By the time the banner of Dongwu was planted at the head of Xuchang, all the Cao troops except Zhang Liao and Gao Shun had been wiped out in the battle field. Only Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and more than 7000 Cao troops were left, which could be said to be the last army of Bingzhou army, which once represented the most powerful army in the north.

Looking at those trapped in the camp and Bingzhou cavalry, Ding Feng could not help but frown, turned to Chen Yang and Chen Kang and said, "yang'er, kang'er, this Bingzhou army is also one of the few elite divisions in the world. Zhang Liao and Gao Shun are even more generals. In my opinion, if we can recruit them to the king of Wu's tent, won't our Dongwu army be more powerful? " This is a long sentence that Ding Feng said. For Ding Feng, it can be said that it is unprecedented rare. At the same time, it also proved that Ding Feng really admired the talents of Zhang Liao and Gao Shun.

Chen Yang and Chen Kang looked at each other. Although they did not think that Zhang Liao and Gao Shun would surrender, Ding Feng said that they could not help feeling itching. The Jiangdong new army trained by their father Chen Ren at that time is already known as the strongest soldier in the world. This Bingzhou army is the only one that can face the new Jiangdong army! If the Bingzhou army and the Jiangdong new army can be combined into one, then who can defeat the whole world.

Thinking of this, Chen Kang nodded to Chen Yang, and Chen Yang also nodded. Both brothers agreed with Ding Feng's proposal. Then Chen Yang ordered them to withdraw the 100000 Dongwu army formations that surrounded Zhang Liao and Gao Shun. Although Zhao Yun appointed Ding Feng as commander-in-chief, Ding Feng also had self-knowledge. This decision was made between the two formations. He could not compare with Chen Yang and Chen Kang. Moreover, Chen Yang and Chen Kang are the sons of Chen Ren. As a reward, Ding Feng was happy to let Chen Yang and Chen Kang make more contributions, so he gave all the command of the army to the Chen brothers.

As soon as the array was withdrawn, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and the more than 7000 Bingzhou soldiers in the array immediately felt a gust of Yin wind blowing around, but it was similar to the situation when the array was broken outside Guanghan City. However, the cloudy wind had blown away all the fog around them, and all of a sudden their vision widened. Zhang Liao turned his head and looked towards Xuchang City, but he could not help exclaiming, and his face turned pale.

Hearing Zhang Liao's cry, Gao Shun quickly turned his head. When he saw the Soochow flag flying on the head of Xuchang City, his face turned white. finished! The city of Xuchang, which Cao Cao gave them, was also lost, and the Bingzhou army was destroyed, leaving more than 7000 people around them. Gao Shun sighed with a bitter smile and looked at Zhang Liao. Seeing Zhang Liao's appearance, he felt a pain in his heart and said to Zhang Liao, "Wenyuan! Surrender

"What?" Zhang Liao couldn't believe his ears. Gao Shun would let himself surrender. Zhang Liao quickly drank to Gao Shun and asked, "General Gao! Are you okay? Is it dizzy? How can you make me surrender! "

Gao Shun, with a wry smile, shook his head and said, "at present, there are only 7000 soldiers left in the Bingzhou army, but the Soochow army has a full 200000 troops. Now they are encircling and not killing. Obviously, they want us to surrender! I have only one arm. I'm a loser. It doesn't matter whether I surrender or not. You have excellent martial arts skills and generals. You will certainly be able to get the king of Wu's important position! "

General Gao Zhang Liao showed his true colors and yelled to Gao Shun: "although I am only a martial arts man, I also know the word loyalty! The king of Wei treated me with great kindness. How could I live and betray him! Today, I was entrusted by the king of Wei and lost Xu Changcheng. How can I surrender In fact, Zhang Liao didn't know what Gao Shun said was not true. Although Gao Shun had already broken his arm, his martial arts had already fallen into the second popular column. However, the trapped camp trained by Gao Shun was able to confront Longjiang camp head-on in those years. As long as Gao Shun surrendered to Soochow, the king of Wu would certainly regard Gao Shun as his guest of honor.

Seeing that Zhang Liao actually had the same idea as himself, Gao Shun's face was more gratified and worried. However, seeing Zhang Liao's resolute face, Gao Shun sighed for a long time and couldn't say anything. Because he knew that no matter what he said, he could not change Zhang Liao's determination. Gao Shun's body also suddenly erupted infinite fighting intention, standing with Zhang Liao shoulder by shoulder, staring at the east Wu general in front.

