When Yan Duoqi heard about Yingzhen, he immediately understood the meaning of Yingzhen. This is the real drama meat. Yingzhen is asking for benefits from him! Of course, this benefit is not money. As the prince of the state of Qin, how can you care about something outside your body. But if Yan Duoqi's benefits can't satisfy Yingzhen, I'm afraid it won't come true.

Yan Duoqi had already prepared his speech when he came to meet Yingzhen this time. However, after a secret contest with Yingzhen, Yan Duoqi immediately gave up all his original plans. Although the current win is really young, it is definitely not a master to fool. Yan Duoqi's brain began to spin rapidly. He should think of a plan that can satisfy the other party. But win really is not in a hurry. Watching Yan Duoqi bow his head and ponder over it, he just smiles and drinks from his side.

What Yan Duoqi is thinking about now is, first of all, what Yingzhen needs most. In fact, it is very obvious that Ying Zhengui is the third prince. Naturally, what he needs most is the throne of the post Qin state. However, Yan Duoqi is self-conscious. He will not rashly go to Yingzhen to support him to ascend the throne, not to mention whether there are spies sent by other princes around Yingzhen. Even if he is not known by other princes, Yan Duoqi will only let Yingzhen underestimate his ability if he does so. How can Yingzhen ally with him for such a reckless person?

Power can't be given, and money and beauty are not lacking for winning. This is a bit of a headache for Yan Duoqi. Looking down at the wine pot and glass in front of him, Yan Duoqi's eyes are constantly scurrying, thinking about what kind of benefits he can give to win in order to make Yingzhen agree to support the Yan Family's restoration.

When Ying Zhen met Yan Duoqi for a long time, he couldn't think of a reason to come, but he was not in a hurry. When he came to Danube this time, Ying Zhen didn't intend to finish everything in one day. Immediately, Yingzhen said to Yan Duoqi with a smile: "master Yan, I'm a little too drunk, so I'll leave first! As for the matter just now, master Yan might as well go back and think about it carefully and then reply to the king again! "

After that, Ying Zhen stood up and said to all the people present, "I'm a little tired. If you keep drinking, I'll go down and have a rest first." Then, Ying Zhen clasped his fist at the crowd, and then left his seat directly. By the way, he pressed Yan Duoqi on the shoulder and left through the back door of the assembly hall in the salutation of the generals. Ying Zhen went to rest under the guidance of his own soldiers.

After seeing Ying Zhen off, the generals did not have much scruples. They even drank freely. For a while, the meeting hall was very busy. Yan Duoqi, however, seemed to feel something after being pressed on his shoulder by winning. He was stunned for a long time in his seat. When he regained consciousness, Ying Zhen had already gone out of sight. Yan Duoqi looked around, but he saw Li Yuanhe. He got up quickly and walked to Li Yuanhe's side. He whispered a few words in his ear.

Originally, Li Yuanhe was drinking with Wang Qiong. When Wang Qiong saw Yan Duoqi, he suddenly put in a lot of money. Of course, he was not happy. Wang Qiong, who was originally born in Biancheng, looked down upon Yan Duoqi as a businessman in the bottom of her heart. However, she was angry because she had a Li Yuanhe in the middle. She had to put her wine glass on the table with a cold face, and then turned to chat with Wang.

Yan Duoqi, of course, did not know that he had just unintentionally offended such a powerful person as Wang Qiong. At this time, he was extremely worried. After saying a few words to Li Yuanhe, he saw Li Yuanhe and nodded his head, and immediately walked out of the meeting hall. Li Yuanhe also accused the generals around him, then stood up and followed Yan Duoqi out of the chamber.

They left the assembly hall one after another, but they did not stop. They went straight to a quiet place. Yan Duoqi in front of them stopped. Yan Duoqi turned to Li Yuanhe and said, "General Li! We are friends, too! I don't know one thing. I hope I can ask the general one or two and ask the general to answer for me! "

Li Yuanhe has always been a poor drinker. He had just been drunk by Wang Qiong and others, and his head was a little dizzy. Now he had a cold wind, but he was a little sober. It's just that the strength of the wine comes up, but it's not that the cold wind can go down. Listening to Yan Duoqi's words, Li Yuanhe's head is a little feverish. He waved his hand and said, "master Yan! Why are you so polite to me? If you have anything, just ask! Li Mou knows everything and says everything! "

