so tough that the hot blood impulse hidden in sun CE's heart can't help but rush up. Immediately, sun CE stood up and clasped his fist at Chen Ren and said, "teacher! Just tell me what to do next

Chen Ren is also very satisfied with sun CE. As a vassal, he may be cautious. But if he lacks momentum, he will lose his original personality charm. This is not what Chen Ren wants to see. Now, sun CE seems to have recovered to the old bully who rode his horse and whipped his whip across the battlefield.

In the face of sun CE's salute, Chen Ren can't accept sun CE's salute as before. Instead, he quickly stood up and saluted sun CE, saying, "Lord! don't worry! Everything is on my Chen Ren! Since Cao Cao still wants to play tricks with us, I will play with him to the end! I'm afraid that the fat man dare not play to the end! "

Three days later, Sun Yi, Chen Yang and Lu Xun, with the Xuzhou army, arrived in Linzi, but after a night's rest, they began to set out again.

According to the intelligence of the scouts who kept coming back from behind, the millions of civilian legions in Jizhou had captured Le'an city. When they saw that they had thrown themselves into the air, they immediately abandoned Le'an city and followed the Xuzhou army. According to the speed of action of both sides, the other side's action force is too slow to catch up with Xuzhou army. After all, they are ordinary people. How can they compare with the well-trained Xuzhou army in marching.

Sun Yi and Lu Xun are relieved. However, Chen Yang has a gloomy face all the way. Chen Yang feels that the matter has gone too smoothly. I remember when I was at home, my bad father once said that Cao Cao was not a simple character. Can such a person design such an easy to crack scheme? So along the way, Chen Yang did not relax his vigilance.

Lu Sunyi, who was beside Chen Yang, saw Chen Yang still had a gloomy face. He was busy comforting him and said, "uncle, don't think too much. It may be that Cao Cao has too much confidence in his assassins. It is believed that the assassins sent by him must be able to kill us all, and that's why we act like this. " Although Chen Yang's concerns and Lu Xun have thought about it, Lu Xun really can't figure out what means Cao Cao can use. In Cao Cao's army, the speed of Jizhou light cavalry is the fastest. Although the cavalry in Bingzhou is also very strong, most of them are heavy cavalry. In terms of attack power, they may be superior to Jizhou cavalry, but in terms of speed, they are far inferior to Jizhou cavalry.Now these Jizhou cavalry have been far behind them, and even if they can leave behind the huge troop of Jizhou people, they can catch up with them. However, with only tens of thousands of people in Jizhou cavalry, the Xuzhou army is not afraid at all. Without the millions of people, Jizhou cavalry can only deliver food to Xuzhou army!

Chen Yang also knows that Lu Xun is telling the truth, but that kind of uneasiness is like a dark cloud over his head, which always makes him feel uncomfortable. But at the moment, nothing really happened. Chen Yang had nothing to say. He only raised his head and reluctantly laughed and asked, "how long can we get to Beihai?"

Lu Xun looked to the left and right and said, "it is estimated that there will be more than three hours left! Don't worry, it will take at least two days for that million army to catch up with us even if they don't eat, drink or sleep. The premise is that we stay where we are and wait for them! " Lu Xun also laughed.

Chen Yang nodded his head and went on his way. Before long, suddenly the front of the army began to stop, and the soldiers behind also blocked the road. Fortunately, the military discipline of Xuzhou regiment was strict, and no soldier raised any objection. Both Chen Yang and Lu Xun look at the front with questioning faces. They are now in the middle of the army, and Sun Yi is in front of them.

Don't know what happened, Chen Yang and Lu Xun said hello, then ran to the front by themselves. But before he arrived, Chen Yang had already found out the problem. From a distance, he saw that on all the roads of the army, more than a dozen boulders were lying on the road, blocking the way of the Xuzhou army.

"Elder martial brother!" Chen Yang drives his horse to Sun Yi, who is in a rage. He frowns and asks Sun Yi, "elder martial brother, what's the matter? How can there be so many boulders blocking the road?"

Sun Yi also had a bitter look on his face. He shook his head and said, "I don't know! According to the scouts sent yesterday, there is no boulder blocking the road! Why are there so many boulders in less than half a day. Somebody! Move these boulders away After answering Chen Yang's question, Sun Yi immediately ordered the soldiers behind him to take the lead in pushing away the boulders.

Pushing away these boulders was nothing to the Xuzhou army, which had 200000 troops. Sun Yi sent thousands of people to work together and spent about an hour to remove them. After clearing the obstacles, the Xuzhou Army Corps also set foot on the road of progress again. As for this matter, it was not put in the public's appreciation, and even Chen Yang did not care.

But before the Xuzhou Legion marched for half an hour, the Xuzhou regiment, who had just mentioned the speed, had to stop again. This time, it was because there were a few more pits on the road. These large pits were obviously dug not long ago, and the excavated soil was still piled there, even with moisture. These pits are distributed on the road. If we want to bypass these pits, tens of thousands of people will be able to March carelessly, but it will be difficult for the 200000 people. In particular, the army still has a lot of supplies and supplies, which are transported by large carriages, which can't pass through the pits in any case.

Sun Yi and other three are not fools. Of course, we can see that someone is deliberately creating obstacles for them to go south. Sun Yi has a gloomy face and his eyes are full of anger. Chen Yang and Lu Xun are all worried. It seems that Chen Yang's previous worries are not wrong. It should be that another Cao army has already infiltrated Qingzhou. The purpose is to prevent the Xuzhou army from withdrawing to Xuzhou, and strive for time for the huge Jizhou army to catch up with the Xuzhou army.