While Li Yuanhe was discussing with the Wei brothers how to deal with the enemy troops ambushed in the woods, the ambush troops did not know that they had been discovered. From the pattern of their armor, we can see that this army is the army of Dachang state. The leader of the team was an old acquaintance of Li Yuanhe, who was Meng Gang, the officer he defeated when he attacked the watchtower in the southern expedition!

When Meng gang was defeated from the watchtower, he fled to Zhangcheng. Although the garrison of Zhangcheng was a mediocre man, fortunately, he was not fatuous. After getting Meng Gang's intelligence, he immediately gathered his forces to prepare for the attack of the Qin army. And the Zhangcheng city guard saw Meng Gang's skill was not vulgar, so he began to put him in important position and made him the leader of Zhangcheng. Meng gang has always been a failure to meet his talent. This time he was promoted. It is a blessing in disguise.

After the battle of Danube City, Meng gang went to Sichuan city as a survivor of the battle of watchtower. He was appreciated by Miao Fu and kept in Sichuan city. Although Dachang didn't want to spend too much troops on Danube city this time, he didn't want to let the latter Qin so relaxed. So Hu Xian, commander in chief of Dachang army, sent Meng Gang to lead a team across the border of houqin, waiting for an opportunity to harass the post Qin army who had gone to reinforce it.

Meng Gang stayed at the border of the two countries for quite a long time, and he knew the terrain nearby like the palm of his hand. After learning from secret agents that there was a team of Qin troops starting from Jiangcheng, Meng Gang immediately came up with such a plan to ambush the team. However, Meng Gang is still inexperienced. He has not noticed that he has exposed his tracks. He only brought more than 2000 people this time. If he is unprepared, he may win. Now that they are exposed, how can these more than 2000 people be the opponents of Li Yuan and 20000 people!

"General! The enemy suddenly stopped moving! Have we been found? " In Meng Gang side of a soldier through the gap between the trees, looking at the distant Official Road on the army motionless, can not help but some worried asked.

At the moment, Meng Gang, who was sitting on his mount and looking ahead, was also a little dark. His heart was full of weakness. When he received this task, Meng gang was still full of energy. However, seeing the news from Jiangcheng, Li Yuanhe, who had defeated himself in the watch tower war, was among the generals of the later Qin Dynasty. Although Meng gang did not fight Li Yuanhe directly on that day, he was defeated by Li Yuan and one of his generals, but Meng gang did not think that Li Yuanhe was not as good as himself. People even one of their generals can easily defeat themselves, Li Yuan and I to what extent, that is Meng gang can look up to the height.

Although Meng gang was afraid of Li Yuanhe, he had to act in accordance with the military order. In Meng Gang's plan, he just intended to harass the Qin army and run away with some cheap money. This time, he brought all kinds of light cavalry. Although the number is not large, there will be no problem in escaping.

It's just that Meng Gang's plan is good, but the plan can't keep up with the changes in reality. Looking at the dark army in front of him, he suddenly stops, which makes Meng Gang's heart twitch. But now there is no change in the other side, so Meng gang has temporarily stabilized his mind and did not give the instructions to retreat.

And just when Meng gang was upset, the far-off post Qin army began to resume its March. It was no different from that before. It was still marching slowly southward along the official road. This situation made Meng Gang feel relieved. It seems that his whereabouts were not discovered by the other party. Thinking of this, Meng Gang could not help but shake his fist. In this case, there is hope of success in this ambush!

After watching, the Qin army has slowly walked to the woods. In the woods, Meng Gang slowly raised his hand and made a gesture to the Dachang generals and soldiers behind him, indicating that they were ready. However, Meng gang was not in a hurry to rush out now. If he rushed out now, the effect would not be great. So Meng Gang planned to wait for the other party's team to march to the middle, and then he would take Qingqi to attack the rear Qin army's troops at the waist!

With the slow progress of the post Qin army, gradually, nearly half of the latter Qin army had passed by the forest where Meng gang was ambushed. Looking at the time, Meng Gang's eyes flashed a flash of light. His arm held high for a long time was ready to wave down. Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure in the rear Qin army passing by the woods. He was a tall and strong general, wearing the armor of a senior general of the Qin army, with a bright red cape behind him, and a silver gun of extraordinary length in his hand.

