Although the success history of Yingbei also has some elements of luck, Qi Huang does not think that Yingbei really depends on luck to have today's status. On the contrary, Qi Huang always thought that the ability of Yingbei was very good, and he didn't dare to be slighted. Especially after he learned that the Shu general who led the army was Yingbei, Qi Huang couldn't help beating the drum.

However, this does not mean that Qi Huang will be afraid. However, Qi Huang is also a proud young general. On the contrary, he inspires a strong sense of war. At the head of the city, looking at the three Yingbei brothers outside the city, Qi Huang took a deep breath, and then cried out: "is the one under the city your highness, the southern king of Shuguo town?"

The king of Zhennan is the title of Yingbei. Seeing the general at the head of the city suddenly calling out his title, Yingbei is stunned. He immediately regains his normal color and laughs and shouts: "this king is Yingbei! Can you give me your name Although Ying Bei is not as tall as his two brothers, his voice is full of air and his tone is thick, which makes him feel good.

Hearing Ying Bei's voice, Qi Huang couldn't help feeling in his heart. Apart from other things, just talking about Yingbei's natural affinity, it shows that Yingbei's ability to reach the present day is by no means a fluke. However, Qi Huang would not show his timidity before the battle of the two armies. Even though he cried out, "I am a captain of the forward battalion of the post Qin City guarding army and a general of the vanguard army of the southern expedition army."

Now Qi Huang's identity is the same as that of Li Yuanhe. Maybe he can win it subconsciously, hoping that Qi Huang can become the second Li Yuanhe. Hearing Qi Huang's report to his family, Ying Bei raised his eyebrows in surprise. He turned to his two brothers behind him and said, "this man is a man of great courage. He can not change his face in the face of tens of thousands of troops. He should be a talent! Is such a talented person just a captain in the post Qin army? Is it that there are so many talented people in the state of Qin? "

The black faced general on the right of Yingbei is He Yi, the youngest of the three brothers. Although he is rude in appearance, he is careful in mind. Listening to Ying Bei's emotion, he frowned and said, "brother! My younger brother once heard that now the head of the state of Qin is very old. His five sons are fighting for the throne and competing for talents. This Qi Huang is only a military rank of a school captain, but he can be a vanguard general. I think he should be a talent under which Prince of the post Qin State? "

Listening to He Yi's analysis, Ying Bei nods. Thinking about this possibility, Li Yuanhe, a new star of the post Qin army, appeared some time ago. On the left, Liang Yun said with impatience: "big brother! What's the cost of talking to the enemy general! Let me lead my troops to the city and make sure to take the Danube city today Compared with He Yi's careful mind, Liang Yun is really a little careless. He roars and waves the golden gourd hammer in his hand. He waits for Yingbei to give an order, and then he leads his troops to kill him.

Yingbei has no reaction to Liang Yun's impulse. He seems to have been used to Liang Yun's character for a long time. Ying Bei just smiles and waves his hand. Then he turns back to the city and shouts: "since general Qi is a general of the later Qin Dynasty, now our Shu army is attacking Nanman kingdom. Why did the post Qin army intervene in the dispute between Shu and Nanman?"

For Ying Bei's question, Qi Huang did not know what it meant, but he still replied in a loud voice: "Nanman kingdom is an ally of China's post Qin State! Shu's attack on Nanman is a declaration of war against the later Qin state! As a general of the post Qin army, Qi naturally wanted to help Nanman resist foreign enemies Qi Huang's answer was accurate. He changed the status of the subsidiary state of the southern barbarian state into an ally, which also saved the face of the southern barbarian state. Of course, Qi Huang didn't think of these answers, but Sun Shaoqing, the brain trust who won him, told Qi Huang before he set out. Qi Huang was just following his back. Sun Shaoqing had long anticipated that the Qin army would help Danube City, and the enemy would certainly question it, so he prepared the answer for Qi Huang.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Although Qi Huang's answer was perfect, Ying Bei still looked up to the sky with a smile and yelled: "general Qi, don't give up this reason that even children can't believe! After I came to you, the Qin State coveted the land of Nanman for a long time. Now, I just want to find an excuse to annex Nanman country! Since it is you and our two countries are going to annex the city of Danube, why should we pretend? "

If sun Shaoqing is also in the city at the moment, he can immediately make a tit for tat counter attack to Ying Bei's sarcasm. However, Qi Huang is not sun Shaoqing. Although Qi Huang is not as reckless as ordinary martial arts men, he is not as resourceful as those literati. For winning Bei, he can only be red faced and unable to fight back. Fortunately, Yan Duoqi stepped forward to Qi Huang and said, "general Qi doesn't have to care. It's just a plan to separate the forces of our two families. If we want to divide the forces of our two families, we won't be fooled by him." Although Yan Duoqi said so, it is not known what Yan Duoqi thought in his heart.

