In the next few days, Li Yuanhe was very busy. According to the will of today's majesty brought by Ouyang Ming, not only Wang was promoted, but also Luo Yan and Li Yuanhe were promoted. Wang was promoted to be a member of the Ministry of war and a member of the armed forces. This was an official position from the fifth grade. Wang was promoted from a humble general to a fifth grade official, and became Ouyang Ming's boss directly.

Luo Yan's original official position was the governor of Jingnan government, but he was an official of grade nine. This time, he was promoted to be a layman, and he was also a five grade official. Although the speed of promotion is not as fast as Wang Ye, it is great for Luo Yan, who has no background. Luo Yan is very satisfied with this.

As for Li Yuanhe, according to the will brought by Ouyang Ming, Li Yuanhe saw through the treacherous schemes of the bandits in the battle of guarding the city, and made great contributions. But because Li Yuanhe was only a private before, it was not easy to rise too high. Therefore, the promotion of Li Yuanhe to the vanguard Military Academy of Biancheng city protection is also an official post from the eighth grade. For Li Yuanhe, who has only been working for half a month, it is already very good.

In a word, according to the emperor's will, Li Yuanhe and other three people will all go to Biancheng, the capital of the late Qin state. Compared with Wang Yifeng's going home, Luo Yan and Li Yuanhe can only say that they are further involved in the struggle between the emperor and his son. Therefore, they do not know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, but in any case, they have no choice but to move forward.

After nearly half a month's preparation, after completing the handover, Li Yuanhe and other three finally set foot on the road to Biancheng. After walking out of the south gate, Li Yuanhe could not help turning his horse's head and looking at the place where he had lived for more than ten years. As early as a month ago, Li Yuanhe never thought that he would leave here as an officer. The world is hard to predict, but it is the same!

However, Li Yuanhe was not a sentimental person either. He glanced at the flying flag above the gate and firmly grasped the reins in his handshake. Even if he pulled the horse's head back and chased Wang Ye and others in front, he seemed to have no trace of memory. The bottom of my heart is secretly determined to leave this time, we must make a career in this vast world!

Li Yuanhe and others didn't bring many people to Biancheng this time. Li Yuanhe was a lonely family. Naturally, it was simple to come and go. All the servants that Luo Yan gave him were left in the small courtyard in Biancheng. Wang has been in Jingnan city for many years, but before he came to Jingnan City, Wang became a relative in Biancheng. It is said that he has a son and a daughter! It's just that Wang didn't bring his family all the time. As for the reason, of course, it was related to Wang Ye's mission. Wang also knew that he would return to Biancheng sooner or later, so he didn't have the trouble to bring his wife and children to Jingnan city. Although Luo Yan has family members in the southern part of Beijing, but he has no place to live in Bian city. He plans to come to Biancheng alone. He would like to find a place to settle down. After buying a house in Biancheng, he will pick up his wife and children.

But this time Li Yuanhe brought Cheng Hu and others. After all, he recruited them into the army in order to form his own team. This time, according to Wang Ye's explanation, Li Yuanhe's vanguard military academy, that is, Bian Cheng's garrison officer, can also have hundreds of subordinates. It should be no problem to insert Cheng Hu and others into the military academy. As for Cheng Hu and others, they are naturally and willing to go to the capital to serve as soldiers. Of course, their families are not brought with them, but stay in the southern city of Beijing.

However, Li Yuanhe had an eye on it. Chenghu and Qian Laojiu each had an adult son, both of whom were 17 years old. Li Yuanhe secretly explained that Chenghu and Qian Laojiu's son would slowly develop their influence in the southern city of Beijing. Li Yuanhe has a premonition that he will probably return to Jingnan city in the near future. At that time, maybe this force will give him a great help.

Of course, Li Yuanhe didn't intend to hide ouyangming from the ghost like man. Instead, he took an opportunity to give a hint to Ouyang Ming, which was also a confession of his loyalty to the third prince. In this way, it can't be said that Ouyang Ming will help them to some extent. After all, he and Ouyang Ming are comrades in arms on the same front.

"Brother Li! What's up? Are you not used to riding Wang also saw that Li Yuanhe was not easy to follow up, but still fell behind the team. He quickly turned around and walked side by side with Li Yuanhe. Wang is also a little strange. Li Yuanhe is so skillful that he can't ride a horse. If he hadn't grasped his time a few days ago and taught him well, he would have to walk to Biancheng now. Although Biancheng and jingnancheng are not far away, it will take at least one or two months to walk from the city to Biancheng.

