In the face of Miao Xuan's attack, Li Yuanhe naturally won't be hit. If he had turned sideways or stepped back, he could easily avoid Miao Xuan's attack. However, seeing Miao Xuan's figure in the air, Li Yuanhe's heart was filled with pride. Even when he met him, he set up his spear with both hands and forced to catch the other party.

When he saw Li Yuanhe's choice of hard connection, Miao Xuan couldn't help but be pleased. He was very confident in his own strength. Even Miao Fu, who was better than himself, was far less powerful than himself. If this move was made to be solid, Miao Xuan was absolutely sure that he would cut the spear into two pieces, and even had the confidence to break Li Yuanhe's arms.

"Dang!" A clear percussion sound sounded, and Miao Xuan's axe and Li Yuanhe's spear shaft collided together. However, Miao Xuan did not imagine that the spear was broken in two, and Li Yuanhe's arms were obviously much stronger than he had imagined. Unexpectedly, he just picked up Miao Xuan's axe.

However, Li Yuanhe was not very well. Miao Xuan's strength was really much greater than him. Fortunately, his Zhangba long spear gave him a lot of strength. Otherwise, this axe would definitely shock his arms. But Rao is so. Li Yuanhe's hands are also numb. Fortunately, Miao Xuan is shocked by Li Yuanhe's ability to take over his own move. Otherwise, if Miao Xuan continues to attack, he will only be defeated.

Li Yuanhe pushed the axe back, and Li Yuanhe quickly moved his wrists. This was just to make his wrist regain consciousness. He looked at Miao Xuan in surprise. Originally, Li Yuanhe thought that he had enough strength, but he didn't expect to meet a more powerful one today. If he wanted to be an ordinary person, he would be useless if he ate this axe.

After pushing Miao Xuan out, Li Yuanhe immediately realized that he could no longer let Miao Xuan take the initiative. Li Yuanhe waved his long gun and launched a series of attacks on Miao Xuan. Miao Xuan had just returned to his senses. Seeing Li Yuanhe's fierce attack, he immediately danced a mountain axe and kept blocking him in front of him. Thanks to his gold armor, otherwise Miao Xuan's axe could not keep up with Li Yuanhe's spear speed, and Li Yuanhe had to pierce several transparent holes.

But Rao is so, Miao Xuan is also forced by Li Yuanhe's long gun to retreat several steps. Li Yuanhe is determined to take the other party down in one breath, so he can't give the other party the chance to use his strange force. He stabbed Miao Xuan wildly with one shot, which made him have no chance to fight back. Miao Xuan's axe mainly relies on strength to suppress the opponent, but Li Yuanhe's shooting skill is hard and soft. Now Li Yuanhe has not fully exerted the power of this set of spears. Otherwise, Miao Xuan is definitely not Li Yuanhe's opponent.

However, Miao Xuan was overwhelmed by Li Yuanhe's spear. Fortunately, the places where he was stabbed were blocked by the gold armour suit. The spear tips of Li Yuan and his spear only scratched on the gold armor, but there was no scar left. However, these shots were a serious blow to Miao Xuan's self-esteem. His skill was not as good as that of Miao Fu. However, Miao Fu was the son of Miao he whom he respected and had nothing to do with him. However, he was defeated by the young general in front of him, which made Miao Xuan a little unable to accept. When Miao Xuan was angry, he was shot by Li Yuanhe in the chest, which infuriated him completely.

Miao Xuan burst into a fury, holding his axe tightly in his hands. He ignored Li Yuanhe's spear and chopped at him. After all, Li Yuanhe was still young and inexperienced. When he saw Miao Xuan's way of fighting for his life, he was immediately shocked and retreated one after another. Even Miao Xuan did not dare to take an axe.

At the same time, in several other places at the head of the city, Dachang soldiers had already attacked the city head. Seeing Li Yuanhe now fighting with the enemy, Xiao Yuesheng, as his deputy, took over the command. Xiao Yuesheng pointed to the several captured city head areas, facing the vanguard soldiers who were eager to try, he said: "go! Get rid of them

Xiao Yuesheng is also a veteran. If he can be sent by Yingzhen to be Li Yuanhe's deputy, he will not be worse. He sent officers and men to fill in the loopholes in the city. Although he could not see anything brilliant, he was able to beat down the Dachang soldiers who had just attacked the city.

