Xiong Qian was standing in the middle of the city, frowning and looking out of the city. Since he had given the city to him, Xiong Qian did not dare to neglect him. In particular, Dachang Guoan's spies in Biancheng have brought back the news, and the Lord of the state of Qin has sent the third prince, who is most capable of fighting, to lead his troops. Moreover, it was reported that the two armies of the state of Dazhou and Yan seemed to have retreated. All this made Xiong Qian feel that it was a mistake for them to attack the state of Qin this time.

"Damn it! Why should we intervene in the affairs between the Han people Thinking of this, Xiong qian can't help but complain to himself. Xiong Qian is not a Han, not only he, but also most of the officials in Dachang state are not Han people. Dachang was originally a country established by the aborigines in the south. Although most of them imitated the Han people in terms of system, in the eyes of these aborigines, the Han people were cunning and had already penetrated into their hearts. Therefore, Xiong Qian was very careful when he was fighting with these Han people. He was afraid that he was caught in the conspiracy of these Han people. Now Xiong Qian here is just complaining. Although he is not satisfied with the decision of Qin after the attack, he has always been loyal to the royal family of Dachang state, and he will absolutely obey the orders.

Xiong Qian gazed at it for a long time, but he still didn't see anything. He could not help frowning and said, "didn't you say that the vanguard army of Qin State has arrived yesterday? Why hasn't it appeared yet? Is it the scouts who are wrong

Although Xiong Qian's tone seems to be talking to himself, the soldiers who follow him don't think so. A soldier on the left side of Xiong Qian immediately came forward and said, "report back to the general! The scouts who explored yesterday didn't get it wrong. After that, more than 3000 vanguards of the state of Qin set up camp in a place more than 30 miles away from Yantian city! "

"Thirty miles?" Xiong Qian frowned. First he looked at the sky and then looked out of the city again. However, there was no one there. He said, "even an old woman has arrived, let alone a master of the post Qin State! Is there any trick in it? " Soon, Xiong Qian used his suspicious habit to guess whether the other side was using any tricks.

"Hum! The Tiancheng is built on the mountain, which is a natural barrier! No matter what kind of tricks they have, as long as I can't stick to it, there are only 3000 people here, but don't try to break my Xiong Qian's star city! " Xiong Qian looks at the north with pride. Although he can't guess what the other side will do, he still thinks that as long as he can hold on to the performance of Tiancheng and not rush out to fight, there is absolutely no problem!

"Yes! General At this time, a soldier on the right-hand side behind Xiong Qian suddenly stepped forward, clasped his fist at Xiong Qian and said, "do you think the vanguard army of the post Qin state, seeing that Yan Tiancheng is easy to defend and difficult to attack, has played a retreat drum and wanted to wait for the army of the later Qin state to come?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Hearing the soldier's offer, Xiong Qian couldn't help but look up to the sky with a smile and said, "if it's true, that's good! Even though that win really brought a whole 20000 people! But a few days later, our army of Dachang will also go to this performance Tiancheng! That's a hundred thousand people! If they don't fight, neither will we! They're waiting for reinforcements! But they never thought that we were waiting for reinforcements! Since our Dachang state failed to attack Bian city six years ago, our Dachang warriors have not won the Qin army! At that time, we will not only defeat Yingzhen! We will attack Bian city again! And completely break Bian city! "

When Xiong Qian was so happy that he forgot himself, a soldier suddenly pointed to the outside of the city and called out: "here we are! coming! general! Here comes the enemy When Xiong Qian heard the sound, he quickly turned his head and looked along the direction of the soldier's finger. Sure enough, on the edge of the horizon outside the city, a cloud of dust was constantly turning up. Soon, we could see a flag slowly flashing from the dust, but it was a large "Li" flag.

"Li?" Xiong Qian couldn't help but frown and recalled in his mind that there was no famous general named Li in houqin. Could it be that Li Ke, a famous general of the state of Zhou, was dug up by the state of Qin? It's impossible to think about it. Li Ke has been loyal to the Zeng family since Zeng Qing's Laozi, Zeng Xishan, was defeated and died. Li Ke did not leave Zeng's family, let alone now. But without Li Ke, Xiong Qian really can't think of any famous general named Li who can take on the important task of vanguard general.

Although Xiong Qian hesitated, it did not affect his normal command of guarding the city. Under his command, the garrison soldiers prepared for the city in an orderly manner. After the scouts came to report the military situation last night, Xiong Qian had ordered to prepare the garrison equipment, so now the garrison soldiers are not in a hurry. It's just raising the suspension bridge, closing the city gate, and putting crossbows and arrows on the head of the city.

