At this time, in Cao's camp, Xia HOUSHANG had ordered the first boarding camp to take back the crossbow. After all, the first boarding camp, which has always been known for its long-range attacks, is not very powerful in close combat. Xia Hou is not Ling Cao's madman. He can order archers to attack when his close combat troops fight with each other. The next thing, Xia Hou Shang was completely handed over to Gao Shun, who stood in front of him, as well as Gao Shun's trapped camp.

Gao Shun looked at the cavalry who was getting closer and closer in front of him. His eyes were cold and he immediately gave a cold drink: "raise your shield! Dense defense! "

At the moment of hearing Gao Shun's command, all the trapped soldiers raised their big shield in front of them at the same time. In front of them, the fierce cavalry seemed to exist at all. There was no expression on their faces, only cold eyes and fiery fighting spirit.

When the cavalry was only 50 steps away, Gao Shun called out again: "shield wall!" With this cry, the trapped soldiers immediately put their shields together. However, the soldiers in the platoon camp behind them raised their big shield in their hands and put it on the front shield at the same time. They even pieced it together so that a shield wall as high as a cavalry was formed in front of the Cao army.

At the same time, several rows of soldiers at the back of their comrades in front of them with large shields, and also used their long swords against the second shield, waiting to meet the impact of the cavalry.

The distance of 50 steps is such a moment for the cavalry. As soon as the shield wall of the fallen soldiers was set up, the Xuzhou cavalry hit the shield wall violently. Chen Yang and Sun Yi were the first to hit the shield wall. They didn't think the shield wall was very strong. Just as they were about to hit the shield wall, Chen Yang and Sun Yi pulled the reins at the same time. Even though their mounts jumped high, they leaped over the seemingly tall shield wall.

However, this is also because of their excellent riding skills. Most of the Xuzhou cavalry following them hit the shield wall firmly and made a loud noise. The soldiers of the trapped camp behind the shield wall are also gripping their teeth. Although their legs are scratched on the ground due to the impact, the soldiers of the trapped camp are still carrying the shield wall in front of them. Some soldiers even simply use their heads and hands to prop up the shield behind the big shield.

There are also a small number of Xuzhou cavalry who want to jump over the shield wall like Chen Yang and Sun Yi, but their riding skills are not as good as those of Chen Yang and Sun Yi. They can't control their mounts so high, almost all of them hit the second layer of shield. Only a few ten cavalry leaped over and fell with Chen Yang and Sun Yi.

Seeing that someone jumped over the shield wall, Gao Shun, who was commanding the trapped camp, burst into pure light in his eyes, but then immediately issued an order to the soldiers in the trapped camp: "advance one team, two teams! Three teams of circular array

With Gao Shun's order, the soldiers who formed the shield wall in front began to push forward. At this time, the Xuzhou cavalry on the other side of the shield wall had no longer the impact force they had just had, and now they are completely relying on the foot strength of the horse. Faced with the push of nearly 20000 soldiers trapped in the camp, those Xuzhou cavalry were pushed back a little bit.

Chen Yang and Sun Yi turn their heads and try to help the cavalry break the defense. However, the remaining trapped soldiers form a circle around them and surround them with Chen Yang, Sun Yi and dozens of riders who have jumped over with them.

Chen Yang and Sun Yi look at each other, and immediately feel very difficult. Now they are separated from the large army. They are only dozens of them, but they have to face nearly 10000 enemy soldiers. Even if they are good at their skills, they will not be so easy to break through the battle. However, the soldiers who are trapped in the camp around them have pulled out their long swords one by one, holding large shields and bending down. They are eyeing Chen Yang and Sun Yi's besieged cavalry. Chen Yang, Sun Yi and others suddenly feel as if they are being watched by hunters or coveted by numerous wild animals.

"Elder martial brother! We're going to rush out! " Seeing that the soldiers trapped in the camp were just besieged, but did not start, Chen Yang immediately knew that the other side must be killing his own morale in order to win with the lowest degree of damage. Naturally, Chen Yang won't let the other party do as he wishes. He shouts at Sun Yi and drives his mount to the south. Just that order, Chen Yang has found out that the commander of the other side is the bearded general in the south. Catch the thief and catch the king first! As long as you catch the opponent's general, the attack power of the trapped camp will naturally decrease a lot.

