At this time, Chen Ru, who was stationed beside Chen Ren, was on the battlefield for the first time in her life. Not only was she not nervous, but she was very excited. However, Chen Kang, who was close to Chen Ru, still kept his indifferent expression. It seemed that the atmosphere of the two armies against each other was not enough to infect his emotions.

Chen Ru looked left and right, and then looked at Cao Jun in front of her for a long time. Suddenly she turned around and asked Chen Ren: "Dad! What are we doing now? Do you want to fight? Who is the general of the other side? The big black face If Chen Ru's words were only heard by the Dongwu army, Chen Ru's voice was loud and crisp, and it was clearly heard in front of the two armies and directly transmitted to the formation of the Cao army opposite.

Zhang Ru Fei's anger may be even higher when he hears Zhang Ru's face rising. In fact, when they heard Chen Ru's words, they didn't know whether they should be angry or funny. Chen Ren dared to bring his daughter to the battlefield. Is it really so confident that they can defeat them? This year, the general didn't get angry. When he saw Chen Ren taking his daughter to the battle to kill the enemy, they all thought that Chen Ren was insulting himself. In this era, people always pay attention to killing and not humiliating. Even when one by one blushes, they hold weapons and clap the horses that sit down.

"Ha ha! Dad! The enemy general has already come out of the battle. Is it that our side will also go to war? " Chen Ru saw that Zhang Fei and the other three generals rushed out of the battle line. Almost without excitement, Chen Ru immediately said to Chen Ren, "Dad! Watch me fight the enemy With that, Chen Ru's legs were clamped, and the red horse, who was sitting down, rushed out of the battle. Chen rengen could not stop her.

"I'm Chen Ru, the general of Dongwu! The enemy in front will come and die quickly The red horse where Chen Ru sat down was not a fan pin either. She soon arrived at the front of the two armies and cheered at Zhang Fei and other four generals in front of her, which was almost the same as that singer.

Zhang Fei and others immediately looked at each other. They were willing to lose any battle with Chen, rather than fight with such a little girl as Chen Ru. That would not have wiped out their prestige for decades! Ma Chao's little white face was so angry that he pointed to Chen Ru and said, "where's that girl! Get out of here! Let Chen Ren come forward to fight! "

Chen Ru curled her lips. Of course, she could tell that she looked down on her daughter! This is Chen Ru's big taboo. Before Chen Ren and Chen Yang come after him, Chen Ru takes a picture of his mount and rushes towards Ma Chao. That's not much slower than stepping on snow in dark clouds. All of a sudden, he rushed to Ma Chao, picked up the steel gun in his hand, and stabbed at Ma Chao's face.

Ma Chao can't help but be a little surprised when he sees this gun. Although Chen Ru's shooting skill is not as good as that of Ma Chao, the momentum contained in this gun is no less powerful than that of a first-class general. Ma Chao quickly raised the silver gun in his hand, but what Ma Chao didn't expect was that when his silver gun had just caught Chen Ru's steel gun, he immediately felt a powerful force coming from the steel gun, and immediately fired Ma Chao's silver gun. Although Chen Ru's steel gun did not stab Ma Chao, the shock in Ma Chao's heart could not subside for a long time.

You know, although Ma Chao's strength is not as strong as the other three of Chang'an's four generals, among the generals under Cao Cao's tent, his strength is also great. If Chen Ren, the Dragon general who has shaken off his silver spear, maybe Ma Chao will think it is reasonable. But in front of Ma Chao, if nothing happened, it was a teenage girl. Ma Chao lost her strength to a teenage girl. How could Ma Chao accept it!

Ma Chao's face is now flushed with shame. He seems to feel that people around him, even Zhang Fei and others are looking at him with scornful eyes. Ma Chao couldn't help but drink and, without shame, held up his gun again and stabbed Chen Ru in front of him.

Chen's ability to dodge a gun is even more important than Chen's. Seeing that Chen Ru, a beautiful young girl in her youth, was about to die, a long gun suddenly hit Ma Chao's silver gun at the moment when the point of the gun was about to stab Chen Ru. At the critical moment, Ma Chao's silver gun was opened.

