Zhang Ying is silent. Gao Lan and he have been friends for many years. The death of Gao Lan makes Zhang Ying very silent. But Zhang Fei patted his chest and said, "general Cao! I wanted to do this for a long time! Just say it! How to do it? I'll listen to you

Zhang Fei made a statement, and then there was Zhang Ying. Cao Ren narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhang Ying with his head down, waiting for his answer. Zhang Ying was much thinner than before. He took up a glass of wine in front of him and drank it. Then he raised his head and showed a pair of red eyes. He said to Cao Ren, "I don't want to break through! I'm going to kill Sun Yi! "

The last time he went out of the city to meet the enemy, Gao Lan died at Sun Yi's gun. Zhang Ying was the only general of Jizhou who surrendered to Cao Cao's tent. In addition, Gao Lan was close to him, so Zhang Ying hated Sun Yi who killed Gao Lan. Cao Ren could understand Zhang Ying's intention. He wanted to persuade him, but seeing Zhang's appearance, he knew that no matter how much persuasion was useless. He nodded and said, "Sun Yi's army should be in the west of the city, general Zhang! Now that you have made a decision, I will not force you to give up revenge. But I hope you can promise me that you must escort Zidan and Boren to break through the encirclement! After that, no matter who you want to take revenge on

"Good!" Zhang Ying stood up, flushed and hugged Cao Renyi: "it's settled! When I leave the city tomorrow, I will try my best to protect Zi Dan and Bo Ren to break through the encirclement, and then go to find Sun Yi for revenge! " After that, Zhang Ying left the study.

Cao Ren looked at Zhang Ying's back and couldn't help sighing. Xia Hou Shang, who was close to him, quickly said, "general Cao! Zhang Ying is so impulsive. I'm afraid that tomorrow will ruin the event! Why promise him? It's better to dissuade Zhang Ying from breaking through the encirclement at all! " Cao Zhen on one side is also frowning, obviously very dissatisfied with Zhang Ying's impulsive performance.

Cao Ren shook his head, took a look at Zhang Fei, who was also crazy on one side, and said slowly, "General Zhang Ying attaches great importance to love and righteousness. How can I stop him? Moreover, general Zhang Ying has always been not light on promises, promises will be made! Since he has promised to break through mainly by the army, he will not act arbitrarily to destroy the breakthrough. It's just that even if general Zhang Ying breaks through the encirclement and goes out, he will surely go back to find Sun Yi and fight! "

After sighing for a while, Cao Ren explained the direction of the breakout, and then sent the generals back to have a rest and to prepare for the fierce battle tomorrow. When all the generals had gone, Cao Ren walked slowly to the window of the study, looked up at the bright moon in the night sky outside the window, and sighed, "brother! That's all I can do for you

After a night's rest, as Cao Ren said, the Dongwu army did not come to attack at night. When the next morning, all the officers and men got up early. They didn't sleep like this for a long time. Cao Ren also ordered the kitchen leaders to take out all the remaining food, so that all the people could eat enough to cope with the war later.

Cao Ren and other generals were all ready to gather in the camp. Cao Ren took a look at Zhang Ying, whose eyes were red, but didn't say much. He just explained the action to be taken later: "after a while, the two generals Dianwei and Zhang Fei will leave the city first. The east Wu water army led by Gan Ning should be in the north of the City, and Zhao Yun's army should be in the south of the city! The two generals must remember that they should not fight each other, but take breakthrough as the first goal! After that, I started from the east of the city, and general Zhang Ying, Zi Dan and Bo Ren were the last to set out! "

Dianwei nodded to show that he understood, but Zhang Fei clenched his fist and fled again! From Yanzhou to Jizhou, from the south of Jizhou all the way to the Bohai Sea, and now to escape from the Bohai Sea. For Zhang Fei, it has greatly hurt his self-esteem to run away for many times. Now that he has to run away like this, and still face Zhao Yun again, Zhang Fei's heart is extremely unwilling.

Looking at Zhang Fei's appearance, Cao Ren immediately guessed what Zhang Fei was thinking. He opened his mouth and wanted to persuade him, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say anything. Cao Ren is clear about Zhang Fei's temper. Even if Zhang Fei is persuaded now, he will act impulsively after seeing Zhao Yun. That's it! Cao Ren didn't want to talk about it any more. Cao Ren had no hope for the other three routes. The main reason was that he hoped that Cao Zhen could successfully break through. As for Dian Wei and Zhang Fei, it would be better if they could break through. If they could not, it would be God's will.

At present, Cao Ren said to the generals, "in this case, take care of yourself!" With that, Cao Ren gave his fist to the generals, and all the generals also clasped their fists in return. After this breakthrough, I was afraid that everyone would never have a chance to meet again. Rao Shi, most of the generals, were experienced in battle, and they were also somewhat sad.

