Li Yuanhe took over the black bag. As the young officer said, it was very light. It was padded and weighed like only a few clothes. However, the black cloth on the outside of the bag looks like it has been more than ten years. If there were a few clothes, they would not have been wrapped up for so many years, would they?

Although it was impossible for Li Yuanhe to have the materials he wanted, Li Yuanhe was somewhat curious. Even though he put the burden on the table beside Xiao Yuesheng's chair, he began to untie it without saying a word. Although it had been buried for many years, the burden was only a little more dust, and it was not tied with a dead knot. It was soon untied by Li Yuanhe.

Other officers were also intrigued by the sudden appearance of the black burden, and gathered around to find out. When Li Yuanhe opened the bag and looked at it, he couldn't help being disappointed. It turned out that there were indeed several pieces of clothing in this package, and it seemed to be a set of official clothes.

Xiao Yuesheng frowned on one side, reached out and patted off the dust on the top of the coat. He said, "this is like the official uniform of the post Qin State? Yeah, that's right! It's our official uniform after Qin! And it's the uniform of Chinese officers in the army! But why are our civilian officers' uniforms here? "

Li Yuanhe, who had already been somewhat disappointed, heard Xiao Yuesheng's question, and his curiosity in his heart was once again hooked up. Even though he carefully grasped the official uniform. After touching it, it seemed that it was well preserved. It was old, but there was no change in other aspects. Immediately, Li Yuanhe picked up the official uniform, but underneath it was a pair of trousers. Needless to say, it was matched with the suit.

Li Yuanhe grasped the shoulders of the clothes, but slowly loosened the hem. Such a set of official robes of civilian officers in the post Qin Dynasty was displayed in front of the public. At this time, Li Yuanhe believed Xiao Yuesheng's judgment at a glance, because this suit of official uniform was almost the same as that worn by his brother Kong Ling. It seems that the master of this suit is also a master in the post Qin army.

Li Yuanhe simply grabbed the clothes and trembled, but a lot of dust was thrown out. It can be seen that this set of official clothes has been stored in this small hole for unknown years. Li Yuanhe then remembered that the watchtower was not built by Luo Tianhan? Maybe it's the clothes left by the master Bo of Luo Tianhan's army.

Li Yuanhe said his conjecture to Xiao Yuesheng. Xiao Yuesheng frowned and said, "there is some truth in general's conjecture. But why is it so good that the master Bo will put his official robe here?"

For Xiao Yuesheng's question, Li Yuanhe tilted his head, but he couldn't think of any reason. He could only turn around and look around with this suit of official uniform. At this time, an officer who was helping Li Yuan and checking the suit suddenly called out: "general! There seems to be words on the cuff of this dress

Hearing the officer's cry, Li Yuanhe and others all turned their heads and looked at the sleeve in the officer's hand. Li Yuanhe directly picked up the sleeve, and then the sunlight from the window looked carefully. Sure enough, the officers' uniform of the post Qin Dynasty was black, but only the cuff was sewn with blue coarse cloth. On the cuff, a few lines of characters were densely written, which seemed to be written in black carbon. However, these lines of writing are vigorous and powerful, but there is no lack of elegance. The main thin style that wants to write these lines is also good.

"I am Bo Liuyan, the leader of the southern expedition army of the state of Qin. I am not alive today. I have left this garment as a relic. If this garment fell into the hands of the southern barbarians, it would be my misfortune. If it was picked up by the people of the state of Qin by chance, Wan Wangjun would read it in the great righteousness of the state of Qin and hand it over to general Luo Tianhan, the general of the state of Qin! "

Seeing such a paragraph, Li Yuanhe and others were shocked. It seems that what they had guessed was correct. This official robe was left by Zhu Bo of Luo Tianhan's southern expedition army. However, Li Yuanhe and others did not understand why the master would leave his official robe in the watchtower, but also hid it in the dark space under the floor. However, Li Yuanhe was not in a hurry, because he knew that the cuff would write clearly the reason.

