When Zhang Fei heard that the vice general dared to mention the ghost beating the wall, he immediately became angry and rushed up to kick his foot. As soon as Zhang Liao saw it, he immediately stepped forward to block the vice general. Although Zhang Liao's skill was not as good as Zhang Fei's, Zhang Fei's foot was still able to block. After flying up, he stood in front of Zhang Fei and blocked Zhang Fei's foot.

Zhang Liao frowned tightly. He was more and more dissatisfied with Zhang Fei. He said in a low voice, "General Zhang! Please pay attention to your identity! You are now the commander in chief of the army, not a street thug! Although these deputies are your subordinates, they are not your slaves! They are also soldiers directly under the Lord's account. You have no right to punish them until they have violated the military law! "

Zhang Liao, who has always been more friendly to his colleagues, has also been so angry, which shows that Zhang Liao is really angry with Zhang Fei's actions. Zhang Fei has never seen Zhang Liao lose such a big temper. He is stunned. However, the next moment, Zhang Fei is also a fire, when even reached out to push Zhang Liao, drink curse: "what do you say? How dare you call me a gangster

Zhang Liao was pushed by Zhang Fei, and his face immediately became more gloomy. He immediately kicked Zhang Fei in the chest. Zhang Fei was kicked upside down by Zhang Liao and hit Cao Hong. Cao Hong subconsciously reached for a block, but he ran into his own wound and grinned. He bumped Zhang Fei out with his shoulder and said, "you're a dead bull! You touched my wound

Zhang Fei was kicked open by Zhang Liao, but he was angry. Now he was pushed by Cao Hong, and even scolded as a bull. Zhang Fei's full of anger suddenly erupted on Cao Hong. He grabbed Cao Hong's collar directly and pulled him up, staring at Cao Hong with a pair of red eyes: "you damned second ancestor! How dare you push me? If you are not Cao, you are nothing! I really treat myself as a dish! Get out of my way After scolding, he threw Cao Hong out with both hands and fell heavily on the ground.

Zhang Liao on one side suddenly felt dizzy. At this time, he found out that all the soldiers of the 200000 army began to argue with each other, and some even fought. Looking at everyone's red eyes and blue veins, Zhang Liao immediately felt something wrong. Before Zhang Liao could stop him, his head was dizzy again. At the next moment, Zhang Liao raised his head. His eyes were the same red. He directly pulled out the sword hanging from his waist and yelled at Zhang Fei.

Then, even those aides who had been kneeling on the ground all changed and pulled out their weapons one after another. The deputy general who had just been asked by Zhang Liao gave a big drink: "Zhang Fei just wants to kill us! All are dead! We fight him! Kill

At the call of this lieutenant general, those aides followed Zhang Fei and killed him. Zhang Fei became the target of public criticism and was besieged by a group of people. But Zhang Fei didn't have the slightest timidity. At first, he stepped back several times. Then he waved the snake spear in his hand and said: "good! So you all want to rebel! Today, I'll give you a taste of grandfather Zhang's snake spear! "

As soon as Zhang Fei took up the snake spear, Zhang Liao and Cao Hong stopped and suddenly went back, leaving only a group of vice generals fighting against Zhang Fei. After a while, he saw that Zhang Liao and Cao Hong each held their own long swords and rushed over again. Cao Hong's face was ferocious and said, "you pig killer! You think you can use weapons! Look at your sword skill As he said this, he took up the long sword and cut it on Zhang Fei. Zhang Liao also said nothing. A long sword almost fell down on Zhang Fei's forehead with Cao Hong.

At this time, several aides have fallen in front of Zhang Fei, and only two of them are still fighting with Zhang Fei. Seeing Zhang Liao and Cao Hong killed, Zhang Fei was not afraid. With a dance of the snake spear in his hand, he first forced back the two vice generals, then held up the snake spear, and then blocked the long swords of Zhang Liao and Cao Hong.

"Drink it Zhang Fei gave a big drink and pushed back the long knives of Zhang Liao and Cao Hong. Then, turning his hands, the snake spear first stabbed Zhang Liao on the right. And for Cao Hong on the left, Zhang Fei did not let him go. At the same time, he kicked Cao Hong's stomach.

Zhang Liao snorted coldly, and danced the long sword fast. Under the moonlight, the shadow of the long sword seemed to form a silver white light wall in front of Zhang Liao. Zhang Fei's snake spear stabbed at it, and the sound of "Ding Ding Ding Ding" suddenly came out. But Cao Hong on the other side was kicked hard by Zhang Fei's foot, and immediately flew out.

"Ah Cao Hong was kicked in the stomach is OK, but when Cao Hong fell, it just landed on the sword of a soldier killed by his companion. The blade of the big knife was very sharp, and immediately a big cut was made on Cao Hong's right arm. Immediately, the blood ran straight and Cao Hong cried out in pain.

