As soon as Chen Ren saw his success, he ran out of the gate and glanced at Lu Bu who had fallen on the ground. He could not help admiring himself. Lu Bu's martial arts talent is really superb. A few months ago, he couldn't even take a shot of his own. Now he shoots two shots at the same time. He can not only dodge one shot, but also let an important part of his body at the critical moment, only to cut a piece of flesh.

Of course, even if Lv Bu was not seriously injured, there was no threat to Chen Ren. Chen Ren leaped out of the gate, kicked off an iron horse, grabbed his mount and weapons, and ran directly to the gate of the city. When Lv Bu limped out of the gate, he could only look at Chen Ren's back from a distance.

All of a sudden, Chen Ren's voice floated over: "tell Taishi Dong, be careful of Cao Cao and Liu Bei!" Naturally, Chen Ren will not forget to block Cao Cao and Liu Bei again. Although Dong Zhuo may not believe everything, Chen Ren's statement before will certainly play a certain role. Even if Dong Zhuo does not intentionally seek trouble for these two people, it will not be easy for them to rise. Liu Bei, in particular, belongs to the kind of small strong man who seeks survival in the cracks. If Dong Zhuo pays attention to him, he will have a hard time in the following days?

Chen Ran all the way to the gate of the city. He yelled at the soldiers left behind: "I'm under general Lv. The grand master wants me to go out of the city to do business. Don't open the door as soon as possible!"

What Chen Ren was riding at this time was the mount of Lu Bu's personal guards. Both the decoration of horse head and the style of saddle were unique to Chang'an. Those sergeants would not want to open the door when they came to see Chen's odd dress. Unfortunately, Chen Ren put a gun on the head of the guard sergeant's forehead and said, "if you don't open the door again, it will delay the grand master's affairs. Don't blame me for being rude!"

Lu Bu's personal guard was famous in Chang'an. At this time, the guard Sergeant dared not hesitate and opened the gate. At this time, a firelight appeared in the street behind Chen Ren, but Lu Bu was running after him with his men and horses. Chen Ren smiles and runs out of the city without waiting for the gatekeeper to react.

After a while, Lv Bu and a group of iron cavalry just arrived at the gate of the city. Looking at the darkness outside the city, Lv Bu waved the Fang Tian Hua halberd and gave a cold look at the garrison soldiers who had already knelt on the ground, and gave a cold drink: "let the enemy go? Kill me

With a few screams, those guards became the object of Lv Bu's anger. Of course, Lv Bu knew that the guards had no major fault, but he could not help it. After being wounded by Chen Ren, Lv Bu did not dare to let the iron cavalry chase him directly, which was equivalent to sending vegetables to Chen Ren. Only a brief bandage of the wound on the thigh, this with the iron horse to catch up, but it is already late. In such a dark night, it is more difficult to chase a horse outside the city than to ascend to the sky. However, Lv Bu had to turn back to the taishifu and let Dong Zhuo make a decision.

After leaving Chang'an City, Chen Ren did not run to the south, but turned to the north. After only half an hour's running, he came to a small village. Chen Ren came to the door of a big house, dismounted his horse, untied the rope tied to his body, and directly held the Diao Chan behind him in his arms. He walked quickly to the front door and skillfully knocked out the three long and two short signal.

Before long, the gate quickly opened a corner. After Chen Ren slipped in with Diao Chan on his side, the gate was immediately closed. The horse outside the gate was already driven away by Chen Yiyi's whip. At this time, it is estimated that he has already run out of the village.

This is a base set up by Cheng Yu's snake department in Chang'an, which is specially used for transmitting messages and receiving messages. Chen Ren stayed here for a period of time before he came to Chang'an. All the detailed works here know Chen Ren, a red man under Sun Jian.

Under the leadership of several meticulous works, Chen Renxian finds an empty wing room and arranges Diao Chan. Looking at the still unconscious Diao Chan, Chen Ren can't help laughing bitterly. In fact, he didn't know why he had to rush to save the woman. In fact, he could slip out of Chang'an without being aware of it. But just as he was about to leave Chang'an City, Chen Ren suddenly thought of the woman who had been struggling in history. Thinking of Wang Yun's fate, Chen Ren could no longer leave Chang'an, so he turned to situ's house to save Diao Chan.

Looking at Diao Chan's delicate and cherished face, Chen Ren could not imagine that such a weak woman could take up such a heavy responsibility. He could not help adding a trace of hatred to Wang Yunzeng, who was now in the prison of Dong Zhuo's residence. A great man, not only can't protect women, but also put on such a woman the burden of the bullshit of reviving the Han Dynasty!

"My Lord! Chief, please A detailed work came to the door of Chen Ren's wing room and said respectfully.

