In the city of Danube, the old city was also a general before he took over the post. Even when I became a city guard, I didn't forget to practice martial arts every day, so I built a martial arts training ground in Chengshou mansion. Now it's cheaper, Li Yuanhe, but this training ground is much better than the simple one in the courtyard of the Confucius Mansion. Not only the space is bigger, but the ground is also paved with hard bluestone. Li Yuanhe doesn't have to worry about making the ground into pits.

However, at this time, it was not Li Yuanhe who used this training ground, but Li Ping and Yan Ze, the close soldiers of Li Yuan and his side. Li Yuanhe was watching the performance of the two men on the spot, and made one or two suggestions from time to time. Yan Ze holds the long sword handed down by Yan family, but Li Ping holds the big sword that Ma Er Ma Zi gave him.

Yan Ze, who has practiced his family martial arts hard, is much better than Li Ping, a new recruit. However, Li Yuanhe had already given orders before. When Yan Ze and Li Ping practiced, they could only defend but not attack. Therefore, even if there were countless flaws in Li Ping's movements, Yan Ze had to bear it and not start.

In fact, while training Li Ping's skills, Li Yuanhe also honed Yan Ze's patience. After this period of understanding, Li Yuanhe also found that Yan Ze's talent was good, but he had developed the idea of being superior to others when he was young, so he was really poor in dealing with people. Therefore, Li Yuanhe decided to use this to hone Yan Ze's patience. Since he has promised Yan Duoqi to train his son well, Li Yuanhe naturally does not want to lose faith. Moreover, the Yan family will become the leader of the southern barbarians with the support of the post Qin state. Then Yan Ze, the future successor of the Yan family, may also be the king of the Southern barbarians. If we can take advantage of this time to have a good relationship, for Li Yuan and future action is also a hundred profits and no harm.

Li Ping brandishes the broadsword in his hand. He attacks with a model. He does not attack at all because Yan Ze only defends but does not attack. Instead, he always pays attention to his defense. Li Yuanhe also saw this clearly. Although Li Ping's strength was much worse than that of ordinary people, he was very strong in skills and endurance. What's more, Li Ping has a desire to become stronger, which makes him eager to become stronger.

After such a period of time, Li Ping still hated the Dachang army who killed his parents, but he didn't hate all the southern barbarians as he did at the beginning. After all, in Danube City, most of the people who come into contact with each other before and after are from the south, and their heart knot has been greatly reduced. In this way, Li Yuanhe was more willing to cultivate Li Ping's potential.

"Stop!" Li Yuanhe suddenly called out, then stood up and walked towards the martial arts field. Li Ping and Yan Ze stopped at the first time. This is not the first time. Every time Li Yuanhe calls a halt, it is to correct the mistakes they made in the fight. What Li Yuanhe said is very correct every time.

"Li Ping, the knife you just made was urgent! If Yan Ze can fight back, he can easily avoid your knife, and then, you will show great flaws because of the big action of this knife. Even a child who can hold a knife can easily stab a knife into your chest Li Yuanhe frowned, waved his arms and pointed out in a deep voice that Li Ping had made a mistake when he delivered the knife.

"And you!" "When I saw Li Ping, I didn't deal with him! Li Ping is inexperienced and has not been able to find your flaws. If you change to an experienced veteran, just that little flaw will be enough to make you die ten times! "

Li Ping has always accepted Li Yuanhe's guidance with an open mind, but Yan Ze is still a little unconvinced. After listening to Li Yuanhe's words, Yan Ze murmured in his heart: "it's because the opponent is a recruit that I'll be so relaxed! If I had been a veteran, I would not have made such a mistake! "

Although Yan Ze didn't say this, Li Yuanhe knew what he was thinking when he saw his expression, and immediately reprimanded him: "don't make any excuses for your mistakes! The reason why soldiers have to train is to make their bodies familiar with these fighting actions. On the battlefield, it is impossible for you to have time to think. All you can do is to fight with your instinct! And the usual training, only to develop good habits, can make your body in the battlefield to make the right choice

These are all Li Yuanhe's experience. Although Li Yuanhe did not fight a few wars, both the first World War of Jingnan city and the first World War of Tiancheng were all fierce battles. What Li Yuanhe has learned between life and death is precious experience for a soldier. Although Yan Ze is still a little unconvinced, but think of what he saw after meeting Li Yuanhe, he still chooses to keep his experience in mind.

