The two men can only sit like this, and no one knows how to speak. Occasionally, their eyes collide with each other, that is to say some polite words with no substantive things. Zhong Liwei is not in a hurry. If he just does this, it will be good to consume. After a long time, he can excuse himself to see off the guests. But Li Yuanhe's heart is worried. However, he didn't know how to open his mouth. He regretted that he had come alone. He had already called Kong Ling. At least, his mouth was more powerful than himself.

After more than half an hour, Li Yuanhe did not make any progress. As time passed by, Zhong Liwei put down his teacup and gave a slight cough. He was ready to open his mouth to see off the guests. But Zhong Liwei's words had not yet been uttered. He heard a crisp girl's voice outside the reception hall: "uncle! Uncle! I've come to see you

"Er!" Zhong Liwei couldn't help being stunned. Of course, he knew who the owner of the voice was, but he didn't expect that the other party would come to find himself at this time. But Li Yuanhe can't help but be a little curious. Before he came, he had already inquired. Zhong Liwei's parents had died since he was a child. He was an orphan. He had been fighting with Luo Tianhan in his early years. When Zhong Liwei was free, he became a family. There was only a son under his knee who was less than ten years old. Who was this woman who called Uncle Zhong Liwei? She had never heard of. Looking at the other party's appearance, no one passed on. It can be seen that the relationship with Zhong Liwei is not ordinary. Li Yuanhe can't help but rise up a bit of gossip mentality.

Zhong Liwei couldn't help but smile bitterly. How could this little ancestor come here at this time, take a look at Li Yuanhe, get up and shout out to the outside: "Yan Ran! I am here! Have you made any trouble when you come to me at this time? "

As soon as Zhong Liwei's voice dropped, he saw a man's shadow Shua. He ran in from the door and ran straight to Zhong Liwei's face. He almost didn't jump on Zhong Liwei. Li Yuanhe took a close look and found that the other side was a tall woman. However, unlike ordinary women, she was wearing a set of silver and white armor instead of those beautiful silk and satins. Now Li Yuanhe can only see the woman's back, but not her appearance. However, judging from her back, she has a delicate figure, which is absolutely not inferior to Li Yuan and his wife.

"Uncle! You have wronged me this time The woman chirped, even in an aggrieved tone, "I haven't seen my uncle for a long time. I miss my uncle!"

"Ha ha!" Although he was very clear that what the woman said was not true, Zhong Liwei was very helpful. He stroked his big beard with a smile and suddenly remembered that there was a Li Yuanhe beside him. Then he took the woman's hand and turned to the woman and said, "Yan Ran, uncle, there is a distinguished guest here! Come on! Come on! Come on! Uncle, let me introduce you to you! "

Being pulled by Zhong Li Wei, the woman turned around. Li Yuanhe was stunned when he saw the woman's face. Although he thought that the woman must be good-looking, Li Yuanhe was shocked when he saw the woman's appearance. Because this woman is really too beautiful, a melon seed face, willow eyebrows, cheek also with some baby fat, looks more and more lovely, a head of black hair towards the back, tied into a simple ponytail, just left a few green silk on the forehead, looks more amorous. Such a face, but with the armor she is now wearing, not only did not reduce her charm, but also added a trace of strange attraction.

However, Li Yuanhe was not a layman, and his wife Gu lianniang was not much worse than the woman in front of him. Li Yuanhe was just surprised when he saw the woman's appearance, and then recovered his normal color. Moreover, it was not convenient for an adult man to stare at a young girl so closely. Then Li Yuanhe turned his head to Zhong Liwei, but there was no trace of affectation.

Li Yuanhe's action is to let Zhong Liwei and that woman can't help but be stunned. They certainly know how lethal a woman's face is to a man. Usually, the woman wore a helmet on her head to cover her face. This time, she didn't expect that Zhong Liwei had strangers here, so she took off her helmet as soon as she entered the mansion. It's the first time to see a man and a woman like this. Zhong Liwei couldn't help nodding, and he had a lot of good feelings for Li Yuanhe in his heart.

Li Yuanhe didn't know what he had done, which made Zhong Liwei have some good feelings for him. Now he is very uncomfortable. If it wasn't for the urgency of persuading Zhong Liwei, Li Yuanhe would like to leave now. Now he can only pretend to smile and stay here.

