Zhao Yun's red eyes swept all the people, including chunyuqiong, all Jizhou soldiers could not help but shiver. However, Zhao Yun didn't lose his mind completely. Thinking of Zhang Fei and Li's family not far away, Zhao Yun had decided to lead these Jizhou soldiers to other places, at least to make it convenient for Zhang Fei to leave.

Zhao Yun, who had made up his mind, simply rode on the horse under his feet, pulled the horse's head, and ran directly to the south, that is, Bohai city. Although chunyuqiong had just been startled by Zhao Yun's momentum, it did not mean that he would have spared the great credit of catching Zhao Yun. What's more, he had nearly a thousand subordinates around him, so he didn't believe that so many people could not win Zhao One cloud.

Thinking of this, chunyuqiong picked up the long knife that had been dropped on the ground, pointed at Zhao Yun's back, and said, "go! Catch Zhao Yun! After catching him, the Lord will be rewarded Chunyuqiong's last words reminded other soldiers of the general orders issued by Yuan Shao when they attacked the city. Their eyes were red, and they all forgot Zhao Yun's power. They were shouting and drinking, driving their horses to chase Zhao Yun.

On the other side, Zhang Fei managed to hold back the pain on his shoulder and stood up and looked at Zhao Yun's action. How could he not know that Zhao Yun was leading the enemy away so that he could successfully escape with the Li family. How can Mr. Zhang, who is not afraid of heaven and earth, bear Zhao Yun to go to dangerous places alone. When he mentions the snake spear in his left hand, he will catch up with him.

"Three, three uncles?" The weak voice of the woman behind her, but Zhang Fei is completely given to live. Zhang Fei looks back at Li Shi, who is full of panic, and remembers Zhao Yun's confession before he leaves. Yes, their life and death can be ignored, but the Li family is Liu Bei's wife. Now that Liu Bei is dead, they, as ministers, can no longer put Li in danger.

Looking at the South with pain and reluctance, Zhao Yun's back is no longer visible. Even Chunyu Qiong's pursuers are only a cloud of dust. Zhang Fei watched silently for a while with tears in his eyes. Finally, he had to bite his teeth and turn around to mount the horse, leading Li's mount. Both of them were heading for the north at the same time.

Zhao Yun led a group of chunyuqiong's cavalry to the south, but Zhao Yun didn't run to the Bohai city completely. After all, Zhao Yun still intended to kill chunyuqiong. If he met Yuan Shao's reinforcements, it would not be so easy to kill Chunyu qiongke. After running for half an hour, Zhao Yunxin calculated that the distance from Zhang Fei was far enough. Even if the other party thought of something now, I'm afraid it would be too late to catch them.

"Good!" Zhao Yun clenched his teeth and spat out the word. He strained the reins and stopped the horse. He turned the horse's head. He looked at a large forest around him. Then he looked at the murderous army. Zhao Yun's eyes flashed with hatred. His legs were pinched. He drove the horse to the opposite side again.

Looking at the prey that had been chased by himself, he suddenly rushed over. Chunyu Qiong and others were stunned for a time. But they were stunned, but the mount under their crotch would not be stunned. They still rushed to Zhao Yun quickly. Zhao Yun looked at the approaching enemy, his eyes narrowed slightly, his body also slightly fell down, holding the silver gun in his right hand, swinging back, the gun head facing back, so he met up.

At last, chunyuqiong subconsciously felt something wrong and grabbed his mount. However, the subordinates behind him didn't respond. They rushed ahead of chunyuqiong. At this time, these cavalry were completely fascinated by Yuan Shao's reward. In their eyes, Zhao Yun has become a mountain of gold, one by one Drink to kill Zhao Yun.

Soon, Zhao Yun and those cavalry ran into each other. According to the common sense, how can a person's sprint power compare with nearly a thousand people's strength, but this common sense can't be applied to Zhao Yun. As soon as the two sides contacted, Zhao Yun's silver spear quickly rowed to the enemy soldier in front of him from the bottom to the top. With infinite power, the silver spear went straight to the cavalry in front of him. Zhao Yun cut both men and horses in half from the middle.

Driven by Zhao Yun, the horses who sat down raised their front hooves and jumped into the air, avoiding the body of the cavalry killed by Zhao Yun. In the air, Zhao Yun's silver spear didn't stop, and the cavalry under him fell down from the horse without exception.

"Kill!" Zhao Yun, who had killed the enemy for several times, swept away the suffocation that had been chased before. He cried out. His silver gun was not slack and continued to kill the enemy in front of Zhao Yun accurately.

Of course, the other side is also Yuan Shao's elite cavalry. Naturally, Zhao Yun will not be so arrogant. After a short period of surprise, the advantage of the number of their own side again encouraged them to rush to Zhao Yun with high weapons.

