Xia Hou Shang was more and more cold hearted. Sun Yi's gun was like mercury pouring down the ground, and he was crazy and stabbed at his whole body. Xia HOUSHANG had been beaten to no avail, so he could not stop driving his mount to retreat. Although there are still many soldiers around to rescue, but their standards are too different. At most, Sun Yi's gun is delayed, but it doesn't work at all.

Sun Yi sweeps the three soldiers behind him in two. With his gun, he turns around and stabs Xia HOUSHANG in the throat. Looking at the point of the lightning stabbed gun, Xiahou was still frightened and stopped immediately. Although he successfully blocked the attack of the spear to his throat, the powerful force from the spear point was so strong that Xia Hou Shang, even his men and horses, kept moving back again.

Fortunately, at this time, two soldiers sprang out again and jumped at Sun Yi from the left and right. Sun Yi returned to attack him with a gun, which gave Xia Hou Shang a breath of breath. Now Xiahou Shang has deeply regretted his impulsive behavior. Knowing that Sun Yi and Chen Yang both have such good skills, he has to challenge him beyond his ability. Not only is he unable to protect himself, but he also drags Xia Houyuan down. But it's no use regretting now. Facing Sun Yi as a master, Xia Hou dare not turn back and run away. He takes his vest to face Sun Yi.

Sun Yi was obviously annoyed by the soldiers who kept bothering him. He gave a big drink, clamped his legs, pulled up the reins, and let his mount lift his front hooves high up. He stepped forward and dashed into it. Sun Yi's hand is not idle. The spear is divided into countless shadows in his hand, which envelops all the soldiers in the surrounding area. They all died under Sun Yi's long gun, and a large open space appeared around Sun Yi.

The soldiers in the back were obviously shocked by Sun Yi's thunder method. They all stood still and their faces were full of panic. Sun Yi is very satisfied with the effect he has made. He smiles at Xia Hou Shang, who is shocked in front of him. He raises his gun and stabs him at him. Xia HOUSHANG has not lost his mind because of Sun Yi's shot. He is in a hurry to deal with Sun Yi's attack again. However, after several losses, Xia HOUSHANG has learned to be obedient. He no longer confronts Sun Yi and tries to dodge those who can.

However, Sun Yi's gun is not so easy to dodge. With the skills of Chen Ren, Tai Shici and sun CE, Sun Yi's gun skills can be regarded as a great success. After a while, Xia HOUSHANG's face, arms and thighs were covered with scars, especially in Xia HOUSHANG's thigh, which was pierced with a deep blood hole, and blood was constantly pouring out.

"Drink it With Sun Yi's another big drink, the tip of the gun stabs Xiahou Shang again. Xia HOUSHANG just wants to sidestep away. Maybe it was because of too much blood loss, Xia HOUSHANG suddenly felt dizzy. However, the point of the gun that had been stabbed quickly could not be avoided. He had to watch Sun Yi's long gun stab in his chest.

"Bo Ren, be careful!" Suddenly, a long knife suddenly appears in Xia Hou Shang's chest, blocking Sun Yi's long gun. Sun Yi and Xia Hou Shang look up, but Xia Houyuan is waving a long knife and pushing Sun Yi's gun back.

Seeing Xia Houyuan, who was originally fighting Chen Yang, suddenly appears here. Sun Yi can't help but be surprised. He turns his head and looks at Chen Yang's direction. However, he is relieved to see that Chen Yang is fighting with those soldiers. Turn around to see Xia Houyuan, but his appearance is not much better than Xiahou. Even his helmet has disappeared, and an old wound on his arm is constantly bleeding.

It turns out that Xia Houyuan and Chen Yang are inseparable. In terms of their skills, Xia Houyuan may not be Chen Yang's opponent, but Xia Houyuan's victory lies in his rich experience in combat, which can be regarded as a good defense of Chen Yang's offensive. However, Sun Yi's Thunderclap just now scared all the soldiers in Xiliang. Few of them dared to kill Sun Yi. So these soldiers simply turned around and crowded to Chen Yang together. With the help of these soldiers, Xia Houyuan's pressure immediately reduced a lot.

Taking advantage of this moment, Xia Houyuan looked back at Xia HOUSHANG, but he just saw Xia HOUSHANG's tragedy. He left Chen Yang in a hurry and came to help him. Finally, at the critical moment, he saved Xia Hou Shang's life again.

