With the sound of drums coming from behind the Dachang army, Dachang army began to attack the wall. Dachang soldiers under the leadership of their officers, while shouting, while holding up their own weapons to the city wall. At the head of the city, Li Yuanhe looked at the soldiers of the Dachang army who were swept by the tide. His face remained calm all the time. Without looking back, he called out: "Archer, prepare!"

At that moment, archers composed of family soldiers of various aristocratic families in Danube leaned against the female wall at the head of the city. Their long bows were pulled to the full moon, but one arrow was set in the middle. The arrow with cold light was pointing at the enemy outside the city. Li Yuanhe didn't let the vanguard soldiers participate in the archers. Although there are many good archers among them, the vanguard's soldiers are much better than these soldiers in terms of ability. It's a waste to treat them as archers. Therefore, Li Yuanhe asked all the vanguard soldiers to bring close combat weapons. Although archers are very important in the city defense war, there are not many requirements for the archers' ability because of the height of the city wall. Of course, unless the archers are as sharp as those led by Wang Ye.

Thinking of Wang Ye, Li Yuanhe couldn't help but wonder whether the reinforcements that will come will be led by Wang too? However, Li Yuanhe did not forget the present situation. Naturally, he did not think much about it. Instead, he kept his eyes on the Dachang army, which was constantly approaching outside the city. Although Dachang army has entered the range of archers, Li Yuanhe is not in a hurry to order the attack. The archery skills of these archers are uneven. It is not the time to ensure maximum lethality.

Finally, when the Dachang army had begun to contact the city wall, Li Yuanhe gave a big drink: "shoot the arrow!" Suddenly, on the head of the city, countless arrows fell towards the Dachang army under the wall like rain. Then, the shrill scream kept ringing from the outside of the city. After this round of arrow rain, hundreds of Dachang soldiers were hit by arrows. Those who were shot to the key and killed on the spot fell directly to the ground, but were trampled into mud by the companions who came up behind. But those soldiers who were not shot to the core, but covered their wounds, kept screaming and rolling on the ground.

The soldiers at the head of the city had no pity. Although they were not regular soldiers, they had received some regular military training more or less. In particular, they archers, the first requirement is to be calm and not be disturbed by external emotions. Therefore, although the screams from outside the city kept coming into their ears, their faces did not change at all. They continued to mount their arrows and attack outside the city.

In the battle of Jingnan City, after seeing the archery of the archery camp trained by Wang Ye, Li Yuanhe had nothing to say about the archery of these soldiers. He just kept an eye on the movement outside the city. Obviously, the loss of hundreds of people will pose no threat to the Dachang army for the time being. And soon, under the cover of the infantry in front of them, archers of Dachang army also began to press up, bent their bows and set up arrows one after another, shooting at the head of the city.

In this way, losses began to appear on the head of the city. Although the height of the city wall and the protection of the women's wall, Miao Fu brought the elite of the state of Dachang, and the archers' ability was better than these soldiers. A famous soldier was shot by an arrow from outside the city. Either he fell down directly, or he turned over from the woman wall and fell outside the city.

Li Yuanhe still stood upright in front of the city, and there were many arrows to greet him. But how could Li Yuanhe be hurt easily by these arrows. With one hand, he grabbed an arrow that was aimed at his face, and then used it to block other arrows that were aimed at him. However, none of them could get close to him.

"Don't be afraid!" Li Yuanhe blocked the arrow on one side and encouraged the left and right archers, "if there is a gap, fill it up! Just shoot the arrow out of the city If you want to say what good the city of Danube has, it is that there are plenty of arrows and other weapons in the city. According to the Yan Family's explanation, these weapons were just delivered from Yan state. They were purchased from Yan state by Dachang state. They had not been transported to other cities to be distributed. Now they were picked up by Li Yuanhe.

With these sufficient weapons, Li Yuanhe will let these soldiers be archers without any scruples. If you can't hit one arrow, I'll let you shoot three or four arrows. In any case, there are enough arrows. Just shoot as much as you like! It is estimated that if yu Wenqing, the head of Dachang state who is far away in Sichuan city, knows Li Yuanhe's idea, he may be so angry that he will vomit blood. So many weapons that Dachang state finally bought can be used by Li Yuanhe to deal with his army.

