What the gentle looking officer was referring to was a large area of fire reflecting the sky in the north of the camp, which did not seem to be caused by ordinary fires. After seeing the scene, all the other officers were shocked and stupefied. After a long time, they seemed to have just woken up and called out in a loud voice: "withdraw! Get out of here

At this time, on the cliff above them, Kong Ling looked at the fire in the city under his feet, and a glimmer of joy flashed in his eyes. However, he remained calm on the surface, and said to the soldiers behind him, "the next step has already started to move! Let's start here, too! Inform general Xiao on the other side

"Here it is The officer who fired the rocket again took command, but this time instead of continuing to fire, he turned to take the torch of a soldier and leaned on the huge balls that the soldiers had been playing with. All of a sudden, those balls were burning, but they were made of hay.

On this side of the big grass ball are lit not long ago, in the opposite cliff also began to emerge a big fireball. When Kong Ling saw those big fireballs on the opposite side, he could not help but smile. Immediately, Kong Ling raised a hand, waved it down, and said, "move

Those big grass balls that were ignited had been put in place by the soldiers and soldiers. After Kong Ling's command, the soldiers began to poke those big grass balls with their weapons. Not only they, but also those big fireballs on the opposite cliff were pushed down the cliff and fell directly towards the Yantian city below.

Kong Ling, who had been standing on the edge of the cliff and looked down, had always kept smiling, but suddenly his face changed and his eyes narrowed into a slit. Because he saw, at the foot of the sky city, the original chaos of the fire, suddenly there is a long dragon like fire is fast moving towards the south gate. Kong Ling frowned and muttered to himself, "what's going on? Why did they gather so quickly? Judging from the number of the team, there should be 30000 or 40000 people. It's impossible to gather so fast? "

Although he still couldn't think of it in his mind, Kong Ling did not miss the opportunity. He turned his head and gave orders to the soldiers behind him: "prepare for the boulder attack! Focus on the south gate! We must block the other party's retreat to me! " After receiving the order from Kong Ling, the officers and men behind him immediately began to lift up the prepared stones and smash them down.

However, the officer was not willing to make an order to attack the city, but he was not willing to give it to the common people. Now the people in the city have been forced to move out of Yantian city by them. In Yantian City, there are only those officers and men of Dachang army. Therefore, Kong Ling will not be soft hearted. After setting fire to the city, he will try to drop the stone again!

In the city of performing heaven, the long dragon like team that Kong Ling saw was no one else. It was the second prince who fled from the city garrison. Originally, the second prince had calmed down after being scared out of the city's garrison. He even regretted that he was too unstable. He even gave an order to retreat, which made him lose face. When he returned to the Imperial Palace, he saw that the two soldiers were ready to take back the fire. Seeing these flames, the second prince had some suspicions, and now they are completely interlinked!

Fire attack! This is using fire attack on his 100000 army! And it's not a common fire attack. The other side left such an empty city for himself, just to wait for his 100000 troops to enter the city, and then turn the whole city into Purgatory! Let alone his 100000 army, even if all the property of Dachang state is here, I'm afraid it is not enough for the other party to burn.

The second prince, who was completely interlinked, had nothing to worry about. The more than 40000 soldiers who followed him to the city garrison just received their own military orders and had assembled. The second prince quickly stepped on the horse and started to run towards the south of the city with more than 40000 soldiers. Now the second prince can't care about any combat merits. He only wants to escape from this Purgatory and save his own life.

"Your Highness! Look Just as the second prince turned his horse's head to escape, a soldier nearby suddenly raised his head and pointed to the night sky and called out. It was not only the second prince, but the officers and men of Dachang, including Hu Degui, who raised their heads subconsciously, but saw an unforgettable scene in their lives. In the night sky, a huge fireball fell from the sky and directly hit the city. It was like a rain of fire in the sky.

"Oh, my God! Is this God's punishment? " Those Dachang soldiers did not have such good insight, and this scene was so shocking that even a large part of them knelt down and paid homage directly to the night sky. However, those fireballs still carry Mars, and they fall directly into the sky city, hitting the ground or the roof of residential buildings. All of a sudden, they explode, but they aggravate the fire in the city. For a moment, the whole city looks like a sea of fire.

