Liang Da's face was red and white. However, the boy in front of him was not willing to let go of his mouth, so that Liang Da could not find a step. He gave me a couple of big teeth and said to me! What's wrong, I'll stand up to it

After Liang Da drank out this sentence, not only Li Yuanhe showed a trace of killing intention in his eyes, but also Wang Ye's face, who had been watching the war, was becoming more and more gloomy. Is Liang Da too arrogant? How dare you say that in the barracks! It seems that the military discipline of the vanguard camp is worrying! But in this way, Li Yuanhe must be more disgusted with here!

And those people around Liang Da, after hearing Liang Da's shouting and drinking, all rushed to Li Yuanhe. First of all, Liang Da had great prestige in their mind. Liang Da was very important to Xu Wei, commander in chief of the vanguard camp. In this military camp, there was almost no injustice. Secondly, Li Yuanhe's attitude is really arrogant. When he recalled that they were bullied by others and bullied new recruits with Liang Da, they never met such a prick like Li Yuanhe.

Although Li Yuanhe showed his hand just now, when they saw that there were so many people on their side, they all emboldened themselves to rush to Li Yuanhe. Li Yuanhe watched not only the soldiers who had been standing beside Liang Da rushed up, but also a lot of soldiers from the vanguard camp killed them in the surrounding crowd, but they were not in a hurry. He picked up his Zhangba long gun in his hand. He waved it behind him, but did not stop at his feet. He even stepped back several steps. The target of the gun tip was originally Li Yuan and the two soldiers who came after him.

Li Yuanhe didn't even turn around, but it seemed that he had eyes behind him. The spear accurately knocked down the single swords in the hands of the two soldiers behind him. However, Li Yuanhe did not pursue the victory. After all, all of us were comrades in arms in the army. They did not look down and looked up. Moreover, the other side was just following Liang Da's orders, so there was no need to kill them all.

Immediately, Li Yuanhe took back the spear, but the zhangbachang's spear was extremely flexible in Li Yuanhe's hands. In a flash, he returned to Li Yuanhe's body again. At this time, there were five soldiers on the left and right sides. Li Yuanhe put the spear across his chest, but he held the middle part of the spear with one hand and knocked it to the left and right. However, all the five soldiers who came from the left and right fell to the ground.

Then, facing the five men who rushed in front of him, Li Yuanhe collected the spear with one hand and retreated several steps. However, he just met the two soldiers who had just been hit by Li Yuanhe. However, the two soldiers did not feel grateful because Li Yuanhe had just let them go. Instead, they reached out and hugged Li Yuanhe to prevent him from hiding.

A chill flashed in Li Yuanhe's eyes. As soon as the spear in his hand turned, the tip of the gun pointed downward and jerked back. It was nailed to the foot of one of the soldiers. The soldier let out a scream, holding Li Yuan and the neck of the hand can not help but release. Then, Li Yuanhe raised another hand and directly hit the neck of another soldier holding his waist with his elbow. The soldier fell down.

While taking advantage of the delay, the five soldiers in front also followed closely. Regardless of the pain of the soldier whose foot was nailed by his long gun, Li Yuanhe suddenly pulled out the long gun and stabbed the five soldiers in front of him. By the way, he also flew up and kicked out the soldier who was holding his leg and Howling behind him.

Although Li Yuanhe had just lost the first chance and was still fighting against five, the five soldiers did not get any advantage. Li Yuanhe used the length of his eight long spears to keep five soldiers out of their attack range. From the eyes of the surrounding soldiers, Li Yuanhe seemed to have several more opponents suddenly, and the long gun turned into a series of gun shadows, which covered all the five soldiers.

Before the five soldiers on Li Yuan and his left and right sides picked up their weapons and killed him again, there was a series of screams. All the five soldiers who had been shrouded in the shadow of Li Yuanhe's guns before, without exception, all covered their arms and fell on the ground and screamed incessantly. While the later soldiers were in a daze, Li Yuanhe took the initiative to launch an attack. Several spearflowers flashed from the tip of the gun in the air, which accurately injured the wrists of the soldiers, and swept them across their legs and knocked them to the ground.

Although the description is tedious, the actual process is only a moment. More than ten soldiers who attacked Li Yuanhe were defeated in an instant. Liang Da was the only one left in front of Li Yuanhe. At this time, Liang Da was completely stunned. He directly sat on the ground and looked at Li Yuanhe with a pale face. Now, no matter whether he withdrew or not, he was already disgraced in the military camp.