"I originally went south to Dachang with general Luo. However, this southern expedition was not successful. General Luo defeated Zhangcheng. For this reason, general Luo ordered me to inquire about other cities in Dachang. It took me several months to collect the information, but I didn't expect your majesty to call for a general to withdraw. But the general had no choice but to lead his troops back home. I was ordered by the general to stay at the tower to guard against the southern barbarians. However, when the people of Nanman learned that the general had withdrawn, they raised all the troops of the whole country to attack. Now, it is impossible to keep the tower. However, the information I have collected before can not be abandoned. Now I write down the panorama of the terrain of Nanman, hoping that later generations can have some help. Although I am dead, I am still a general of the later Qin Dynasty! "

After reading the words on the cuff, Li Yuanhe turned his head and looked at the still neatly folded trousers. He seemed to be able to imagine that at that time, Bo Liuyan took off his official robe and put it neatly in the dark lattice at the last moment of life and death. To him, this official robe symbolizes his honor as a general and a member of the state of Qin. It is really unexpected that such a scholar of letters should have such blood.The officers around him sighed one by one. They wished they had been born more than ten years earlier and could fight with the Lord Bo side by side. Even if they were killed in battle, they would be worthy of the black armor on their bodies. Li Yuanhe carefully put the official robe on the upper chair he was sitting on. Then he stepped backward a few steps and knelt down on one knee toward the official robe.

After death, Xiao Yuesheng and other officers were stunned, and then they knelt down after Li Yuanhe. Li Yuan and his hands clasped fists, worshipped the official robe, and said, "Lord Liu, the hero is on! We, the younger generation in the army, who have been bequeathed by adults, should do their best to open up new territory for the later Qin Dynasty! But please, the spirit in heaven, bless the vanguard army's successful March to the south! "

After that, Li Yuanhe and his generals kowtowed respectfully to the official robe for three times. Then he stood up and walked to the front of the official robe. He carefully untied the buttons of the official robe. He was afraid that the official robe left by Liu Yan would be torn by accident. After undoing all the buttons, Li Yuanhe slowly opened the two lapels of the official robe, but revealed the inner jacket of the official robe.

However, the inner jacket of the official robe is also made of white coarse linen. Now on the white coarse linen cloth, a map is drawn with black charcoal, which clearly records the terrain and the city of the whole state of Dachang. Although the above information about the city is not reliable, the signs about the passageways leading to each city are very detailed. It can be seen that Liu Yan spent a lot of time in exploring the enemy's situation. This can be appointed by Luo Tianhan. It can be seen that Liu Yan really has great talents.

Looking at the map, Xiao Yuesheng could not help exclaiming: "God! This is more detailed than any map I have ever seen before! I'm afraid even Dachang's own officials can't understand the situation in Dachang so well! What a great man Liu is

Li Yuanhe nodded. He didn't know how many people's efforts had been spent on this map. He didn't expect that Luo Tianhan couldn't use it at the beginning, but now it's cheap for him. With this map, Li Yuanhe was more confident about the southern expedition. Then Li Yuanhe looked at Xiao Yuesheng and asked with a smile, "General Xiao! Do you have any confidence in our march into Danube now? " With that, Li Yuanhe pointed to a corner of the map.

Xiao Yuesheng followed Li Yuanhe's finger and saw what Li Yuanhe was referring to, but it was in the middle of the forest between the watchtower and the Danube city. Needless to say, it represents a road. According to the map, there is a path through the vast forest to the city of Danube.

After a bitter smile, Xiao Yuesheng finally nodded and said, "with this road, the risk of our army going to Danube city will be greatly reduced! What's more, the benefits mentioned by the general before will naturally support the general's decision now. However, when you go to Danube City, you must prepare enough materials, but you don't know how the general should solve it? "

However, Li Yuanhe did not speak. What Xiao Yuesheng put forward was exactly the problem that he also felt distressed. When starting from Jiangcheng, the vanguard army really prepared a lot of food. But after all, in order to ensure the speed of the March, the soldiers' food is limited. Now that they have been marching for so many days, the food on the soldiers can only last for about three days. Even with this map as a guide, it will take at least 10 days to get to Danube. There were no towns to supply the army. If we marched in this way, the whole army would starve to death.

The problem of grain supply must be solved, otherwise Li Yuanhe's plan will have to be aborted automatically! Thinking of this, Li Yuanhe felt a headache. How can he supplement the army's food? While thinking, Li Yuanhe's eyes began to aim at the map incessantly. All of a sudden, Li Yuanhe's eyes were fixed on a place and couldn't be opened any more. And gradually, Li Yuanhe's eyes began to shine, the previous face of depression, blink of an eye disappeared.

Seeing Li Yuanhe's expression, Xiao Yuesheng and others immediately guessed that Li Yuanhe must have come up with a solution, but they didn't know what Li Yuanhe had to solve this headache.