Seeing that Meng gang was still alive, Hu Xian was relieved. He turned his head and roared at the soldiers: "what are you doing there? Take out what you eat

It is common sense and the most basic configuration for the soldiers to carry some dry food with them. Hu Xian's family members are no exception. So after hearing Hu Xian's roar, these soldiers immediately took out the dry food from their waist Nang and sent them to him. Another careful soldier took a bag of water off his horse's back and quickly walked to Meng gang and fed it to him.

When he began to eat the dry food, Meng gang was still in a trance. However, when the first few mouthfuls of dry food were swallowed, Meng Gang's absent-minded eyes suddenly brightened, and he could not help but gain more strength. He stretched out his hand to grab the dry food in front of him and put it into his mouth. You know, Meng gang has not eaten since the day he was arrested. Up to today, it has been a whole seventh day. If it was not for the people of the post Qin army who were afraid of starving him to death, they would have given him mud and water several times in the middle of the way, for fear that he would have starved to death.

After eating several people's portions of dry food and pouring a whole bag of water, Meng Gang finally recovered some spirit, and then noticed the situation around him. And Hu Xian looked at Meng Gang dishevelled, blood stained appearance, heart is also can not help but feel guilty, for Meng gang before the impolite behavior also did not how to blame. He could see that Meng gang had suffered a lot, which was also because of him, so Hu Xian naturally had some tolerance to Meng gang.

Meng Gang looked around and found that the armor on these people around him was so familiar that it was no longer the evil black armor. When Meng Gang's eyes moved to Hu Xian, he first revealed a little doubt. Then, the doubt slowly turned into surprise, and finally turned into surprise. However, Meng Gang slapped himself two times before he was sure that he was really saved. If he hadn't adhered to the maxim that a man would not shed tears, he would have cried with Hu Xian in his arms.

Seeing Meng Gang's excited expression, Hu Xian was busy comforting: "general Meng! You are safe now! "

Although Meng Gang refrained from crying, he still felt choked. After he found himself still climbing on the horse's back, he didn't care about his injury. He turned over and got off the horse and said, "General Hu! At the end of the day, the general failed to complete the task assigned by the general and was captured by the enemy! Please punish the general

Hu Xian didn't know what to say for a while. What a sincere child! Originally, the harassing task assigned by Hu Xian was a life of death. Imagine that thousands of people went to houqin state and ambushed tens of thousands of people in the territory of houqin. Even if Meng Gang won his rebirth, he would not be able to come back alive, right? So what Miao Fu told Hu Xian before was that he asked him to arrange a team of dead men to do the task. As a result, Hu Xian was blinded by his jealousy and sent Meng gang out.

Hu Xian's family knew what was going on in his family. Of course, he would not punish Meng gang. He just held Meng Gang's arms and said, "general Meng doesn't have to be like this! Who can not miss the time! If the mission failed to die, Hu would not have been in the world! If you fail this time, you should be able to accumulate experience once, and then you can pull it back next time! "

Although he knew that the responsibility for Meng Gang's capture was in fact his own, Hu Xian was not stupid enough to take the initiative to tell Meng gang. Meng gang was completely in the dark. He knew Hu Xian's temperament, and before that, Hu Xian's attitude towards him was not friendly. But now he was so kind that Meng gang was so grateful to Hu Xian that he didn't care about Hu Xian's help. He bowed down to the ground and said, "great kindness, general! Meng gang will never forget it! "

He did not expect such an effect at all. In addition to being surprised, Hu Xian was also complacent. He lifted Meng Gang directly and said with a smile, "general Meng has suffered this time! First with my men back to camp rest, I also want to check the movement of the Qin army after that! If the Qin army really retreats after this time, we can directly lead the army to recapture the Danube city and wipe out the strict rebellion completely! "

The Yan Family in Hu Xian's words refers to the Yan family founded in Danube city. As the royal family of Dachang state, Yuwen family always thinks that it is the inheritance of Nanman Kingdom at that time. Naturally, it will not recognize the Nanman Kingdom established by Yan family. Therefore, in the mouth of Dachang army, the name of Yan family has become Yandi, which means that Yan family is a traitor of rebellion.