However, it is a pity that although their martial arts are the elite of Jizhou army, compared with Zhao Yun, their martial arts are still too different. No matter how they attack Zhao Yun, Zhao Yun's silver spear will fall on them before their weapons stab him, and then they can only fall on the ground with their faces full of disbelief and unwillingness.

However, Zhao Yun is not satisfied with assassinating these ordinary soldiers. His red eyes have never let go of the target. It is chunyuqiong who is in a daze in the rear. Every time he sees the head of Liu Bei hanging on chunyuqiong's Mount, Zhao Yun can't help but drink, and the soldiers beside him are also in bad luck. Few of them are corpsed by Zhao Yun's silver gun.It may be because the speed of the two sides was too fast before. Although there are more than 1000 people on the other side, it is impossible to form a long snake for Zhao Yun to wear one by one. In a short time, Zhao Yun from the cavalry brigade of more than a thousand people hit a pair of wear, but out of the enemy formation Zhao Yun did not turn around to attack again. From Chunwei to Chunwei, there is only one target!

Looking at Zhao Yun, who was covered in the blood of the enemy, carrying a gun, he rushed to him in a murderous manner. Chunyuqiong, who had always been fearless, felt scared. For the first time, chunyuqiong turned his horse to run. Unfortunately, it is too late for chunyuqiong to reflect. How could Zhao Yun let the murderer he identified as the murderer of Liu Bei escape? Although Zhao Yun obviously can't catch up with chunyuqiong at this time, it doesn't mean that Zhao Yun can't kill chunyuqiong.

Zhao Yun turned the silver gun in his hand, held the gun with his back hand, raised the gun head horizontally forward over his shoulder. Zhao Yun pulled his hand back slightly, drank a lot, and threw the silver gun forward. The silver spear turned into a meteor, with the potential of thunder, quickly stabbed Chunyu Qiong, who was dying to escape. Before the cavalry behind him exclaimed to be careful, the silver gun stabbed chunyuqiong in the back. The powerful force even took chunyuqiong away from his horse's back and flew for a distance in the air before landing on the ground. The gun head obviously passed through chunyuqiong's heart. Chunyuqiong only raised his hand in pain and died.

While the cavalry were stunned, Zhao Yunfei quickly rushed up to chunyuqiong's body. First, he came to chunyuqiong's body, determined that chunyuqiong was dead, and pulled out his silver gun. Then he came to chunyuqiong's Mount, which stopped because of the loss of his master, and carefully collected Liu Bei's head. At this time, those Jizhou cavalry came back to their senses and looked at chunyuqiong's body on the ground. One of them suddenly called out: "he killed the general. If we don't kill him, we still have to die when we go back! Come on, brothers! Only by killing him can we save his life! "

Reminded by his companions, the cavalry remembered that his immediate superior was Yuan Shao's close love general! If the murderer who killed Chunyu Qiong left, it would be them who were afraid to go back to accept Yuan Shao's anger. Thinking of the consequences, people are inevitably shivering. In addition, there are so many people on their own side. Although they have let the other party rush past, the advantage of the number of people makes them not believe that their side will lose to the other party.

I don't know who carried it. In a word, all the cavalry of Jizhou rushed towards Zhao Yun with high weapons. In fact, there was another reason in their heart, that is, how could they be exceptional to seize the high reward after Zhao Yun, who died for money and birds for food.

Zhao Yun looked at the soldiers who rushed over. His indifferent face showed the intention of killing again. Judging from chunyuqiong's performance, chunyuqiong could not have killed Liu Bei in any case, so these soldiers were all accomplices! How can Zhao Yun, who has made up his mind to avenge Liu Bei, let them go?

However, Zhao Yun did not rush up this time, but simply stopped at the same place and did not move. The reason why he accelerated the attack before was to kill chunyuqiong. Now chunyuqiong is dead, and these soldiers rush over by themselves. In addition, Zhao Yun's throw just now also consumed a lot of his own strength. Taking advantage of this short time, Zhao Yun closed his eyes and adjusted himself.

However, Zhao Yun's action made those Jizhou cavalry think that Zhao Yun is no longer able to fight again. They all like to look up and speed up their mount. They rush towards Zhao Yun to seize the first achievement of killing Zhao Yun.

These Jizhou cavalry were Chunyu Qiong's confidants, equipped with excellent horses. Within a moment, Jizhou cavalry arrived in front of Zhao Yun. Seeing Zhao Yun still closed his eyes, the Jizhou cavalry in front of him was overjoyed to see Zhao Yun still closed his eyes. He picked up his spear and stabbed him on Zhao Yun. Seeing the spear tip, he quickly stabbed Zhao Yun. However, with a flower in front of the cavalry, the scene that Zhao Yun was stabbed and fell in a pool of blood did not appear. What appeared in front of the cavalry in najizhou was an increasingly large gun head.