Zhong Liwei immediately said with a smile to Li Yuanhe: "Yan Ran, this is the young talent who has been in the forefront of our Bian city recently, and Li Yuan and General Li who went south to break the Dachang army! General Li, as for my niece, in fact, General Li has seen her before. She is the real daughter of the commander-in-chief! But over the years, it is our older brothers who take care of her and treat her as his own niece. ""Er!" Li Yuanhe involuntarily turned his head and looked at the woman. Although Zhong Liwei didn't say it clearly, Li Yuanhe could understand it very well. There was only one person in the world, namely Luo Tianhan, the former general who had passed away! That woman is Luo Tianhan's daughter! Li Yuanhe immediately remembered the figure that appeared and left in a hurry at the gate of Bian city on that day. It was just like the figure of this woman now. And Li Yuanhe also immediately remembered that the woman in front of her was granted the title of Tianhe princess by the Emperor today! At present, Li Yuanhe knelt down directly to the other party, clasped his fist and said, "finally, Li Yuanhe! See Princess Tianhe! Thousand years old princess! Thousand years old! Thousand years old

Tianhe princess, also is Luo Tianhan's daughter, Luo Yanran is very bad at the moment. She looked at Li Yuanhe, but turned her head to Zhong Liwei and said, "uncle! Just say I'm your niece! As I said, I have long denied myself to be his daughter! "

Zhong Liwei took a helpless look at Luo Yanran. Of course, he would not just look at Li Yuanhe kneeling there. First he reached out to help Li Yuanhe up and said with a smile, "General Li, don't do this! Yanran has never been a princess here. You don't have to be so polite. On the contrary, it will make everyone embarrassed, right

Li Yuan and smell speech also have to get up, but dare not really according to Zhong Liwei said too open, but respectfully salute to Luo Yan Ran. As for Luo Yanran's words, Li Yuanhe was not surprised. As early as that day, when he first saw her, he heard Wang Qiong say that there seemed to be a deep contradiction between Luo Yanran and Luo Tianhan. No matter what, now that Luo Yanran is here, Li Yuanhe naturally is even more difficult to mention the gold medal. He can only helplessly clasp Zhong Liwei and say, "general Zhong Li! Now that the Royal Highness is looking for a general, there will be no more trouble. Farewell

Hearing Li Yuanhe take the initiative to say goodbye, Zhong Liwei is happy in his heart! It was better for Li Yuanhe to leave on his own initiative than to say goodbye. At least, he did not hurt each other's face. Zhong Liwei quickly said to Li Yuanhe, "ha ha! General Li, I'm really sorry that I didn't treat the general well! Another day Zhong Liwei will come to the door to apologize in person! "

For Zhong Liwei's words, Li Yuanhe naturally didn't pay attention to it. If he won Zhen's position in the future, Li Yuanhe would become the Minister of Conglong. Maybe Zhong Liwei would come to visit him. However, at this stage, it seems impossible to leave the family of Weilai. However, these Li Yuan and others are still in their hearts. Naturally, they do not speak out, but they smile and set up with Zhongwei Witkey, and then worship the Luo Yan Yan. They say, "Princess Royal, they will leave!"

However, Luo Yanran did not pay any attention to Li Yuanhe's farewell. Instead, she looked at Li Yuanhe strangely. Such an unmarried girl looked at an adult man like this. If it was put on some big girls, it would be impossible. However, this Luo Yanran is obviously different from those ordinary ladies, and Zhong Liwei has no intention of blaming Luo Yanran's rash behavior, which shows how much Zhong Liwei dotes on Luo Yanran.

Just when Li Yuan and Luo Yan Ran stare at him and get some hair in his heart, Luo Yan Ran suddenly opened his mouth and asked, "are you Li Yuanhe, who was on the southern expedition to Dachang a year ago?"

"Eh?" Listen to Luo Yan Ran suddenly so ask, Li Yuan he but can't help but a Leng, but immediately recovered the usual color, clasped his fist and replied: "back to the princess's words! It will be Li Yuanhe in the end

Listening to Li Yuanhe's reply, Luo Yanran showed a trace of disgust on her face, frowned and drank: "don't tell me about the princess, not the princess! Didn't my uncle tell you just now! There are not so many rules here! "

Li Yuanhe couldn't help laughing bitterly to himself. At last, he had contact with Yingzhen and Yingqi's royal children for a while. Even if he was such a young boy, he always maintained the bearing of a royal son. But the present Luo Yan Ran although expensive for the princess, and looks very beautiful, but that so-called Royal bearing, is in her body also can not see. If it wasn't for this beautiful face, Li Yuanhe would have thought that the soldier standing in front of him was a big head soldier!