"Marshal!" "Marshal!"

Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei watched Luo Tianhan swallow his last breath. The whole person was stunned, and they could not help but pounce on Luo Tianhan's body and exclaim. However, no matter how they call, Luo Tianhan cannot be brought back to life. Xu Wei suddenly stood up and glared at the doctor who was sitting on the side. He said, "you can't save the life of the commander-in-chief. What's the use of keeping such quack doctors as you?" With that, Xu Wei would take a knife and look at the doctor's forehead.

Seeing the urgency, Li Yuanhe quickly stretched out his spear, and finally blocked Xu Wei's single knife above the doctor's forehead. However, the doctor was stunned by Xu Wei's knife. When Xu Wei saw that his knife was blocked by Li Yuanhe, he raised his head and glared angrily. He said, "why do you want to stop me from killing this quack?"

Li Yuanhe frowned and said, "it's not the doctor who is responsible for the death of the Lord. It's really the Lord who has been poisoned deeply. Besides, the Lord of the city has already ordered him before. Why should he be angry with others? The real murderer who killed the Lord of the city must have rushed to the bandits outside the city. Lord Xu wants revenge. Why don't you go outside the city to look for those thieves? Why bother the doctor who has no strength to bind a chicken? "

"Lao Xu! Stop it This time Chen Xuanchu also stood up and said coldly, "brother Li is right. There is no fault in this doctor. You should not kill him. If we want to kill them, we will also kill those bandits outside the city! " Speaking of the last sentence, Chen Xuanchu suddenly burst out a cold and murderous spirit.

In fact, he did not know that the bandits outside the city were actually the scapegoats of the real murderers, but the real murderers could not fight with their strength. To avenge Luo Tianhan, now they have to find those thieves to vent their anger. After listening to Chen Xuanchu's words, Xu Xuanchu also agreed.

At this time, while searching in the city Lord's house, several soldiers from the infantry battalion also found Luo Yan, who was held by Luo Da, and the Huabai old man Li Yuanhe saw yesterday. According to Wang Ye's explanation last night, Li Yuanhe also knew that this man was actually Liu Wen, the first think-tank of Luo Tianhan. He was originally a servant of the Army Department of the Qin Dynasty. After the imperial capital was broken, because he was appreciated by Luo Tianhan, he began to follow Luo Tianhan in his expeditions to the West and made many clever plans for him.

Liu Wen and Luo Yan came to the city Lord's house this morning after the bandits attacked. However, they didn't expect to see Rhoda poisoning Luo Tianhan, but they were forcibly taken to the Chaifang by Rhoda's men. The killers who guarded them thought Liu Wen was too noisy and knocked down the handle of a knife. They knocked the white old man unconscious until he was rescued by the soldiers of the infantry battalion.

He was taken to the courtyard by the soldiers of the infantry battalion. As soon as he saw Luo Tianhan's body, Liu Wen couldn't stop tears falling down. Even if he directly threw himself on Luo Tianhan's body, he began to cry. Luo Yan also stood by Luo Tianhan's body in silence. Although at the end of the day, the relationship between Luo Yan and Luo Tianhan appeared cracks, but Luo Yan respected Luo Tianhan very much. No matter what, such figures as Luo Tianhan are worthy of his admiration.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xuanchu, with a gloomy face, said to the left and right: "brothers! All along, we have been greatly favored by the commander-in-chief! Today, the marshal suffered this misfortune. I, Chen Xuanchu, should spare my life to avenge the commander-in-chief! But you are all family members. I don't want you all to die with me! If you don't want to go, you can stay. If you want to, follow me! Everyone is a companion on the way to the netherworld

First of all, Xu Wei stood firmly beside Chen Xuanchu, and then the survivors of the 30 odd cavalry camp who had been guarding Luo Tianhan. They have been following Luo Tianhan for more than ten years. They are loyal to Luo Tianhan. When they heard that Chen Xuanchu was going to avenge Luo Tianhan, they naturally wanted to follow him.

Suddenly, Liu xuanran stood up with no tears in his hands. With Liu Wen's leadership, those soldiers in the infantry battalion who were still hesitating also stood behind Chen Xuanchu one after another. Of course, some people thought about staying in the same place again and again.

