Xiao Yuesheng and other officers of the vanguard army stationed in the barracks outside the city, after hearing the noise in the city, all quickly climbed out of their barracks. When they saw a blaze of fire in the city, Xiao Yuesheng and other officers ran away without a trace of sleep. After holding a meeting in the city garrison's office during the day, Li Yuanhe asked Xiao Yuesheng to take his troops to camp outside the city, which had been abandoned for a long time. However, only a thousand people were left in the city. Now, seeing that something happened in the city, Xiao Yuesheng and others were all in a cold sweat, and ordered the officers and men of the vanguard army to set out and march toward Jiangcheng.

But when they arrived at the gate with the vanguard, they found that the gate was closed and could not get in at all. Xiao Yuesheng looked at the gate and felt a little bad in his heart. He immediately yelled at the head of the city and said, "come on! Somebody! Open the gate! Do you hear me! Open the gate

With Xiao Yuesheng's several shouts, the originally dark and motionless city suddenly burst into flames. A group of soldiers appeared at the city's head. Li Yuan and Cheng Hu, one of the black armour generals in the lead, looked down at Xiao Yuesheng and other people and asked with a smile: "it's General Xiao! Was not general Xiao stationed outside the city under the command of the vanguard? Why come to the door late at night

Xiao Yuesheng knew that Cheng Hu was Li Yuanhe's confidant. Seeing him so relaxed, he thought that Li Yuanhe should have nothing to do, so he couldn't help letting go, and then he called out, "brother Cheng! Outside the city, I heard something about the city and saw the light of fire. I thought something was wrong in the city. I came here to check it out! "

According to the truth, Chenghu should open the gate of the city, welcome Xiao Yuesheng and other people into the city, and then give a good explanation. But now Cheng Hu didn't mean to move at all. He just stood at the head of the city and said to Xiao Yuesheng with a smile: "thank you, General Xiao! It's just that some houses in the city suddenly caught fire. Please rest assured that the vanguard has ordered people to deal with it! So please take general Xiao back to the camp and have a rest. "

Although Cheng Hu's answer is very precise, but I don't know why, Xiao Yuesheng just put down his heart and put it up again. Looking at Cheng Hu's smiling face, Xiao Yuesheng, for some reason, suddenly appears in his mind that when he entered the city in the daytime today, Li Yuan and his plain smile seemed to have grasped some clues, but there was no way to connect them. However, on the surface, Xiao Yuesheng still looked calm and asked, "Oh, it's just water walking. I don't know where it is in the city. Now Jiangcheng has just been recovered. Don't be the spies of Dachang who have made trouble with it!"

Cheng Hu on the head of the city still kept smiling and said: "General Xiao is right. The vanguard is also worried about this reason, so he ordered the gate of the city to be closed. In case the spies make trouble, they can also prevent them from escaping. As for the fire in the city, it is only the central area in the east of the city for the time being. The fire is under control now. I don't think it will affect other places. "

"East of the city?" As soon as Xiao Yuesheng's eyes brightened, the central area in the east of the city seemed to be the residence of Fanyan, a big businessman in Jiangcheng! At the thought of Nanman merchants, Xiao Yuesheng suddenly flashed a light in his head, and immediately figured out all the joints. At first, Xiao Yuesheng was amazed by Li Yuanhe's boldness, and then admired Li Yuanhe's decisiveness. He was also somewhat afraid of Li Yuanhe's cold means. Originally, I thought that Li Yuanhe's decision-making depended on Kong Ling, but I was just a martial artist. I didn't expect that Li Yuanhe himself also had such means.

With a long sigh, Xiao Yuesheng said to Cheng Hu at the head of the city: "since the vanguard has made arrangements, then we don't have to worry. We'll go back to the camp and have a rest! Please tell the pioneer that I haven't seen anything or heard anything about tonight With that, Xiao Yuesheng turned his horse's head and called out to the officers and men who were still confused behind him: "go! Go back to camp

At the head of the city, Cheng Hu looks at Xiao Yuesheng and his men and horses back to the camp. From Xiao Yuesheng's last few words, Cheng Hu knows that Xiao Yuesheng must have guessed something. However, although Xiao Yuesheng is impulsive, he is not a fool. He knows what to say and what not to say. Cheng Hu is also very relieved. The sound of the city's fire and the silence of the city were extinguished.

