In the spring of the 16th year of the founding of the late Qin state, as the three southern countries adjacent to the latter Qin state, the states of Dazhou, Yan and Dachang formed an alliance with Shu in the southwest. First of all, Zeng Qing, the king of the state of Da Zhou, who was a subsidiary of the state of post Qin, declared that the state would no longer be a subsidiary state of the latter Qin state, and expelled the envoys of the latter Qin state from the capital of the state. As soon as this announcement was announced, it immediately caused a great disturbance in the world. After seeing this announcement, those people of insight realized that the south, which had been silent for so long, was finally about to start war again.

Then, Shu, Dazhou, Yan and Dachang simultaneously declared that he was a traitor of the great Qin Empire, who betrayed the great Qin Empire 16 years ago and gave up the capital to other people outside the Great Wall. He was a traitor of the great Qin Empire, and he should confess his guilt. At the same time, the states of Dazhou, Yan and Dachang sent troops to invade the border of Qin.

In a short period of one month, the state of Dazhou occupied three cities of the state of post Qin. The state of Yan took one city, while the state of Dachang took eight. Although the territory of the post Qin state is vast, but under the lightning attack of the Three Kingdoms, it is still impossible to defend. The border guards of the post Qin state were beaten and retreated.

This military information was soon transmitted to Biancheng, the capital of the state of Qin. After learning about the military situation, Ying Yan, the king of the state of Qin, was furious. He sent a large army of 20000 to fight back the army of the state of Zhou. He sent Yingzhen, the third prince, to fight back the army of Dachang, and the fourth prince to defeat the army of Yan!

After a month's preparation, the third army has already left for Biancheng. After six years of silence, the army of the state of Qin once again shows the world that the state of Qin is still the first of the seven countries in the south! As the Third Prince of Dachang state, Ying Zhen sent his general Li Yuanhe to lead the vanguard army of 3000 to open the road ahead of the eight cities occupied by Dachang state.

After starting from Biancheng, Li Yuanhe, with 3000 vanguard troops, marched toward the first target of Tiancheng. In fact, Yantian city is not a big city in the whole territory of the post Qin state, but it is a gateway in the south of the post Qin state. Dachang state occupies Yantian City, so you can enter Biancheng, the capital of the late Qin state, at any time. Therefore, the first goal of the southern expedition was to perform Tiancheng!

On the tenth day of their departure, the 3000 vanguard army arrived about 30 miles away from Yantian city. Li Yuanhe also issued an order to set up camp here. After a night's rest, he will go directly to the performing city tomorrow. After dinner, Li Yuanhe summoned several officers from the army to discuss the matter.

In the camp tent, Li Yuanhe and other officers are discussing the plan to attack Yan Tiancheng tomorrow. It is Li Yuanhe's brother Kong Ling who is speaking at this time. Kong Ling was staring at the map of Yantian City, which was hanging in front of the big tent. He frowned and said, "Yantian city is built between two mountains. It can be said that it is a natural defensive fortress. If it had not been for the surprise attack of Dachang state and the spies inside and outside the city, no matter how many troops of Dachang state, it would not have been possible to capture Yantian city! "

Listening to Kong Ling's explanation, Li Yuanhe frowned and looked at the map. On the map, Yan Tiancheng is just stuck between two high mountains, and the mountains on both sides are extremely steep. If a few vigorous people may still be able to climb, but the army to climb the mountain is no hope at all.

At this time, an officer suddenly came up with an idea and said, "no, if we send some skilled people to climb the mountain first, then we will fall down from that peak and steal into the city. Open the gate at night and let our army into the city! According to the intelligence, there are only more than 1000 enemy troops in Yantian city. As long as there is no wall protection, the enemy will not be our enemy! "

"No way!" Kong Ling shook his head and said, "the cliffs on both sides of the city are very steep. It's easy to get up the mountain, but it's hard to get into the sky if you want to go down from the side of the city! Besides, Yantian city had already taken precautions against this when it was built. Watchtowers were built on both sides of the city walls, and people were watching day and night. If anyone climbed down from the top, they were afraid that they would be shot as hedgehogs before entering the city! "

Kong Ling was familiar with the geography of the world. As for the performance of Tiancheng, it could be said that there was no one in the vanguard army. When Kong Ling said this, the officer blushed and turned back. At this time, another officer came up with an idea and said, "why don't we send two teams of people up the mountain and throw rocks from the cliff to destroy the wall of the city of heaven?"

