The city of Danube, such a bitter and difficult City, has only been established for a few decades, but it has been baptized by several wars. There are still traces of blood on the walls of Danube city that were attacked by the Allied forces of four countries more than ten years ago. However, the residents of Danube city did not want to erase these traces, because in their view, these traces represent the past of the southern barbarians and can always be vigilant against them.

However, for the residents who live in Danube city now, these traces have been completely reduced to a kind of scenery. I am afraid that few residents of Danube can still remember the war more than ten years ago. The city is still a bustling scene. It is impossible to see that this is in the troubled times. People are bustling in and out of the city. What they are worried about is just their livelihood. As for the guards of the city gate, they only perform their duties on the surface, but in fact, they all lean on the gate to chat with each other about trivial matters, or simply sleep with their eyes closed. This Danube city has not experienced war for more than ten years. For the people living in Danube City, although it is still in troubled times, the war has gone far away from them.

A large group of carriages came slowly from the outside of the city. When they got to the gate, they were temporarily blocked by too many pedestrians. The coachman of the first carriage frowned and looked at the crowd ahead. Even when he got out of the carriage, he went straight to the guard who was napping at the gate of the city.

"Hello! Hello! Jun Ye The coachman reached out and pushed the guard's shoulder. Finally, he woke up and said, "Lord Jun! Our carriage is blocked here. Let the man at the gate of the city clear up so that our carriage can enter the city. "

The guard had been woken up and had a good dream, so he felt a burst of anger. If he had not been awakened, he would have gone to Wushan with that beautiful girl in his dream, but now he has been awoken by force. What's more, listening to the coachman's words, though seemingly polite, seemed to be ordering him, which made him very upset. Even though he was shouting, "what's your name! If you want to go to the city, don't other people go to the city? Don't you know that there is one who comes first and arrives later? Why should you be let? Be honest and stay away

The coachman had no idea that the guard would dare to do this to him. He looked at him with wide eyes, and his anger was rising. But the guard's voice was so loud that those people who were ready to enter the city could hear it clearly. They all looked at the rickshaw driver with hostility. They were embarrassed to see the coachman and got angry. They only came back indignantly.

The coachman went back to the carriage, but he clasped his fist in the carriage and said, "old master! The guard of the gate refused to clear the gate for us. It seems that we have to wait here for a while! Do you want the villain to rush in and find the guardian of the city to clear the gate for the master When he said this, a glimmer of joy flashed in the driver's eyes. His goal was not only to dredge the city gate, but more importantly, he hoped to give a lesson to the guard who had just collided with himself.

But unfortunately, there was a faint reply from the carriage: "no! Just wait. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry. It's just that I can have a good rest in the carriage. When I'm at home, you can wake me up again! " After that, there was no movement in the carriage. Needless to say, the people inside were already asleep.

The coachman was helpless when he saw that his master did not agree to his proposal. After all, he was just a servant. Although his master could hold the sky in Danube City, he did not speak up and did not dare to make any decision. Only crept up to the carriage and sat there silent, waiting for the crowd in front to enter the city slowly.

After about half an hour, it was not easy to clear up the people who entered the city in front of them. The coachman drove the carriage carefully to the gate of the city. In the arch of the gate of the city, the guard who had previously contradicted the coachman gave him a triumphant look. He did not expect that the coachman would give him a vicious look, but it was a hornet's nest. With a big wave of his hand, the guard called out to the soldiers beside him, "stop this team of carriages for me!"

The coachman watched with disbelief that the guards swarmed up in front of the carriage, so he had to stop the carriage. Fortunately, the coachman behind him was also experienced enough to stop the carriages one by one, thus avoiding the collision between the carriages. But the driver of the first carriage was red with anger, and the guard just hit him in front of him. I can't imagine that he still dares to stop his car now. He has been driving for his master for so many years, but he has never been stopped in this Danube city.

Unfortunately, the guard didn't realize what a disaster he had made. He walked up to the coachman and said, "come down! Come down! Give me an honest check! What are you doing in the city at this time? Be honest! Is it an enemy spy? Say it

The coachman almost didn't give his mouth out of breath. He glared at the guard's arrogant face and said, "you, you, you are so brave! How dare you stop our carriage! Be careful of your dog skin"What?" Seeing that the coachman even dared to scold himself, the guard immediately jumped up and cried out: "how dare you insult the army master! get off the car! Get out of the car! What's in the car? I suspect you have spies in your car! Now I'm going to have a routine check! get off the car! Get out of the car With that, the guard would go forward to pull the door of the carriage.

The guard's action was startled. The driver's face changed from red to white. He didn't want the guard to pull the door open and jump on it. Not only that, but all the coachmen and clerks in the back of the motorcade jumped out of their own carriages and rushed to the first carriage. Some even drew swords from the carriage, whimpered and ran over.

The guard didn't expect that his action would lead to such a big rebound from the other side. Even when he pulled out his broadsword in panic, he pointed at the coachman and his fellow workers who were rushing forward. He took several steps backward until he met with his colleagues, which made him feel at ease. For a time, in the arch hole of the gate, two hostile square arrays were formed. On one side were the guards of the gate, each holding weapons as if facing a great enemy. On the other side, there was a square array of rickshaw pullers, servants and some young men in the shape of family soldiers. They had all kinds of strange shapes in their hands, including swords, spears, swords and sticks, and even several cooks with kitchen knives and rolling pins in their hands. They also saw that the guard was difficult for their companions before, but the master didn't speak, so they didn't do anything about it. Now the guard dares to disturb their master. Now they can't help but glare at each other. As long as the guards dare to step forward, they will fight against each other.

"Good, good! You are spies indeed Seeing this, the guard's face turned pale, but he became more convinced of his own judgment, pointing to the other side and shouting: "dare to fight against thieves! Dare to sneak into Danube city! Somebody! Beat the drum! Let the garrison in the city come and wipe out these anti thieves At the foot of the wall at the gate of the city, there are war drums, which are used to warn the garrison in the city.

"Hold on!" Just as the last guard was in a panic to run to the other side of the drum, suddenly from the carriage of the first carriage came a majestic cry. The sound was very loud, but the guard who was going to beat the drum was scared to fall to the ground.

Then, the man in the carriage continued: "this Junye just wants to see if I am a spy? Why make such a big battle! I'll come out and let the military master recognize him and see if I'm a spy! " This speech is very insipid, can not hear this person's mood of joy and anger.

Listening to the owner's words, the coachman and the guys all put their weapons down in their hands, and then retreated on both sides of the door. They all lowered their heads and welcomed the master out of the carriage. I heard a creak, the door was slowly opened, and an old man came out of the car step by step.

Although the old man is already full of hair, but it is very tall, not like an old man. What's more, his face is full of red light, and there is no wrinkle on his face, which shows that the old man is well maintained. The old man was dressed in blue silk and embroidered with gold threads. He was wearing a gold inlaid hat on his head. His fingers were full of rings, but he didn't feel vulgar and luxurious. On the contrary, he was accompanied by a noble spirit.

After seeing the old man's face clearly, the guards were all pale with fear. They could not grasp the weapons in their hands. They fell to the ground one after another, making a jingling sound. The guard, who was in conflict with the coachman, knelt on the ground in a weak way. With him taking the lead, the rest of the guards knelt on the ground one after another, kowtowing to the old man. They kept crying: "Lord, spare your life! Forgive me, old lord

"Hum!" Although the old man didn't show his anger, he was infuriated in his heart. He hummed coldly: "I'm just a councillor. How dare you talk about the life of the Lord Jun! Are you wrong with all the soldiers? "