After a few shouts, there was no movement on the top of the city, and there was no response from the gate. The bodyguard always followed the second prince. When had he ever received such a cold reception, he got angry and yelled at the head of the city: "is there anyone up there? Open the gate quickly! It's the second prince out there! Don't you want brains

The bodyguard also scolded, but there was still no response on the head of the city. The second prince frowned. He thought it was Xiong Qian's plan to deal with the ambush of the pre Qin army. But now it seems that there are no soldiers guarding the city. The second prince snorted coldly. Now it seems that Xiong Qian has transferred all the soldiers to the north gate. I didn't expect that Xiong Qian was praised as a famous general by others, but he didn't even have this common sense. He was really disappointed!

At this time, the front bodyguard also drove the horse to come back. After all, he had never encountered this kind of situation, so he came to ask the second prince for instructions. The second prince frowned and said, "we can't conclude that Xiong Qian was negligent in this matter. Maybe there is a trick in it! Take people to attack the city. Be careful not to disturb the people in the city! After attacking the head of the city, we will open the gate immediately. As long as our 100000 troops enter the city, we will not be afraid of any problems! "

"Your Highness is wise!" It was the bodyguard who ordered him to go down. Hu Degui, who was beside him, immediately flattered him again. However, the second prince was not in the mood to listen to his flattery, so he didn't pay any attention to him. At this time, on the other side of the city wall, at the command of the bodyguard, five or six iron hooks with ropes were thrown on the city head, and the female wall on the city head was hooked. The soldiers tugged at the rope, made sure it was fixed, and began to climb up the city.

The first batch of climbing soldiers can be said to be dead soldiers in the army. Although they are the bottom soldiers, it does not mean that they are dolls and do not know the situation. On the contrary, they all see these strange things happening now. They also know that maybe a lot of enemies will jump out of the city, shoot arrows and throw stones at them, or cut off the ropes in their hands and let them fall into meat cakes. But they have no choice. If they resist, they will not only lose their heads, but also implicate their relatives in their hometown. However, they only kept reading the Buddha's blessing from the bottom of their heart, and then climbed up carefully.

Finally, the first Dachang soldier climbed up to the head of the city, put his hand on the female wall, put out his head in fear and looked at the city head. But in the moonlight, the soldiers found that the city was empty, and there was no one. So more and more soldiers climbed up, and finally, it was the turn of the bodyguard.

He found that there was no ambush at the head of the city. Before that, the bodyguard gave a long sigh of relief and immediately whispered, "leave 50 people to guard the city head! The rest of the people follow me down to the city, open the gate! Welcome your highness to the city With a big wave of his hand, he was still the same as before, and let those soldiers take the lead, while he was at the back.

After about half a column of incense, the closed gate of Yan Tian City finally opened slowly. The squeaking sound of the friction of the gate shaft was particularly loud and harsh in the silent night, which made the second prince and others outside the city shiver. Hu Degui was so scared that he turned around and pretended to be a smiling face and said to the second prince, "palace, your highness! The gate is open! We'd better hurry into the city

The second prince's face looked strange under the light of the torches around him. The second prince turned his head and looked at Hu Degui. Suddenly, you raised your hand to Hu Degui and whispered: "you! Take ten thousand horses to the city first

Hearing the second prince's words, Hu Degui was stunned, but he could not even speak. The second prince made it clear that he was going to explore the way. It was good to say, it was to explore the situation. To put it more difficult, it was to die! Hu Degui is just a slanderer. How dare he be! However, looking at the expression of the second prince, he did not dare to disobey the second prince's order. At the moment, he only gave his fist to the second prince and said, "belong, belong, subordinate, take orders!"

Soon, ten thousand people were ready. Hu Degui, like the bodyguard just now, hid behind all the people and horses. When the ten thousand people drove into the gate, he walked into the gate. When the second prince opened the gate of the city, he turned his head to the bodyguard behind him and ordered, "stand up your ears, don't let go of any movement."

When Hu Degui walked into the city gate, there was no abnormal movement. The second prince raised his hand and waved to the front. The remaining 40000 people began to enter the city gate. However, the second prince finally had some courage. Instead of shrinking at the back like Hu Degui just now, he took the lead in entering the city gate.

