With the support of the people of Qingzhou, the army of the eastern Wu Dynasty was able to enjoy a favorable situation in Qingzhou. After conquering Jiqiu City, Bao Bao ordered that the army temporarily rest in Jiqiu city for one day, and then set out on the next day to attack the next target.

In the prefecture of Jiqiu City, Bao Bao and three other leading members of the army gathered together to discuss the next step. The plan formulated before Baobao was that the East Bank of Qingzhou went northward and captured Langya. After seizing Langya, he went straight to Beihai and headed for Linzi. This route is also the route that Bao Bao led the Xuzhou army to capture Qingzhou last time, and it has proved to be very correct. However, this time, FA Zheng, who was appointed as a member of the army by Chen Ren, put forward different opinions.

"Generals!" FA Zheng frowned and said to the other three people, "the last time general Bao captured Xuzhou, it was not entirely from the East Road to the north. At the beginning, it was not the soldiers who divided into three routes?"

Bao Bao shook his head and said, "no, in fact, the soldiers we set up last time are divided into three groups, and the two groups led by Sun Yi and I are totally feigning to attract each other's attention. The real target is yang'er's East Road, which takes Qingzhou by the East Road, while Sun Yi of the West Road only returns to Rencheng defense after seizing the city of Lu. And the Middle Route Army I was in charge of also arrived at Langya in time to join up with yang'er's West Route Army, and then attacked Linzi with the North Sea as a breakthrough. "

FA Zheng frowned and said, "yes! It can be said that general Bao's strategy in doing so last time is very correct, because at that time, it was Yanzhou to the west of Qingzhou. If general Bao attacked from the West Road last time, he would be attacked by both Yanzhou Cao army and Qingzhou Cao army! So general Bao and General Chen Shao attacked Linzi from the East and sent General Sun Shao to guard the West. However, at one time and another, we in Dongwu are attacking the territory of the Northern Wei Dynasty in an all-round way, and Yanzhou has to face the attacks of general Zhou and General Zhao at the same time. If we can't spare no time, how can we have the ability to interfere with Qingzhou? "

"But Wu he immediately opened his mouth and said, "even if you don't have to take Yanzhou, why can't we go east? Didn't it go well when we took the East Road last time? "

Fazheng explained to Wu he patiently, "it's not that we can't take the East Road, but from the two routes, it's obvious that taking the west road is more stable and effective than taking the East Road! The terrain of Qingzhou is very different from that of other places. Most of its important towns are in the West. If we attack from the East, we can win Linzi successfully. But there are a lot of garrisons in the west, such as Rencheng, Shandong, Jinan and Taishan. What will happen when we learn that Linzi has been acquired by us? Will take the guard to Yanzhou! At that time, although we won the territory of Qingzhou, in fact, we did not achieve the goal of eliminating Cao's forces at all! General Zhao had a lot of difficulties along the way. We drove nearly half of Qingzhou's troops to Yanzhou. Isn't that an invisible obstacle to General Zhao? "

Bao Bao on one side suddenly woke up. Aren't there Chen Yang and Chen Kang in Zhao Yun's army? There was danger along the way. Baobao can't add any more difficulties to them! Thinking of this, Bao Baodang even made a decision and said, "Mr. Fazheng, don't say more! Do what you want! We attack from the West! "

Fazheng couldn't help being stunned. He had prepared a lot of speeches. He wanted to persuade Bao Bao to change his mind. He didn't expect Bao Bao to agree so quickly. However, all the words that Fazheng held in his stomach were useless. However, no matter what, since Bao Bao agreed, Wu He, who has always been looking forward to Bao Bao Ma, will not object. As for Wei Yan, as long as he has meritorious achievements and battles, he will not have any opinions. In this way, the March line of Qingzhou war was finalized.

Bao Bao was stunned at the West. He didn't know whether Chen Yang and Chen Kang were safe or not. After all, what they had to face was Cao Cao's main force of hundreds of thousands!

At this time, Zhao Yun's army had just stepped into the boundary of Yanzhou.

When arranging this army, Chen Ren did not clearly explain where to send troops as other armies did, but simply stated that their goals were Yanzhou and Jizhou!

As one of the main forces of the northern expedition, Zhao Yun consulted several other generals of the army many times before the northern expedition. Finally, the decision to Yangzhou Ruyin city as a breakthrough, to Yanzhou important town Qiaojun March. However, the first target of the army was not Qiaojun, but Xiyang, a small town south of Qiaojun.

In fact, Xiyang city can only be regarded as a sentry post of Yanzhou on the border of Yangzhou. In this small town, Cao's army did not arrange too many troops, but concentrated most of his troops in the important towns of Yanzhou. So Zhao Yun's 500000 army easily captured Xiyang City, which was guarded by only a few thousand people.

After seizing Xiyang city easily, Zhao Yun didn't underestimate the enemy and rashly advance. Instead, he ordered to rest in Xiyang city for three days. During these three days, Zhao Yun's army would not simply rest. Zhao Yun ordered the army to step up its training in the three days, so as to integrate the troops from Yuzhou, Yangzhou and Jiangdong. While Zhao Yun and other generals stayed in the Council Hall of the prefect's residence all day to discuss the next strategy.

