Li Yuanhe also felt that something was wrong. Although Li Yuanhe had heard of many bandits around Jingnan city for so many years. But I have never heard of bandits who dare to attack the city. Besides, it is still a big city like Jingnan city. Although there are only more than 1000 troops in Jingnan City, these 1000 soldiers are fully armed and equipped with excellent equipment. Besides, there is a commander-in-chief like Luo Tianhan in Jingnan city. In any way, these bandits attacking Jingnan city are stupid actions.

But after thinking about it for a long time, Li Yuanhe didn't come up with a clue. On this side, Wang also began to order to march towards the north gate. Li Yuan and his subordinates, who were kings, naturally wanted to follow suit. However, Li Yuan and the man with long spears were really different from each other when they were all archers with long bows and arrow boxes.

Although it was a little awkward, Li Yuanhe still had to brave his head to follow the bow and arrow camp. Fortunately, the camp was not far away from the north gate, which was probably just a stick of incense, and the bow and arrow camp had already arrived at the north gate. Just when he arrived at the north gate, Li Yuanhe suddenly heard someone calling him. He turned his head and looked at it. It was Cheng Hu, Li Yuanhe's subordinates when he was Sima of the city gate.

At this time, Wang also heard the voice of Cheng Hu and others calling Li Yuanhe, then he laughed at Li Yuanhe and said, "you go first! Remember to go up to the city later Then he took two hundred archers and ran towards the city.

Facing Wang Ye's back, Li Yuanhe quickly walked to the front of Cheng Hu and others. Cheng Hu and others first saluted Li Yuanhe, and they also looked at Li Yuanhe with envy at the suit of armor that soldiers are qualified to wear. City guards like them, like the security guards in the city, are not real soldiers, so they even have no armor on them. When Li Yuanhe was the city gate Sima, if Luo Yan didn't show up, he would not have gotten his old armor.

Being a regular soldier means that his family will have security in the future. In this regard, the post Qin state did a good job in ensuring the life of the soldiers' families and enabling them to fight for the country without worries. Even if the soldiers died on the battlefield, the later Qin Dynasty would also give a generous pension to the families of soldiers, so that the families of enough soldiers did not have to worry about food and clothing.

The reason why Chenghu and their soldiers become city guards is that they want to become formal soldiers one day, in addition to their abundant oil and water. If Li Dengcheng is not qualified to be a soldier for many years, he or she will not become a soldier in this way.

"How are you?" Li Yuanhe didn't care about their envious eyes. Just before noon yesterday, he looked at the black armor on other official soldiers like them. But his luck is too good, met this bandit attack, let him have the opportunity to do meritorious service.

"My Lord!" When Cheng Hu and others saw Li Yuanhe's attitude as before, they couldn't help but get hot. The two brothers Zhao Yong and Zhao Meng clung to the back of their heads and laughed foolishly.

How could Li Yuanhe not understand their thoughts? He just wanted to rely on his own relationship to formally join the army and become a regular soldier. But Li Yuanhe had already realized that in this army, it is impossible to rely on himself alone. If Li Yuanhe doesn't want to be humiliated as he did yesterday, he must set up his own set of people in the shortest time, and Cheng Hu and others are undoubtedly the best candidates.

In fact, the physical fitness of Chenghu and others is not bad, especially the two brothers Zhao Yong and Zhao Meng, who are as strong as cattle. Even in the camp of Xianfeng camp yesterday, Li Yuanhe did not see anyone with their brothers in good health. It is possible that Qian Laojiu, Cheng Hu and Xu Liansheng, who are both old and thin, can not pass the examination.

However, although Qian Laojiu is old, he is calm in his work, and Xu Liansheng has studied in private school for several years, and his head is also a little clever. Li Yuanhe is most satisfied with Chenghu. Although Cheng Hu is nearly 40 years old, he is still in good health, and the most important thing is that Cheng Hu does things quickly, which makes Li Yuanhe feel at ease.

Therefore, Li Yuanhe has decided to recruit these seven subordinates into the army and become their own team members. Thinking of this, Li Yuanhe said directly to Cheng Hu and others: "do you really want to join the army?"

Li Yuanhe's straightforward question made Cheng Hu and others stunned. But then Cheng Hu realized that Li Yuanhe was trying to pull them into the army and become a real soldier. He immediately showed a look of joy on his face. Cheng Hu turned his head and looked at the other six people. All of them nodded to Cheng Hu one after another. Chenghu said to Li Yuanhe with his fist clasping: "I'll ask you to complete it later!"

