"This, this, this, how could this happen?" Xiao Yuesheng said in a trembling voice that the vanguard army could have captured the city of Yantian with minimal loss, and also captured Xiong Qian, a famous general of Dachang. This is a great credit! All of them wanted to go back for promotion and get a reward. But in a flash, the situation turned worse. The enemy troops were about to come to the city, and they were still hundreds of thousands of people! Whether we can save a life is two words, let alone go back to get promoted and become rich.

At this time, the confession had been circulated to all the people in the conference hall. All of them became the same as Xiao Yuesheng. Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling looked at each other, frowned, and shook their heads with a bitter smile. It was hoped that these experienced officers would give some advice, but now it seems that these officers can not count on it.

Xiao Yuesheng swallowed his throat and took a deep breath. He finally stopped his shaking. He looked up at Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling and said, "general! adult! Is this statement reliable? The nanmanzi of Dachang state was always cautious. How could he draw out 100000 troops to attack us

Xiao Yuesheng's question is exactly what Kong Ling put forward in his study. But now Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling have not come up with a reason. Li Yuanhe only shook his head and said, "it's too late to think about it now. The top priority is to come up with a way to deal with the 100000 army of Dachang state."

"How?" Even when an officer screamed, he looked at Li Yuanhe in horror and yelled: "what else can I do? Does the general want to fight? That's a hundred thousand troops! How can we cope with such a powerful army when we have only 3000 people

Hearing the officer's words, Li Yuanhe's eyes suddenly turned cold, glanced directly at him, and said faintly, "well, according to your meaning, we should immediately give up acting in Tiancheng, give up acting the people in Tiancheng, and flee back in dismay?" Although Li Yuanhe said this, his face was very calm, but from the light tone, the implication of killing was that even a fool could hear it.

"Deputy general he!" As soon as Xiao Yuesheng saw the change of Li Yuanhe's expression, he knew that the officer's words touched Li Yuanhe's taboo, and immediately reprimanded him, "this Tiancheng is the territory of the post Qin state. As soldiers of the post Qin state, how can we retreat without fighting and give up the territory to the enemy? Isn't this an insult to our armor? "

The deputy general he was reprimanded by Xiao Yuesheng. At the same time, he felt the contemptuous eyes of his colleagues. He immediately blushed with shame and wished to have a hole for himself to get into. Li Yuanhe shook his head disappointedly. He did not pay any attention to the assistant general, but turned to the officers and said, "gentlemen! At present, the 100000 troops of the Dachang army may come under the city at any time, but I don't know if you have any clever plans to retreat from the enemy? "

Listening to Li Yuanhe's question, all the people sitting down talked to each other, but none of them could come up with a good way. Xiao Yuesheng frowned and said: "if the twenty thousand troops of his Highness the third prince can arrive at the moment, we can't have a chance of survival by virtue of the terrain of the city. We just don't know how long it will take for his Highness the third prince to arrive at the city?"

Kong Ling shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it's not so simple. In the plan of the southern expedition, the third prince has already determined the route. First of all, he will send our vanguard army to recover the cities. The third prince has to submit to Bian Cheng a plan to withdraw the two armies of Dazhou and Yan. According to this plan, it will take at least five days for the third prince's army to arrive! And the army of Dachang state will not be more than three days at the latest, so waiting for the third prince's reinforcement will not work at all! "

Kong Ling's words broke Xiao Yuesheng's expectation, and made the officers' faces more and more pale. A trace of despair began to appear in the eyes of the people. After thinking about it, but he couldn't think of a plan to retreat. Xiao Yuesheng suddenly turned red and thumped the tea table in front of him, and cried out: "Damn it! Come, come! I will fight with those Southern barbarians this time

However, Xiao Yuesheng's words aroused the blood of all the officers. They were all killed in the battlefield with one knife and one gun. Since choosing to be a soldier, they have pinned their heads on their waistbands. How can they be afraid of death. Immediately, the people stood up and yelled and drank. Even the assistant general he, who had said he was going to retreat, was also crying out to fight against the Dachang army.

Although up to now, there is no clue about the strategy of retreating the enemy, but Li Yuanhe also nodded when he saw the morale of all the officers available. Seeing that all the people were not afraid of life and death, Kong Ling bit his teeth and said, "since all the generals are willing to die or die, although I am a scholar, I don't want to fall in front of others. I don't know if you dare to use it!"

