Just when Zhou Fankou was really plotting to win, in the corner of the hall, Kong Ling turned his head again and asked Li Yuanhe, "big brother! Who is better than Wang Lei

Li Yuanhe looked at the expression on Kong Ling's face carefully, but he didn't understand why Kong Ling asked this question, but he still replied: "among the Wang family's children, only Wang Qiong's skill can compete with me. Other people are not my opponents. However, Wang Lei, as the real successor of the Wang family, should be good at arranging troops. Even if he is not as good as me, it doesn't matter much. "

"You may as well do it! Do as you please However, Kong Ling waved his hand and said, "I'm the one who arranges the troops! As long as you are better than them With that, Kong Ling immediately took out a small piece of paper from his arms and wrote a few lines of small characters on the small paper with the ink prepared on the tea table in front of him.

However, those words were too small for Li Yuanhe to look at, so he didn't know what Kong Ling wrote. I can see that Kong Ling Long Fei Feng danced on the small piece of paper, picked up the small piece of paper and dried the ink on it. Then he carefully rolled up the paper. Then he waved to a bodyguard behind him.

It can be noticed that Li Yuan and Li Yuan are sitting in the back of the hall, but they are not. When the guard saw Kong Ling waving his hand, he immediately went forward to salute. Kong Ling motioned to the guard to lower his head and whispered a few words in his ear. Then he handed the note to him.

After receiving the note, the bodyguard looked more respectful. He paid homage to Kong Ling and went back directly. But Li Yuanhe in the side is seeing a head of misty water, completely do not understand what Kong Ling does again. At this time, Kong Ling turned to Li Yuanhe with a mysterious smile and said, "big brother! If you were to be a vanguard general and go to attack Dachang, would you have this confidence? "

Vanguard general? Li Yuanhe was stunned, but he never thought about it. But looking at Kong Ling's expression, he seemed not to be joking. Li Yuanhe immediately said to Kong Ling with a dignified expression: "second brother! Is that true? Don't be kidding. How can I be a vanguard general? "

Kong Ling said with a smile: "of course, you can see, uncle and Uncle Wang will help you!" With that, Kong Ling quietly pointed to Wang Yang and Kong De, who were sitting in danger above. Li Yuanhe looked along the direction of Kong Ling's fingers, and saw the bodyguard who had just received the note. At this time, he went around in a circle and came behind Wang Yang and Kong De, and handed the note to Kong De.

Kong De first opened the note with a puzzled face, but after reading the contents of the note, he showed a smile, and then handed the note to Wang Yang. After reading the note, Wang Yang's face first showed a trace of surprise. Then he looked at Kong De, and then he laughed.

Wang Yang and Kong De can't compare with Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling. They are sitting at the top of the hall and watching their every move in the eyes of those below. Seeing their actions, everyone guessed secretly, but they didn't know who wrote the note that made Wang Yang and Kong De laugh so happily.

At this time, Li Yuanhe was already surprised. Now he knew what Kong Ling's little note wrote. It was nothing more than to let Wang Yang and Kong De support themselves to become the vanguard generals of the southern expedition. However, Li Yuanhe was surprised by the two people's reaction. Kong De said that there was no conflict of interests. In Kong Ling's face, he might agree. But isn't Wang Lei, Wang Yang's son, also a pioneer general? How could he agree to help Li Yuanhe compete with his son for the position of vanguard general?

Kong Ling seemed to see through Li Yuanhe's worries. He laughed and said, "brother, I think too much! That Wang Lei just can't see Zhou fan, and then he will take the initiative to ask for it. In such a level of battle, the Wang family just despises it! What's more, Wang Lei, as the successor of the Wang family, can succeed even if he doesn't have any military merits. Why should he take risks in the battlefield? "

Li Yuanhe understood the meaning of Kong Ling. The state of Qin had to be stronger than Dachang, not to mention that the battle only needed to recapture the territory occupied by the Dachang army. It was easy. Even without Li Yuanhe, the Wang family would not let Wang Lei be the vanguard general. Now Li Yuanhe is the link between the Wang family and the Kong family. It is not a bad thing to send Li Yuan and this military achievement. However, Li Yuanhe couldn't figure out why Kong Ling suddenly thought of letting himself compete for the vanguard general.