However, the ability of these archers is still not very good. When shooting, few know how to use the female wall for effective cover. They were attacked by archers outside the city, causing great casualties. In a flash, hundreds of archers were lost. Li Yuanhe saw that even if he waved his hand to let the archers retreat, although these archers were family soldiers of various families, it was good to retain a share of strength in response to the attack of Dachang army.

At this time, because of the suppression of archers, the infantry of Dachang army also began to attack the city wall. One by one, the infantry climbed up the ladder one after another. However, some infantry soldiers just bite their knives and climb up the wall with bare hands because they can't get on the ladder. Although the walls of Danube are tall, the walls of the walls are rugged and can be climbed up by these soldiers.Seeing this situation, Li Yuanhe again ordered those soldiers who had been ready to rush up and use shields to block the arrows. Another group of people began to pour the boiling water that had been burned early in the morning along the wall of the city. The boiling water poured on the soldiers of the Dachang army, and immediately scalded them to pieces. After all, it's water, not arrows and stones. Even if they're blocked by shields, boiling water will still flow down the shield and get into their armor.

After being poured with boiling water, many soldiers fell down from the ladder and the wall. The soldiers who had just climbed up were all right, while those who had already climbed very high were only tragically smashed into flesh and mud. There were even a few unfortunate ones who fell directly on the long spears set up by their companions below and were stabbed by the tip of the gun.

Although the attack made the Dachang army feel a bit frustrated in the attack for a period of time, but at the urging of the officers, the soldiers of the Dachang army still bravely rushed forward, and even a few officers simply took the lead to go up. This is the battlefield. Soldiers use their lives to win the future. If they can take the lead in rushing to the city, it will be a great achievement. For their own future, how can they cherish their lives?

Li Yuanhe frowned when he saw the Dachang soldiers rushing up so hard. The Dachang army in front of him was different from the Dachang army he had met in the past. It seems that this is the real elite teacher of Dachang state! Seeing that the soldiers in Dachang were about to climb up to the head of the city, Li Yuanhe immediately ordered all the soldiers to step back and leave the women's wall. Li Yuan and himself also slowly stepped back, standing in front of the soldiers of the post Qin vanguard army who had been waiting at the head of the city. With their spears pointing at the front of the women's wall, Li Yuan and himself said, "the vanguard army is ready!"

All the vanguard soldiers raised their weapons one after another. The newborn sun shone on their weapons, flashing a little cold light. Those soldiers who have just retired look at the vanguard soldiers who have taken up arms. They can't help but feel a little fear in their hearts. This is the real soldiers, the soldiers who have really experienced the battle!

Outside the city, seeing that the garrison at the head of the city retreated, the archers stopped attacking one after another. They did not have enough supply as the garrison did. When the Dachang army went out for the battle, it was limited to a certain amount of arrows. If it was carried too much, it would affect the speed of the March. What's more, the soldiers of Dachang army are about to climb to the head of the city. If they shoot with bows and arrows at this time, they will hurt their own people.

At the rear of the Dachang army, a group of generals were watching the fierce battle at the head of the city. When they saw that the defenders retreated and gave way to the city head, those generals howled excitedly, but several generals were secretly regretting. If I had known that the city of Danube was so easy to attack, I should have asked myself to come forward. Now I have lost one credit for nothing. I'm really unwilling!

However, Miao Fu, sitting in the center, frowned. From yesterday to just before the war, the general of the Garrison should have shown a very high level. How could he have let the city head out so simply? Is there a trick in this? At the thought of this, Miao Fu could not help but feel that he could not tell what means the other side could use. Now the situation is so good that Miao Fu can't order the withdrawal of troops because of his feeling wrong?

When Miao Fu was worried, a Dachang soldier who was in front of him had already climbed up the city. Then, more and more Dachang soldiers climbed over the wall of the city and began to rush towards Li Yuanhe and the vanguards behind him.

Li Yuanhe looked at the Dachang soldiers who rushed in front of him, but he gave a cold smile. These Dachang soldiers were indeed the elite of Dachang state, and they should be the legitimate troops of the leader of Dachang state. However, Li Yuanhe did not have any fear. He was more elite than the soldiers of Dachang state. Where could the soldiers of Dachang state compare with the generals and soldiers of the state of Qin!