The second prince was also in a daze at this time. Although he didn't believe that this was a punishment from heaven, he couldn't think about it. Looking at the fireballs falling from the sky, the second prince couldn't help but shout in his heart, did the other party have any ability to communicate with heaven?However, those close to him couldn't look at the second prince again. They quickly and loudly persuaded the second prince: "Your Highness! Let's go! If we wait any longer, the fire will only get bigger and bigger, and then we will not be able to leave! " Seeing the second prince still did not move, those soldiers simply went straight forward and pulled the second prince's arm, ready to take the second prince away by force.

However, Hu Degui, who had been loyal to the second prince all the way, could no longer suppress the fear in his heart. He called out and drove his horse to the south of the city. He even left the second prince. When the soldiers and the Dachang soldiers around him were not ashamed of Hu Degui's behavior, suddenly, a fireball fell directly on the street ahead, but it happened to hit Hu Degui who was running headlong forward. All of a sudden, the whole fireball exploded in front of the people, and a burst of burning heat made people's faces hot.

Looking at the people who were burned to black charcoal on the ground, an atmosphere of fear suddenly spread among the tens of thousands of soldiers at the gate of the city's garrison. Fortunately, at this time, the second prince was also startled. He looked around in a panic. Then he reflected that it was not the time for him to be dazed. He quickly pulled out his weapon from his waist, pointed to the south of the city, and said to the soldiers who were full of fear behind him: "there is only one road now! Or we'll go ahead! Or stay and be burned alive! Those who are willing to ask for the only way to survive will follow me! " After that, the second prince's legs were clamped, and he took the lead to rush forward.

Although the front street has just been hit by fireballs, but because the ground of the street is covered with thick bluestone slabs, it is burned by those big fires at most, but it will not burn like the houses on both sides. The second prince leaped forward, leaping over the burning hay and the corpse of Hu Degui. With the tens of thousands of people, the horse began to rush forward, which formed the long dragon that Kong Ling saw on the cliff above.

After Kong Ling issued the order of falling stones, countless boulders began to smash towards the south of the city. Xiao Yuesheng, on the other side of the cliff, was not a fool. He found that the soldiers at the other end of Kongling were throwing stones towards the south of the city, and they followed suit. For a while, the soldiers in the south direction of the city had a bad luck, especially the second prince, who was driving to the south gate. Although throwing stones from the cliffs may not be able to get the right gate, at least it will not deviate too much. With such a high height, even a small stone as big as a palm can blow people's head and blood, not to mention boulders as big as half a person.

However, Kong Ling didn't expect that the other side would gather forces to break through the encirclement so quickly. In the end, he did not stop the second prince to the gate of the city. Seeing that the front end of the long dragon had reached the south gate, Kong Ling's eyes flashed a trace of bitterness, and said to the officer holding a bow and arrow behind him, "prepare for the last plan!"

However, there was no change in the officer's face. He only had to carry out the orders of Kong Ling. When even to those rear Qin soldiers and soldiers called: "rocket preparation!" After that, he prepared a rocket again. He bent his bow and built an arrow. He aimed at the target and shot it. The rocket went straight down to the city gate, straight down to the city gate.

In the city, the second prince and the tens of thousands of soldiers were about to arrive at the gate of the city. At the gate of the city, the more than 1000 soldiers who had been assigned to stay here by the second prince had been looted by the falling stone, and less than 20 were left. The bodyguard assigned by the second prince was smashed into flesh by a huge stone before. Now, the one who leads the team is just an ordinary veteran. Seeing the second prince coming, the veteran rushed forward to meet the second prince. Suddenly, a rocket fell from the sky and happened to land on his leg. Although the front of the rocket was covered with oilcloth, a small part of the sharp arrow was specially left. Although the arrow could not pierce the veteran's thigh, it also directly hit his leg. It was the pain of piercing the skin and the burning of fire, which made the old soldier roll on the ground directly.