Li Yuanhe said with a smile, "general Qi, don't worry! Li must be careful! " Li Yuan and not warm answer, but let Qi Huang have a little powerful flavor. At that time, Qi Huang did not reply any more. He directly waved his mace in his hand and made a face-to-face posture towards Li Yuanhe.

However, Li Yuanhe did not show weakness. With his eight Zhang long spear in his hand, he held it up in his chest, but the tip of the gun pointed straight at Qi Huang, and he made a horse step forward, which changed his previous gentle momentum. All of a sudden, the people watching the battle around felt that Li Yuanhe and Qi Huang suddenly burst out with an amazing momentum, especially Li Yuanhe's body, as if smelling a smell of blood.

Although Na Yingqi was shocked by the momentum of the two men, he did not notice anything. However, the civilian official who had not spoken after him showed a look of surprise on his face. He could not help but crinkle his brows. His eyes kept flashing, staring at Li Yuanhe, who was holding a gun for battle.

"What a surprise! It seems that the reason for this southern expedition is that he has already developed a whole body of evil spirit even though he is so young! I don't know how many people he killed to be able to practice such momentum! It seems that Qi Juan is going to kick the iron plate this time! " The civil servant said to himself in a voice that only he could hear clearly.

Of course, the two people in the middle of the school field couldn't hear the civil servant's words. At the moment, they were staring at each other and making final preparations. Both of them are on the same level of martial arts, so they are afraid to take a shot easily. If one is not careful, it is likely to fall behind in the competition. It will not be so easy to get back.

Therefore, the two people use the same strategy, that is to use their own momentum to oppress the other party, although it will not let the other party show a lot of flaws, but as long as they succeed, they will be able to occupy a certain degree of advantage. Even if it is a little bit of advantage, it will become an important reason for defeat in the end.

Although both of them burst out their own momentum at the same time, Qihuang found that although the momentum of each other was not better than himself, he was aware of some discomfort. Especially when he saw Li Yuanhe's eyes, Qi Huang felt uneasy in his heart. Although Qihuang had been trying to suppress the uneasiness, he finally let it affect his body. His hands trembled involuntarily, and the mace moved a little to one side.

Although this little bit of movement can be said to be very small, but fell in Li Yuanhe's eyes, but let Li Yuanhe's eyes suddenly burst out of essence. All of a sudden, Li Yuanhe's whole body began to move. The speed was so fast that the onlookers seemed to see a trace of the shadow. But what caught everyone's eyes was Li Yuanhe's Zhangba spear in his hand. The silvery white body of the gun was like a flash of lightning, and it even made a piercing sound.

Although Li Yuanhe got the first chance, Qi Huang didn't give up. Instead, he shook his mace in his hand and knocked down Li Yuanhe's spear. Naturally, the purpose was to stop the spear from moving forward. However, Li Yuanhe didn't intend to let Qi Huang do what he wanted. He saw that the silver light flashed by, and the spear continued to stab Qi Huang's chest with those ferocious nails on the mace. Instead of slowing down, the speed was accelerating.

Qi Huang's face changed, but he was also an expert after all. He knew that it was too late to block the spear at this time. Even when he released one hand, his whole body turned to one side. Suddenly, the eight long spear was close to Qi Huang's goggles and wiped it away, but it escaped Li Yuanhe's attack.

After Qi Huang flashed the blow, he immediately shook the mace with one hand and swept it toward Li Yuanhe's waist. He knew that Li Yuanhe could not be allowed to continue to seize the opportunity. He must rush to attack! Only in this way can we bring back the weakness of that round. However, in the view of the generals watching the battle, the danger of Qi Huang's rushing attack is very great. If this sweep is not hit, Qi Huang's whole body will be exposed to the attack of the other side.

However, the weapon in Qi Huang's hand is a mace, which is a kind of heavy weapon, especially the mace in Qi Huang's hand, which has added material. Although Qi Huang's middle door is wide open at the moment, Li Yuanhe can easily stab him in the chest with a long gun, but Qi Huang's mace has a wide range of attack. When Li Yuanhe stabs Qi Huang, he is inevitably hit by the mace. The head of the wolf toothed stick is full of iron nails, and it is full of weight. If you are hit by this stick, you will be half disabled even if you are not dead!