After entering the city gate and through the arch hole at the gate, the second prince's face did not change. After entering the city, he found that the whole city was dark and there was no movement at all. Although it's already late at night, it's still early before midnight. It's impossible for all the people to fall asleep so early!

Weird! Now in front of the second prince, the city is full of weird! Looking at the dark city, the second prince couldn't help but shiver. If you follow the idea of the second prince, you really want to turn around and go back with the army. However, the second prince knew that he could not do so. If he really failed to do so, he would certainly not have his share in the throne of Dachang state in the future.For the ambition of the throne, the second prince had no way to give instructions to retreat, so he could only think about the good side. Perhaps it was the news that the Qin army had arrived with its own troops, so they retreated ahead of time, and Xiong Qian was greedy for meritorious service, so they abandoned the city to catch up with the pre Qin army. Although this may be very small, the second prince can only believe this explanation now.

On the other hand, the second prince also relies on the fact that he has 100000 troops in his hands. A hundred thousand troops! According to intelligence, the total number of troops in the southern expedition of the Qin army was only 20000. Now the army has entered Yantian City, that is to say, without the advantage of the city wall, even if the Qin army is more elite, it can not resist the attack of 100000 troops!

At this time, Hu Degui, who has gradually recovered his face on one side, slowly walked to the second prince's side. He could be said that he knew nothing about military affairs. Naturally, he did not see the strange part of the performance of Tiancheng. When Hu Degui saw that the second prince was still angry with Xiong Qian, he said with a smile: "Your Highness! Don't be so angry! That bear is a coward! Tomorrow, my subordinates will take him and let him be dealt with by your highness! "

The second prince frowned. In the past, Hu Degui was very clever. Now how could he be so stupid! Simply ignore him, and directly give orders to his officers: "there is something wrong with the performance of Tiancheng! If you find something wrong with you, you can report it immediately

"Here it is Although these officers are not famous generals, most of them are veterans who have been baptized on the battlefield. Naturally, they are not as dull as Hu Degui. They also saw that the city was full of evil. Now they received the second prince's military order, they all took their soldiers to the city and began to search door to door. The residents of the city were all Han people, and there was no such thing as disturbing people.

And the second prince himself is to the bodyguard around him to say: "you! Guard the South Gate with a thousand men! You! You! You! Take 3000 men to the other three gates! If there is no enemy, directly occupy the head of the city, if you encounter the enemy, immediately burn fire as a sign! Wipe out the enemy! But be careful, don't fall into the other side's trick! Do you understand? "

Although these guards had few generals, they were good at their skills and were loyal to the second prince. After hearing the second prince's instructions, all the four bodyguards who were named all bowed and took orders. After this arrangement, there were more than 40000 people left behind the second prince. Immediately, the second prince took the rest of the people and drove to the chengshoufu in the center of Tiancheng.

Along the way, although the second prince was very careful, not to mention the enemy, only a passer-by didn't see it, but from time to time came the voice of officers leading people to search the houses. Soon, the second prince came to the chengshoufu, but found that it was supposed to be the most important chengshoufu in the city. At this time, the gate of the mansion was opened, and there was no soldier to guard it.

As soon as the second prince saw this situation, he felt a cold sweat on his back. Fortunately, because the soldiers gradually occupied the whole city, the city was not as dead as it had just been. The fire of the whole city brought some vitality. Without the second prince's command, the bodyguards who followed the second prince rushed into the chengshoufu with their soldiers and made the city's garrison house bright.

The second prince just walked into the Council hall in the city's Garrison's mansion, but he saw that the tables and chairs in the hall were in a mess. What kind of tea cups and wine cups were poured on the ground, and there were water stains everywhere. At this time, there were shouts from outside. When the second prince turned around, he saw three Dachang soldiers running quickly. They knelt down in front of them one after another, clasped their hands and said, "report back to your highness! North gate has been occupied! No enemy was found! "

"Tell your highness! East Gate has been occupied! No enemy was found! "

"Tell your highness! Westgate has been occupied! No enemy was found! "