Just when the eldest prince won was in a dilemma, there was a rapid sound of horse's hooves coming from the city. All of them could not help turning their heads. A horse was coming towards the gate of the city. However, the one who came this time was not the same as the previous times. This time, he was pale on the horse and wore a long coat. At a glance, he could see that he was a middle-aged scholar in his forties.

Win is to see the scholar's appearance, immediately show joy, and win really is a face with a trace of regret. Wang Qiong, who is next to Wang Ye, quietly introduces Wang Ye and others. This middle-aged scholar is no other than he ye, the chief think-tank of the great prince's family. He was very clever and had great talent. In those years, the great prince had saved his life, so he was loyal to him. It is because of where ye is that the eldest prince has not been engaged by other princes these years.

He Ye originally went to the great prince's house to discuss business according to the usual practice. However, when he arrived at the house, he Ye was in a daze. He learned from the guard that he had gone to the third prince with his men and horses. But he Ye was very frightened. Originally, when they failed in the ambush last time, they suffered a dumb loss. Now they go to the other party to settle accounts. Isn't that self humiliating? In addition to the fiery temper of the eldest prince, if this matter is caused to his majesty today, the only one who suffers is the prince himself!

Therefore, he ye came here in a hurry. Seeing the tense atmosphere at the gate of the city from a distance, he ye knew that it was not good. When he got to the nearest place, he found that only the third prince was there. He was relieved. Before he arrived at the prince, he Ye's eyes turned and he began to think about it. He yelled: "Your Highness! Your highness! Got it! Got it

He Ye's words are that he ye can't feel his head to win. He Ye immediately said: "Your Highness! The gang who attacked yuan's bodyguard some time ago has been caught! " With that, he pulled the reins and stopped at a distance of dozens of steps away from win. He quickly turned over and dismounted and walked towards the victory with great strides.

Win is not a fool, though he has a bad temper. He immediately understands what he Ye means. Although he doesn't know what he Ye's intention is, he still vaguely says, "is it? Got it

He ye, however, seemed to be very excited, and said, "yes! Your highness! General Qian caught the bandits from the city of Yu. It turned out that those who attacked yuan's bodyguards were a group of bandits around the city! Under the name of General Wang Ye, he is a disaster around the city of Henan! General Qian beat up all these bandits around Yucheng a few days ago. This information has just been sent this morning! " He Ye has been winning for many years. Although he has not heard of the reasons why it is difficult to win before, he thinks it over and knows that winning is definitely a matter of turning black and white. So I quickly came up with an excuse to win.

For the wisdom of his chief think tank, winning is always convincing, even if he Ye's words, pretend to be suddenly enlightened. On the other side, Ying Zhen looked at the poor performance and sneered in his heart from time to time. However, he also knew that it was not the time for him to turn his back on winning. He also put on a smiling face and said, "right! I said it was a misunderstanding! Those bandits are really hateful! The bandits must be punished severely this time

Win is also to see good, when even a brush sleeve, cold hum, then directly turn back. And win is the side of Yuan broken is ruthlessly toward Wang also stare at, Wang also of course will not be afraid of him, just smile at him, his face is very proud. When Yuan Po saw Wang Ye's appearance, he didn't feel angry. He wanted to pull out his long sword and fight with Wang Ye. However, he Ye stopped him. When he saw that Ying had left with his subordinates, he had to put down his sword and chase after Ying. The rest of he Ye bowed to Yingzhen and left on his mount.

Ying Zhen could not help but show a regretful expression on his face, shook his head and sighed: "what a pity! It is true that they are casting pearls and pearls in secret! " Although Yingzhen's words are endless, people still guess that what Yingzhen said is he Ye. Although Li Yuanhe and others only saw he ye for the first time, they also saw he Ye's quick witted, worthy of being a talent.

"All right! Prepare yourself. Your majesty will come soon, I think After all, if you really want to win with him, he will have a headache. Then he ordered Wang Ye and others to turn around and walk toward the dozens of black armored generals. If he just won, he would offend them. This is also a great opportunity for Yingzhen to show his favor to them. Although these black armour generals are all big and crude, they occupy a lot of positions in the army of the post Qin state!

