The fire in Yantian City lasted three days and three nights. On the first day, some Dachang soldiers rushed out of the gate of the city, but they were directly captured by the Qin army guarding the gate. Some soldiers also wanted to fight in a desperate situation. However, after staying in Yantian city like a sea of fire for one night, how could they still defeat the spirited post Qin army? All of them lost their lives.

Three days later, the fire in the city was gradually extinguished, but from the ruins of the city, there was a disgusting odor. More than 80000 people were burned to death in this city. Their bodies and the ruins of the city combined in everything, making the whole city a real hell in the world.

Standing at the head of the city, Kong Ling looked at all the scenes, but he didn't know how many times he vomited. This is the second time that he used fire. The last time he killed 600 cavalry of Yuan Po in the canyon outside the city of Yu, but this time it has been doubled. Kong Ling suddenly felt a burst of tightness in his chest, but he did not dare to take a deep breath, because even if he took a deep breath, what he smelled was just that stink.

"How about it? Are you better? " Li Yuanhe walked slowly from behind Kong Ling and asked with concern. He saw Kong Ling vomit on one side before. Although Li Yuanhe was a little surprised at the beginning, he immediately figured it out again. No matter how calm Kong Ling usually appears, he is still a scholar. It is normal for him not to adapt to seeing so many tragic corpses.

Kong Ling covered his nose with his cuff and shook his head at Li Yuanhe. However, his frown showed that he was still a little uncomfortable. When Li Yuanhe saw Kong Ling's appearance, he couldn't help laughing. The ordinary Kong Ling was so powerful that he didn't look like a young scholar at all. On the contrary, Kong Ling now has some "mortal" flavor.

"What should we do next? Are you going to stay here? " Although Kong Ling was not very comfortable, Li Yuanhe couldn't make up his mind about these problems. He had to turn to Kong Ling for help.

Kong Ling shook his head and took a look at the ruins in front of him. He tried to resist the nausea from his chest. He turned his head and looked at Li Yuanhe and said, "no! Let's go straight! Taking advantage of the low morale of Dachang soldiers, they will take back all the remaining seven cities occupied by Dachang army at one breath! Anyway, we are trying to get credit this time! It's better to get enough at one go

Li Yuanhe was happy to be able to earn more credit, but he was still a little worried and asked, "of course, there is no problem to capture the rest of the city, but will we make the third prince dissatisfied with us? After all, he is the commander-in-chief of the southern expedition. If we don't fight him in a battle, wouldn't it be a bit of a storm to win over the host? "

Kong Ling wanted to say something, but his face turned white. Finally he could not help but ran to the corner of the wall and squatted there to vomit. All these things completely vomited out of his stomach, and he couldn't vomit any more. Li Yuanhe, with a wry smile on his face, had to take out a water bag from his waist and pass it to Kong Ling.

Kong Ling slowly stood up and took Li Yuanhe's water bag. He rinsed the filth in his mouth with water. Then he gave a long sigh of relief and said to Li Yuanhe, "I can't do it! I can't stay here. Let's go outside the city and talk about it. " Then, without waiting for Li Yuanhe to answer, he went straight out of the city.

Li Yuanhe had no choice but to follow him. Along the way, he met many soldiers of the post Qin army and saluted Li Yuanhe and Kong Ling one after another. However, Kong Ling left here in a hurry, but he didn't have time to pay attention to them. Instead, Li Yuanhe followed him, smiling at the soldiers around him. When the soldiers saw Kong Ling's pale face, they didn't know what was going on. They all laughed and sent them away.

Finally, he walked out of the burning city gate, but Kong Ling was not enough. He walked hundreds of steps outside the city until he stopped. Kong Ling lowered the cuff which had been covered on his face and took a deep breath. His face seemed to be much better because of the fresh air. Li Yuanhe followed him up. Seeing the appearance of Kong Ling, he couldn't help laughing and said, "second brother! You will get used to this kind of thing in the future! It's a chaotic time now. In the future, you will only encounter this kind of scene more often! "

hole first is old face is red, and then still smiled a little bitter smile, said: "I also know ah! Previously also had the psychological preparation, but as soon as saw that scene, own body cannot bear. It seems that I'm still too young, but I feel strange. Brother should be the first time to go to the battlefield like me. Why don't you react? "