Seeing that there was no response from the city, Yingbei gave a smile and then turned to the two brothers behind him and said, "OK! second younger brother! Third brother! Next it's up to you, but don't be greedy and rash! The strength of Danube city is not as good as ours, and the reinforcements of Qin state did not come so soon. We have plenty of time to spend with them! " As for Liang Yun's claim that he would take Danube city today, Ying Bei would not believe it. Although the Shu army now has an advantage in terms of military strength, the Garrison has a wall to protect it. In addition, the soldiers of the Qin army are also famous. The most taboo of the siege war is to be too impulsive, so Yingbei will specially instruct the two righteous brothers.The words just won Bei are not meaningless. The purpose of Yingbei is to divide the garrison in the city. However, Ying Bei knows that this kind of division will not have any effect in a short period of time, but the defenders in the city and the reinforcements of the later Qin Dynasty are after all two groups of people and horses. As time goes on, the differences between the two groups will be revealed. The seeds that he planted today will sprout and grow in time, making the gap between the two armies bigger and bigger. At that time, it will be the time for the Shu army to win!

He Yi understood a little bit of Yingbei's intention, but with a smile, he nodded to Ying Bei to show that he knew. Then he took the Shu army on the right to rush to the city wall. But Liang Yun on the other side couldn't hold back for a long time and called out to Ying Bei: "brother! I see! " It is immediately legs a clip, with the left army rushed over.

For his second younger brother's recklessness, Ying Bei only had to smile bitterly and shake his head. He simply mastered Liang Yun's skill. Ying Bei didn't have to worry too much about his safety, so he let him go. Yingbei, on the other hand, was in charge of the middle camp, watching the changes in the battlefield, so as to make adjustments at any time. Although he did not go to the battle in person, he played a greater role than his two brothers.

Seeing that the Shu army began to formally attack the city, Qi Huang took a deep breath and slightly calmed down his excitement just because of winning Bei's words. He also knew that guarding the city required extreme calm to make correct instructions. At the moment, he was staring at the Shu army that was rushing out of the city. He held up his mace, pressed it down, pointed to the outside of the city, and cried out, "Archer! Attack

With Qi Huang's life drinking heavily, the archers in the city began to fire their long-standing arrows, which, like meteors, flew towards the Shu army outside the city. It can be said that Qi Huang's orders were given at the right time. These arrows were shot in the middle of the Shu army, and almost every arrow took the life of a Shu army officer. It's a pity that the number of archers in the garrison and the vanguard army of the late Qin Dynasty was less than 1000. This round of archers was not a great loss to the nearly 50000 Shu army.

In the siege war, the loss of the siege side is inevitable. For example, Li Yuanhe won seven cities in a row, but only lost the achievements of hundreds of people. That is a special case in a special case. On the one hand, the morale of the attacking side was high at that time, and on the other hand, the morale of the defending side was also low because of the destruction of 100000 troops, which led to the achievement of Li Yuanhe. However, this kind of situation is rare. The real siege is a cruel battle with soldiers' flesh and blood piled up.

Therefore, as generals of the siege side, Ying Bei, Liang Yun and He Yi did not shrink back from being attacked. Instead, they led the Shu army to attack the wall fiercely. When they rushed to the city wall, Liang Yun and He Yi almost at the same time ordered the archers who had been hiding in the rear army to rush forward and, under the cover of swordsmen and axe soldiers' shields, launched a counterattack towards the garrison at the head of the city.

For a time, the city's dirty arrows kept flying. Although the city's head had been built up with shields by axe soldiers in accordance with Qi Huang's order, and with the protection of the women's wall, archers on the city's head were given adequate protection. But after all, this kind of protection is not airtight. In addition, there are more than 5000 archers under the city, which is five times as many as the garrison on the head of the city. Under the attack of thousands of arrows, many defenders were still hit by the arrows. Except for a few who were rescued by their colleagues in time, most of them fell directly from the head of the city and fell to the bottom of the city with a shrill scream and turned into mud.

Of course, the Shu army would never want to capture Danube city just by shooting like this. The focus of the siege was either to break the city gate or to occupy the city head. Seeing that the archers of the Shu army had suppressed the city head, Liang Yun and He Yi immediately sent their infantry to attack the city wall with the ladder on their shoulders!