Chen Ren picked up a quilt and gently covered it on Diao Chan's body. Then he walked out of the door and said to the watchman at the door, "watch carefully. Don't let the girl get into trouble."

These detailed works were all selected from Sun Jian's army, and obedience to orders had become their instinct, and they immediately embraced each other. Chen Ren was not worried about these well-trained details, so he walked directly to the chamber.

Through a small garden, he came to the Council hall, where three people were waiting. Seeing Chen Ren come in, three people kneel down on one knee to salute Chen Ren one after another. Chen and Sun Jian, two of them, were sent by Chen and Sun Jian as deputy members of the school. The other name is huangpucaitou, a fine work selected by Cheng Yu and Zhu Zhi himself. Of course, at this time, he has changed his name to anda, and he is the leader of the snake department in Chang'an.Chen Ren directly sat at the top of the table and said to the three, "you all get up."

"Here it is All three stood up at the same time, but did not dare to sit down. They just stood there waiting for Chen Ren's assignment.

"Anda, is there any news recently?" Chen Ren has now fully adapted to the identity of this superior person, and will not feel that there is anything wrong with his words.

Anda seems to have been prepared for it. He took out a pile of silk cloth from his cuff and said, "three days ago, the right vanguard army has successfully stationed in Yangzhou, completed the instructions of the Lord and the Lord, and controlled the military and political power of Yangzhou."

Chen Ren nodded and took over the silk cloth and looked at it carefully. In fact, he was not surprised at the news. With Cheng Pu leading the army, Guo Jia's wisdom and Xu Chu's bravery, it should not be very difficult to complete this task. However, after reading the military information, Chen Ren was still surprised by Guo Jia's strategy. Facing Yuan Shu's 70000 army and Liu Yao's 60000 Yangzhou army, Guo Jia not only did not let Jiangdong army have much loss, but also successfully subdued 10000 Yuan Shu army and 10000 Yangzhou army, as well as Zhang Xun and Chen Lan.

This is the real top counselor! Chen Ren couldn't help feeling, and then anda took out a piece of silk cloth and handed it to Chen Ren, saying, "in addition, the Lord wrote that the Chai sang water army has begun to take shape. The Lord hopes that the Lord can return to Chaisang immediately and help him to clean up Jiangdong!"

Chen Ren took over the silk cloth. This is mainly because Sun Jian explained the practice of the water army. Ganning is worthy of being a Jinfan thief who dominates the Yangtze River. Sun Jian is very satisfied with Gan Ning. He has already made Gan Ning general Fubo, and he is the same level as Cheng Pu and other veteran generals.

"By the way, what's the news about Liu Bei and Cao Cao that I asked you to pay attention to?" Chen Ren put away two pieces of silk cloth, and then began to care about the two heroes.

Although he was suddenly asked by Chen Ren, anda was not in a hurry. He clasped his fist and said, "after Chen Liu recruited troops, Cao Cao has taken Dongjun and asked himself to be the governor of Dongjun. After Liu Bei helped Gonggong sun Zan to defeat Yuan Shao in the first battle of Panhe, and then took advantage of Yuan Shao's defeat to win over the Bohai Sea. After calling himself the prince of Zhongshan, Liu Bei asked himself to be the governor of Bohai Sea. "

Chen Ren nodded. Cao Cao's trend was similar to that in history, but Liu Bei was much stronger than that of the same period in history. However, this made Liu Bei enter the ranks of princes too early. For Liu Bei, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, there are still two opinions.

After the report from anda, Chen Ren thought for a while, and then said to the three, "well, I've finished my work in Chang'an. During this period of time, the wind in Chang'an may be tight. You should let the people in Chang'an be more restrained, and then arrange it. Tomorrow we will leave for Chaisang!"

"Here it is The three fell down again.

The route chosen by anda for any Chen's party is to go directly down the Yellow River, bypass Tongguan and Hangu pass, and reach Chenliu directly, then go south along the branch of the Yangtze River to Yangzhou, and then to Chaisang. Although it is a long way to go, it is better to be safe.

Just before she was ready to leave, Diao Chan woke up. Chen Ren gave her two choices. One was to go back to Chaisang with himself, and the other was to give her a fortune to make a living on her own. However, Diao Chan first asked Wang Yun about Wang Yun. Chen Ren did not tell Diao Chan directly after he asked Anta. Wang Yun was beheaded by Dong Zhuo in the early morning of the next day. A total of 177 people in situ's house were all executed except Diao Chan.

Diao Chan didn't cry like Chen Ren imagined, but was silent for a moment, and then proposed to go back to Chaisang with Chen Yiyi. At this time, Ren Chai realized that she would not be able to understand Chen minsang's request to accompany her on the journey.

After more than a month, they finally arrived at their destination, Chaisang.