In fact, not only Liang Da, but all the soldiers around stood still. Now, it has been 15 years since we fought with other ethnic groups outside the pass. Even if we are following Luo Tianhan on the battlefield, there are few soldiers left. Most of the soldiers present are soldiers who have not really participated in the battle. They have never seen a man beat more than ten soldiers at a time.

Wang, who has been standing on the periphery, naturally has seen him, but he knows that although the opponent is just some ordinary soldiers, he wants to defeat these people so quickly and fluently, and also needs to control the strength, so that these soldiers are only slightly injured. The difficulty can be said to be self-evident. Although there are many people who can do this, they are all famous generals, and Li Yuanhe is a nobody. Wang also immediately felt his heart some acceleration, he knew that he must have picked up the treasure this time!"Bold!" If it was Li Yuanhe who was taught a lesson by Liang Da, naturally no one would take the risk of offending Liang DA and meddle in his business. But now it is Li Yuanhe who has knocked down all of Liang Da's subordinates. However, the soldiers around him can't watch Li Yuanhe do harm to Liang Da. They all subconsciously take up weapons and face Li Yuanhe in the Central Committee. One of the general cheered: "put down your weapon quickly! Or we'll be rude to you! "

Li Yuanhe took a cold look at the soldiers around him. At this time, the sun was about to set, leaving only a bloody sun shining down. The sunlight fell on Li Yuanhe, just like spilling blood on him. It seemed to add a lot of murderous spirit to Li Yuanhe. The soldiers around him, including Wang Ye, could not help shivering.

Obviously, Li Yuanhe will never put down his spear. If he goes on like this, he will inevitably have conflicts with the soldiers around him. Although Wang also hoped that Li Yuanhe would have conflicts with these soldiers under Luo Tianhan, he did not want such bloody conflicts. In that case, it would be difficult for him to protect Li Yuanhe. Immediately, the king gave a big drink: "stop it all!"

Although Wang is not Luo Tianhan's trusted general, he is a captain after all. All the soldiers on the scene who dare to disobey his orders all slowly retreat. However, they still raised their weapons and looked at Li Yuanhe in the center with vigilance. However, Li Yuanhe did not seem to hear Wang Ye's voice at all, and continued to look at the soldiers around him coldly. Only when they made a slight improper move, they were afraid that Li Yuanhe would kill him immediately.

In spite of this, Wang is very satisfied with the present situation. If he wants to use Li Yuanhe for his own use, he must persuade him personally. Otherwise, Li Yuanhe will always be on guard against him, which is not conducive to future actions.

Wang also swallowed his saliva, settled his mind for a moment, and slowly walked out of the soldiers toward Li Yuanhe. Just five or six steps away from Li Yuanhe, Li Yuanhe suddenly turned around, and his Zhangba spear suddenly appeared in front of Wang Ye. Wang could even feel the chill from the tip of the gun through the air between him and the spear.

Wang also swallowed his mouth again, but his face had turned pale, but he knew that in this situation, he could not make any impulsive action. However, although Wang was not good at fighting, his psychological quality was not much worse than that of general generals. Even though he forced to smile at Li Yuan and his cold face, he said, "little brother, do you remember me? We met at the Lord's house. "

The chill on Li Yuanhe's face didn't thaw at all, but it was still cold. His eyes were staring at Wang Ye tightly, which made him dare not even give out the atmosphere. After a long time, Li Yuan and this slowly put away the long gun, not slow to say: "I remember!"

Li Yuanhe can be said to be very angry now. Although he worked as a coolie in Jingnan city for more than ten years, he has never been humiliated like today. Li Yuanhe can be said to be from a humble background, but he has been taught by the old man from an early age. His self-esteem is stronger than those of the princes and generals.

Just now he recalled the process of being in the warehouse, he finally realized that the Quartermaster was scornful of his words. After that, he had a series of cold encounters in the barracks, which greatly damaged Li Yuanhe's self-esteem. And Liang Da's provocation to him can be said to have completely let Li Yuanhe's anger explode. If it wasn't for a trace of reason in his heart, I'm afraid Li Yuan and now kill people with guns.

Wang was able to feel the anger from Li Yuanhe, but now he can't help thinking about it any more. He just managed to keep his smile on his face and said to Li Yuanhe, "little brother! I can understand your anger! Don't worry, I'm definitely on your side. Believe me