When Miao Fu reached out, he felt his hands wet. However, Miao Fu thought it was the sweat on Miao Xuan, so he didn't care much. Seeing Miao Xuan still stubbornly refused to invite him, even when he lowered his face and said, "brother Xuan! Do you remember what my father said to you, but he told you to listen to me

Seeing that Miao Fu had moved Miao he out, Miao Xuan naturally had nothing to say. With his strength, he stood up from the ground, bowed his head and said, "general! Miao Xuan is a disgrace to you and marshal! I lost the first battle! If it wasn't for reporting military information to the general, I would have no face to see you! "

However, Miao Fu laughed and said, "brother Xuan, where are you talking about? Where are the generals who can win a hundred battles in the world! Even when the God of war won, it was lost to other people outside the pass? If you lose this time, you will come back again! " Immediately, Miao Fu took his hand out of Miao Xuan's arm and looked at it subconsciously. However, he saw that he had blood stains on his hand. Miao Fu was shocked and immediately forgot to go to Miao Xuan's arm. Only then did he find that the arrow wound on his arm had already dyed his sleeve red with blood.

At once, Miao Fu immediately called out to the troops who came after him: "come on! Somebody! Call me the military doctor quickly! Military doctor After shouting, Miao Fu turned his head and glared at the cavalry behind him and said, "you are all dumb! General Miao didn't even tell me when he was injured? "

The cavalry were full of grievances. They had just met, and Miao Xuan and Miao Fu had made such a move. How could they have time to talk about it. However, although they cried out their grievances in their hearts, they didn't even dare to say anything about their complaints. Miao Fu managed the army very well. The whole country of Dachang was famous. Despite his gentle appearance, Miao Fu's ruthless hand was very powerful!

At the other end, when he heard Miao Fu's roar, the only military doctors in the army were in a hurry and rushed over with medicine boxes. When he came to Miao Fu, he saluted him at the first time. However, Miao Fu waved his hand anxiously and said, "what are you going to do with all this trouble?"! Show general Miao the injury quickly

Naturally, the military doctors did not dare to say anything more, so they had to go forward and examine Miao Xuan's injury with all hands and feet. Some of the military doctors were so light that they didn't dare to hurt Miao Xuan. It took a long time for him to tear the clothes on his arm that had been stuck by blood, revealing a wound that was already swollen. In order to get on the road as soon as possible, Miao Xuan didn't even have time to pull out the arrow. He just cut off the tail that was exposed outside. Up to now, that part of the arrow is still deeply inserted in the arm, and this journey has made the wound a little worse, and even the wound has been greatly rubbed.

Seeing this wound, several military doctors could not help frowning. Miao Fu, who was concerned about the wound, asked in a hurry: "how about it? Does the injury matter? You guys! I must cure general Miao's injury! Otherwise, it will be dealt with by military law! " At the end of the day, Miao Fu even resorted to threats.

Hearing the four words of "military law disposal", the several military doctors immediately shuddered. One of them quickly clasped his fist at Miao Fu and said, "please don't worry! General Miao's injury is just a little frightening. In fact, it is not very serious. The villain can definitely be cured, but there will be a scar in the future. " When the military doctor finished, several other doctors nodded and said yes.

Miao Fu was relieved when he heard that all the military doctors had promised. As for the scar, Miao Fu didn't care. It's normal for a general fighting in the battlefield to have scars on his body. Even if he is a general of Confucianism, how many scars are left on his body in his armor.

Immediately Miao Fu said to him, "brother Xuan! You don't have to say more about this war! Peace of mind! I'll go and ask your soldiers about the details! Don't worry After that, without waiting for Miao Xuan to refuse, he immediately asked several soldiers to come forward and put him down. Naturally, Miao Xuan had nothing to say about Miao Fu's strength. In addition, he also thought that he was guilty and could only be taken down honestly.