Li Yuanhe and Qi Huang are just to learn martial arts, but not have deep hatred. Li Yuanhe has no need to fight with him and lose both sides. At present, Li Yuanhe went back several steps in succession and avoided Qi Huang's stick. Then he stood up his long gun again and was ready to meet Qi Huang's next attack.

Qi Huang was also relieved. Although it was just the first round of the two men's fight, it was extremely dangerous. Li Yuan and his opponent's strength had far exceeded his imagination. It is not so easy to defeat such an opponent. Immediately, Qi Huang chose to attack Li Yuanhe.If Li Yuanhe is allowed to take the initiative, Qi Huang will not have many opportunities to turn the situation around like he just did. Thinking of this, Qi Huang gave a big drink. First he made a strong voice for himself, then he raised the mace and waved it to Li Yuanhe. In Qi Huang's hands, the wolf toothed stick, which weighs more than 100 Jin, seems to be as light as nothing in Qi Huang's hand. It suddenly presents countless shadows in the air, making people unable to distinguish the true from the false.

Just now people have seen the weight of the mace, but they didn't expect that it could be so light in Qi Huang's hands. They all marveled at Li Yuan and Cheng Hu, who was full of confidence, and so on.

However, Li Yuanhe didn't have the free will to control the mood of Chenghu and others. Qi Huang's attack was really sharp. Li Yuanhe could only dodge these attacks by relying on his flexible footwork. Several times, Li Yuanhe was almost hit by the iron nail on the mace. But even so, Li Yuanhe held the spear tightly and didn't confront Qi Huang. The power of the mace was too great. Li Yuanhe seldom found a weapon he could take advantage of. He didn't want to be damaged by Qi Huang's mace.

It may be that after seeing Li Yuanhe's thoughts, Qi Huang's attack became more and more serious. The breaking sound of the mace was just like thunder. Several times, Qi Huang's mace hit Li Yuan and the ground under his feet. All of them made big holes in the ground made of sand and stones. The stones splashed up and even hit the soldiers watching the battle at the school field.

Even after evading Qi Huang's dozens of attacks, Rao was more powerful than he could bear to wave the 80 Jin mace. Therefore, the mace began to slow down in Qi Huang's hands. However, Li Yuanhe and others had this opportunity. Seeing Qi Huang's sweeping, he felt a little too hard. Unexpectedly, he didn't grasp the force. The mace hit the ground heavily, but his back was completely exposed in front of Li Yuanhe.

Of course, Li Yuanhe would not miss such a good opportunity. He directly raised his Zhangba spear and stabbed at Qi Huang. However, Li Yuanhe was kind and did not intend to hurt Qi Huang seriously. Therefore, the target of the long gun was not Qi Huang's back, but Qi Huang's arm. As long as Qi Juan's arm is hung with a color, the match can be ended.

Just as the tip of the Zhangba spear was about to hit Qi Huang's arm, Qi Huang, who had already carried his whole body, suddenly turned around, and his eyes were full of light. Qi Huang's hands trembled, and the mace suddenly rose from the ground, and the sharp spike at the end of the stick pointed at Li Yuanhe's gun.

Suddenly a spark flashed, but the spike at the end of the mace and the tip of Li Yuan's and Zhangba's spears collided. Although Li Yuanhe's spear was not bounced back, it also made the spear lose its original target and bounce high. While at this time, Qi Huang turned from the other side, holding the mace in one hand, turned half a circle from the back, and swept hard at Li Yuanhe. It turned out that Qi Huang's stick had just been swept through the air, but it was Qi Huang's intention to lure Li Yuan and be cheated. Now Li Yuan and his whole body are rushing forward and can't turn back to dodge the stick.

However, Qi Huang used up all the remaining strength in his body. If Li Yuanhe was swept by this stick, even if he could not die, he would have to lie in bed for the rest of his life. Seeing that Li Yuanhe was so dangerous, Cheng Hu and his cronies could not help but cry out. Although he had the intention to stop Li Yuanhe, it was too late. Qi Huang used this stick too much, and there was no way to take it back.

Seeing that he could no longer avoid the other party's stick, Li Yuanhe gritted his teeth. Now he had only one choice. So Li Yuanhe simply pulled out his long gun, which had already played so high, and thrust it directly into the ground. However, Li Yuan and himself put the whole body on the spear, regardless of the sweeping wolf toothed stick, jumped up high, flew out, and directly kicked Qi Huang's chest.