When picking up the bride, the mother's family can set up some obstacles for the groom, which means that the bride is not so easy to be picked up by the groom, which is also to let the groom cherish the bride and treat her well after marriage. Li Yuanhe had also guessed that Wang Ye and Wang Qiong would give him some tricks, but they didn't expect that they had such a big battle.

Originally, inside the gate of the Confucius Mansion, there was a high-rise wall on which there were poems put forward by Kong De himself. It was a masterpiece written by Kong De when he was drunk before. It has always been something that Conde was very proud of. Otherwise, it would not have been placed in the place that could be seen as soon as he entered the gate.

But now the wall was completely gone, and the whole front yard was open, and the ground was full of braziers, all blazing with fire. These braziers extend from the gate to the hall at the other end of the front yard. Obviously, these braziers are not there. Otherwise, Yingzhen and Wang Yang will not be able to get out.

With a bitter smile, Li Yuanhe turned his head and looked at Qian Bo, who shrugged his shoulders helplessly. When Kong De was not there, he could not stop these royal children. Fortunately, the wall has not been damaged, but the bottom has been pried off and removed. Wang also promised to re install the wall after the wedding.

Wang also said to Li Yuanhe with a smile: "brother Li! We all know that you are good at it. These braziers are not hard for you, but they are not to stop you from entering! Later, after you pick up your sister-in-law, you have to carry the bride across these braziers. You can't turn over a brazier. Otherwise, you will be fined ten glasses of wine at the banquet later

Hearing Wang Ye's words, Li Yuanhe's Handun flowed down his forehead. Wang also said it was right. If he was the only one, though the fire pots were arranged densely, it was difficult for him. But later, Li Yuanhe had to carry Gu lianniang on his back. In addition, the Xi robe he was wearing today was very generous, which was not suitable for activities at all, which greatly increased the difficulty. Li Yuanhe's punishment for overturning the brazier arranged by Wang also took Li Yuanhe's old life. Originally, Li Yuanhe was the target of toasting today. In addition to ten cups of penalty wine, Li Yuanhe was afraid that he could not return to the bridal chamber soberly today.

"How about it? Brother Li! Please! It's getting late! My sister-in-law is waiting in the room! Ha ha ha Wang Qiong, however, recovered her scar and forgot the pain. This time she jumped out again and said with a smile to Li Yuanhe. But Wang Yang on one side didn't say much this time, and let them these young people make a fuss.

Although Li Yuanhe has some helplessness, he is not waiting for others at this time. At present, he has to accept the problems of Wang Ye and others. Li Yuanhe kicks the hem of his clothes, but he grabs them directly to his waist, which at least makes his actions more convenient. Then, he saw Li Yuanhe jump up high and straight towards the front yard. Kong Ling and other people who came to meet the bride were not worried at all. For Li Yuanhe, who is alone now, this kind of support is nothing, but the dilemma is how Li Yuanhe and his bride will come out later.

No matter how strong Li Yuanhe's jumping ability is, of course, it's impossible for Li Yuanhe to jump over the front yard, which is more than ten feet away. Just after jumping about three feet, Li Yuanhe's body began to fall. However, before this, Li Yuanhe had already identified the foothold. It was just in the middle of several pots of fire. He saw his toes lightly in the gap, which was another high jump. Suddenly, Li Yuan and his lightsome skills won the applause of the crowd. After several jumps, Li Yuanhe successfully jumped over the brazier array. Immediately, Li Yuanhe turned to the crowd standing at the door with a fist and a smile. Then he turned and went in.

Wang Qiong at the door looked at it and said to Wang with a smile: "second brother! I don't think the idea you've come up with can't help big brother Li! Don't let big brother Li pass this test easily later! Otherwise, it would be a waste of money for our brothers to change the government of Confucius at the risk of being blamed by Lord Kong! "

Wang also had a smile on his face, but he looked very confident and said, "don't worry! Don't look at Li brothers now so relaxed, but there is a person on the back, that can be completely different effect! I can guarantee that when brother Li comes out later, it will not be so easy, but the premise is that someone will not help you! " With that, Wang Ye's eyes fluttered, but he looked at Kong Ling on one side. Wang knew Kong Ling as early as he was in Yucheng. He also admired Kong Ling's wisdom. Although he is very confident now, it's not sure that Kong Ling can think of a way for Li Yuanhe.