Li Yuanhe smiles, as long as he knows that they have the will, Li Yuanhe has nothing to worry about as for their loyalty to themselves. Yesterday, Li Yuanhe was treated as a new recruit. Li Yuanhe could confirm that even if Cheng Hu and others without any background joined the army, they would have to turn to their only acquaintances.Li Yuanhe nodded his head and said, "now we happen to encounter bandits attacking the city. No matter what the victory or defeat is, after the end of the battle, the garrison in the city will be more or less, and there must be a reduction in the number of troops. At that time, I'll make arrangements for you again, but I want you to wait for a while Li Yuanhe soon planned it in his head.

Cheng Hu's seven people's heads are flying fast. As long as they can get what they want, let alone wait for a while, they are willing to take up arms and fight with the bandits outside the city. Even under the leadership of Cheng Hu, Cheng Hu and others knelt down directly in front of Li Yuanhe and said to Li Yuanhe, "villain, thank you for your success!"

Li Yuanhe quickly helped Cheng Hu up, then motioned to the other six people to stand up, and then said with a smile, "well, you can go to my house for a while. I don't know how long this battle will last. I believe that during the battle, you city guards will not be needed at the gate With that, Li Yuanhe began to learn from Wang's treatment of himself, smiling and patting Chenghu on the shoulder.

Chenghu looked flattered and said to Li Yuanhe: "villains should listen to the arrangement of adults! I'll go to the house of the grown-ups. If there are villains in the house, I'll make sure that there are no problems in the big families! " Cheng Hu's performance surprised Li Yuanhe, but at this time, it was not good to show it. He could only nod with a smile.

Even if Cheng Hu and others paid homage to Li Yuanhe again, under the leadership of Cheng Hu, the seven turned around and walked in the direction of Li Yuan and the small courtyard. Looking at the back of Cheng Hu and others, Li Yuanhe raised the palm of his hand that had just patted Cheng Hu's shoulder. He was stunned. It was just such a small action that he could have such a big response. It seems that he has a lot to learn!

After standing for a while, Li Yuan and this just reacted, and they had to hurry up to the city. When you turn around and climb up the stairs on the wall of the city. At this time, all the garrisons in the city, including Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei, had already stood in the center of the city with Wang and looked out of the city.

Li Yuanhe walked quickly and lightly to Wang Ye's side. Chen Xuanchu, Xu Wei and Wang were all military generals. Naturally, they felt more sensitive. Although Li Yuanhe had tried his best to lighten his steps, they still immediately felt that someone was coming. Wang also turned his head and looked at Li Yuanhe, with a smile, and motioned Li Yuan and him to look out of the city.

Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei also took a look at Li Yuanhe. Xu Wei couldn't help but curl his lips. Up to now, Xu Wei has thought that Li Yuanhe was deliberately hiding his clumsiness yesterday, just refusing to go to his own account. Therefore, although we have known that Li Yuanhe is good at skill, he still has no good impression on him. Chen Xuanchu took a deep look at Li Yuanhe, especially at the Zhang Ba long gun in Li Yuanhe's hand.

After discovering that Li Yuanhe had a problem with his weapons yesterday, Chen Xuanchu immediately sent for Li Yuanhe, the Quartermaster who was looking for weapons and armor. After careful inquiry, he got a surprising news: Li Yuanhe's Zhangba spear is not different from the real Zhangba spear! Recalling the words of the soldiers in the vanguard camp, Chen Xuanchu can only draw such a conclusion that Li Yuanhe can play the good Zhangba spear very smoothly, which has not been done for a long time!

However, this point alone can not explain anything. After all, Liang DA and other military ruffians are not very good at it. It is very difficult to know what extent Li Yuanhe's ability has reached from their skills. Therefore, Chen Xuanchu has made plans today and must try Li Yuanhe's skill again. But today, when the bandits began to attack the city, Chen Xuanchu was given an excellent opportunity. He is just waiting, waiting for a good excuse to let Li Yuanhe show how good his shooting skills are.

Of course, Li Yuanhe didn't know that Chen Xuanchu was calculating himself at this time. He was standing by Wang Ye's side and looking out of the city according to Wang Ye's instructions, but he was surprised.