Chen Ren's plan to capture the Lujiang River presented to Sun Jian was carried out unexpectedly smoothly. Only three days after Sun Jian's letter was sent to Shucheng, Shucheng was occupied by Zhou Yi and his soldiers. It is worth mentioning that Zhou Yu, the son of Zhou Yi, is sun CE's brother-in-law. He invited officials from all positions in Shucheng to come to the Zhou family for a banquet. In the banquet, he suddenly beheaded the prefect of Shucheng, and then persuaded other officials to surrender. All those who did not comply were killed. As a result, Shucheng was captured without a single soldier.

By the time Sun Jian got a reply, Zhou Yi, with the help of his son Zhou Yu, had successively cheated Jiashi, Qianshan and shiting cities, and was now heading for Wuwei city. Sun Jian was overjoyed and sent for Chen Ren.

What about Chen Ren? Now I'm having a good time with sun CE, Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin. To be exact, it should be any one of Chen who has a good time. At this time, sun CE, Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin were extremely miserable. As military generals, what they wanted was to be able to fight. Originally, Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin were willing to transfer from Huang Gai's account to Chen Ren's account. They thought that there would be more battles to fight under Chen Ren's account. However, the next day after they arrived, Huang Gai's Navy troops left, but Chen Ren still stayed here.

With regret, Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin could only look at their former comrades rushing to the battlefield one by one. They had to drag Chen Renfen to cut down three big trees and walk dejectedly to Chen renju. However, Chen Ren arranged a task to make them faint and build a ship.

When Chen Ren saw the big trees brought by Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin, he directly ordered them to build three canoes with these three trees. The reason is, since he is here to teach sun CE in the water war, how can he do without a boat!

Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin are about to cry. It's not easy to ask for a boat. Even if Huang Gai's water army has left, are there still so many boats in Poyang Lake? Where else do you need to make it yourself? Unfortunately, for Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin's proposal, Chen Yiyi turned his lips: "I asked you to build, you can build. Do you have been a water thief for so many years, and you can't even build a boat?"

Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin are speechless. Of course, they can build a ship. But it's up to them. Chen Ren doesn't allow others to help. It's going to take a long time to go. But Chen Ren is their immediate superior after all. When the boss gives orders, they have to obey them.

Although Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin grew up on the riverside since they were young, they had not done this kind of technical work for many years. They were tired and half dead every day. Finally, they finished their three boats in ten days. Looking at the three boats parked by the lake, the two of them even showed a sense of achievement from the bottom of their hearts, which was even more satisfied than robbing a rich businessman on the Yangtze River.

When Sun Jian came to recruit Chen Ren, Chen Ren Zheng led sun CE to check and accept the labor achievements of Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin by the lake. Chen Ren often kicks and knocks with his feet and hands. However, Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin are frightened. Chen Ren's achievements are so damaged by Chen Ren.

Finally, Chen Ren nodded and said, "not bad! These three ships are still like that! " "You three, all of you, get on the boat for me!" said the three people

Three people are a Leng, but listen to Chen Ren's instructions have been deeply imprinted in the three people's subconscious, three people are obediently on the ship. Chen Ren pushed the three boats off the shore one by one and said, "listen! The task of the two of you is to train the young master's ability of fighting on water. The most basic ability of fighting on water is water combat! Your task in the future is to knock the eldest son off the ship! And you Bofu! Your job is to get them both down! When to beat them, when to finish this stage of practice! There's more! "

In the middle of his speech, Chen Ren suddenly walked to a willow tree on the bank, facing the trunk as thick as their waist. He could only hear a few "click" sounds, and the willow fell down. Chen Ren continued: "Zhou Tai! Jiang Qin! If I find out you dare to let water! Hum! The military law will not do anything to you. You will accompany me to practice boxing for three hours every day

They could not help but shiver. If they had been able to practice boxing with Chen Ren, the Dragon general, they would have been too late to be happy. But since the first time I saw Chen Ren, he beat him. After looking at the expression on Chen Ren's face, I guess he will not be practicing boxing, but be beaten unilaterally.

"What are you still looking at there! The sun goes down When he got on board, Chen suddenly jumped up to attack. If sun CE is also from Jiangdong, he can fight on the water, which is far less than the two old water thieves of last week, Tai and Jiang Qin. After a while, Zhou Tai's pole was directly on Sun CE's canoe. Sun CE's body shook, and Jiang Qin knocked him out of the water.

Chen Ren nodded with satisfaction. In fact, what he did was not purely to make fun of these three people. Although sun CE's temperament has become much calmer after his training, it is just as the saying goes that rivers and mountains are easy to change and their nature is hard to change. With sun CE's character, as long as he is on the battlefield, he must be at the forefront. It is better to strengthen his self-protection ability than to teach him to sit in the army.

