Only two people in the city gate so consumed up, at the beginning, two people can maintain the normal color. But before long, no matter Li Yuanhe or Wang Qiong, their faces were flushed, and the blue veins on their foreheads began to beat incessantly. Although both of them were clenching their lips, it could be seen from their cheeks that both of them were now clenching their teeth. The sweat had already started to flow down from their foreheads, and even their bodies began to tremble because of excessive force. However, the four arms they were fighting with were as cast iron, and there was no movement.

Seeing that this time is one minute and one second past, the two people still did not distinguish a high and low, Wang also looked like this to go on is not the way, is ha ha a smile, stepped forward to pat two people on the shoulder and said: "OK! okay! Enough is enough! A lot of people will come later! It's not good for you to keep on doing this! "

Li Yuanhe and Wang Qiong looked at Wang Ye at the same time and looked at each other again. At the same time, they released their hands. Wang Qiong suddenly laughed and said to Li Yuan and his hands, "brother Li is really good! I admire you Originally, when I received Wang Ye's letter, I saw that Wang also praised Li Yuanhe's skills many times. Wang Qiong, who was always keen on winning, began to compare with him. Therefore, she and Li Yuanhe came to this competition.

"You are welcome, brother Wang." Li Yuanhe also held his fist at Wang Qiong, showing great sympathy for each other. "If brother Wang looks up to me, we might as well have a serious exchange some other day." Li Yuanhe also saw hunting heart. He had been out of the mountain for so long, but he had not competed with a real master. Wang Qiong in front of him was as powerful as himself. If he wanted to be the son of a general, his martial arts would not be worse. A formal competition with Wang Qiong can also make Li Yuanhe know how much weight his gun technique has in the army.

Li Yuanhe's proposal was overjoyed by Wang Qiong, who was addicted to martial arts, and quickly nodded his head. At this time, Wang also made a voice to remind Wang Qiong: "five younger brothers, quickly pull away your men and horses! Someone is coming With that, he pointed to the direction of the city. Sure enough, the sound of horses' hooves came from the city, but it was not much smaller than Wang Qiong's posture just now.

Wang Qiong quickly scattered the hundreds of soldiers he had brought, which could help the city guards maintain order, push the people around, and open a lot of space between the coffin and the city gate. After a while, I saw dozens of horses galloping out of the city. All of them were wearing black armor, not like ordinary soldiers' armor. They were obviously armor that senior generals could equip.

Directly these black armour generals ran to the gate of the city, and at the same time pulled their own mounts. The front hooves of the horses raised high and made a hissing sound. Waiting for the mount to stand firm, those black armor generals Qi Qi put their eyes on the coffin of Luo Tianhan in front of him, all of them were in a daze. At this time, Li Yuanhe's Wang also introduced to Li Yuanhe and others in a low voice: "these people are the great generals left behind in Bian city. They were all subordinates of general Luo at that time, but they did not follow Luo's army to Jingnan city like Lao Chen and Lao Xu. However, they should be powerful generals in Bian city now!"

Li Yuanhe nodded, but he looked at the black armored generals in silence. After a long time, they seemed to have regained their senses. They almost rolled over and dismounted at the same time. The movement was neat and uniform, as if they had been trained a thousand times. After getting off the horse, they took off their helmets one after another, showing a resolute face, but if you look closely, you will find that each of them has a trace of ruddy eyes.

"Marshal!" The head of a bearded general called out, but his voice with a trace of choking, "Marshal! Here we are With that, he took three steps toward the coffin, and knelt down directly in front of the coffin, as if Luo Tianhan was standing in front of them instead of the coffin in front of him.

"Marshal! Here we are The generals behind him, like the bearded generals, took three steps and knelt on one knee. Then, dozens of generals put their helmets aside at the same time, clasped hands and worshipped the coffin. Then he knelt down on his knees again and made a heavy knock on the ground, which made the ground thump.

Seeing this scene, Li Yuanhe felt that his nose was a little sour, so he could not help but turn away. Now he also understood why those princes had to deal with Luo Tianhan. Luo Tianhan had such high prestige in the army, but he could not be used by them. That would be their greatest threat at any time.

However, the means of these princes are also different. The third prince only sent the king to Luo Tianhan to dig the corner of Luo Tianhan, but the second prince sent assassins to kill Luo Tianhan. One of the reasons why Li Yuanhe was willing to turn to the third prince after Li Yuanhe was able to see their personalities.