Half an hour later, a trumpet was heard. The gates of the South and north of the city were opened at the same time. A large number of Cao soldiers poured out on both sides and rushed to the barracks outside the city.

At this time, the Soochow army outside the city was preparing to send siege equipment to bomb the Bohai city wall according to the usual custom. However, seeing that the garrison in the city ran out, all the officers and men of the eastern Wu Dynasty were stunned. Fortunately, there was still a certain distance between the barracks and the city gate. The generals of the Dongwu army soon understood that the other side was going to break through. They immediately organized the army and began to block Cao's army.At the gate of the Dongwu camp in the north of the city, Gan Ning looked at the Cao Jun who was coming. He couldn't help laughing, pointing at Cao Jun and swearing: "Damn it! I thought that these Cao troops had practiced their turtle work in the city and refused to come out! Good! Boys! Let's kill them today. Don't let them go

After Gan Ning, the officers and men were in a roar. Zhou Tai grinned and said to Gan Ning, "governor! If the old boy of Gongyi knew that he had missed so many battles, he would have regretted his death! "

Hearing Zhou Tai's words, Gan Ning thought of Jiang Qin, who was still in the far north, and laughed a lot again. He said, "who made Gong Yi think he was so happy killing those alien people there! Let him fight with those uncivilized foreigners! Let's have a good time! Go on It turned out that some time ago, Jiang Qin sent intelligence that he had taken the army to attack the alien tribes in order to prevent the possibility of being attacked by Foreign Tribes in the north. Gan Ning and Zhou Tai, who knew Jiang Qin very well, naturally knew that Jiang Qin was idle in Liucheng and went to war. However, after getting the news, Gan Ning and others who wanted to attack Jizhou would not envy Jiang Qin and let him play there alone.

At Ganning's command, the Dongwu water army also began to attack the Cao army in front of him. Ganning saw Dian Wei who had fought with him many times at a glance. Even if he grabbed his mount excitedly, he rushed to Dianwei.

Wei Ning's fight with the enemy is not a surprise attack. If he was entangled by Ganning, it would be difficult for Dianwei to escape with Ganning's skill. Dianwei immediately grabbed the horse and ran in another direction, intending to avoid Ganning.

Gan Ning saw that Dian Wei was about to run away without even fighting. He was not allowed to let him go. Even though he was facing the water soldiers around him, he said, "Zhou Tai! You go ahead and block it! Zhu ran, Zhu Ling! You go around to the back of Diane Wei! Pan Zhang! You lead the army to destroy these Cao troops! Today we are going to wipe out all these enemy troops! "

"Here it is All the generals roared with one voice, and immediately separated according to Ganning's instructions. Only Ganning ran after Dianwei's buttocks, looking as if he would never stop chasing Dianwei. No matter how he circled around, Dian Wei always wanted to break through in the general direction of the north. Although he bypassed Ganning, he met Zhou Tai, another fierce general of the Navy.

Clay figurines also have three points of fire, not to mention a fierce general like Dianwei. Seeing that he was driven by the enemy like a beast, Dianwei should be angry. Then he saw Dian Wei waving his double halberds and screamed at Zhou Tai. Zhou Tai was not afraid at all. In the last battle outside the city, Zhou Tai had tried out Dianwei's skill. Although he was not comparable to Dianwei, he was confident that he could hold Dianwei for a period of time with his brute strength. As long as we can hold Dianwei down and wait for Ganning to come after him, they will surely be able to defeat Dianwei.


Dianwei's double halberds collide with Zhou Tai's broadsword, and countless sparks appear. You can see that the double halberds in Dianwei's hands dance like a hurricane and attack Zhou Tai crazily. Zhou Tai is also calm and calm, see the move, for a time, Dian Wei unexpectedly also can't help Zhou Tai.

"Damn it!" Although Dian Wei was furious, he still kept his head. The rest of his eyes could see Gan Ning getting closer and closer behind him. However, Zhou Tai in front of him was still struggling. When Dianwei attacked, he was honest and honest. When Dianwei wanted to leave, he began to fight again. Dianwei tried to sell him some flaws, but Zhou Tai was not stupid. As long as Dianwei didn't intend to leave, he would not attack. Seeing that Ganning had caught up with him, Dianwei had no choice but to fight.

We saw Dianwei strike Zhou Tai with the iron halberd of his right hand, and Zhou Tai quickly set up a big knife to block it. However, Dian Wei's strange power passed from the iron halberd to Zhou Tai's sword, which also made Zhou Tai very uncomfortable. He even took a few steps back with his horse. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Dianwei quickly clipped his legs and ran north.

But how could Zhou Tai let Dianwei go? He quickly waved a big knife and chased Dianwei. Dian Wei looked at Zhou Tai's figure from the corner of his eye. However, he put both halberds on his left hand and his right hand on his waist. He grabbed several small iron halberds and threw them at Zhou Tai.