Starting from Yucheng City, Li Yuanhe continued to think about Biancheng in the southeast direction. After about two hours, Li Yuanhe remembered to help Kong Ling find Wang Ye and ask his uncle. Immediately, Li Yuanhe took Kong Ling and drove forward together. Seeing Wang Ye and Luo Yan in front of him, he laughed and called out: "brother Wang! Brother Luo! Just wait for my brother

Wang also and Luo Yan heard Li Yuanhe's shouts, and immediately turned their heads, ha ha, a smile. They were not surprised to see Li Yuan and Kong Ling beside him. When Li Yuan he and Kong Ling made a vow yesterday, they knew that they had not met Kong Ling formally. Immediately, Wang also said with a bold smile, "brother Li! Surely this is your new brother? "

Kong Ling also knew that his search for his uncle would fall on these two people. He did not dare to neglect him. He sat on his horse and bowed to them and said, "I'll give you Kongling. I'll see you two adults."

Luo Yan smiles and nods to Kong Ling. Wang also drives the horse forward, reaches out his hand and laughs and says, "brother Kong, don't be too polite! You are brother of brother Li, that is my brother Wang Ye! In the future, if there is any place where I can use Wang you, just open your mouth! As long as I can do it, I will try my best! "

"Ha ha ha ha! Brother Wang! That's what you said Li Yuanhe laughed a few times, then said to Wang: "don't say in the future, today my brother has something to ask for your help, brother Wang!"

"Oh?" Wang was surprised by Li Yuanhe's words. He looked at Li Yuanhe strangely, and immediately regained his original bright expression and said, "ha ha ha ha! Good you and Li Yuan! It's waiting for me here! ok Since I have already said the big words, there is no reason to regret, say it! What can I do for you? "

Of course, Li Yuanhe also knew that Wang had just made a joke. He would never have thought about himself and Kong Ling because of this. Even if he told Wang about Kong Ling's uncle's affairs. After hearing this, Wang frowned and said in some embarrassment: "Bian Cheng's official positions have changed too frequently in recent years. Although we know that the uncle of the Kong brothers once served as the young minister of Honglu temple, it does not mean that he is now working in Honglu temple! Especially last year, because of the frequent diplomacy between the post Qin State and the other six countries in the south, Honglu temple is specially responsible for diplomacy. I have heard that several officials of Honglu temple were dismissed by his majesty because they did not do a good job, and one of them was accused! "

Hearing Wang also said that, he was worried about Kong Ling, but not only for his own future life problems. After all, it was his uncle. If something really happened, he would be worried. Kong Ling quickly said to Wang, "my uncle's name is Kong De! Don't know if Lord Wang knows his whereabouts? "

"Conde?" But he didn't think that Kong Ling just said his uncle's name, so Wang also widened his eyes and looked at Kong De closely, "do you mean your uncle is Kong De? Your uncle is Conde? Oh, my God! Is Conde your uncle? "

Wang also asked three questions in a row, but he scared Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling. Is it possible that Kong De was the enemy of the third prince? This is what Li Yuanhe is worried about. However, Kong Ling was worried that he knew from Wang Ye that the official who had been charged was Kong De, and he looked at Wang Ye nervously, even though he could not help but sweat from his forehead.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" How to know, Wang also suddenly burst into laughter, which made Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling startled again. Wang also pointed to Kong Ling and said, "but I didn't expect that you are Uncle Kong's genius nephew! You know, we, the dandies of Bian City, have been obsessed with you for a long time

Hearing that Wang said so, Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling finally settled their hearts. In this way, Kong De should have a good relationship with Wang, at least not the political enemy of the third prince. However, Kong Ling's face was flushed by Wang Ye's genius. His uncle valued him since he was a child, but he didn't expect that he would praise him so much in front of the children of aristocratic families.

After listening to Wang Ye's introduction, Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling were completely relieved. It turned out that Kong De had been appointed as Shao Qing of Honglu Temple several years ago. However, Kong De's talent is also famous in the whole Bian City, and even several Biancheng aristocratic families have invited Kong De to be their offspring's teacher. Wang was one of them. Today, Kong De is also a prosperous official. Now he is a middle secretary and a full-fledged official.

Li Yuanhe didn't expect Kong Ling's uncle to be such a big official. After Bian Cheng, Kong Ling must have an official post under his uncle's arrangement. This is a great help to Li Yuanhe! As a result of such a relationship, Wang also became more and more intimate with Kong Ling. The four men thus drove their horses forward and talked and laughed.

