Seeing that all the generals of the expeditionary army couldn't take down a few people in front of him, Yang Ge couldn't help being a little worried. He spat at the waste, then turned his head to his back and said, "where is Xing Luo?"

As soon as Yang Ge's voice dropped, he suddenly rushed out of the rear of the army and ran straight behind him. He clasped his fist at Yang Ge and yelled: "young master! Xing Luo is here! " I saw that this man was tall and big. He was holding a crescent moon sword in his hand and wearing brown tiger head armor. Especially on his face, there were scars all over his face, even fierce.

Just as the Miao family has Miao Xuan as a general, although the Yang family is unpopular in Dachang military, after all, Yang Bingde is in a high position of power, and there are many followers of his martial arts. The present Xing Luo is one of them. Xing Luoben was a general in the Dachang army. Because he was good at Sabre technique, he was arrogant. He offended his superiors and was expelled from the army. However, when he was wandering in Sichuan, he met Yang Bingde. Seeing that he was good at martial arts, Yang Bingde gave him to the government and became a general.

Xing Luo suffered because of the generals of the military at the beginning, so after turning to Yang Bingde, he also relied on Yang Bingde's power to find a lot of trouble for the military. Therefore, it can be said that he and the military have already made a pledge. In view of these circumstances, Yang Bingde did not let him return to the army, but let him follow Yang Ge and become Yang Ge's general. And this Xingluo's skill is really good. Yang Ge broke through several disasters in Sichuan city, and he stood up to rescue him, which can be said to have won Yang Ge's trust. Now seeing that Li Yuanhe and one of his cadres and generals are so powerful, Yang Ge immediately summoned Xing Luo and relied on Xing Luo to save his face.

Seeing Xing Luo's departure, Yang Ge's face finally softened. Pointing to the group of people fighting in front of the battle, he said to Xing Luo, "Xingluo, bring me the head of the enemy general quickly!"

Xing Luo turned his head and looked at the battlefield. He could not help frowning. It was not that he had any doubts about Yang Ge's orders, but that several Dachang generals in the scuffle were the enemies who had driven him out of the army. Now Yang Ge's order is to let him save his enemy, Xing Luo of course is not willing to. However, he did not forget that it was the Yang family who gave him such wealth and wealth. He must obey Yang Ge's orders, even if he was unwilling to do so.

Just out of the army, Xing Luo didn't rush into the battle group immediately. He had some thoughts of procrastination in his mind. If he could drag the enemy and kill all the Dachang generals, it would be the best. However, at present, both sides are still in a draw, where there is so easy to decide the outcome, Xing Luo is not easy to delay too much, can only be slow to move forward.

Before Xing Luo completely rushed into the battle group, Xing Luo's eyes lit up because he saw that one of the other's generals had not joined the group. Xingluo immediately decided to set the target on this general, and it was better to help his enemy in the past. Moreover, Xing Luo can release water when fighting with the enemy general. Maybe when he takes the head of the enemy general, his enemies will be killed by the enemy. Thinking of this, Xing Luo was excited to shout a few times, and then directly toward the enemy general in the past.

Naturally, the enemy general that Xing Luo was looking for was Li Yuanhe, the only one who watched the battle on the battlefield. Since Xing Luo came out of the army, Li Yuanhe had noticed him. Originally thought that after his own second kill, the enemy general should not attack himself alone, but he didn't expect that Xing Luogang was not in front of the battle, so he didn't see Li Yuanhe's power at all. Now, a single horse rushed towards Li Yuanhe.

Li Yuanhe couldn't help but sneer. It seems that the war just now didn't give the other party enough vigilance! After several wars, Li Yuanhe is now confident in his own skills. Let alone the unknown generals in front of him, Li Yuanhe is confident that he can fight him down even if he is against Miao Xuan again. Immediately, Li Yuanhe was ready to make a more profound impact on the other side.

When Xing Luo saw Li Yuanhe, he was more and more calm. In his opinion, Li Yuanhe was a little general who did not know the height of heaven and earth. Even if Xing Luo was in Sichuan, he was invincible. How could he be afraid of such a young general. Of course, Xing Luo, who is invincible, naturally does not include super first-class generals such as Miao Fu and Miao Xuan. When they reach their level, they will not care much about Xing Luo. It's a pity that Xing Luo didn't see the first battle of Chengtou on that day. Otherwise, he would have known that the man he thought was just a little general in front of him was already a super first-class general belonging to Miao Xuan.