Although the enemy's soldiers trapped in the camp are fierce, they are only soldiers after all. Chen Yang's skill is much more powerful than that of ordinary battles. The soldiers trapped in the surrounding camp have no way to block Chen Yang's impact. I saw Chen Yang's spear flying up and down, stabbing and stabbing the soldiers in front of, around and around the trapped camp, each time bringing a burst of blood mist. In the blink of an eye, Chen Yang company killed dozens of soldiers.

Because of Chen Yang's bravery, Sun Yi and his dozens of cavalry followed him, killing out of the encirclement. But in the back of the array Gao Shun is to see the light in his eyes constantly flashing, but his face is still maintaining a cold expression, and again called out: "three teams change! Fish scaleIn a flash, the circle surrounding Chen Yang and Sun Yi changed their formation immediately. The soldiers trapped in the camp suddenly dispersed in groups of four, blocking Chen Yang and Sun Yi's dozens of horses in front of them, and immediately separated them from each other. And immediately add more people among them, forcing the gap between them to widen.

Without the help of Chen Yang and Sun Yi, although Xuzhou cavalry has a high advantage in the face of infantry, the other side is not ordinary infantry, but is called the most effective camp in the northern army, and dozens of soldiers trapped in the camp deal with one of them. For a moment, the screams of Xuzhou cavalry never stop. Sun Yi's eyes turn red. Even Chen Yang, who has been calm, is gnashing his teeth.

The soldiers trapped in the camp were able to block the ordinary Xuzhou cavalry, but they couldn't stop Chen Yang and Sun Yi. Soon, the two men fought their way and got together again. But this time, only two of them were left. All the Xuzhou cavalry who jumped in with them were chopped into flesh and mud by bloodthirsty soldiers trapped in the camp.

Chen Yang and Sun Yi kept waving their spears at the left and right enemy soldiers. However, they were not of the strength type, but inclined to the skill and speed type. Their spears are often only in the key parts of the other side will be back, but there is no way to cause deterrence to the other side.

In his opinion, no matter who he is, even Chen Ren, the Dragon general, as long as he falls into the camp alone, he has no hope of escaping. Next, he began to focus on eliminating the Xuzhou cavalry who were blocked out of the shield wall. Gao Shun yelled in front of him: "one team! Let's go! Three teams! Ready to intercept! Team two! Get ready to close

Just as Gao Shun's voice just dropped, the soldier who had been fighting against the big shield suddenly turned to open the shield wall. All of a sudden, those cavalry who were hitting the shield wall immediately rushed in, but they were facing those soldiers who had just killed dozens of them.

When he was about to rush in for more than 3000 riders, Gao Shun gave a big drink: "close the array!" Those soldiers in the trapped camp who guarded the shield wall also roared and pushed the big shield that had just been opened up again. Not only they, but also the soldiers who stood behind helped. As for the Xuzhou cavalry, they had no time to react, so they were blocked out of the shield wall again. Some of the cavalry got stuck in the middle, so that the shield wall could not be closed. However, even when the soldiers of the trapped camp on both sides raised their swords and fell, they fell to the ground and closed the shield wall again.

However, the 3000 or so cavalry who had already rushed in did not understand what had happened. Just now they were completely following the inertia. When they responded, the shield wall behind them had been closed again, but they were surrounded by more than 10000 soldiers in the camp.

On the other side, Chen Yang and Sun Yi are worried. If things go on like this, tens of thousands of Xuzhou cavalry will be wiped out in this way sooner or later. Chen Yang's cold eyes glared at the cold face of Gao Shun, and immediately made up his mind. I saw Chen Yang suddenly stand up from his mount. Before the soldiers around him attacked him, he jumped in the direction of gaoshun and jumped so high.

"Young! Don't go Sun Yi just turned his head and saw Chen Yanggao's back and yelled. However, it is already late. After all, Chen Yang is not an immortal. Even if he flies higher, he will fall down. He will fall directly towards a group of soldiers trapped in the camp.

Gao Shun sees Chen Yang's move in the distance, showing a trace of irony in his eyes, although he doesn't know what the young general really thinks. However, Gao Shun can guess from the look in his eyes that the young general just looked at him. He probably wants to kill himself, and shoot the horse first. However, the little general is at least a hundred steps away from him. Unless the young general has wings, how can he leap in front of him and kill him Gao Shun?