Naturally, Li Yuanhe, who was in the south of Beijing, did not know about the deal in the Black Tiger Village. After Wu San captured the two prisoners of the Black Tiger Village, Li Yuanhe interrogated them in person. The most important thing was that he wanted to know the important secret about the city from their mouths. It's a pity that the two bandits in the Black Tiger Village saw Li Yuanhe as if they had seen his father's enemy. They were eager to bite Li Yuanhe. How could they cooperate to answer Li Yuanhe's questions. What's more, Li Yuan and his observation also found that the two bandits didn't know the specific situation at all. They should be just minions. Even if they waved their hands, they were handed over to Chenghai's servants to deal with them.

Considering that his actions have been seen in the eyes of Black Tiger Village and Ouyang Ming, Li Yuanhe is not good to go to the city Lord's house again. Immediately, Li Yuanhe made a decision to let Chenghai and his brothers go back first. Then Li Yuanhe took Wu San and others to go straight out of the city.

After more than a year, the mountain temple in the past is now more and more dilapidated. Stepping into the mountain temple, Li Yuanhe can't help feeling some emotion. I have lived here with the old man for more than ten years. I can't imagine that things are different now. I'm afraid that at that time, I never thought that I would have the scenery today.

Wu San and Wei's brothers stayed outside the mountain god temple, so Li Yuanhe didn't have to put on the airs of a general, as if he had gone back to the past. He sat cross legged on the broken bluestone slab and looked at the broken pieces around him. When Li Yuanhe was a garrison officer in the southern city of Beijing, he also wanted to save a sum of money to repair the mountain temple. But now Li Yuanhe did not have that idea. Maybe the mountain temple is the best.

Thinking of this, Li Yuanhe couldn't help but smile, sighed a long time, looked at the whole temple again, and prepared to go out to worship the old man's grave outside the temple. All of a sudden, Li Yuanhe's eyes were attracted by a place in the temple, and he couldn't leave it any more. It's the bed where the old man usually sleeps. It's a bit exaggerated to say it's a bed. In fact, it's a mat made of straw.

Since the old man's health failed a few years ago, the old man has been lying on the grass mat every day without moving his nest. At ordinary times, Li Yuanhe did not dare to move. He was afraid that his thick hands and thick feet would aggravate the old man's condition. On the day when the old man died, Li Yuanhe did not look at the mat any more. Today, Li Yuanhe noticed for the first time that there was a shining metallic luster in the straw mat. It seemed that something was hidden under the mat.

A little surprised, Li Yuanhe slowly approached the straw mat, reached out and carefully pulled the straw from it. Only then did he find that what was under the mat was actually a piece of heart guard on the armor. Li Yuan and this is more and more strange, this goggle Li Yuan and but have never seen, how can appear here? From the surrounding environment of the mountain temple, we can see that no one else has been here since Li Yuanhe left!

Li Yuanhe was more and more confused. He could only look at the heart guard carefully. It was obviously different from that on the armor worn by ordinary soldiers. The heart guard was made of black steel, but in the sunlight, it was emitting light. Although it was covered with dust, Li Yuanhe could still vaguely see the patterns carved on the goggles, which seemed to be the head shape of some kind of beast. Although Li Yuanhe has never seen such a pattern, from the texture and pattern of the heart guard, Li Yuanhe can guess that the armor on which the heart guard was originally located is absolutely not something that ordinary people can wear.

But why did such a heart guard appear on a lonely old man? Li Yuanhe couldn't help frowning. He couldn't help but wonder. At the moment, he thought of the old man's eccentricity. Li Yuanhe's skills were all learned from the old man. How could an ordinary lonely old man have so many abilities? Thinking of so many problems, Li Yuanhe felt a little pain in his head. For a while, he couldn't think of any reason. Simply, Li Yuanhe received the heart guard in his arms, and after returning to Biancheng, he would ask Kong Ling again!

After putting away the goggles, Li Yuanhe squatted down next to the straw mat again, and simply turned over the whole straw mat. Since the straw mat was full of oddness, Li Yuanhe felt that there was something else to gain. Sure enough, under the straw mat, Li Yuanhe found a blue robe, which Li Yuanhe had never seen before. Moreover, judging from the texture of the robe, although it was a bit worn-out, it should also be authentic silk goods. According to the truth, it should not appear around a lonely old man.