Li Yuanhe wanted to go when he was standing in Xuwei, but he was pulled by Luo Yan. Li Yuanhe turned his head and looked at Luo Yan with some doubts, but only saw that Luo Yan shook his head and bit his teeth against him. Then he gave up the idea of following Chen Xuanchu to revenge. However, Chen Xuanchu did not ridicule Li Yuanhe because of his decision. Instead, he paid homage to Li Yuanhe and said, "brother Li! Judging from the last words of the commander, brother Li should be an old friend of the commander-in-chief. I don't want brother Li to die. I just have one thing to ask for

Originally, Li Yuanhe was embarrassed that he could not go with Chen Xuanchu for revenge. Now when he heard Chen Xuanchu say this, he even gave him a fist and said, "Lord Chen! Please feel free to tell me what you want! I will try my best to be humble! "

The cold winter on Chen Xuanchu's face finally dissolved a little, but still kept his face serious. He said to Li Yuanhe, "I haven't had a family with Lao Xu, so there is no family to worry about. And Liu's family also died in the disaster. However, there is still a girl left under the commander-in-chief, who will stay in the capital. We have no other choice but to go. We hope that brother Li can take care of this daughter for the sake of his old friend! "Li Yuan and Zheng Rong said, "please don't worry, Mr. Chen and all of you! Li swore with his life that he would protect the daughter of the Lord of the city

Although it is less than a day since we met Li Yuanhe, Chen Xuanchu, Xu Wei, Liu Wen and others believe in the promise made by Li Yuanhe without reservation. Since he was so, he finally showed a smile to Chen Baoyuan! Then please Under the leadership of Chen Xuanchu, all of them paid a deep homage to Li Yuanhe, showing a sense of loneliness.

Li Yuanhe also knew that they were all determined to die, but he did not open his mouth to dissuade them. He only worshipped them deeply. Chen Xuanchu and others raised their bodies and looked at Li Yuanhe's actions, but they didn't say anything more. They raised their swords and waved them to the others behind them. They strode out with a meteor stride. Xu Wei and others had a total of 3400 people, all of whom were closely behind Chen Xuanchu. Xu Wei went to Li Yuanhe and looked at him closely and said, "I really want to have a good fight with you! But it seems that this wish can only be retained for the next life! " With that, Xu Wei also rushed toward the courtyard, but he didn't miss it at all.

After all the people had gone, Li Yuanhe slowly raised his body and turned his head to look at Luo Yan. The soldiers of the more than 100 infantry barracks who stayed in the courtyard also looked at each other with varying degrees of shame on their faces. Even if they had just behaved, they could not have been called cowards.

At this time, Luo Yan said, "OK! You all go to the head of the city! Even if you can't avenge the city Lord, you should keep this city! There are your families in the city! If the city gate is broken by the bandits, your family will suffer! Now hurry back to the city to fight. General Wang is commanding at the head of the city. You just have to obey the command of General Wang! By the way, you, you, the two of you stay here Luo Yan finally named two soldiers, and then let the other soldiers out.

Luo Yan instructs the two soldiers to put Luo Tianhan's body well. As for the corpses of other people, this Kung Fu can't be ignored. "We can't take a look at the thief's mind, let's go and see what happened to Li Chengtou." Li Yuanhe nodded and agreed, leaving only the two soldiers to guard Luo Tianhan's body. Then he and Luo Yan turned around and rushed to the north gate.

By the time of the north gate, the soldiers who stayed at the gate had disappeared. Most of them must have been taken out of the city by Chen Xuanchu. And outside the city, there were shouts and shouts of killing, and Li Yuanhe quickly ran to the head of the city. Just went to the head of the city, but saw Wang also led the bow and arrow camp and the infantry battalion of more than 100 people who had been sent to guard the city head, and the vanguard camp that had been left here was also gone. Needless to think, it must have been taken away by Xu Wei. Li Yuanhe walked to Wang Ye's side and looked out of the city. However, the scene of entering the destination made Li Yuanhe's blood boil.

Outside the city, there was still a square array of more than 10000 bandits gathered together, but among them, there was a black wave. The black tide was made up of hundreds of black Armored Cavalry. The first two cavalry, one with sword and the other with sword, were Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei. Naturally, the revenge team composed of soldiers from cavalry battalion, infantry battalion and vanguard battalion, who were armed with weapons and rode on horses, were constantly on the side of the bandits under the leadership of Chen Xuanchu and Xu Wei Fight back and forth in the array.

What moved Li Yuanhe most was that among these black armour soldiers, a white shadow loomed in them. It was the white old man Liu Wen. Now he has lost his usual gentle and elegant appearance. His silver hair is scattered and his face is stained with a lot of blood. He looks very embarrassed. However, Liu Wen doesn't mean to shrink back. He still holds his long sword high and keeps on rushing towards the front. But from his pale face, it could be seen that he could not support it for long, and seemed to fall down at any time.