After Miao Xuan was taken down, the last trace of warmth on Miao Fu's face disappeared in an instant, and he immediately looked at the Qingqi with a gloomy face. In particular, the cavalry officers, after seeing Miao Fu's eyes, knew that there was something wrong with him. They all turned over and dismounted and knelt down directly to him. They all cried out in one voice: "villain is guilty! Please punish the general

Miao Fu snorted coldly and walked quickly to the officers. He raised his leg and kicked him. The officers, not to mention their resistance, did not even dare to put out their hands to block it. They had to let Miao Fu vent his anger first. After a burst of kicking, Miao Fu's anger finally subsided. He even said, "tell me exactly what happened! If you dare to hide something, be careful that I will cut off your dog's head! " In his anger, Miao Fu was more like a bandit leader than a Confucian general.

Those cavalry officers, who dare to lie, told the whole story, from encountering the enemy on the official road to retreating in the middle. Finally, he paid homage to Miao Fu and cried, "general! We have never done anything against the military law! The defeat of this war has nothing to do with us! Please be aware of itAfter listening to these officers' crying, Miao Fu was even more furious. He waved his whip and whipped them head to head at these officers. All of a sudden, they were rolling on the ground. Miao Fu whipped and yelled: "cry! Cry! Cry! Just cry! As a soldier of Dachang! I don't even have this backbone! What's the use of I want you to wait for waste? "

At this time, Yu Wenqian, who was on the expedition with the army, also came from the rear army. Seeing Miao Fu's appearance, he could not help shaking his head. Miao Fu is his brother-in-law. Yu Wenqian can't understand Miao Fu's temper any more. Although Miao Fu is a famous general, he has one drawback, that is, he likes to flog soldiers. None of the officers and men under his command had not been whipped by him. It was not so much that Miao Fu managed the army so well that it was more that the officers and men were afraid to violate military orders because of his majesty.

Seeing that Miao Fu was almost finished, Yu Wenqian gave Miao Fu a fist and said, "uncle! The defeat of this war is not the fault of these slaves. Let's spare these slaves' lives for the time being. " Yu Wenqian didn't care much about the lives of these low ranking officers. But now the cavalry was defeated by soldiers, and Miao Xuan was also injured, so he could not go to the battlefield for the time being. The cavalry still needed the officers in front of him to command them, so Yu Wenqian came forward to persuade him.

With Yu Wenqian's persuasion, Miao Fu stopped whipping. At this time, the officers were already scarred and their faces were full of whips. However, they did not dare to say anything more. Seeing Miao Fu stop his whip, they immediately got up from the ground and knelt on the ground. Remembering Miao Fu's words before, the tears in their eyes were forced back.

"Hum! Look at the face of his Highness the prince! Forgive you this time! Don't you bring the officers and men back to the team for rest? " Miao Fu said coldly, and his eyes glared at them. The officers felt relieved and bowed to Miao Fu one after another. They took the cavalry with them to join the army.

Yu Wenqian looked at the gray faced cavalry, turned his head to Miao Fu and said, "uncle! Now that our army is a new loser, should we first suspend our March and let the army adjust its mind a little before heading for Danube? " Yuwenqian had already known the news that the cavalry had lost the battle before he came, so now he has this question.

However, Yu Wenqian's proposal was rejected by Miao Fu. At this time, Miao Fu's anger dissipated a lot, and he slowly recovered his calm face. After listening to Yu Wenqian's proposal, Miao Fu shook his head and said, "Your Highness, the defeat of the cavalry is due to the enemy's tricks, not that the enemy's strength is stronger than our army's! If our army does not move forward, it will have an impact on the morale of our army! So now, instead of stopping, we should speed up the March and recapture a city as quickly as possible

"Speed up the March?" Although Yu Wenqian was not as good as Miao Fu in marching and fighting, he was still a little confused at the moment. He frowned and said, "uncle! If we speed up the March, will it not be easy to be ambushed by the enemy like the cavalry this time? It would be more appropriate not to slow down the March, but to send more scouts to search around! "

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" At this time, Miao Fu had completely changed from his gaffe. Hearing Yu Wenqian's proposal, he looked up at the sky with a smile and said, "Your Highness is wrong! I can guarantee that there will be no more ambush on the way to Danube this time! We can march with confidence! "

Yu Wenqian was confused. The lesson of Miao Xuan's defeat was in front of him. Why was Miao Fu so confident? However, Miao Fu saw Yu Wenqian's doubts in his eyes. Even with a smile, he said, "Your Highness, the reason why I am so sure that the enemy will not set an ambush again is naturally justified! Listen to me and take your time