Kong Ling seemed to see Li Yuan and the concerns in his heart, and suddenly said with a straight face: "big brother! Now you have no foundation in Biancheng. Isn't your original ambition to make a career in this troubled time? Without foundation, you will accomplish nothing! Therefore, what you need to do now is to improve your reputation as soon as possible. This southern expedition is an excellent opportunity! If we can fight this battle well, the reputation of the elder brother will rise. Naturally, many talents will turn to him, and he will be able to stand firm in Bian city! "

Listening to Kong Ling's explanation, Li Yuanhe felt moved. Kong Ling and himself forged a golden orchid. In the end, he was clever. However, Kong Ling was not only indifferent to him, but sincerely treated him. With such a brother, Li Yuanhe could not worry about the failure of a great deal! Immediately, Li Yuanhe, full of confidence in his heart, nodded to Kong Ling and stood up.Under the gaze of Kong Ling and the officials around him, Li Yuanhe walked to the center of the hall with a big stride, facing Yingzhen, who was directly in front of him, and said with both hands: "Your Highness! I'm not a talented person. I'm willing to be the pioneer of this southern expedition! Clear Nanman! For your highness

In the hall, many people have seen Li Yuanhe, but few really know him. Many officials even ask each other about Li Yuanhe's identity. But win really see Li Yuanhe unexpectedly come out to fight, also can't help but be stunned. For Li Yuanhe, Ying Zhen had great expectations at the beginning, but he didn't expect that the emperor changed Li Yuanhe's official position from the vanguard camp military academy to the chief bodyguard of his family. This virtually cut off Li Yuanhe's military power. Without military power, Ying Zhen's interest in Li Yuanhe was reduced by more than half. Since then, Yan tiechun has challenged Li Yuanhe several times. Li Yuanhe has adopted the attitude of avoiding war instead of fighting, which makes Yingzhen more or less doubt about his skills, so he does not attach so much importance to Li Yuanhe. If Li Yuanhe was not concerned about his relationship with the Kong family and the Wang family, I was afraid that Li Yuanhe would not be allowed to attend the meeting.

Just when Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling were talking, Ying Zhen was already discussing with Zhou fan. This time, Yan tiechun and Wang Lei were the two candidates for vanguard general. However, they didn't expect that there was one more to fight. Seeing Li Yuanhe's plea for war, Ying Zhen can't help but take a look at Wang Yang and Kong De, who are sitting next to Zhou fan.

Of course, Ying Zhen knows the contradiction between the Wang family, the Kong family and Zhou fan. However, as a king's mind skill practiced since childhood, Ying Zhen deliberately chose to ignore it. It's a good thing that one's subordinates are divided into several factions and fight with each other openly and secretly, as long as they don't fight too much. If he can really ascend the throne if he wins one day, then all these people have the merit of following the dragon, and they should be rewarded heavily! If they still screw together at that time, it will be troublesome for us to win!

However, the situation in front of him made Ying Zhen have some headache. When Ying Zhen turned to look at Wang Yang and Kong De, Kong De suddenly got up and said, "Your Highness! Li Shiwei is very skillful and knows the art of war! He is a general! Although the southern expedition is easy, we can't afford to lose it. Li Shiwei is worthy of this responsibility! "

When Kong De said this, he clearly wanted to support Li Yuan and be the vanguard general, which made the civil and military officials sitting below look at Li Yuan and the strange general in surprise. Even some people began to wonder why old man Kong, who has always been impartial, should spare no effort to support a small bodyguard this time?

At this time, Zhou fan frowned. This time, he did not focus on the issue of sending vanguard generals. But Yan tiechun is his man. Naturally, he hopes that the credit can be attributed to himself. As he and Yingzhen discussed, according to his idea, Yan tiechun and Wang Lei will compete for the vanguard general. Although Wang Lei is Wang Yang's son, he is much worse than Yan tiechun in terms of skills. Even if he is in the platoon and arraying, and Zhou fan is behind him, he is not afraid of Wang Lei. In the end, the title of the vanguard general still falls on Yan tiechun's head, but unexpectedly there is an extra Li Yuanhe out of thin air.

Zhou fan still knows something about Li Yuanhe. Zhou fan also carefully read the situation of the first World War in Jingnan city. However, the war was written by Wang Ye. Although there were many praise words about Li Yuanhe, Zhou fan didn't believe it. Only a general with rich combat experience can have that kind of keen insight to see through the strategies of the traitors. However, Li Yuanhe was born in a humble age. The first battle of Jingnan city was the first battle in his life. Moreover, he was so young that he could not have that insight. Therefore, in Zhou fan's opinion, Li Yuanhe's ability to see through the enemy's treacherous tactics is entirely due to luck.

As for Li Yuanhe's skill, it's also because Wang Ye's own skill is not so good, so Wang also praised Li Yuanhe's skill, also let Zhou fan seem to have a lot of water. Before that, Yan tiechun had asked Li Yuanhe to challenge him many times under the instruction of Zhou fan, but all of them were rejected by Li Yuanhe. In Zhou fan's opinion, this is Li Yuanhe's weakness because he knows that his martial arts are inferior to Yan tiechun.