Li Yuanhe raised his head, smiling at Wang and shaking his head to show that he had nothing to do with it. Although he has never ridden a horse before, Li Yuanhe has mastered the knack in just a few days. Although compared with the generals who grew up on horseback, his riding skills still need to be improved, but Li Yuanhe can still cope with the ordinary way.

To make sure that Li Yuanhe really had nothing to do, Wang also gave a bright smile and did not rush to the front. Instead, he and Li Yuanhe started talking and talking about things behind the team. After a while, even Luo Yan came along, and the three began to talk to each other, which diluted Li Yuanhe's feeling of leaving home.From Jingnan city to Bian City, it takes more than ten days to ride a horse like them. In any case, they were not in a hurry. According to the emperor's decree, they would be appointed in two months' time. Taking into account Ouyang Ming's coming to Beijing South City and one month's delay in it, even if it was a little later, it would be enough to catch up. In this way, people enjoy the scenery along the way, while slowly and leisurely toward Biancheng direction.

After walking for five days, I finally arrived at a small town along the way. Seeing the sky was almost the same, people who had been camping in the wild these days simply decided to spend the night in this small town. The official token of their current official posts was shown. Naturally, the city guards in this small town did not dare to stop Li Yuan and them. Instead, they respectfully invited them into the city and did not dare to neglect them.

This is no joke. Li Yuan and his party have two officials of five grades. I'm afraid the top officials in this small town are about nine grades. Even Li Yuan and the eight grade generals were higher than him. How dare these city guards stop them? They even assigned a city guard soldier to go to the highest officer of this small town to receive him.

Li Yuanhe and others are not in a hurry. According to Luo Yan's opinion, in this small town, of course, it is best to ask local officials to arrange their accommodation. Li Yuanhe didn't have any opinions on this point, and Wang also agreed with him. Just staying at the gate of the city caused some novelty among the people who came in and out. In particular, when I saw the soldiers guarding the city like wolves on weekdays, but now they are courting like grandsons one by one, I can't help but wonder secretly.

After a while, I saw a fat official running from the city. When I saw Wang Ye and others, I couldn't help but brighten my eyes. At present, he didn't care about the ugly appearance of sweating. He went to worship Wang Ye and others and said, "humble Xiong Gongming! He is the guard of Yucheng City! See you, gentlemen! Ladies and gentlemen, come to Yucheng! It's a great honor to be in a humble position! "

Seeing that the fat official was panting but still had to salute the crowd, Li Yuanhe and others couldn't help laughing. At last, Wang had seen the world, so he nodded and said with a smile: "don't be too polite, Mr. bear! I'm waiting to go to Biancheng to work. I'm passing by Yucheng. I just want to stay in Yucheng for one night. I'll leave tomorrow! "

Hearing that Wang said the same thing, Xiong Gongming could not help but feel relieved. He had just heard his report that the officials of the capital city had suddenly brought people and horses to Yucheng, but he was shocked. His official position in the city was originally obtained through a lot of contacts. In recent years, he could not have been as pure as water and greedy. As soon as I heard that a senior official came from the capital city, my first reaction was that I was afraid of catching him. Now I heard that he was going to take up his post. I was more or less relieved.

Immediately Xiong Gongming made a gesture of invitation to Wang Ye and others. However, he took a look at the people around him, but his heart leaped involuntarily. Fortunately, although Xiong Gongming was greedy, he still didn't bully the common people. Otherwise, if these people took advantage of the time just now, they would have been unable to bear it.

At the thought of this, Xiong Gongming was frightened. The sweat just wiped off his forehead began to come out again and again. More and more respectfully invited Wang Ye and others to go to the biggest restaurant in the city. They also took out a square scarf from the cuff and constantly wiped the sweat on their forehead.

Luo Yan took a look at the city guard and asked with a smile, "it seems that the bear is very hot? It's October now. How can you sweat so much? "

Xiong Gongming even bowed to Luo Yan, forced a smile and said, "that's very hot! The humble body is too fat, fat people can't stand the heat. ha-ha! ha-ha! My Lord, please! My Lord, please

Luo Yan has been in the officialdom for many years. When he was not under Luo Tianhan's command, Luo Yan had been an official in Jingnan city for many years. He had never seen anything. So Luo Yan can see at a glance what Xiong Gongming is thinking. However, it has nothing to do with him. Naturally, he will not go into trouble. Even if he laughs, he will follow Xiong Gongming's guidance and walk towards the city.