This side has just been finished. Outside the city, the siege team has already reached a distance of about 500 steps from the city wall. At the head of the city, Xiong Qian carefully observed the team. Judging from the number of people, he found that there were more than 3000 people. Presumably, it was the army that the scouts said last night. At the front of this army, a black armored general was riding a black horse with a long gun in his hand, but it was much longer than ordinary guns. The black armour on his body is the unified standard of war generals in the later Qin Dynasty. Because his face is covered by his helmet, he can't see what the battle will look like at all, but from the body shape of the horse, it should be very big.Looking at the men and horses behind the general, although they stood still outside the city because of the general's command, Xiong Qian could still feel that the strong murderous spirit and fighting spirit emanating from these soldiers were obviously an elite division. The two soldiers behind the black armour general held a flag in their hands. On the one hand, they wrote "pioneer of the post Qin Dynasty", and on the other hand, they wrote a big "Li"!

The general pulled the horse's head, but he stepped forward a few steps, but he was still outside the range of the archers at the head of the city. Facing the row of arrows on the head of the city, the general did not have the slightest fear. Holding his head high, he called out to the head of the city: "the general on the head of the city is Xiong Qian, a famous general of Dachang?"

Xiong Qian couldn't help being stunned. From the voice of the general, it seemed that the war would be very young? With doubts in his heart, Xiong Qian still asked: "I am Xiong Qian. Please forgive me for being ignorant. I don't know what kind of hero is under the city?"

The general let go of the reins in his hand, but he raised his hand to wipe it on his helmet, opened his mask, revealed his true face, and said to Xiong Qian on the head of the city: "I am Li Yuanhe, the vanguard General of the southern expedition of the post Qin Dynasty! We are people of insight. Why should we help tyrants invade our territory? If you are really a worthy general, you should give up the occupied city and return to Dachang! "

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Xiong Qian looked up to the sky with a smile and said, "I thought it was Li Ke of Dazhou! It turned out to be a nobody! Listen up, boy! The territory of the world is a place where people with virtue live! How can we say it's the winner alone? Besides, I, Dachang, have always been the Lord of the south! Your Lord took these lands by force in those years. Now it's time to return them to Dachang after so many years of occupation. "

"It's just rhetorical!" Li Yuanhe yelled angrily. His spear pointed at Xiong Qian at the head of the city. He said, "I thought you Xiong Qian was a famous general. You should have some knowledge, but I didn't expect that you were so shallow! It's no use saying more! If Xiong Qian is brave enough, he will go out of the city to fight with me

Xiong Qian is a cold smile, out of the city? I'm not that stupid! At present, there are only a thousand defenders in the city, but there are more than 3000 enemy troops outside the city. Although Xiong Qian didn't want to admit it, the army of the post Qin state was very strong and famous! Even if the number of opponents is not dominant, Xiong qian does not have the confidence to defeat each other. Xiong Qian himself is also self-conscious in martial arts. Although he does not know who Li Yuanhe is, he is the vanguard general designated by Yingzhen, the Third Prince of the state of Qin. Ying Zhen has been fighting for many years. It is impossible for him not to know the importance of vanguard general. Xiong qian does not believe that Yingzhen will send a waste on the appointment of vanguard. Therefore, Xiong Qian is not sure that he can defeat the other side. He will not fight easily.

Xiongqian scoffed at Li Yuanhe's challenge and ignored his meaning at all. Instead, he turned his head and told the soldiers on the left and right: "if the other side attacks the city! Attack with arrows! Pay attention to the open mouth guy With that, he pointed to Li Yuanhe who was still defiant under the city.

"Here it is The Dachang garrison, who had known his general's style for a long time, naturally did not think that Xiong Qian was afraid to go out of the city to meet the enemy because of his timidity. Therefore, his morale did not plummet. All the city guards gave a big drink and pulled their long bows into the shape of a full moon. They all aimed at Li Yuanhe, who was standing in the front outside the city. They waited for Xiong Qian to give an order, and the arrows in his hands would shoot out.

After seeing the reaction of the city head, Li Yuanhe scolded: "what famous general are you Xiong Qian? It turned out to be a shrinking turtle! You are so timid as to go back to your hometown Dachang! "

Li Yuanhe's words are getting worse and worse, thanks to his previous experience in Jingnan city. In the streets, Li Yuanhe has heard a lot of abusive women. It was invisible, but it added a lot of words to him, but it made Xiong Qian on the head of the city so popular that he wanted to jump off the city to tear up Li Yuanhe's mouth.