Kong Ling saw Wang Ye's eyes, he he laughed and said, "General Wang, don't worry! I will never make a noise to ruin General Wang's affairs! Besides, the elder brother will have to have a lot of fun to marry his sister-in-law this time! " With that, Kong Ling also winked at the king playfully. Seeing these people making such a fuss, Wang Yang and Ying Zhen looked at each other and laughed at each other. Of course, they did not interfere.

After Li Yuanhe stepped over the brazier array, he went directly to the backyard. The natural servant led him to the room where Gu lianniang was. Today, the whole Confucius Mansion is decorated with festivity everywhere, and the servants are all beaming with joy, especially after seeing Li Yuanhe. Li Yuanhe, of course, also distributed red envelopes to them according to the rules. The servants and maids who got the red envelopes laughed more brightly, and their mouths kept on pointing at Li Yuan and Daoxi.When he came to the room where Gu lianniang was, the door was tightly closed. Li Yuanhe cleared his throat, then raised his hand and knocked on the door, shouting: "open the door! I'm here to pick up the bride

"Ha ha ha ha! Here comes the general! But this door can't be opened for you! Just don't know if the general knows the rules or not? " From the door came a clear sound like a silver bell. Then, I saw a window next to the door raised a small corner, showing a section of arm like white lotus root, but the fingers of Qianqian kept rubbing against Li Yuanhe.

Li Yuanhe couldn't help laughing when he saw the arm. He said with a smile: "you little devil, you haven't seen him for a few days. You dare to ask for money from me! Is your butt itchy? Believe it or not, I'll punish you to run around the Colonel's field for one or two hundred laps! " With that, Li Yuanhe directly reached out and patted on the palm of the small hand. Suddenly, the little hand Shua fell in like this.

"General!" The voice inside the door immediately called out, "how can you be so stingy! It's a rule to receive a red envelope from the bride! You can't use your power for personal gain After that, he heard the door creak. Although the woman inside said it was pathetic, she was still frightened by Li Yuanhe and opened the door obediently.

I saw a young woman in a red dress coming out of the door. Although her face was not painted with rich and colorful ornaments, she looked very pure and had a special flavor. But at this time, the woman's face is pursed red lips, a pair of aggrieved appearance, let a person see still pity. The woman worshipped Li Yuan and YingYing and said, "Ping'er congratulates the general!" After that, he stood up and did not look over his head. Obviously, he was still angry at Li Yuanhe's words.

Li Yuanhe went to the woman's side with a smile and put his hand on her head. However, a thick red envelope directly knocked on her head. The woman wanted to scream at the pain, but as soon as she saw Li Yuanhe's red envelope, her big eyes lit up. She took over Li Yuanhe's red envelope and said to Li Yuanhe with a smile: "I knew that the general would not be so stingy. Ping'er thanks the general!"

Li Yuanhe was so embarrassed by the various expressions on the woman's face that he reached out again, but this time he knocked on her forehead with his finger and said with a smile: "good, you little devil! Even I dare to blackmail for the red envelope! After the wedding banquet, I will train you well! Let's see if you're good at it

The woman's smiling face suddenly seemed to be wrinkled. She felt her red forehead and said, "general! Ping'er has recovered her daughter now. The general can't do anything to Ping'er, otherwise the lady will blame the general later! "

Li Yuanhe, on the contrary, pinched the woman's small face and gently twisted it. He said with a smile, "little devil! What's the mess in your head! It seems that I have to find Ma Er Ma to discuss with him. Let him lock you at home and ask some teachers to teach you well. Don't let you run around in the army again! "

"No Hearing Li Yuanhe say so, the woman finally dare not make trouble again. She obediently said to Li Yuanhe, "general! Don't let uncle Ma shut me up at home. After he knew I was a daughter, I begged him for a long time before he would keep this secret for me! If the general doesn't allow me to join the army, uncle Ma will certainly do the same! "

"I'm afraid of it now." Li Yuanhe saw that the woman was soft. He could not help but feel proud and said with a laugh: "little devil! If you fight against general Ben, it's far from enough! Want me to say no to Ma Er Ma, OK! It depends on your performance today! " With that, Li Yuan and raised his eyebrows to the woman, but his face was smiling.

"Yuanhe, don't make Ping'er happy. Don't you see that Ping'er is scared by you?" When Li Yuanhe was teasing the woman, a female voice came from the room. Li Yuanhe raised his head and looked into the room. In addition to the woman standing at the door of the room, there was only one woman in the red wedding gown, who was the bride in full dress.