At this time, Chen Yang and Ding Feng had already passed through the encirclement of Dongwu Army soldiers and came to zhangliao, gaoshun and 7000 Bingzhou army. As for Chen Kang, who is too thin, he is still a little farther away from the enemy troops who have not yet surrendered. Chen Yang smiles and says to Zhang Liao and Gao Shun in front of him: "General Zhang! General Gao! Don't be hurt

It was the third time that Zhang Liao and Chen Yang met. For the first time, they drew, but the second time ended with Zhang Liao's defeat. This time he saw Chen Yang again, Zhang Liao thought that Gao Shun's arm was broken in his hand. His chest was full of fighting spirit and he said to Chen Yang: "Chen Yang! Do you dare to fight with me? "

When Chen Yang heard Zhang Liao's challenge, he couldn't help being stunned. He was depressed and couldn't speak at all. Chen Yang glanced at Zhang Liao helplessly and thought: uncle! I'm here to persuade you to surrender! How can I fight you! Chen Yang turns his head and looks at Gao Shun. Hearing that Gao Shun is always calm, maybe he can find a breakthrough. However, Chen Yang does not know that Gao Shun's hand was hurt by Chen Yang and had to be cut off, otherwise Chen Yang would not have hit Gao Shun.Gao Shun shook off his spear and said coldly to Chen Yang: "I've heard that General Chen Shao's martial arts are superb. I don't want to be afraid to add me such a handicap?"

Immediately Chen Yang's forehead began to hang a black line, Chen Yang a little can't understand, how these two people seem to have taken the choking medicine today, one by one angry so big. However, it seems that if you want to recruit the two of them, it is estimated that there will be no drama. Although Ding Feng on one side was the first to propose the surrender of these two people, seeing such an attitude, Ding Feng's eyes immediately showed murderous spirit. If it can't be used by Dongwu, it must be destroyed immediately, otherwise it will become a disaster!

"The whole army obeys orders!" Before the belligerent Chen Yang was ready to accept the two men's challenge, Ding Feng suddenly raised his big hand. Then he pointed to the Bingzhou army surrounded by the Dongwu army and yelled at the left and right armies: "attack!"

"Uncle Ding?" Chen Yang did not expect that Ding Feng should suddenly issue such a command, but some can not accept it, staring at Ding Feng. After hearing the order of Ding Feng, the Dongwu soldiers immediately launched an attack on the Bingzhou army. Zhang Liao and Gao Shun had a flash of anger in their eyes, but there was no way. They asked for a challenge, which did not mean that they had to agree. At this time, Wu Dingjun had absolutely the right command.

Ding Feng didn't look at Chen Yang. Instead, he fixed his eyes on the Bingzhou army who was struggling to deal with the Dongwu army. He snorted coldly, "yang'er! You have to remember it! This is the battlefield, and you are a general! Sometimes, a general's decision not only determines his own life and death, but also determines the life and death of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of people on the battlefield! This is a very cautious thing, you can not be emotional! There is no time for you to adapt! What you want to do is to let those soldiers who are not supposed to die live, and those who are likely to die can also live! Do you understand? " What Ding Feng said today is estimated to be more than what he has said in recent years.

But after listening to Ding Feng's words, Chen Yang fell into a deep thought. Yes, if he agreed to Zhang Liao's challenge and went forward to meet him, Chen Yang would certainly be addicted to it, but Chen Yang did not think about the consequences of this matter. Zhang Liao is a strong general who has been famous for a long time. He has always been famous for his outstanding martial arts. Although Gao Shun on one side has broken an arm, his fame is still before Zhang Liao. Although Chen Yang's skill is very good, it can't be said to be able to win the combination of these two people.

If Chen Yang can win these two people, that's fine, but what if Chen Yang can't win these two people? At present, the morale of the Soochow army is like a rainbow, but the morale of the Bingzhou army is not bad. If Chen Yang is defeated like this, the morale of the Dongwu army will certainly be affected, and it can not be said that he will not be taken advantage of by the Bingzhou army to escape. Zhang Liao and Gao Shun are both first-class and first-class leading generals. Today's war has experienced Chen Kang's array, but they have mastered a lot of important information. If Zhang Liao and Gao Shun escape and return to Chang'an, they will have a great impact on the northern expedition in the future!

Thinking of this, Chen Yang could not help but burst out in a cold sweat. For the northern expedition, both sun CE, king of Wu, and his father, Chen Ren, poured a lot of hard work into it. If he was so destroyed, even if Chen Yang died, he could not cover up the loss this time!

Just when Chen Yang wants to understand the joints, he screams in front of him, but it turns out that Gao Shun, in order to protect Zhang Liao around him, uses his body to help Zhang Liao block the sneak attack of a Dongwu army. After being attacked by Zhang Shun, the soldier fell into the state of sneak attack.