When they saw it, Chen renzheng, with a black armour, looked at Ma Chao with a wry face and a sneer at his mouth. At this time, Chen Yang also rode a fast horse to arrive, and pulled his little sister behind him. He also looked at Ma Chao coldly, his eyes full of killing intention. Chen Ren sneered: "Xiliang Jinma Chao! What a great skill! How can I start with a teenage girl! It seems that the four generals of Chang'an are capable of fighting with the little girl! "

At this time, Ma Chao has calmed down, or forced to calm down. Feeling the endless killing intention emanating from Chen Ren, Ma Chao can't help but feel cold all over his body. Of course, Chen Yang in the side also exudes a murderous spirit, but compared with his father Chen Ren, that is a drop in the bucket. After listening to Chen Renyu's sarcastic remarks, don't talk about Ma Chao. Even Zhang Fei, Zhang Liao and Cao Hong are all ashamed. Although Chen Ren's words scolded the most powerful four generals of Chang'an under Cao Cao's account, they were speechless.Chen Ren's eyes swept Zhang Fei and others, and then said to Chen Yang behind him without looking back: "yang'er! Take your sister back to the army! " Chen Yang obviously felt that the tone of Chen Ren's speech was less lazy and cynical, and more murderous. Zhang Fei and Ma Chao felt the change of Chen Ren more directly. Zhang Fei and Ma Chao obviously felt that Chen Ren was different from Chen Ren under Hangu pass. Maybe this kind of Chen Ren is the real dragon general!

Chen Yang obeys Chen Ren's orders and takes Chen Ru, who was just frightened by Ma Chao's shot, to the middle of the army. He comforts his little sister with Chen Kang, and then looks up at the battlefield. This is the first time Chen Yang saw his father on the battlefield. Naturally, he can't miss such a wonderful competition.

"Ha ha! A gift Naturally, Zhang Fei knew that this was Ma Chao's fault. He had a frank character and said to Chen Ren: "this is really Meng Qi's fault! But Meng Qi is still a young man after all, and he will inevitably be impulsive! Don't be so angry Zhang Fei is the first time in his life for such a low spirited thing. However, Zhang Fei knows that if Chen Ren refuses to let Ma Chao go, Ma Chao will die today!

"Wing de!" Chen Ren is still that pair of cold face, to Zhang Fei said: "read in the past friendship, today I let you go! however! He must stay! " With that, Chen Ren's flashy gun pointed directly at Ma Chao, whose face had become more and more ugly.

When Chen Ren said the first half of the sentence, Zhang Fei was still very happy, thinking that my old Zhang still had some face, but when he heard the last sentence, Zhang Fei's face also collapsed. Chen Rendu said so, what can Zhang Fei do? We can't just leave Ma Chao and retreat with the army! Zhang Fei, with a black face, was also cold and hummed: "Zici! In this way, you are not willing to give the elder brother this face

Chen Ren gave a cold smile, but his eyes had never left Ma Chao. He was always staring at Ma Chao. He said, "I Chen Ren is usually very good at talking, but there is one big taboo, that is, no matter who you are, you should not hurt my relatives! Just now it was obviously a little girl's mischief, but Ma Chao was so kind as to start with a little girl! Although ru'er was not hurt, it doesn't mean that I can let go of this bastard who intends to hurt my daughter! "

After all, Ma Chao is also a generation of strong general. At this time, he finally overcame the pressure brought by Chen Ren and gave a big drink: "Chen Ren! I will not be insulted by you even if I throw my life here today! Look at the gun After that, Ma Chao danced the silver gun and stabbed Chen Ren.

Chen Ren smiles coldly. Ma Chao's shot is faster and braver than the one that just stabbed Chen Ru. But Chen Ren is not Chen Ru's teenage girl. He saw Chen Ren holding a dazzling gun. He waved it in front of him and hit the silver gun which was stabbing at Chen Ren's chest. Ma Chao suddenly felt a force stronger than Chen Ru just now. The silver gun in his hand was directly bounced back, and he almost lost it from his hand.

as like as two peas, Ma Chao's shining spear came straight to Ma Chao's chest when he opened the middle door. It was almost the same as Ma Chao's new style of work, but it was more powerful and faster.


With a loud bang, it is obvious that Chen Ren's dazzling spear did not hit Ma Chao's chest. A strange weapon suddenly appeared between the Xuanhua gun and Ma Chao's chest. It was Zhang Fei's famous weapon bazhang snake spear! Chen Ren frowned and looked to one side. He saw Zhang Fei guarding Ma Chao with his eight Zhang snake spear. Chen Ren looked at Zhang Fei holding up his dazzling spear, and suddenly his face became gloomy and said, "Yide! Do you really want to fight with me

Zhang Fei is one of the four Cao generals whose strength gap with Chen Ren is the smallest. Moreover, Chen Ren does not use much strength now, so Zhang Fei can support him temporarily. Zhang Fei said to Chen Ren with a black face: "Zici! Meng Qi is my subordinate! I can't watch Meng Qi be killed by you. Instead, I'll use the life of my subordinates in exchange for my own life! "