Just as Li Yuanhe and Kong Lingda were talking about breakfast, there were shouts from the courtyard outside the room: "general! Lord Bo! general! Lord Bo The voice was full of vigour, and the voice was very loud. Obviously, it was with the heroic spirit of the army. Needless to say, it was the officers and men of the vanguard army who came to look for them.

Hearing this, Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling both stopped talking. Without waiting for Li Yuanhe's reply, the old lady, who was waiting for Li Yuanhe's reply, immediately knew that they were the two lords she was waiting for. She immediately walked out of the door and called out to the outside: "that military master! The military master! The general and the Lord are here

Seeing the procuress so attentive, Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling couldn't help but smile at each other. Immediately, they were guessing what the generals were looking for. Kong Ling frowned and said, "can't it be yesterday? It's just a local bully. Even if it's a private soldier, you don't need to report it early in the morning. " Li Yuanhe had just told Kong Ling about the Wu family's affairs yesterday, but Kong Ling didn't pay attention to it. Moreover, Li Yuanhe and Xiao Yuesheng dealt with it in a proper way.

"It's not the case." Li Yuanhe also frowned and said, "I've given this matter to Xiao Yuesheng. In his experience, it's a piece of cake to deal with this matter. There's no need to report the situation in the early morning! But if it's not the case, what else is worth doing early? " Although I don't know what it is, it will not be a trivial matter to be able to come to them early in the morning.

Just as Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling were guessing, the general who was shouting outside had already come to the door. Looking into the room, he saw Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling. The soldier was full of sweat, and his face suddenly showed a happy smile. He quickly walked in, clasped his hands at Li Yuan and the two men, bowed down on one knee, and said, "see general! See Lord Bo

During this period of time, both Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling were extremely busy. It was hard to relax with the drunkenness of yesterday, but they were disturbed. Naturally, they were not in a good mood. Li Yuanhe frowned and asked, "go ahead! What's the matter? "

Although he heard that his young leader seemed to be in a bad mood, the soldier still faithfully performed his duty, bowed his head and said, "report back to the general! My subordinates follow the instructions of Lord Qian and come to find the general and Lord Bo to return to the city to guard the mansion! Lord Qian said, "it seems that you have something important to report to the general and Lord Bo personally!"

"Lord Qian?" Li Yuan and a Leng God, but immediately react to it, this soldier's mouth of money adult, is not has been following his seven people of Qian Lao Jiu! Among the seven, Qian Laojiu was the oldest, but he was the most capable and tactful man. After starting from Bian Cheng, Li Yuanhe assigned him to the Quartermaster.

After knowing that it was Qian Laojiu who came to find himself, Li Yuanhe immediately knew what was going on. It turns out that Cheng Hu said that Qian Laojiu had been a yamen servant before he served as a city guard, and he was familiar with some means of criminal trial. Therefore, Li Yuanhe, including Xiong Qian, who had been captured by Dachang army before, was handed over to Qian Laojiu for interrogation. Now we are in such a hurry to send someone to invite them both. I think we have got some important information from the interrogation!

However, Li Yuanhe did not hold much hope for Qian Laojiu before, because Dachang state was after all a Nanman country, and those nanmans did not like the post Qin state established by the Han people. Nanman didn't expect the two nationalities to provide any clues, so he didn't expect that there would be too much money between the two nationalities.

Kong Ling also knew that Li Yuanhe had given the prisoner to Qian Laojiu for interrogation. He and Li Yuanhe had the same idea, so he was very surprised. After a glance at Li Yuanhe, he felt that this matter could not be delayed. He immediately waved to the soldier and said, "we know! You go back to the house first, and we'll go back soon! "

After sending the soldier away, Kong Ling turned to the madam and said, "thank you for your hospitality. Our brothers have something important to do! No more nagging! As for our drinks last night, we still have money for the night... "

Where does the procuress dare to collect money from them? She said with a quick smile: "my Lord is serious! My Lord, your words are heavy! Yesterday's wine money, that Xiao Jun Ye already paid yesterday! As for the last night, the adults drank too much in the jadeite square. Naturally, we would like to entertain the adults. How dare you ask the adults for the night fee? If the Lord and the general have anything to do, just do it! If the adults like the food of feicuifang, you just need to send someone to say hello, and I will send it to you right away! " Just now Kong Ling's words, the procuress also heard that Kong Ling liked this porridge, so she did not forget to please Kong Ling before leaving.