The fire burned all night in the east of the city, and the scream just stopped before dawn. After daybreak, however, even the Bangfu who reported the hour did not dare to go out. On the street, there were teams of people running in a hurry, mixed with the sound of metal collision, which made the residents even more afraid to go out of the city. It is a wonder that Jiangcheng has become so quiet for the first time in so many years.

Li Yuanhe has been sitting here since last night in the Council Hall of chengshoufu. He has not even taken off his armour. Li Yuanhe kept his eyes closed and seemed to be asleep, but once there was a footstep outside the assembly hall, Li Yuanhe's eyes opened in an instant, staring at him.

"General!" All of a sudden, a cry came from outside the assembly hall. The voice was a little hoarse. Li Yuanhe opened his eyes again and looked up to the door of the room. There were six people standing in three rows outside the hall, all of them soldiers in black armor. The first one was Cheng Hu, who had been guarding the city before. His armor was neat, but his face was somewhat tired.Standing in the second row behind Chenghu are ma'er pockmarked clothes and Wu San. Their armor is also very neat, but the black clothes exposed in the gaps of the armor are obviously stained with some blood stains. Even the skin on their hands and necks was covered with blood stains. Two faces are also a little tired, and the eyes are full of blood, looks more tired than the adult tiger.

As for those standing in the third row, they are Zhao brothers and Qian Laojiu. However, the three of them were totally different from the three in front of them. Their armor was either bright red blood stains or black soot smoked by fire. Looking at their faces, they were not tired at all. Instead, they were full of excitement. The Zhao brothers even had red eyes, and the three of them still exuded a little murderous spirit.

Looking at the appearance of the six people, Li Yuanhe nodded his head with satisfaction and made a gesture to show them to come in. Six people stride into the assembly hall, the last brother Zhao also did not forget to close the door tightly. Cheng Hu went directly to Li Yuanhe and said in a low voice: "general! We have finished what you told us to do

"Well! Not bad Li Yuanhe nodded, stood up directly, walked to Cheng Hu's face with his back hands, facing Cheng Hu and others on his side, and asked, "how is this going? Tell me about it."

Cheng Hu was still holding his fists. Hearing Li Yuanhe's words, Cheng Hu continued to lower his head and replied: "under the command of the general, his subordinates divided the remaining 1000 officers and men into two groups. Among them, 307 have been determined to serve for the general, and they are handed over to Wu San. The remaining seven hundred men, with their subordinates, guarded the four gates of the city. Last night, no one came except General Xiao, who once came to the gate with his men and horses! "

"Oh? General Xiao? " As soon as Li Yuanhe's eyes brightened, he turned to look at Cheng Hu and asked, "how did you deal with General Xiao?"

Although Li Yuanhe's tone changed a little, Cheng Hu was not nervous at all. He still maintained his previous attitude and replied: "my subordinates answered General Xiao that it was a fire in the city. But according to his subordinates, General Xiao should have seen some clues, but General Xiao seems to have consciously pretended not to know."

After listening to the tiger's report, Li Yuanhe did not comment on Cheng Hu's actions. He just nodded and looked down at his feet thoughtfully. After a long time, he raised his head and looked at Wu San and ma er pockmarked son and asked, "what's your action there? How is it going? "

Hearing Li Yuanhe ask himself, Wu San and Ma Er Ma raise their heads at the same time. However, Wu San is not good at speaking, so Ma Er Ma Zi completes the task of answering. Ma'er pockmarked his fist and whispered, "reply to the general! His subordinates, with 50 soldiers, assassinated all the southern merchants in the east of the city, about 900 people! All the southern merchants including fan Yan, the main target, are dead! In addition, there are those Han people who work for Nanman merchants. We have not let them go! As for the belongings of these merchants, they have all been taken out, and now they are put in the backyard firewood room of the chengshoufu. As for the quantity of the property, I have not had time to settle it. There are about 100000 taels of gold, more than 300000 taels of silver and 17 boxes of treasures! "

Li Yuanhe, after all, was born in a poor family. When he heard about so much property, his cheek twitched. However, he soon recovered to calm. He just nodded and continued to ask, "did you encounter any counterattack when dealing with these Southern merchants?"

"Yes!" Ma er pockmarked, however, with a trace of scorn on his face, replied: "these Southern merchants have raised some soldiers in their families. In total, there are about 300 or 400 soldiers. However, compared with our soldiers, their quality is too much different, their equipment is not as good as ours, and we are unprepared. Therefore, except for a few soldiers who were injured by carelessness on our side, none of them suffered any loss, and all those soldiers were wiped out! "