As for Li Yuanhe and others, there is nothing to do next. The arrangements ordered by Ying Zhen will be done by those soldiers brought by Yingzhen and Wang Qiong. At this time, Wang also took advantage of Li Yuanhe and others to come to the old general whom Wang had just saluted, and said respectfully to the old general: "uncle! Brother Luo and brother Li are the talents that my nephew recognized in the south of Beijing. My uncle will take good care of my nephew in the future. "

As soon as the old general's eyes brightened, what Wang had said to Yingzhen could be understood as polite words, but now he has specially pulled two people to recommend him in front of him, which shows that they are really capable. The veteran immediately showed a kind smile and said to Li Yuanhe and Luo Yan: "ha ha ha ha! It's true that talented people come from all walks of life! The two young friends have such talents at a young age. They are really the blessing of the state of Qin after me! "Although Li Yuanhe, Luo Yan and others don't know the identity of the veteran, seeing what Wang Ye and Wang Qiong call the old general, they know that the old general must be a very important person in the Wang family of Bian Cheng. Moreover, he was able to follow Ying Zhen's side, and he thought that his position in the army of the post Qin state would not be low. He was busy worshiping the old general at the same time and saying, "the old general is praising me wrongly."

The old general laughed and said, "my husband, Wang Yang, is now the Secretary of the Ministry of war. Since the two young friends are commensurate with my nephew's brother, they usually call me uncle with my nephew! I just don't know if I have that blessing! " Said eyes a squint, and began to laugh, but in the squinted eyes, extremely secretive shot a fine light, a flash that did not.

Li Yuanhe and Luo Yan were shocked, but they didn't notice the essence in Wang Yang's eyes. Wang Yang, isn't that the owner of the Wang family in Biancheng? I didn't expect that the old general was the leader of the Wang family. Compared with the identity of the king's family leader, the position of secretary of the Ministry of war was really nothing! Stunned for a long time, the two hands clasped fists and worshipped Wang Yang again. However, this time, Wang Yang was called Uncle Wang according to Wang Yang's words.

Wang is also on the side, but his face is happy. Although this is just a simple address, it also contains a lot of knowledge. Although the royal family of Biancheng has clearly followed the third prince's line, there are many factions in the front of the third prince. Even if Wang had been away from Biancheng for so many years, he knew the relationship between them, so he grasped the talents of Li Yuanhe and Luo Yan. He not only hoped that they could be used by the third prince, but also could be used by the Wang family!

Biancheng Wang family, as a great family of the post Qin Dynasty, has a long-term vision than ordinary people. At present, although the third prince they support is not yet in the top position, they have to prepare for the future. Although the royal family and other forces supporting the third prince must work together for the sake of the third prince, after the third prince becomes the emperor, the royal family will probably start a new round of struggle for power and profits with these forces. It is always a good thing to have a few more talents in hand, whether it is for the sake of fighting with several other princes at present, or fighting with our comrades in arms in the future.

At this time, Kong De, who was inquiring about Kong Ling, came over with a bright face. Before today, Kong De and Wang family were just comrades in arms in the same trench. Now, with the relationship between Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling, there is an opportunity to form an alliance between Kong De and Wang family. This is a win-win situation. Both Kong De and Wang family hope to achieve it.

Kong De also learned some information about Li Yuanhe from Kong Ling. He was also very interested in Li Yuanhe. However, it is not the time to talk to Li Yuanhe. Kong De is also a wise man. Taking advantage of this, he came to discuss the relationship between the two families with Wang Yang. Even when he arched his hands toward Wang Yang, he said, "Lord Wang! I have something to discuss with Lord Wang. Is it convenient for you? "

Wang Yang was also an old oilseed in the officialdom. How could he not understand the meaning of Kong De and immediately said with a smile: "convenient! Certainly convenient! Mr. Kong, please Then he waved his hand to Kong De and went to a turret near the city gate with Kong de. several guards around Wang Yang soon formed a circle around Wang Yang and Kong De, so that the two old foxes could talk in secret.

As for the other civil and military generals around Ying Zhen, their faces are also a little uneasy at this time. If the Wang family and the Kong family join hands, it may not matter to Yingzhen, but for them, it is not necessarily good news. But for this matter, they have no excuse to oppose it. They can only watch them form an alliance.