When Li Yuanhe was still thinking about things, Wang Ye's voice suddenly rang out in his ear: "brother Li! Look! Here comes another one

Listening to Wang Ye's warning, Li Yuanhe raised his head, but saw another ride coming from the city. This ride was different from the previous two groups of people and horses, but there was only one horse and one man. Moreover, the man on the horse was wearing silver and white armor, and his figure was very thin, which was greatly different from Wang Qiong and the dozens of black armored generals. However, to Li Yuanhe's surprise, the dozens of black armored generals who were still kneeling in front of the coffin showed a look of respect when they looked back at the Silver Knight. They all got up one after another and pulled their horses apart to make way for the Silver Knight.When the silver knight ran to the gate of the city, he grabbed his mount like those black generals. Li Yuanhe could see from the slender figure of the Silver Knight and the long hair flowing from the back of his helmet that the Silver Knight was actually a woman!

The bearded general, who had taken the lead before, came to the female knight who was staring at the coffin in a daze. He helped the female knight to hold the reins of his horse and said with sadness on his face, "miss! Commander in front of you

However, the female Knight did not seem to have heard what bearded said. After standing for a while, she suddenly pulled the reins with both hands, shook off the bearded general's hand, turned her horse's head, and ran quickly towards the city. Instead of showing any sign of anger, the general with a big beard who was thrown away sighed a long time, shook his head, and went back to his companions.

Li Yuanhe saw something strange. He turned his head and asked Wang: "brother Wang, who is this woman?"

Wang was staring at the back of the knight, but he frowned and shook his head, indicating that he did not know. But Wang Qiong, on the other side of Wang Ye, said: "the second elder brother doesn't remember her. No wonder she was a girl when he left Bian city. Now she has changed since the 18th anniversary of the women's University! She is the only daughter of general Luo, Luo Yanran! "

"What? Is she xiaoyanran Wang is also obviously very surprised, almost did not cry out, "I remember that xiaoyanran is only 15 years old this year, right? How can you look like a girl in her twenties! What's more, she used to be such a quiet little girl, but now she's like this? Is it impossible? "

Li Yuanhe, on the other side, was also very surprised, because he also remembered Chen Xuanchu's instructions before his death. Was it not for him to take good care of Luo Tianhan's daughter? It seems that this is Luo Yanran, but he is a little strange to Luo Yanran's behavior. He can't help but ask: "since he is the daughter of general Luo Da, why don't you come forward to worship your father?"

Wang Qiong's face was a little embarrassed, but he was a young man talking about a young woman behind his back. He was really embarrassed. However, Wang Ye and Li Yuanhe asked questions, and he only said in a low voice: "she is indeed the daughter of general Luo da. However, over the years, Luo Da's army has left her in Bian City, and no one has disciplined her. With the grace of his majesty today, she has become a bully in Bian city. As for the reason why she didn't pay homage to general Luo, it seems that there seems to be a great contradiction between their father and daughter, but I don't know exactly what it is for

Just as Li Yuanhe and others were still talking about it, the officer of the city guard had already brought many soldiers with him. First, he worshipped Luo Tianhan's coffin, and then the soldiers under his command began to take over those subordinates of Wang Qiong to maintain order around him. Wang Qiong was not polite and directly called back his subordinates. However, Li Yuanhe could see that the officer of the city guard didn't seem to be dealing with the Wang brothers. It seemed that he was in the camp of other princes, but he didn't know it was the prince's subordinate.

After a while, another group of men and horses came from the city. This time, Wang Ye and Wang Qiong's two brothers saw that their eyes brightened. They saw a group of cavalry coming to the city. The leaders were not wearing armor, but wearing robes. In particular, the leader, who looked to be twenty-five or six years old, sat down on a snow-white horse, dressed in a yellow robe, sword eyebrows and stars, and his hair was neatly combed. He tied a bun on his head, but pinned on the front of the bun clip, there was a pearl the size of a goose egg!

And behind him, there are old and young, literate and martial arts, all of them are heroes. When they came to the gate of the city, they first took a look at Wang Ye. Li Yuanhe clearly saw that there was a smile in their eyes. Then, led by the leading man, they turned over and dismounted and went directly to Luo Tianhan's coffin. They knelt down and worshipped three times. Then they stood up and gave a fist to dozens of black armored generals who were sad. The dozens of black armour generals also bowed down to salute one after another, and said, "I will see the third prince at the end of the day!"