When Gan Ning raised his head, it seemed that nothing had happened. He laughed at Chen Ren and said, "Zici! How come your floor tiles are not paved? "

Chen Ren, with a wry smile on his face, bowed to Gan Ning and said, "that's right, that's right. It's all because I didn't do a good job. I almost hurt brother xingba. I'd like to have a toast to brother xingba. I'm going to make amends to you! " Then he took Gan Ning's wine cup in his hand and drank it all in one gulp.

"Good, good! Zici, this is the understanding! Elder brother, I'm going to continue drinking. Zici will go to entertain the guests. " After that, he patted Chen Ren on the shoulder three times, turned back to his seat, and quarreled with Tai Shici and others.

Chen Renxian went to Bao Bao's side. He took a pot of wine from his wine table and came to Sun Jian. He poured a glass of wine to Sun Jian. For a moment, the guests and guests enjoyed themselves.

"Here comes the bride! Here comes the bride Sun Jian's third son, Sun Yi, Chen Ren's little apprentice, rushed in. Chen Ren paid homage to Sun Jian, then put down his glass and rushed to the door to meet the bride Diao Chan.

Neither Chen Ren nor Diao Chan had their parents alive. The only elder of Chen Ren, Tong Yuan, was far away from Changshan and could not be present. Therefore, according to Chen Ren's idea, all etiquette was kept simple, and Diao Chan was taken over from Sun Jian's house.

At the door, Chen Ren looks at Diao Chan Qianqian's figure standing at the door, waiting for himself. Chen Ren's chest is filled with a warm feeling. He quickly walks to minchan, reaches out his hand, gently holds minchan's hand, and looks at minchan with a smile. However, Diao Chan was always blushing, adding a bit of charm to that beautiful face.

Holding Diao Chan, Chen walked toward the hall step by step. All along the way, all the people made way for them. Along the way, Chen Ren and Diao Chan both felt extremely happy. They both walked very slowly, as if hoping that this road could go on forever.

Finally came to the hall, Chen Ren and Diao Chan looked at each other and laughed. Although Diao Chan's face was covered by beads, it did not affect Chen Ren's appreciation of the beauty's appearance. Sun Jian also immediately stood up, walked to a couple of Bi people, leaned up and laughed, and said to the guests around, "gentlemen! Today is the day of great joy! I, Sun Jian, have a bright face to be able to marry my son today! Today, all the heroes of Jiangdong are here. It is a great event to witness the great joy of Bi people! Let the new man salute

At this time, the famous Jiangdong generals Zhou Tai stood up. He was designated by Sun Jian as the etiquette officer. To put it bluntly, he was shouting slogans. Zhou Tai stood by Chen Ren's side and roared: "the new man worships heaven and earth!"

Chen Ren's ear was shocked by Zhou Tai's roar, but he couldn't attack, so he gave Zhou Tai a vicious look. Unfortunately, Zhou Tai was excited and didn't see Chen Ren's threatening eyes at all.

"New comers worship high hall!" After Chen Ren and Diao Chan worship outside the hall door for three times, Zhou Tai yells at Chen Ren's ear again. Naturally, Chen Ren's ears are in bad luck. Looking at Zhou Tai's excited appearance, Chen Ren really hates his teeth. Chen Ren and Diao Chan had no parents alive, and they had no elders in Jianye. They could only worship the empty upper seat three times.

"The new couple thanks to the bridegroom!"

Chen Ren was a little numb by Zhou Tai's roar, so he had to lead Diao Chan's jade hand to Sun Jian, who bowed in front of the Smiling Sun Jian.

"New people say goodbye!"

Chen Ren turned to Diao Chan, looked at Diao Chan slightly raised his head, secretly looked at himself, but immediately lowered his head, that look, really is a variety of manners. In the crowd's cheers, Chen Ren and Diao Chan worship each other, and three times.

"New people into the bridal chamber --"

Finally, at the last step, Chen Ren quietly rubbed the other side of the ear, but this action was seen by Diao Chan behind him, and secretly laughed. Chen Ren leads Diao Chan to the side door of the hall. However, when he enters the side door, Chen Ren stealthily glances at Sun Jian's direction. Gan Ning and Xu Chu are already at Sun Jian's side door. Chen Ren leads minchan to the new house.

When he arrived at the gate of the new house, Chen Ren did not go in. According to the rules of Zhaojia village in Changshan, it was the bride's advanced bridal chamber, and the bridegroom would go to the banquet in front of him to thank him for his wine. So just let the maid Diao Chan lead into the new house, but when Chen Ren left, he called a sergeant and secretly whispered a few words in his ear. The sergeant quickly nodded, clasped his fist at Chen Yiyi, and then turned away.

As soon as he entered the hall, Chen Ren, dressed in Xi Pao, was immediately discovered by the public, and they all clamored for Chen Ren to drink.