The procuress was so flattered that Kong Ling did not refuse. He just said a few words of thanks, and then stood up with Li Yuanhe at the same time and left the jadeite square directly. The procuress also quickly followed two people to send out, until the two people's back disappeared at the end of the street. A tortoise slave behind the procuress asked in mist: "Sister Li! Rongrong and Huarong are the top brands in feicui square this month. The night fee is several hundred Liang silver! Anyway, why don't they be so bold and forthright as soldiers? "

"You dead wood To this tortoise slave, the procuress is not so good facial expression, a slap on the back of his head heavily, "you know what! Do you think these two soldiers are the same as those stationed in the city? These two are young, but they can make the generals from Bian City respectful. We can see that they have a lot to do! We offended the Wu family when we were playing Tiancheng. How could we get along with it! Moreover, the performance of Tiancheng is in the border of Dachang, which is too unsafe! I'm going to close the emerald house in two days. Let's go to Biancheng! That is the capital of the post Qin State! With the support of these two young and promising nobles, are we afraid that we can't make a lot of money in Bian city? "The tortoise slave was patted by the procuress. Although it didn't hurt, she had to pretend that she was hurt. She also had to present a smiling face and keep flattering the procuress. The procuress took a look at the direction Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling were leaving. Her eyes turned, but she said, "I remember your interruption! It seems that these two nobles are very satisfied with Yuerong and Huarong. You should go and talk to the two girls right away and let them take care of their burden! " Although the tortoise slave did not know what the procuress wanted to do, but in order not to be beaten again, the tortoise slave immediately nodded and went to do as the madam told.

Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling, who have already arrived at the city's garrison, naturally don't know what the madam's idea is. When they arrive at the gate of the mansion, Li Yuanhe sees Qian Laojiu standing at the gate of the mansion, watching from side to side. Looking at Qian Laojiu's anxious appearance, Li Yuanhe couldn't help laughing and said, "Lao Jiu! What are you doing? "

Hearing Li Yuanhe's cry, Qian Laojiu turned his head and saw Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling. A surprise suddenly appeared on his face. He quickly stepped forward to them and said, "general! adult! I'm waiting for you! I have something important to report to you! Er, please come into the house with your subordinates After all, Qian Laojiu was old and careful. After looking around, he immediately restrained himself and asked Li Yuan and the two men to enter the mansion.

For Qian Laojiu's care, Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling were of course very satisfied. They nodded at the same time and stepped into the chengshoufu. Under the leadership of Qian Laojiu, three people and a party quickly walked to a study in the Chengshou mansion. When Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling both entered the study, Qian Laojiu came in. He secretly looked outside the room, closed the door, and quickly walked to the window to close it. In that case, Li Yuanhe suspected that Qian Laojiu was not a yamen servant before, but a thief.

determined that no one was listening to him. Qian Lao Jiu was relieved to turn around. He saw Li Yuan and Kong Ling looking at himself in a weird way. He couldn't help but get his old face red. Qian Laojiu carefully took out a stack of paper that seemed to be full of handwriting from his sleeve and said, "general! adult! These days, my subordinates interrogated the prisoners under the command of the general. I didn't expect that these Southern barbarians were so tough that they used up all the tools of torture, but none of them would tell the truth! "

Li Yuanhe nodded his head. He had already guessed the situation. But looking at Qian Laojiu's action, he seemed to have asked something. Otherwise, why would he take out that pile of paper. What's more, there are not only ink stains on the paper, but also some blood stains. It looks like a confession from torture. Is Qian Laojiu really capable of prying the mouths of those Nanman generals?

Qian Laojiu suddenly gave a proud smile and said, "those nanmanzi's mouths are so hard that his subordinates have broken several, but they haven't asked for anything valuable. Originally, my subordinates gave up a little, but I didn't expect that when I was interrogating the last few prisoners last night, I was met by a Han soldier! "

"Han people?" Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling were also stunned. Although there were Han people in Dachang, the control of Han people in Dachang was very strict. Han people were not allowed to be officials, let alone Han people join the army. This time, Qian Laojiu found a Han man among the prisoners of Dachang army, which surprised Li Yuan and the two people.

Seeing Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling as surprised as he had guessed, Qian Laojiu was also a little proud, but he still knew how to behave. He continued to explain: "it turns out that this guy was a thief when he was in Dachang state. He accidentally stole the order card of a nanmanzi who was preparing to join the army. In addition, he had offended some ruffians in Dachang country before, so he just pretended to join the army! Besides, the boy is so smooth that no one else has found him up to now