"No!" This time, Li Yuanhe glared at the officer. If he hadn't seen that he was an offshoot of the Wang family, he would have slapped him in the face. "All the people who live in Tiancheng are the people of the post Qin State! If you hit Yan Tian City with stones, and the stone doesn't have eyes, wouldn't you hurt the people in the city by accident! You're making a fool of yourself

The king's son was reprimanded by Li Yuanhe, and his face turned red and white. Although he was the son of Bian Cheng Wang family, he was born many times better than Li Yuanhe. However, on the one hand, he is only a minor son of the Wang family, and Li Yuanhe's making friends with Wang Ye, Wang Qiong, and other direct descendants of the Wang family. How can Li Yuanhe offend him? Second, Li Yuanhe is his immediate superior, so it's reasonable for him to reprimand him. He has no place to complain. After opening his mouth, the prince's son could only shrink his head back like the officer just now.And Kong Ling saw Li Yuanhe so mercilessly reprimand that Wang's son, also did not say anything. He was also born in a poor family. Although he had an uncle of a senior official in the imperial court, he did not enjoy any glory and wealth until he came to Biancheng. The idea of the king's son is obviously the style of an official's son. He has never paid attention to the gains and losses of the common people. Let alone Li Yuanhe, Kong Linggang is like a reprimand to him, but he is not as quick as Li Yuan and his mouth is quick.

After thinking about it, Li Yuanhe still didn't think of a way. If he attacked by force, let alone whether he could capture the natural fortress of Yantian City, even if he attacked it, his 3000 vanguard army would suffer heavy losses. This is the first battle in the true sense of Li Yuanhe. He does not want to end up with a tragic victory. In that case, Li Yuanhe is doomed to have no future in the post Qin state.

Just as Li Yuanhe scratched his ears and scratched his cheek, he looked up and saw Kong Ling's smiling face. His eyes lit up and he asked Kong Ling, "second brother! Can you help me to capture this city? "

Kong Ling glanced at Li Yuanhe with a smile, and then glanced at the other officers in the tent. These officers were recommended to Li Yuanhe by Wang Yang and Kong De before Li Yuanhe set out. Although Li Yuanhe is good at leading the army for the first time, he didn't know much about leading the army, so he was given these people to help him.

However, both Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling are clear. Although the two people's views are so pleasant to hear, they are not at ease with Li Yuanhe. This time, Li Yuanhe represented Wang Yang's faction and captured the vanguard. If Li Yuanhe messed up in this war and lost the inevitable battle, it would have implicated Wang Yang and Kong De. Therefore, the two talents arranged so many veteran soldiers for Li Yuanhe.

However, although Wang Yang and Kong De had a good starting point, how could these veterans easily obey Li Yuan and such new soldiers in the army. Along the way, Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling used many methods to suppress these rebellious officers. However, even so, Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling still know that they still don't put Li Yuan and this boss in their hearts.

Kong Ling glanced at the past, but he could see that all the officers who were usually rebellious hung their heads. On the way, they also thought that the southern expedition should be very easy, but they did not expect to encounter such a tough bone in the first World War. Kong Ling said with a smile: "generals, can't you think of any way to attack Yan Tiancheng?"

All of a sudden, the whole tent is silent, only the oil lamp from time to time issued a "Pippo Po Po" sound. Kong Ling didn't speak at the scene, but suddenly gave a cold smile, which meant everyone could hear. All the officers lowered their heads lower when they heard the sarcastic laughter. Finally, an officer couldn't stand the laughter and said in a low voice, "why don't we stay here for a while and wait for the army of the third prince's highness to arrive, and then attack Yan Tiancheng."

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Hearing this, Kong Ling couldn't help laughing. He pointed to the officer and said with a smile: "great! It's amazing! You are really worthy of being the generals and soldiers of the post Qin State! You can think of such a clever way! It's amazing! Kong Mou admires very much

Although Kong Ling's words were full of praise and praise, the ironic meaning could not be understood. He immediately blushed the officer. However, the officer sitting in the front of these officers with a short beard and a square face has a black face. He stands up and shouts at the Kong Ling: "Master Kong is thin! We respect you as a scholar, before you again three tolerance, but why do you again and again taunt us! Is it to deceive us martial arts men? "

Li Yuanhe didn't stop Kong Ling's behavior. He was very confident in Kong Ling's wisdom. Now I saw the officer's bluster, but I was afraid that his anger would do harm to Kong Ling. Even if he stood up and blocked in front of Kong Ling, he said coldly to the officer: "General Xiao! Please respect yourself! Don't be rude to Master Kong! "