Seeing that sun CE was beaten into the water, Chen Renke was not polite and immediately called out, "Bo Fu! How did you get hit so quickly? Climb up and call again Poor sun CE had to climb into the boat from the water, pick up the pole and continue to fight with Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin.Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin were both a little impatient, but just a little relaxed, Chen Ren on the other side of the bank was swearing: "you two guys! If you want to fight! " Can't help, the dead road friend does not die the poor way, under the hand only desperately on.

At this time, the sergeant sent by Sun Jian to find Chen Ren finally found this place. He told Chen Ren what Sun Jian wanted to find Chen Ren. When his boss called him, Chen Ren did not dare to delay. At the moment, he gave the three men a hard talk and went back to the city with the soldiers, leaving only three hard-working children working hard in the lake.

Knowing that Sun Jian was in such a hurry to find himself, Chen Ren entered Sun Jian's residence and went directly to Sun Jian's Council room. Sure enough, Sun Jian was also waiting for Chen Ren in the assembly hall. In addition, zumao also sat there.

As soon as Chen Ren came back, Sun Jian and Zu Mao immediately left the table to greet him: "Zici! Good news! Good news

As soon as Chen Ren saw Sun Jian's happy face, he guessed some points and said with a smile, "let's guess, but Shucheng has news?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Sun Jian said with a smile: "it is Shu Cheng who has answered the letter, but the result may be unexpected to Zici." After that, Sun Jian handed the military newspaper to Chen Ren.

On hearing what Sun Jian said, Chen Ren knew that there was a surprise. He took over the military newspaper and opened it. Chen Ren was really surprised. Of course, what surprised Chen Ren most was Zhou Yu's talent. He was able to have such a talent as a sergeant at a young age. He did not want to lose Zhou Lang, who helped sun CE and Sun Quan to fight down Dongwu!

"Congratulations! Another general After reading the military newspaper, Chen Ren clasped his fist and said to Sun Jian.

"Oh?" Sun Jian was stunned, and then he wanted to understand what Chen Ren was referring to. "What Zici said was Zhou Yu, a different son of this week?"

"Not bad!" Chen Ren handed the newspaper back to Sun Jian, saying, "although Zhou Yu is young, he is old-fashioned. The most important thing is that he has a brotherly relationship with Bofu. This time, Bofu will persuade him to join our army."

Zumao around him was a little unconvinced, and said in a buzzing voice, "Zici is too praising this man, isn't it? I don't think it's very good to measure a poor girl. I think the merits of these wars are just the son's opportune meeting, or his father's expectation of his son's success has imposed on his son! "

Chen Ren chuckled. In history, Sun Jian's veterans have always been against Zhou Yu, but now they have changed from Cheng Pu to zumao. Chen Ren doesn't give much explanation. I believe that Zhou Yu in the future will be able to persuade these veteran generals with his talent.

At this time, Sun Yu, who was busy with the blockade of the city, asked Sun Yu that some of the other generals who wanted to blockade the city were WuGongLin Brother's hands. What should our army do next? "

Chen Ren looked at the map and said the plan he had thought of for a long time: "among the six cities, the Qianshan city is the closest to Lujiang River. When Liu Xun, the prefect of Lujiang River, knew that the six cities had been captured, he would surely take the buried hill first. What our army has to do is to divide the troops into two routes. One is to ambush on the only way to the buried hill of the Lujiang River, and the other is to take advantage of the deficiency to take the city of Lujiang! "

As soon as Chen Ren had finished speaking, zumao here began to invite his wife: "Lord! We need to be careful about such delicate things as ambush. We will not be able to do them at the end of the day. We will be willing to lead 3000 troops to take the city of Lujiang! "

Sun Jian and Chen Ren smile at each other. Chen Ren nods to Sun Jian slightly. Sun Jian immediately takes out a military order from his arms and hands it to zumao. Zu Mao is overjoyed. He quickly takes over the military order and is about to turn around and leave, but Chen Ren stops him.

"General Zu! It's not easy to attack Lujiang city. General, please listen to the details before you go. The general is going to Lujiang. The governor of Lujiang must have led his troops to Qianshan. Although there are not many garrisons in Lujiang City, Lujiang city is high and thick after all. If the general wants to attack hard, although he can capture the city, he must lose some troops and horses. "

Zumao was eager to lead the troops to the battle, and quickly asked, "the son gives me the way to take the city quickly!"

"It's very simple!" Chen Ren once again showed that strange smile and whispered in zumao's ear, so that zumao kept nodding his head.