However, strange to say, when Cao Hong screamed, the blood in Cao Hong's eyes suddenly dissipated, and the blue veins on his forehead gradually recovered. Cao Hong shook his head and felt dizzy. However, when he looked around, he was shocked. Especially those soldiers, there were large-scale deaths and injuries. Moreover, according to this trend, the 200000 army must be fighting each other like this, and there are not many left! At this time, Zhang Liao and Zhang Fei are fighting each other."General Zhang Fei! Wenyuan! What are you doing Cao Hong asked in a startled voice, but Zhang Fei and Zhang Liao didn't pay any attention to Cao Hong. They were still fighting there. Cao Hong knew that both of them were important generals under Cao Cao. No matter which one was missing, it was a great loss to Cao Cao. At the moment, he didn't care about the injury on his arm. He rushed up and hugged Zhang Liao and called to his ear: "Wenyuan! What are you doing? You're crazy

Although Zhang Liao was hugged by Cao Hong from behind, he didn't seem to hear Cao Hong's cry. He struggled desperately, staring at Zhang Fei in front of him with a pair of red eyes. Zhang Fei, seeing that Zhang Liao was held by Cao Hong, actually held up a snake spear and stabbed Zhang Liao and Cao Hong. Looking at the posture, he had to stab Zhang Liao and Cao Hong against each other.

Naturally, Cao Hong couldn't have watched himself and Zhang Liao stabbed to death by Zhang Fei. Holding Zhang Liao in his arms, he jumped to one side, finally dodging Zhang Fei's lethal snake spear. However, Cao Hong fell to one side of the ground with Zhang Liao in his arms. As soon as Zhang Liao was free, he immediately picked up the long knife that had fallen to the side. He yelled and chopped at Zhang Fei.

Cao Hong was sitting on the ground, but he didn't know what to do. Looking at the crazy fighting of these people around him, Cao Hong couldn't help but shiver. Did everyone fall into the devil? At this time, Cao Hong suddenly felt that his hand was pulled by something. Suddenly, he felt as if there was an insect crawling on his back, and he jumped up. Looking around, it turned out that it was the Deputy General Guo who had just been whipped by Zhang Fei. At this time, he was weakly raising his hand and reaching out to Cao Hong.

Cao Hong hastily stepped forward and pulled up Vice General Guo. However, he saw that his face was pale, and there were still several days of whiplash marks. There was also a bloodstain on the corner of his mouth. Vice General Guo opened his eyes slightly, looked at Cao Hong and said softly, "Cao, general Cao! There is something wrong with this, this, this place, this place! "

"What? What's the problem? " Cao Hong only remembers that just after waking up, he and Zhang Liao heard the news in front of him, so they came to look for Zhang Fei, who happened to see Zhang Fei whipping the Deputy General of Guo. Later, things were a little vague.

Deputy General Guo vomited blood again, and then said, "everybody, we have been repeating and walking the same way. Moreover, all of a sudden, we seem to be in the devil! It's just, I just don't know why I didn't respond. " As if something was wrong, Guo Fujiang was about to turn over, but he touched the whip mark on his body, which made him grin his teeth.

Cao Hong looked at the expression of Deputy General Guo, as if suddenly thought of something, and then looked at the wound on his arm, even if he understood why he would wake up. Then Cao Hong put down Guo's deputy general, picked up the long sword that had been thrown aside, and rushed towards Zhang Fei and Zhang Liao.

It seems that Zhang Liao has never been wary of Cao Hong. Although Cao Hong suddenly hugged him and made him almost stabbed by Zhang Fei, he still gave the whole back to Cao Hong. Cao Hong took advantage of this to save Zhang Liao. After making up his mind, Cao Hong went directly to Zhang Liao's back. When Zhang Liao had just repulsed Zhang Fei's attack, he suddenly raised a long knife and suddenly cut Zhang Liao's arm. However, Cao Hong controlled Zhang Liao very well and cut a hole in Zhang Liao's arm.

"Woo Hoo!" But I don't know why, just a small wound, but Zhang Liao was so painful that he grinned and screamed. Cao Hong didn't dare to delay, because Zhang Fei rushed up again with his snake spear. At this time, Zhang Liao was rolling on the ground in pain. Where could he defend Zhang Fei's attack, Cao Hong quickly helped Zhang Liao to block Zhang Fei's snake spear. However, compared with Zhang Liao's, his ability is still a level lower. How can he be Zhang Fei's opponent and be defeated by Zhang Fei.

At this time, a cry came from behind Cao Hong: "General Zhang! Zilian! What are you doing