Li Yuanhe, full of doubts, began to turn the robe over and over. Finally, he found a few words on the inside of the front of the robe. Li Yuanhe, who had experienced the battlefield, recognized that these words were written with blood on his fingers. However, as time went by, the red color of blood had turned to dark black, and the font was skew. Obviously, the people who wrote these words were in a hurry. The first character is a "Qin" character, which is written at the top. Then, below the "Qin" character, there is a small word written vertically. Li Yuanhe squints his eyes, which makes it clear that it is "three".

"Qin, three?" Li Yuanhe couldn't help repeating it, but he couldn't understand the secret of these two words. But just like that piece of heart guard, Li Yuanhe just wanted to break his head and couldn't figure out why. He simply rolled his robe and held it in his hand. After looking around again, he was sure that there was nothing else. Then Li Yuanhe turned around and walked out of the mountain temple.Outside, Wu San and Wei's brothers saw Li Yuanhe come out. They picked up the candle Yuanbao that had been prepared in the city before, followed Li Yuanhe to the solitary tomb behind the mountain temple and began to worship. But now Li Yuanhe's heart has been full of doubts. His mind has completely turned to the old man's real identity, but also less sad feelings.

After the worship, Li Yuanhe rushed to the city with Wu San and Wei brothers. After Li Yuan and them left, several people in black suddenly appeared in front of the mountain temple. These people in black looked at Li Yuan and the direction of his departure, and determined that Li Yuan and they had left.

One of them said to a man standing in the middle who was obviously the leader: "Captain, are we still following?"

The captain frowned, then turned to look at the mountain temple behind him, shook his head and said, "no, Li Yuanhe must be back in the city now. Naturally, there will be another group of people in the city. Since we have found this place, we must make a good search. The Lord once told us that Li Yuanhe's life experience is suspicious. If we find something related to Li Yuan and his life experience, we must search carefully! "

After the captain's words, several other men in black nodded. With the captain's hand swinging, they all turned and ran towards the mountain temple, and began to search the mountain temple. Unfortunately, they did not know that Li Yuanhe had taken away the two things in the mountain temple before, and their inspection could only be futile.

Hearing the report from his subordinates, the captain could not help frowning and murmuring. He walked into the mountain temple in person and began to inspect the whole mountain temple. However, the mountain temple was no different from the general dilapidated temple. There were old debris everywhere, and he could not see anything strange. He could only shake his head and say, "unfortunately, Li Yuan and those men are really very good. Otherwise, if we could get close to Li Yuanhe when he was in the temple, we might be able to hear some important information!"

When Wu San and Wei brothers attacked the bandits, they actually watched. Although the opponent is not very good, but from Wu San and the Wei brothers, they can see that these men of Li Yuanhe are not ordinary generals. They were only ordered to follow Li Yuanhe and others, but they were ordered to die, so they could not frighten the snake. Therefore, after Li Yuanhe entered the mountain temple, they could only stay at a distance. They did not dare to come up until Li Yuan and them left.

Listening to his team leader's words, a man in black beside him nodded and said, "I also said that. Where are those people like personal guards! Even the generals in Bian city don't have such good skills! Li Yuanhe doesn't know who he is. He's good at it. Even the people around him are all masters

The captain frowned, turned his head and glared at his subordinates and yelled: "shut up!" Then some reluctantly searched the mountain temple again, but still found nothing.

At this time, another man in black quickly walked into the mountain temple, gave the captain a fist and said, "Captain, I found a solitary grave behind the temple. It seems that Li Yuanhe has just worshipped. Judging from the grass and soil on the grave, it should be at least a year old! Captain, do you want to dig up the tomb and have a look at it? "

The captain listened to the report of his subordinates, but he hesitated. The dead man is the biggest one. He should not offend the dead according to the truth. These people, who often go through life and death, are the most taboo to such things. However, it is likely that there will be information they need in this solitary tomb. Now, there is nothing in this mountain temple, and the only hope is the solitary tomb. After thinking about it, the captain shook his head and said, "there should be nothing in the solitary grave, otherwise Li Yuanhe would not just put it here, so don't move it!"