Then, Li Yuanhe continued to give them some advice, and then sat back to the position on the training ground, indicating that they would continue to practice. After a period of time, he again called for a halt, pointed out the mistakes made by the two people one by one, and made correct corrections. So repeated several times, in the twinkling of an eye, more than two hours passed.Just when Li Yuanhe was ready to stop again, he suddenly heard a voice from outside the training ground: "Li Yuanhe! Miss Ben has come to fight with you again Listening to the Jiao's voice, both Li Ping and Yan Ze immediately chose to stop. They turned their heads and looked at Li Yuanhe vaguely. They all forced to smile, even their faces turned red.

Li Yuanhe was embarrassed to see their eyes, and finally glared at them. Then he lazily called out to the door of the training ground: "I said Miss Gu! You can come, all right! Don't shout so loud every time! It's a shame to lose every time you go back? " Although there are still some sarcasm in Li Yuanhe's words, the smile on Li Yuanhe's face is so warm.

At this time, I saw several figures coming out of the entrance of the martial arts training ground. The first one, wearing red armor, had no helmet on his head, showing a beautiful appearance. It was Gu lianniang, the biological daughter of the former Danube city guard of guxincheng, and the Wei brothers were behind her. Seeing Gu Lian Niang blushing, she raised her head and said to Li Yuanhe, "Li Yuanhe! Don't be wild! Today, I will defeat you for freedom! I just hope you can keep your promise and let Miss Ben and my father go

Li Yuanhe stood up, waved to Li Ping with a smile, and then said to Gu lianniang, "Miss Gu, please don't worry! I, Li Yuanhe, said that one is one and two is two. How can I be a dishonest villain! Since I have promised you, I will certainly keep my promise. As long as you can let me use two hands, I will even lose. Then I will definitely let you and the ancients leave Danube, and I will never stop you! "

After Li Yuanhe made that gesture to him, Li Ping quickly walked to the weapon rack beside the martial arts training ground, picked up a three pointed sword on it, and then walked back. He went directly to Gu lianniang and handed it over. However, Gu lianniang took the three pointed sword with ease, turned it over in the air, and then called out to Li Yuanhe: "since you can keep your promise, that's good! Come on! Today, I must make you believe it

Li Yuanhe smiles, but waves his hand again, signaling Li Ping and others to go away. On the same day, he found that his relatives and soldiers had even put Gu lianniang in his room. Although Li Yuanhe severely disciplined those soldiers afterwards, he didn't know why. He was reluctant to let Gu lianniang go. After returning to the room to see Gu lianniang again, Li Yuanhe suddenly thought of an idea, that is to give Gu lianniang a chance. As long as she can let Li Yuanhe use two hands to deal with her, then even if Gu lianniang wins, she and her father guxincheng can leave Danube city. But if Gu lianniang can't win, she must be a maid to Li Yuanhe Female. Of course, Li Yuanhe may have made a promise that during this period of time, he will never do anything to Gu lianniang. Gu lianniang lives in the inner room, while Li Yuanhe lives in the outer room.

At the beginning, Gu lianniang naturally didn't believe Li Yuanhe would be so kind, but she was able to regain the temptation of freedom, so she decided to agree with Li Yuanhe. After the first two days of getting along, Li Yuanhe did not go into the inner room where Gu lianniang lived and did not do anything wrong to Gu lianniang. Of course, Gu lianniang was not completely free. Li Yuanhe arranged for the Wei family brothers to be close to Gu lianniang to prevent Gu lianniang from playing any tricks.

After more than ten days of competition, Gu lianniang lost to Li Yuanhe every time. However, after Li Yuanhe defeated Gu lianniang, he didn't hurt her very much. He just opened the three pointed sword in her hand. So on the next day, Gu lianniang will come to Li Yuanhe again and continue to compete.

Seeing Li Yuanhe waving his hand, Li Ping, Yan Ze and Wei's brothers all stood aside with a smile on their faces, looking like they were watching a good play. Li Yuanhe picked up an ordinary spear from one side. If only one hand was used, it would be very inconvenient to use Zhangba spear. Therefore, Li Yuanhe also chose to use this ordinary spear to deal with Gu lianniang.