Chen Ren is also full of laughter, who will not refuse to drink a cup. Chen Ren, who had known this situation for a long time, told him specially when he was preparing for the wedding banquet that he must buy wine from the outside and not use the high-quality wine he brewed. Now Chen Ren drinks ordinary low alcohol wine. How can Chen Ren be afraid of it?

"Zici!" When Sun Jian's voice rang out, Chen Ren turned his head and saw Sun Jian standing on his seat, holding up his glass with a smile. The meaning was very clear, that was to ask Chen Ren to drink in the past.

The boss calls, Chen Ren also only obedient, immediately to Sun Jian. All of a sudden, Chen Ren found a strange face beside Sun Jian. Although he was a very ordinary man, the cold light in his eyes revealed that his master was not a simple character."My Lord! Be careful Chen Ren immediately yelled.

At this time, the ordinary man jumped up like a swift and violent beast, and suddenly a blue light flashed in his hand. There was an extra dagger in his empty hand, and it seemed that he had touched the poison.

Sun Jian, who was reminded by Chen Ren, immediately pulled out of his waist. However, he felt his hands empty. He remembered that he had left his sword at home because of his ominous weapons. At this time, there was someone who was faster than Sun Jian. Gan Ning, who had been waiting for Sun Jian, stepped forward and stood in front of Sun Jian, coldly facing the ordinary man like assassin.

Seeing Gan Ning standing in front of him, a trace of contempt flashed in the assassin's eyes. Of course, he knew that Gan Ning was a fierce general, but fighting in the battlefield and their shooting in the river and lake were totally different Kung Fu. This assassin had been a bloody veteran for many years, and there were also many fierce generals who died in his hands. He did not believe that Gan Ning could stop his hands from touching the blood seal The dagger of throat poison.

As the assassin rushed to Ganning, the dagger in his hand with a blue light directly stabbed Gan Ning's throat. In the assassin's mind, Gan Ning was lying in a pool of blood. The assassin's mouth was smiling. This time it was Gan Ning, and the next one was Sun Jian.

However, it is a pity that a firm hand firmly grasped the assassin's wrist holding the dagger, which directly destroyed the assassin's dream. But who would be the owner of this hand, Gan Ning?

"There are assassins!" I don't know who called out. The people who were scared by this sudden scene came back to their gods one after another. Several exclamations were heard. Some people ran out quickly, while others approached Sun Jian quickly. Most of the people who ran out were the celebrities who came to attend Chen Ren's wedding in Jianye city. However, most of the people who came to Sun Jian's direction were loyal ministers of Sun Jian, and even some scholars such as Guo Jia were fighting for Sun Jian. As the representatives of Chen Ren's three senior brothers, black Jia, green Jia and silver Jia, three generals, all with their respective subordinates, stood aside one after another. If they want to make any improper moves at this time, they will be involved in the apparently carefully planned assassination.

At the other end, Gan Ning grinned at the assassin, and the smile fell into the assassin's eyes, just like a Buddha and a devil. But how can an assassin with rich experience admit defeat? In his opinion, Gan Ning just caught himself by chance, and now that they are close together, how can the general compare with them as knights in terms of their small Kung Fu?

On the other hand, the assassin threw another hand, and a cold light flashed out. On the other hand of the assassin, there was a dagger on his other hand, which was rowing through the air and stabbing at his abdomen. Although this dagger is not as poisonous as the one before, the assassin believes that Ganning will lose his ability to move after being stabbed. This is also his experience in many years of assassination.

"Good!" Gan Ning drank violently, but his other hand, with the dexterity that was not in line with his broad physique, once again grasped the wrist of the assassin's other hand, and pulled it out with both arms. The assassin's middle door is wide open, Gan Ning raises a foot is to directly kick in the assassin's chest.

Because the assassin's hands were both seized by Ganning, the assassin had no way to escape. On the other hand, he couldn't jump back when he was kicked. Therefore, the strength of Gan Ning's foot was completely accepted by the assassin's body. Compared with Gan Ning, his body was a little weak, but he was kicked to fly by Ganning. He heard a few clicks, and the assassin vomited a few mouthfuls of blood at once. Looking at his chest which was slightly inward, it was estimated that Ganning had broken his sternum.

At this time, at the door of the hall, I do not know when, surrounded by a lot of new armour sergeants, in their hands are already holding a bright sword, facing the guests who are about to rush out, led by Bao Bao and Wu he!

"Everybody, stand still! If there are any violators, they will be regarded as traitors, and they will be killed! " Bao Bao and Wu he pulled out their swords and yelled at the flustered guests. The soldiers led by the two of them were subordinates of Chen Ren from life to death. Under Chen Ren's guidance, they always kept the sword in their bodies. Today's banquet was no exception. Moreover, when he entered Chen's residence, Chen Ren did not say anything.