Needless to say, this general is Li Yuanhe, a general of the post Qin Dynasty who led his troops to defeat him before! Originally, Meng Gang knew that Li Yuanhe was also the general of the post Qin army in the southern expedition. Now it is nothing to be surprised to see him in the post Qin army. But Meng gang saw that Li Yuanhe suddenly pulled the reins and turned his body towards his own direction. Although the distance between them was still a little far, Meng Gang clearly saw that Li Yuanhe's mouth was slightly cocked up.

"Not good!" Although I don't know the meaning of Li Yuanhe's smile, Meng gang can't help but feel that something is wrong. The raised hand waved directly to the rear and whispered, "retreat! Retreat quicklyHowever, it was too late for Meng Gang to wake up. Just as his voice had just settled down, Li Yuanhe raised his spear in his hand, pointed at Meng Gang's woods and said, "kill!" Although the sound was not loud, it was instantly spread throughout the whole post Qin army. After hearing the order, the officers and men of the post Qin army who were heading for the South immediately turned around, picked up their weapons and rushed to the woods.

Originally, Meng Gang wanted to better attack the post Qin army, so he made the latter Qin Army march half way. But now, it turns out that the whole post Qin army just surrounds the small forest. Meng gang and his Dachang officers and men were immediately shocked by the sudden change. Meng Gang quickly waved his long gun in his hand and yelled at the soldiers behind him: "withdraw! Go! Step back

Now Meng gang has no hope to go to the Qin army after the ambush. There are only two thousand people to fight with the other party's more than 20000 people, unless Meng Gang's brain is broken. Now what he wants is to be able to take as many soldiers as possible to escape and reduce the loss of his subordinates. However, for the convenience of impact, Meng gang and his Dachang officers and men all gathered at the edge of the forest. If we want to retreat from the rear, we have to go through the whole forest. In addition, these Dachang soldiers are cavalry. If the cavalry is on the plain, it is flexible, but in this forest, the speed is not even as fast as infantry.

After Qin army's officers and men soon rushed into the woods, and those who tried to escape Dachang met. The cavalry could not give full play to their speed advantage. When they met these elite soldiers of the post Qin army, there was only one way to fail. Only Meng Gang, relying on his own skill, can still fight with those generals of the later Qin Dynasty for a while. However, Meng Gang's advantage disappeared completely with the Wei family brothers' approach.

The skill of the Wei brothers is not much worse than Wu San, who defeated Meng gang. After Wei Si rushed into the woods with his men and horses, he saw that Meng gang was waving his spear to fight back those soldiers who were going to approach him. Immediately, Wei Si gave a big drink: "enemy general! Bullying soldiers is no skill! Come and have a taste of your Fengzui sword Finish saying, it is to carry the Phoenix beak knife to run toward Meng Gang to kill.

Meng Gang heard the thunder like roar when he had just repulsed the soldiers around him. When he looked up, he saw a black armored general with a tiger's back and a strong back. He was rushing towards himself with a phoenix beak knife. Meng Gang, after all, is young and vigorous. Although he is in a dilemma now, he is still in a good mood when he sees someone challenging him so much.

Immediately, the two horses hit one piece. Wei Si's Fengzui sword cleaved towards Meng gang from top to bottom, and Meng Gang also lifted the spear to his chest, aimed at Wei Si's Fengzui blade, and stabbed it directly. With a bang, Wei Si's Fengzui Dao and Meng Gang's spear collided directly, and a few sparks were made, and then they bounced high in the opposite direction.

This first move, the two people can be said to be a tie, but whether Wei Si or Meng Gang, can not give up because of this, but is the heart of burning a stronger sense of war. I saw Wei Si drink a lot, but the Fengzui knife in his hand was changed into two or four in the air. In a flash, it turned into countless sword shadows, and immediately covered Meng gang in.

And Meng gang of course is not willing to be outdone. Originally, Meng Gang's skill was even good among the younger generation. In addition, he was defeated by Wu San last time, which is undoubtedly a shame for him. For the sake of shame, Meng gang has been practicing hard day and night, and his martial arts have been greatly improved. At this moment, even if he meets Wu San again, Meng Gang definitely has the power to fight. In the face of the heavy sword shadows around him, Meng gang did not panic. Instead, his heart was as deep as water. The spear in his hand trembled with his hands, and countless gun shadows appeared in the air, but they were in direct contact with those around him.