Li Yuanhe was stunned, then shook his head and said, "to be exact, this is not the first time that I went to the battlefield. When I fled in the north, it can be said that the scenes I faced every day were more tragic than now. Many dead people will be seen every day, and as long as someone dies, the bodies will be quickly snatched away and eaten by those hungry refugees. Even the drinking water has a strong rotten smell. The life of that time is still chilly when I think about it now

Kong Ling didn't expect that Li Yuanhe had such an experience. He didn't know what to say for a while. He could only keep silent. Li Yuanhe, however, was reminded of the past. He raised his head slightly, looked into the air, and said leisurely, "compared with the past, life now is just the difference between heaven and capsule! second younger brother! You know what? When I fled from the north to the south, I did not know how many battlefields I had experienced. In order to survive, I ate everything, including the dead bodies. So now when I see these things, I have no feeling at all, because I have been numb for a long timeHearing Li Yuanhe's narration, Kong Ling's face turned pale again. A scene appeared in his mind. A six or seven year old boy, dressed in ragged clothes, was lying on the battlefield full of dead bodies, gnawing at a corpse's arm. All of a sudden, Kong Ling almost vomited out again. Just that time, he vomited all the things in his stomach. Even if he wanted to vomit, he couldn't vomit anything.

Seeing Kong Ling's appearance, Li Yuan and this just reacted and apologized: "ah! second younger brother! Sorry! Sorry! I shouldn't have mentioned that! " Then he took out his water bag again and handed it over.

Kong Ling finally sighed and said, "although I did not see the disaster 15 years ago in the south, I still remember the tragedy of those refugees who came to my hometown at that time! The chief culprits are those savage northern aliens

Hearing Kong Ling mention those northern alien nations, Li Yuanhe's eyes burst out with a trace of blood red light, and his face expression also became very ferocious in an instant. Li Yuanhe clenched his fist and clenched his teeth and said: "national enmity! Home hate! Those foreigners from the north will pay back sooner or later! One day, I will take my troops and horses back to the North! Kill all the inhuman aliens

"Yes! eldest brother! I believe you can do it! " Kong Ling was also affected by the confidence in Li Yuanhe's words. He patted Li Yuanhe on the shoulder, and a trace of blood appeared on his face because of excitement, "and I will always be there to help you until you achieve your wish."

"Good brother!" Hearing Kong Ling's expression, Li Yuanhe was also very excited. All these things have been buried in his heart all the time. He has never said to anyone that Kong Ling made a vow to himself, which can be said to be achieved only by his own wisdom. From today on, the friendship between the two people can be just like a true brotherhood.

After a serious conversation, the two gradually began to calm down. Kong Ling also remembered Li Yuanhe's problem before, and immediately said, "big brother! This southern expedition is really important for the third prince, but don't forget, you are the vanguard general promoted by the third prince! Your credit is the credit of the third prince! How can he blame you for stealing his limelight? But what you have to worry about is Zhou fan

"Zhou fan? Do you mean the Lord Zhou who offered advice to the third prince? " Li Yuan and seeing Kong Ling suddenly mentioned Zhou fan's name, which was somewhat strange. Although Zhou fan supported his opponent Yan tiechun when he was running for vanguard general. But Li Yuanhe thinks that everyone and himself play for the third prince this week, so there's no need to embarrass himself, right?

Seeing that Li Yuanhe didn't see through Zhou fan's position, Kong Ling couldn't help shaking his head, but he still patiently explained: "brother! But you didn't see through it! Although Zhou fan also served for the third prince, he and my uncle, as well as Wang Yang, the head of the Wang family, were in opposition to each other all the time! You are the king of the Wang family. You are also recommended from the south of Beijing. You are a thorn in the eye of Zhou fan! However, Zhou fan was a prodigy in strategy and strategy, but not as much as my uncle in political means! It's just that Zhou fan is narrow-minded. If we win the whole merit this time, we are afraid that he will chew his tongue in the ear of the third prince! "

"Er!" After listening to Kong Ling's explanation, Li Yuanhe was stunned. In his opinion, as long as he kept fighting and winning, there would be no problem accumulating contributions. As for the doubts about the attitude of the third prince, they were just a flash of light, but they never thought that there would be such a problem.