Before long, Ma Er Ma, who was exploring the way in front of him, suddenly drove his horse back in a hurry. Li Yuanhe, who found Ma Er pockmarked from afar, could not help but feel tight. Ma'er pockmarked horse and came to Li Yuanhe's side. He first saluted Wang Ye and others, and then he attached it to Li Yuanhe's ear and whispered, "my Lord! There seems to be a situation ahead! It seems that someone has laid an ambush in front of the mountain pass! "Li Yuanhe couldn't help but change his face. Ma er pockmarked son was a hunter in the mountainous area outside the capital city, so Li Yuanhe sent him to be a scout. So after hearing Ma Er Ma Ma's remark, Li Yuanhe didn't have any doubt. He immediately said to Wang, "brother Wang! There's a situation! Stop now

After the last battle of defending the city, Wang also trusted Li Yuanhe's talent very much, and he didn't ask Li Yuanhe's reason. Even if he waved and ordered, the whole team immediately stopped moving forward. Wang Ye, Luo Yan and Kong Ling looked at Li Yuanhe with doubts on their faces. Li Yuanhe immediately repeated ma er pockmarked's words, and then said to Wang Ye and others, "brother Wang! Just wait here, and I'll go and find out for myself! " With that, Li Yuanhe pulled the horse's head, clamped his legs, and drove to the front with Ma Er Ma Zi.

Under the guidance of Ma Er Ma Zi, Li Yuan he came to a small hillside about two Li ahead. He dismounted according to Ma Er Ma's words and climbed up the slope carefully. Lying on the top of the hillside, slowly stretched out his head and looked ahead. There was a big canyon ahead, and the way their team was going to go was right through the middle of the canyon.

"My Lord!" At this time, ma er pockmarked from Li Yuanhe's back, pointed to the canyon in front of him and said quietly, "this is the canyon in front of me. I feel something is wrong with me."

Li Yuanhe also nodded. Now he is no longer a fledgling boy. After that battle, he felt that the skills he had learned from the old man was absolutely not simple. What's more, Luo Tianhan's behavior before he died. He guessed that the old man who raised himself was not as simple as a vagrant old man. Therefore, during this period of time, Li Yuanhe spent a lot of time studying his life with the old man, but he benefited a lot.

At this time, he could also vaguely feel that the canyon in front of him was full of the spirit of killing. Moreover, Li Yuanhe analyzed the terrain of the canyon. If there were ambush troops on the mountains on both sides of the canyon after their team entered the canyon, they would surely be wiped out. Thinking of this, Li Yuanhe could not help but get a cold sweat. At the moment, he said to ma er pockmarked horse behind him: "go back and let Lord Wang prepare. We may encounter the enemy."

"No!" Ma'er pockmarked his fist at Li Yuanhe, and immediately climbed down the hillside, and then rode on his horse and ran to and from the road. But Li Yuanhe also slowly climbed back to the side of the mount, pulled out his Zhangba spear from the saddle of the horse, tied the reins of the horse, and then carefully climbed into the woods beside the hillside. It was just Li Yuanhe's guess before. It would be extremely inappropriate for the whole team to make a detour based on this conjecture. Therefore, Li Yuanhe must really confirm it.

Fortunately, the woods beside the hillside spread to the canyon. Li Yuanhe grew up in the forest outside the city of Jingnan. He was also very experienced in walking through the woods. In a short time, he had already reached the foot of the mountain behind the canyon. Li Yuanhe and one of them climbed up a big tree and looked up under the cover of branches and leaves. However, Li Yuanhe was surprised.

Just looked from the front, the mountains on both sides of the canyon are green and green, and can't see anything. However, from the back, the mountains on both sides of the canyon were crowded with people. Roughly estimated, there were at least 500 people. However, Li Yuan and his team were only a few dozen people. With the terrain of the canyon, I was afraid that they could not get out.

All of a sudden, Li Yuanhe seemed to hear some sound coming from his lower part. Even though his whole body was lying on the tree trunk, he did not dare to make a sound. At the same time, he pricked up his ears, listened carefully to the voice below, and looked down through the cracks in the leaves, but saw two soldiers in black armor.

Maybe the other party didn't think that there was someone above him, and the voice of his voice was not lowered. One of them said, "big brother! Is there really no problem for us to come here this time? I heard that the other party is one of them. He is a direct descendant of the Wang family! If we let the Wangs know, we will not be able to bear the burden! "