Yan Duoqi was very glad to hear this sentence. Even if he paid homage to Li Yuanhe, he said, "I'd like to thank General Li in advance! In fact, this is the same thing! Just now I was discussing with his Highness the third prince about the restoration of the country. Although his highness is willing to help the Yan family to restore the country, we have to pay some, some costs! Yes, of course! I didn't want to, but the third prince didn't tell us what we needed from Yan family, just let me think about it. I'm stupid. I can't think of it. Now I have to consult general Li! I'd like to ask general Li to help me solve my doubts. Thank you very much

If Li Yuanhe was in a sober state at this time, he would never interrupt. After all, this matter is related to Ying Zhen. Li Yuanhe is a cautious man, so how can he get involved. But the problem is that Li Yuanhe can't be regarded as sober now, because of the relationship between those few mouthfuls of wine, now his head is confused! After listening to Yan Duoqi's question, Li Yuanhe just thought about it for a while, then said with a smile: "I said there is something wrong with it! This is it! In fact, the head of the Yan family just didn't see it clearly because he was in the Bureau. In fact, this matter is very simple. ""Er!" After listening to Li Yuanhe's lightness, Yan Duoqi couldn't help saying something. Although he was just pressed on the shoulder by Yingzhen, Yan Duoqi thought of something, but he still couldn't grasp the main points, so he came to ask Li Yuanhe. Now listening to Li Yuanhe, Yan Duoqi's mind seems to be clearer.

Li Yuanhe laughed, and suddenly put his head to Yan Duoqi's ear. Although Li Yuanhe was drunk, he knew that some things could not be publicized too much. He said in a low voice: "Your Highness, this battle is over before the first World War. What your highness needs now is not gold or silver, but achievements! An achievement that can make your highness famous in the imperial court! "

Yan Duoqi is not a fool. Before that, he just couldn't grasp the direction for a while, so he got confused. Now by Li Yuan and such a little bit, Yan Duoqi's heart is immediately bright! Yeah! What does Yingzhen need to fight for the throne with other princes? That's the achievement! If Qin wins the throne, he will have a better chance to win! But looking at Li Yuanhe in front of him, isn't he who just made a great contribution and was really valued by win?

In any country, it's a great achievement for any country. Now the Yan family can give Yingzhen such a contribution! After the restoration of the country, Yan jiaruo represented not a merchant family, but the southern barbarian state that unified the south. If the Yan family were to submit to the Qin State in Yingzhen's hands, it would be true that the Yan family would remain famous in the history of the Qin state! You should know that even the great Qin Empire at that time did not make the southern barbarian Kingdom submit completely. How important it is for the post Qin state, which has always regarded itself as the successor of the great Qin Empire!

As for the question of whether the southern barbarian state would submit to the post Qin state, Yan Duoqi of course had considered it for a long time. In fact, for the Yan family, the surrender of the latter Qin state is nothing. After the restoration of the Yan family, it must have been in opposition to the Yu family's Dachang state. Without the support of the post Qin state, how could the Yan Family defeat the Dachang state, which was deeply rooted in the south of China. Temporary surrender is only a necessary stage for the Yan family. When the Yan family gets a firm foothold in the future, this kind of subordination relationship can be overthrown immediately!

Now that he knew what he really wanted to win, Yan Duoqi was overjoyed immediately. He paid homage to Li Yuanhe and said, "the general's words let me be a Mao Zedong! Yan family really thank the general for his help! In the future, no matter what the general needs help from the Yan family, the Yan family will definitely give full support to it! " While Yan Duoqi was happy, he did not forget to make a short promise to Li Yuanhe. For Yan Duoqi, this kind of words was just open mouth.

Li Yuanhe waved his hand carelessly and said: "the Yan Family leader is serious! The words are heavy! Since there is nothing more to do, Mr. Li will continue to go back to the conference hall to accompany those colleagues! Please help yourself, master Yan With that, he walked back unsteadily, still a little crooked, and looked as if he was ready to wrestle at any time. But Yan Duoqi didn't care about Li Yuanhe at this time. He already knew what he should do. He quickly walked to the backyard of the chengshoufu, found a guard, inquired about Yingzhen's resting place, and went straight to Yingzhen.

Not to mention how Yan Duoqi went to discuss with Yingzhen, Li Yuanhe staggered back to the conference hall and was immediately dragged back to his seat by Wang Qiong, who had been waiting for a long time. Wang Qiong said with a look of discontent: "brother Li is really! What can we talk about with that stinking merchant! Fortunately, their ancestors were still heroes in building the army and the country! I can't believe that the younger generation is so useless! "

Along the way, Li Yuanhe's wine strength also scattered a lot, thinking of his behavior just now, but can't help but regret, frowning tightly. For Wang Qiong's words, Li Yuanhe just subconsciously nodded as a reply, and directly sat back to his seat, but he said nothing about the wine glass in front of him.