Looking at Sun Yi, who has a murderous face in front of him, Xia Houyuan can't help but scold him secretly. What the hell is Cao Xiu doing? He hasn't come here yet! In fact, Xia Houyuan wronged Cao Xiu. When Chen Yang and Sun Yi rushed to kill him, it was already sunset in the west mountain. Because of the light, Cao Xiu did not see the two horses at all. Moreover, even if you see it, in Cao Xiu's eyes, the two horses are not enough to be afraid of. Isn't there another 20000 people here! So now Cao Xiu is bent on destroying Lu Xun's 100000 Xuzhou army. Where did he notice the crisis here.

Lu Xun and more than 100000 Xuzhou troops are no better than Xia Houyuan. Although they have stabilized their formation after several attacks by Jizhou cavalry, the trend of Xuzhou army's attack is also forced to stop. Seeing that the million army was getting closer and closer, Lu Xun's heart became colder and colder. The 20000 Jizhou cavalry and the 100000 Xuzhou cavalry were even killed. After these shocks, the Xuzhou army lost at least 10000 people, while the Jizhou cavalry lost only thousands. Such a record is simply impossible for the Xuzhou army, which also shows that the current Xuzhou army is at the end of its tether, and its combat effectiveness may not be as good as those civilians in the million legions."Is that all?" This idea reappeared in Lu Xun's and Xuzhou soldiers' minds. Maybe, that's it. Anyway, we are fighting to the end. We are a man!

Looking at the Jizhou cavalry gathering in front of them again, it seems that they are going to make an impact again. Lu Xun even smiles, but he looks at Xia Houyuan's army behind the Jizhou cavalry. He can see the figures of Chen Yang and Sun Yi. For a moment, Lu Xun seemed to feel that his wounds were completely relieved. At the moment when Jizhou cavalry began to attack, Lu Xun suddenly raised his sword with his last remaining strength, pointed to the front Jizhou cavalry, and yelled: "kill

"Kill!" After hearing Lu Xun's shouts, all the Xuzhou troops could not help but follow them. Lu Xun launched an active attack on those Jizhou cavalry.

"Woo!" "Woo!"

The sound of several huge bugles attracted the attention of all the people on the battlefield. They were Sun Yi and Chen Yang who were fighting, Xia Houyuan and Xia HOUSHANG, Jizhou cavalry and Xuzhou army led by Lu Xun. All of them could not help looking at the million Legion led by Cao Xiu in the West.

However, on Cao Xiu's side, he was totally bewildered. These trumpets were not sounded by his command. In fact, his army had only war drums, but no horns at all.

At this time, everyone realized that the direction of the horn was not in the west, but in the East. All the people on the battlefield seemed to have made an agreement at the same time. They all turned their heads to the East. At this time, the residual sound of the horn has not yet completely dissipated, but people can hear it, and the horn still reverberates in the continuous hills.

"What's going on?" Whether it is the Dongwu army or the Cao army of the Northern Wei Dynasty, such a question pops up in everyone's mind. No one knows who is blowing the trumpet. Is it the army? impossible! Both sides now have a detailed understanding of their own forces and those of their opponents in Qingzhou.

First of all, the Dongwu army did not send troops to Xuzhou except for the 200000 Xuzhou army. In the early days of Qingzhou, the eastern Wu Dynasty had not even had time to arrange the governors of each city in Qingzhou. For the time being, the government affairs of all the cities and counties were managed by some junior officers dispatched by the Xuzhou Legion. I'm afraid there are only more than 1000 garrisons in those cities.

The second is Cao Jun, joking that if Cao's army had more troops in Qingzhou, he would have been on the battlefield. Why waste Xia Houyuan's elite in Xiliang.

Just as everyone guessed, they suddenly felt that the earth under their feet had a tremor. Then, the earth trembled faster and more frequently. This situation has happened once today, that is, when Cao Xiu led the army to arrive, the tremor can only show one problem, that is, what is rapidly approaching among the hills in the East.

At this time, the sun has completely sunk in the mountains, and the sky is already dark. Fortunately, a full moon has taken over the sun's duties in time, and the silvery white moonlight sprinkles on the earth. Although the plain can still be seen clearly with the help of silver and white moonlight, the entrance of the distant hill is still dark, as dark as the entrance to hell. Cao Xiu couldn't help shivering. He seemed to see that countless monsters suddenly rushed out of the entrance.


A violent drink suddenly sounded from the dark entrance, instantly spread all over the battlefield, a general suddenly rode out from the dark. Then, immediately after the general, more and more soldiers came out of the darkness, but in the blink of an eye, there were about 230000 people, and there were countless soldiers at the entrance constantly pouring out like tide water.