Xiao Yuesheng's scolding was inevitably distracted. He was cut on his back by a guard's blade. Fortunately, the cut was not very big. Xiao Yuesheng bit his teeth and continued to fight with these guards. Seeing Xiao Yuesheng's embarrassed appearance, Xiong Qian's face, who had just been humiliated by him, could not help but show a trace of pleasure, and said with a smile, "so that you can know! I left these 500 people to facilitate my transfer, but I didn't expect to let you win the move

Now Xiao Yuesheng doesn't have the energy to pay attention to what Xiong Qian said. At this time, he has been too busy. Seeing Xiao Yuesheng's embarrassed appearance, Xiong Qian, who wanted to escape, has left his feet. Xiong Qian, with a cruel smile, said to the left and right guards, "you all go up! Even if I lose this battle this time, I will kill a senior general of the state of Qin before leaving! "

Those guards were inexplicably defeated, and their hearts were filled with fire. Hearing Xiong Qian's words, they naturally started to fight against Xiao Yuesheng. Xiao Yuesheng was already a little unable to cope with it. Now, with these guards, he had to complain in secret. After a while, he added a lot of wounds to his body. See Xiao Yuesheng body hanging color, those guards are like to see the bloody jackal general, more ferocious toward Xiao Yuesheng to fight over.

Xiao Yuesheng's heart is already very regretful. If he had known this, he would not have been greedy and rash to advance. This had been a sure win battle, but now he is going to die! Xiao Yuesheng's heart in this chaos, the action on the hand is also slow a beat, the result is in the back was chopped two knives. All of a sudden, Xiao Yuesheng was deeply hurt, and his feet were staggering. Even when he fell to the ground, those guards saw Xiao Yuesheng fall down and raised their weapons and cut them to Xiao Yuesheng.

"Stop it!" When Xiao Yuesheng called my life to rest, a violent drink suddenly rang out, but it shocked those guards who could not help but stagnate. Just at this pause, a dark shadow suddenly flashed past the guards and went straight through the gap between them. Those guards were suddenly knocked down by a huge force. When they turned around and looked around, they saw a black armored general standing majestically beside Xiao Yuesheng, looking at them coldly.

"General Li!" Xiao Yuesheng was originally dead with his eyes closed, but the expected pain did not come. He could not help opening his eyes, but saw Li Yuanhe standing in front of him with a gun. Xiao Yuesheng immediately knew that he was saved this time. Even though he endured the sharp pain in his back, he slowly stood up and worshipped Li Yuanhe deeply.

Li Yuanhe held a gun in one hand and held Xiao Yuesheng in the other hand. He said with a smile, "brother! Don't worry, I've brought three teams out of the house. With your team, the guards outside are no match at all! " Li Yuanhe said it easily, but let Xiong Qian, who was listening on the side, was frightened. Li Yuanhe's words directly sentenced the 500 guards to death! Now he can't help but move back, always ready to turn around and run.

Li Yuanhe glanced at Xiong Qian and kept smiling, but his smile gradually became cold. Li Yuanhe helped Xiao Yuesheng and turned to Xiong Qian and said, "General Xiong! Now there is no wall between us. I don't know if General Xiong still dares to fight with him in the next war Said in the hand's Zhang eight long gun upward one Yang, pointed at Xiong Qian personally.

How could Xiong Qian be so stupid as to fight Li Yuanhe now, even though he drank to the front guard: "he is just a man! Kill him for me! I'll be rewarded for taking his head

Those guards had been startled by Li Yuanhe before, but they had slowly recovered their breath and heard Xiong Qian's order. As the saying goes, there must be brave men under the reward. They have no scruples for a long time. In addition, they have just successfully knocked down Xiao Yuesheng to the ground. Even if they wield weapons again, they want to kill Li Yuanhe.

But it's a pity that Li Yuanhe is not Xiao Yuesheng. Seeing these guards roaring, they rush forward with red eyes. With a cold hum, Li Yuanhe patted Xiao Yuesheng on the shoulder, indicating that he should be careful. Then, Li Yuanhe raised his long spear, not retreating but advancing, and rushed directly at the guards. The shadow of his spear in the air seemed to be bent, shooting at the key points of the guards.

Li Yuan and this move, immediately those guards one by one beat down on the ground, straight roll on the ground. Seeing Li Yuan and his exquisite shooting skills, the guards who had not yet handed them over to him were startled. Although there are still dozens of them, Li Yuanhe is not enough.