Hearing Kong Ling's words, including Li Yuanhe, all of them couldn't help but brighten their eyes. After the first battle of Tiancheng in the previous performance, they all had great admiration for Kong Ling's ability. If Kong Ling can come up with any good plan, it can't be said that there will be a turning point in this desperate situation. When people think of this, people even have a sense of survival. They all turn their eyes to Kong Ling and look forward to his brilliant plan.

Looking at the expectant eyes of the people, Kong Ling couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "let me first explain that although this strategy may defeat the army of Dachang state, the possibility of success is too small. Moreover, if it fails, everyone will have no chance to retreat! Whether to use this strategy or not, we should consider it clearly! ""Ha ha ha ha ha!" Xiao Yuesheng laughed at himself and said, "my Lord! Don't say much! If we don't need your plan, we will fight with the nanmanzi of Dachang, and we will not give the performance of Tiancheng to those nanmanzi easily! It's just that there are a lot of nanmanzi, and we only have the courage of our own. With the help of our adults, we can't say that we can still have a glimmer of hope! If there is no adult's plan, we can't but sacrifice in vain, and let Yan Tiancheng fall into the hands of those Southern barbarians again! adult! Please tell me what we should do With that, Xiao Yuesheng suddenly stood up and turned to kneel down on one knee toward Kong Ling and saluted with both hands.

With Xiao Yuesheng taking the lead, other people followed suit. They worshipped Kong Ling and cried out, "please tell me!"

Li Yuanhe also turned to Kong Ling and said, "second brother! It's up to you whether you can defeat the enemy this time! Say what you want to do With that, he also worshipped Kong Ling with both hands.

"General Xiao! eldest brother! Get up, please! Generals! Get up, please Kong Ling saw that all the people actually worshipped him, so he got up and let him pass. First he helped Li Yuanhe, and then he walked quickly to Xiao Yuesheng to help him. Where do you know that Xiao Yuesheng is a bull's temper, let Kong Ling how to say, is not willing to rise. Kong Ling sighed for a long time and said, "Well! I'll gamble with you once! Everyone, please listen to the deployment below! "

Seeing that Kong Ling was willing to tell the plan, Xiao Yuesheng and others all grinned and stood up. Kong Ling quickly found a map from the side of the Council hall, pointed to the map and said so and so to the people. When they heard of Kong Ling's plan, they could not help but change their faces and look dignified. It can be seen that Kong Ling's plan is not ordinary, but in the end, they still nodded their heads.

Finally, when Kong Ling deployed the whole plan, he also gave a long sigh of relief and offered the plan. He didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse. He had no idea whether he could succeed or not. However, Li Yuanhe was open-minded. He was originally a common man. If it was not for chance, he could only work as a coolie in the streets of Jingnan city. He might have died in the battle of Jingnan city. Now, he can also become a general, which he did not dare to think about.

Put it together! Li Yuanhe gritted his teeth, made up his mind and said to the crowd, "gentlemen! As soldiers of the post Qin State! We should protect the cities and people of the state of Qin! Now that we have made this plan, we will follow the previous deployment! A tiger With that, he turned his head and looked at one of his most trusted confidants.

From the beginning to the end, Cheng Hu, as the first person to follow Li Yuanhe, did not show a timid look. Hearing Li Yuanhe's cry, Chenghu immediately stood up and said to Li Yuanhe, "my subordinate is here!"

Looking at Cheng Hu, Li Yuanhe said: "the most important thing in this plan is to seize the opportunity of the enemy to attack the city! I will give all the Scouts of the vanguard army to you. We must master the arrival time of the other party! Do you have the confidence to do it? " After the question, Li Yuanhe kept a close eye on Chenghu. This is also a test for Chenghu. If Chenghu can keep calm in this situation, it shows that this person is indeed a talent. If he can survive this crisis, Li Yuanhe must put him in important position in the future.

Hearing Li Yuanhe's questions, Cheng Hu did not show any fear or excitement on his face. Instead, he remained calm and said in a deep voice: "report back to the general! My subordinates will not betray the general's trust! "

Li Yuanhe also showed a faint smile on his face. He was confident enough but not arrogant. At least now Cheng Hu's performance made him very satisfied. Next, it depends on his real ability. Then he said to the others, "gentlemen, this is our chance to be famous in the world! We want to let the world know! Our post Qin army is the strongest in the world