Meng gang may have just sobered up, but his head is still a little dizzy. Listening to Hu Xian's words, he feels that he has forgotten something. At the moment, Hu Xian has appointed a soldier to take Meng Gang back to the camp in the forest. Meng Gang quickly waved his hand to Hu Xian and said, "wait a minute! general! At the end of the meeting, it seems that something very important has come to mind! Please allow me to think about it carefully! "

"Er!" Hu first saw that Meng gang was pressing his forehead and thinking hard. He was stunned and then said with a smile: "general Meng! You don't have to worry about anything now. You are in poor physical condition. You should have a good rest! Don't worry! After I have confirmed, the Qin army has really retreated! I'll be back, not long! "

Hearing Hu Xian's words, Meng Gang's eyes lit up and exclaimed: "ah! by the way! That's it

What Meng gang was surprised at was that Hu Xian and other people around him were scared. However, Hu Xian had nothing to do with Meng gang at this time, and he would not be angry because of this. He just looked at Meng gang in doubt. Meng gang was full of excitement and said to Hu Xian: "I remember! I remember it. It was because of this that I deliberately pretended to be dead and escaped from the post Qin army! "After hearing Meng Gang's words, Hu Xian was also a little curious. According to Meng Gang's statement, it was not an accident that Meng gang was able to escape from the post Qin army this time. It was Meng Gang's intentional act. However, this feign death is not for fun. If the other party stabbed Meng Gang dressed to death with a few knives, it will become real death. Moreover, judging from Meng Gang's situation, if it wasn't for Hu Xian and their timely arrival, I'm afraid Meng gang would not have survived for long.

However, Meng Gang didn't pay attention to Hu Xian's curiosity, but asked Hu Xian eagerly: "general! How long has it been since the Qin army left? "

When Meng Gang asked, Hu Xian really couldn't answer immediately. After all, he also learned from the scouts that the Qin army had left. When did he leave? He hesitated for a long time. Finally, he looked at the censor who reported to him. When the Scout saw Hu Xian's eyes, he immediately understood the meaning of Hu Xian. Even if he went up to Meng Gang, he said, "general Meng, it's less than an hour before the Qin army leaves!"

"An hour?" Meng Gang confirmed once more, and the urgency on his face finally eased a lot. Then he immediately turned to Hu Xian and said, "general! Hurry up and get the army together! We must catch up with the post Qin army! "

Now Hu Xian became more and more confused. He thought that Meng gang was not hungry and confused? Meng gang was quickly reminded: "general Meng, don't forget that general Miao gave us instructions to stay here and stop Qin army's reinforcement to Danube city after that! When the Qin army retreats, they will attack Danube again! After that, the Qin army finally retreated. Why should we pursue it? Besides, we now have less than 20000 men, and after that, there are more than 40000 people in the Qin army. Even if we catch up, we are not the opponents of the post Qin army! "

Meng gang was more anxious, said: "even if it is not an opponent, we also want to chase ah! We must catch up with the post Qin army! Otherwise, something big will happen! "

Hu Xian is really dissatisfied with this. How can he treat Meng Gang a little better? The boy is still pedaling his nose and face. Immediately, Hu Xian was gloomy and said to Meng Gang coldly, "general Meng! We have a very important mission in this expedition! It's not to give you a breath! Do you know that the first thing a qualified general should learn is patience! Even if you lose a battle, you can't take the lives of all the soldiers to accompany you to avenge yourself

However, Hu Xian thought that Meng gang was defeated by the later Qin army and was captured by him. He was not convinced. Therefore, he would let him take the army to pursue the Qin army and avenge himself. That Meng just saw Hu Xian misunderstood, but it was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He waved his hand and said, "no! no no The general misunderstood the meaning of the last general! Will he be the kind of person who doesn't know what's important? The reason why the general at the end of the war asked the general to lead his troops to pursue the post Qin army was not for the sake of temporary anger! It's because the last general knew that the Qin army did not really retreat after that, but had other plans! "

Originally, Hu Xian, who was still a little angry, heard Meng Gang say so, and immediately hooked up the uneasiness in his heart. Previously, he thought that the retreat of the Qin army was too sudden. Only three days later, it was impossible to give up so early. Therefore, he brought his relatives and scouts to check whether it was true, but because he found Meng Gang, he forgot all those worries for a while.

At the mention of Meng Gang, Hu Xian's heart suddenly became tense. His eyes were wide open and he looked at Meng gang and asked, "Meng, general Meng! You, you, what did you say? What are the other pictures of the Qin army Because he was too nervous, Hu Xian couldn't help stuttering when he said these words. The stone that had been released because of the retreat of Qin army was once again heavily pressed on his mind.