In the conference hall, people did not sit in their seats, but surrounded the center of the hall, pointing constantly on the map of Yanzhou, arguing about how to fight this battle.Lu Xun, who was speaking at this time, was the youngest in the group. Naturally, he explained the distribution of the enemy forces in Yanzhou: "there are 500000 troops in Yanzhou now! It also includes gaoshun's trapped camp, xiahoushang's Xiandeng camp, Bingzhou iron cavalry and Xiliang soldiers! Can be said to be the elite of Cao Jun! According to the latest information, the 500000 troops were stationed in Xuchang, Chenliu, Dongjun, Luoyang, Hulao pass and Sishui pass! There are 50000 troops in Luoyang Tun, which is under the command of Yu Jin, a general of Cao army. In Hulao pass, there are 30000 Cao troops stationed, and Li Dian, the wise general of Cao's army, is in charge of it. However, the army of elder martial brother Zhou is in charge of the whole city. We don't have to worry about it. "

"Ha ha!" Chen Yang, however, laughed and said, "it's better to be the second elder martial brother! Yanzhou easy to deal with the two places all belong to him, the rest are difficult to chew the bones to us People also know that Chen Yang is telling a joke, and they all laugh with him.

Lu Xun also laughed, and then continued to explain to the crowd: "besides, the nearest one to us should be Xu Chang! This city is adjacent to Yangzhou and Yuzhou. Cao Cao attached great importance to this city, and was guarded by Zhang Liao, a general of the Northern Wei Dynasty, with 50000 soldiers in Bingzhou and 50000 trapped camp in gaoshun! "

After listening to Lu Xun's account, everyone frowned, especially Zhao Yun, Ling Cao and Ding Feng. They had seen the power of Bingzhou's iron cavalry and falling into the camp when they were in Hangu pass. When Chen Yang was in Qingzhou last time, he was intercepted by the 30000 trapped camp. He saw with his own eyes that 50000 Xuzhou cavalry were blocked by the 30000 trapped camp. If it wasn't for Chen Yang's gamble that Gao Shun was wounded and could not continue to command, I'm afraid that at that time, who won and who was defeated had not been determined.

Lu Xun continued with Zhao Yun's suggestion: "in Chenliu, because this city is the place where Cao Cao started his army, Cao Cao also deployed 100000 Xiliang infantry in this city, and led by Xu Rong, a general of Xiliang who surrendered to Cao Cao. Although Xu Rong's martial arts are not comparable to those of the four generals of Chang'an, he is very skillful in military use and is known as the military God of Xiliang. However, Yanzhou's heavy troops were mainly concentrated in Dongjun, the capital of Yanzhou. In this city, Cao Cao stationed 150000 Yanzhou troops and 30000 Xiandeng camp led by Xiahou Shang! Zhang Fei, one of the four generals of Chang'an, was guarding the city, not Xiahou Shang! In addition, there are 40000 troops in Yanzhou, but they are distributed in such important towns as Qiaojun, Yingchuan, Liangjun, Jiyin, Shanyang, Dongping, etc! But in these towns, Qiaojun and Liangjun have the most troops. "

After Lu Xun's introduction, all of them fell into silence for the time being. Yanzhou's 500000 army was not the biggest problem, because after all, the 500000 troops were stationed in different cities and counties. But the biggest problem is that the cities and counties in Yanzhou are too close. The longest distance between cities is only two days. It is just like from Liangjun to Qiaojun, it can be reached in one day at most. They don't want to see reinforcements from the enemy when they attack the city. It will be a big blow to the morale of the army when they attack the city.

"Bo Yan! Do you know who the garrison of Qiaojun is? " Chen Yang suddenly points to Qiao County on the map and asks.

Lu Xun had a slight recollection, but he took a slightly deep look at Zhao Yun and said, "there are more than 10000 garrisons in Qiaojun. The general is Xiliang general, Zhang Xiu!"

As soon as the name of Zhang Xiu was said, everyone could not help looking at Zhao Yun, who was also slightly stunned. His face changed several times, and finally became gloomy. Zhang Xiu, Zhao Yun and Chen Ren's eldest martial brother, although the relationship between their brothers has always been good, the strength of their brothers is opposite. From the earliest Dong Zhuo and Dong min to the present Cao Cao, although the forces on both sides seemed to have tacit agreement to avoid meeting their brothers, the northern expedition of the eastern Wu Dynasty meant that they would definitely join forces with their brothers to fight against each other, but Zhao Yun did not expect that it would be so soon.

Before the war, Zhao Yun and Chen Ren once went to Zhaojia village to meet Tong Yuan, hoping that Tong Yuan would be able to summon Zhang Xiu back with a letter, as he had done in Hanzhong. However, Tong Yuan did not do so this time, because he also knew that doing so would only embarrass his disciples. Different from Zhang Ren, Zhang Xiu's family is also a big family in the north. It's impossible for Zhang Ren to say "lose or lose".