The two riders collided face to face with each other. This time, Li Yuanhe did not intend to be merciful. His spear directly stabbed at Xing Luo. Xingluo had planned to release water to Li Yuanhe, so as to delay time, but it was just a flower in front of him. He saw that Li Yuanhe's long gun had been stabbed in front of him. At that time, Xing Luo was stunned. The Yanyue sword in his hand was lifted up in a hurry, and could be blocked in front of Li Yuanhe's long gun.

But just like this, how can we resist Li Yuanhe's Zhangba shooting method. Li Yuan and the corners of his mouth curled slightly. Suddenly, the spear that had been stabbed at Xing Luo like a dragon suddenly twisted and split into countless gun shadows, which covered Xing Luo's whole body. And it seems that these gun shadows are virtual shadows, but the next moment, those gun shadows fell on Xing Luo, and there was blood everywhere. Xing Luo gave out a scream of pain, and fell directly from the horse's back to the ground, and did not move again.This time, the Dachang army was stunned, especially Yang Ge. Yang Ge is not good at military affairs and martial arts. Therefore, according to the influence of the past, he even thinks that his guard will be no less than Miao Xuan, the first general of the Miao family. However, such an expert was stabbed into a hornet's nest by the enemy. Up to now, his life and death are still unknown. Immediately, Yang Ge felt as if he had fallen into the ice cellar. His whole body was cold and cold.

Li Yuanhe, on the other hand, coldly glanced at the battle line of Dachang army, then turned his horse's head and rushed towards the scuffle. Soon, Li Yuanhe rushed into the battle group. The first thing they met was the couple of Li Ping and Yan Ze. Immediately, Li Yuanhe quickly stabbed out the spear, but he bounced away the knives of Li Ping and Yan Ze. Then, with the strength of the rebound, he drew directly toward the enemy general's body.

When the enemy general saw him, he couldn't help but be shocked. Originally, he and the two young generals had been fighting equally, but now he jumped out of the killing God who could kill his colleagues. How can he resist it? He immediately raised his long knife in his hand and blocked it in front of his chest, ready to resist Li Yuanhe's shot.

But I didn't expect that Li Yuanhe's gun was an empty move. He saw Li Yuanhe's arm turn in a strange way. The long gun crossed an arc in the air and attacked the Zhao brothers nearby. Li Yuanhe gave a big drink: "Zhao Yong! Zhao Meng! Step back Then, he danced up the spear and took all the opponents of Zhao's brothers to his side.

When the Zhao brothers heard Li Yuanhe's cry, they couldn't help but be stunned. It was this Leng Shen's Kung Fu that their opponents were robbed by Li Yuanhe. The two brothers were flushed for a while. They had a good fight with their rivals. They were robbed by their own adults. However, they did not dare to get angry with Li Yuanhe. They could only follow Li Yuanhe's orders and retreat.

However, Li Yuan and one man fought against three generals alone, but they were still able to do it. With a wave of the spear in his hand, he forced the three generals back for a while, and then turned around and shot again, robbing the four opponents of the Wei family brothers. If the Wei brothers were to fight separately, Li Yuan and his hasty shot could not have snatched all of their four opponents. However, the Wei brothers are used to using the art of joint attack, so their opponents are also squeezed into a piece by them. Li Yuan and this one shot, just stopped the Wei brothers' attack.

The four generals who dealt with the Wei brothers originally intended to besiege Li Yuanhe. Now that Li Yuanhe came to the door, he naturally gave up the Wei brothers and went to fight against Li Yuanhe. The Wei brothers were much better tempered than the Zhao brothers. Seeing that Li Yuanhe was the one who robbed them of their opponents, they did not have any opinions. They nodded to each other and retreated. Li Ping, who had just retreated from the side, ran his horse to Xing Luo, who had just been stabbed by Li Yuanhe. He bent down on the horse's back and plucked Xing Luo's body with a broadsword. However, he wanted to confirm whether the enemy general was dead. However, Li Ping's behavior is superfluous. Xing Luo was stabbed many holes in his whole body by Li Yuanhe. Where is the possibility of surviving.

Li Ping couldn't help smacking his tongue when he saw the dense blood holes in the enemy general. He was always friendly when he saw Li Yuanhe, but he didn't expect such a killer. Li Ping was proud that he could become Li Yuanhe's personal soldier, but also felt sad for Li Yuanhe's enemy. He secretly warned himself that he should not be angry with Li Yuanhe, otherwise, the enemy in front of him would be his own end. Immediately, Li Ping left the body, turned to look at the center of the battlefield, carefully watched Li Yuanhe how to fight seven generals alone.