At this time, there were shouts of killing coming from the gate of the mansion. Li Yuanhe and Xiao Yuesheng both laughed at the sound. It means that the vanguard army has completely defeated the guards at the gate of the mansion. Now they are rushing here, and the battle has been decided.

At this time, Xiao Yuesheng remembered Xiong Qian's scorn on himself. He immediately turned his head and wanted to taunt Xiong Qian. However, when he turned his head and looked around, Xiong Qian had already lost sight. Xiao Yuesheng was also the one who had dealt with Xiong Qian. He immediately knew that Xiong Qian must have escaped from the chaos just now. He said to Li Yuanhe, "General Li! The bear moved away! Let's go after it

Li Yuanhe was not in a hurry at all, just a smile and said, "don't worry! He Xiong Qian is now under no one soldier, absolutely can't escape from this acting Tiancheng! Then you will know. Now we only need to wipe out the guards in the city's garrison house! " Said, then raises the gun to continue to kill toward those guards.When the guards found that their leader Xiong Qian had abandoned them, and Li Yuanhe's superb martial arts skills, they knew that there was no chance of winning, and there was still fighting spirit. They either turned around and scattered around, or kowtowed and begged for mercy. Even if Li Yuanhe wanted to kill, he had no target. At this time, those vanguard troops had already killed them. Ma Er Ma, one of Li Yuanhe's subordinates from Jingnan City, was in the front.

However, ma er pockmarked is not as simple and honest as before. His whole body is covered with blood, and he seems to be a devil. Looking at Ma Er pockmarked son's appearance, these bloodstains should not be his, but the murderous spirit emanating from his body, but the guards who surrendered trembled and almost didn't pee in the crotch.

Ma'er pockmarked in to kill the four sides again, but he didn't expect that the battle in the garrison house of the city was over. He looked around, but he never saw an enemy soldier standing. When he got off the horse, Er Ma Zi quickly walked to Li Yuanhe, gave a fist to Li Yuanhe and said, "general! Those enemy troops outside the city garrison have been solved! "

Li Yuan and Li Yuan were surprised. Originally, he accepted Cheng Hu and others, but he didn't have any good hands. Originally, Li Yuanhe had no expectations for Chenghu, ordinary city guards. However, after a long time of contact, he did not expect that ma er pockmarked was not only skillful, but also calm, but also a general! As for others, Cheng Hu is also calm. Zhao Yong and Zhao Meng are very skillful. They are not just brute force as he thought before.

Li Yuanhe picked up Ma Er pockmarked son with one hand, looked at the perseverance of his face, and nodded. There are still many abilities of these men worth exploring, but I don't know how many surprises they can bring him. Thinking of this in his heart, Li Yuanhe didn't delay to issue an order: "you let several people take general Xiao down to heal, and then order the brothers to capture those fleeing guards. Remember! Command to go down, do not disturb the people without cause! Otherwise, it will be dealt with by military law! "

"Here it is Ma'er pockmarked son even if he paid homage to Li Yuanhe and took orders. Xiao Yuesheng originally wanted to stay, but under Li Yuanhe's insistence, he was still supported by several soldiers and retreated. However, Li Yuanhe called on several soldiers and walked slowly towards the south of the city. On the way, Li Yuanhe found that the lights of several households along the road were on for a while, and then they were blown out.

However, Li Yuanhe didn't pay much attention to this matter. He knew that this was the light that the common people did not dare to poke their nose into after hearing the commotion. This Tiancheng was originally the city of the post Qin state. Naturally, the people performing Tiancheng were also the people of the post Qin state. He had no intention to embarrass the ordinary people.

Soon, Li Yuan and his party had come to the South Gate of the city. Looking from a distance, they could see the rows of torches in front of them. Li Yuanhe smiles, but he speeds up his pace and walks to the gate of the city. Before Li Yuanhe approached the gate of the city, he heard a violent drink coming from both sides of the street: "stop! Who is it? "

Li Yuanhe looked up, but he saw that on the roofs of the houses on both sides of the street, there were more than ten figures. The weapon in his hand was pointing at Li Yuan and them. However, Li Yuanhe did not have the slightest panic, because from the armor of those ten people, they were all soldiers in his vanguard army. Even when he raised his spear to them, he said, "Zhao Yong, Zhao Meng, are you here?"

Hearing Li Yuanhe's voice, the ten or so soldiers immediately recognized Li Yuan and the vanguard general. Even after putting down their weapons, they worshipped Li Yuanhe and said, "see general!"

One of the soldiers clasped his fist and said, "report back to the general! Two generals Zhao are waiting at the gate of the city! A senior general of Dachang army was just about to escape from the city and was captured by two generals Zhao! "