Looking back on the side of Li Yuanhe and Miao Xuan, although he was not used to it at first, Li Yuanhe soon saw the weakness of Miao Xuan's unreasonable tactics and began to deliberately pull Miao Xuan's axe with a long gun. In this way, Miao Xuan had to spend more strength. Before long, he was out of breath. If his will was not strong enough, he would be tired to sit on the ground.

Seeing that Miao Xuan had stopped the attack and gasped for breath, Li Yuanhe knew that it was time to launch a counter attack against Miao Xuan. However, it was Miao Xuan's turn to keep going backwards. At last, the garrison officers and soldiers around him saw that their generals were beginning to be powerful. All of them were shouting loudly and cheering for their generals.As Miao Xuan retreated step by step, the soldiers and soldiers who had been behind him also stepped aside. This battle belongs to Li Yuanhe. They don't want to stain their general's near victory for their own sake. It's a pity that heaven doesn't follow people's wishes. Just when Li Yuanhe forces Miao Xuan to the side of the woman's wall, Miao Xuan suddenly stumbles under his feet, but steps on the body of a family soldier who has just been shot, and suddenly makes Miao Xuan's body lose balance, which is no longer strong enough.

If Miao Xuan is just a normal person's figure, he will be injured at most. However, Miao Xuan's stature is too big for ordinary people to compare. The position of the wall is as high as the average person's chest. However, when he got to Miao Xuan, he could reach his waist. When Miao Xuan fell, he just hit the wall and turned over from the top of the city.

As soon as Miao Xuan fell down, he immediately attracted the attention of people inside and outside the city. Although Miao Fu and Yu Wenqian in the Dachang army tent couldn't see exactly what happened at the head of the city, they saw a Golden Shadow suddenly falling down from the head of the city. Naturally, they knew that it was Miao Xuan and stood up in surprise. Even when Miao Fu gave a shout, his eyes were black, and he fainted directly. Yu Wen Qian, who was beside him, immediately stepped forward to hold him and kept calling for a military doctor.

At a time when everyone thought that Miao Xuan who had fallen from the top of the city was no longer saved, under the wall, only a few generals rushed to the wall. All of them were generals of the Miao family, and they were always assigned to serve as deputy under Miao Xuan's tent. Before that, Miao Xuan did not go to war because he was injured, so Miao Fu gave them the command of the army. Later, when they saw Miao Xuan in the battle, they were very happy. Over the years, they had a great respect for Miao Xuan. Before that, the soldiers of Dachang army were able to rush to the head of the city, which was also because their morale increased greatly after they saw Miao Xuan.

Now, seeing Miao Xuan fall down, they rushed straight to this side without saying a word. Seeing that Miao Xuan was about to fall to the ground, these masters, totally subconsciously, got up from their horses and watched the golden figure closely. They jumped into the air at the same time. When they jumped to the highest place, they just caught Miao Xuan's body from the sky. Several people held his back with their hands at the same time. They put their own bodies under Miao Xuan's body one after another, and then went down with him.

For a moment, the whole battlefield stopped, and everyone's eyes were focused on them. Seeing that the several famous masters succeeded in catching Miao Xuan and then falling down together, many people were surprised to stare at those figures, especially Yu Wenqian and other Dachang generals. They could even feel their hearts in their voices.

Although several masters had succeeded in holding up Miao Xuan's body, the force of falling down from such a high city was so great. These generals were strong, but they couldn't bear to shout, but their hands were firmly on Miao Xuan's waist and never thought of letting go.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa A scream sounded, but it was very loud on the battlefield. I saw that the several generals dragged Miao Xuan's body and fell under the wall. All the people were stunned for a moment. Then all the Dachang soldiers who were surrounded by him rushed to rescue Miao Xuan and the generals for fear that the garrison at the head of the city would attack them.

However, the worries of these Dachang soldiers were in vain. At the head of the city, Li Yuanhe ordered everyone to stop attacking down. Although Li Yuanhe won the battle with Miao Xuan, it was not very glorious to win. Moreover, the spirit of those generals also moved Li Yuanhe. Therefore, he ordered to stop the attack and let the other party save Miao Xuan and others.

But behind the Dachang army formation, Yu Wenqian, who saw this scene, yelled at Miao Fu who had fainted: "uncle! Uncle! General Miao is saved! General Miao is saved! " Although Yu Wenqian didn't know whether Miao Xuan was saved or not, Yu Wenqian didn't care so much about this situation, so he cheated Miao Fu out of it.